Just as Meng Fan thought, this place was in a grand hall.

But what surprised him a little was that the palace door behind him was missing.

You obviously walked into the main hall through the main door, but as soon as you entered, the door disappeared. It was obvious that this was a bit troublesome.

Coupled with the familiar spinning feeling just now, it was the feeling of space transfer, which Meng Fan was already very familiar with.

Although Meng Fan himself does not have the ability to teleport, he has experienced many teleportations.

I’ve never seen a pig run, but I’ve eaten pork!

"This space is not that space, but given the strength of the Heavenly King's Palace, it seems to be a normal thing." Meng Fan kept mumbling to himself.

Logically speaking, this is already a space within space.

After all, the ruins of the Heavenly King's Palace are already separated from the real space and require special restrictions to enter.

They come, the security.

Meng Fan didn't have any uneasy feelings. After all, he had even been to the Hongxuan World. This kind of transfer in a small space was really nothing to him. He was not surprised.

"I want to see what the mystery is in this Xuanwu Palace."

Meng Fan began to carefully explore the Xuanwu Palace.

He placed the luminous pearl on the ground, and a single luminous pearl illuminated the entire hall like day.

This hall has no doors or windows and is completely sealed.

At a glance, the hall was empty, but there was a conspicuous statue.

To be precise, there should be two statues.

A man, sitting cross-legged on a giant turtle.

The human being is considered a statue, and the giant tortoise is also considered a statue.

It's just that this giant turtle is much more terrifying than the "turtle". Just such a dead statue exudes an extremely terrifying aura and power.

It is said to be a turtle, mainly because the huge turtle shell is too conspicuous.

If you look carefully, you will see that under the turtle shell, there is a dragon head and a snake body, which is extremely ferocious and terrifying.

In terms of image alone, this image is actually more terrifying than the real Qinglong.

Among the four holy beasts, the one that is most easily overlooked is Xuanwu, but in fact, the image of Xuanwu is the most terrifying and frightening among the four holy beasts.

When a mortal sees the Green Dragon, White Tiger and Suzaku, he may worship him. But if you see Xuanwu, you may be scared to death!

"Wu Yingying arranged for me to come to the Heavenly King's Palace, which proves that there must be opportunities here." Meng Fan murmured to himself.

"Is it also a kind of inheritance?"

In fact, the probability is very high, close to ten.

The Heavenly King's Palace has been destroyed, and now that the ruins of the Heavenly King's Palace have appeared, they must hope to pass on the inheritance.

This means that the Heavenly King's Palace has not been completely destroyed, but has survived in another way.

"If it is really a legacy, then the secret of the legacy is in this statue."

Meng Fan had carefully observed the hall. Apart from the statue, there was nothing else eye-catching.

"Is it the Xuanwu inheritance? If it were a different sword cultivator, it might not be suitable for this Xuanwu inheritance."

Sword cultivators focus on attacking and killing, and according to historical records, Xuanwu's strongest point is defense.

It's not that Xuanwu's attack is not powerful, it's just that the defense is relatively better.

Meng Fan possesses a diamond sword body, a condition that other sword cultivators do not possess.

In fact, it was precisely because Meng Fan carried the Vajra Sword Body that he was so indifferent just now.

Otherwise, if he was just an ordinary sword cultivator, he would definitely be competing for qualifications from other palaces just now.

After all, as a swordsman who mainly focuses on killing, he is obviously more suitable for Qinglong White Tiger Suzaku.

Meng Fan actually didn't know which one of them it matched.

But judging from the situation where Li Yulan had just fought for the Suzaku Hall, the Suzaku Hall should be the most suitable for sword cultivation. After all, Li Yulan used swords and was a disciple of the Qinglian Sword Sect of the Middle Earth Divine State.

"You have already entered the Xuanwu Palace, so don't think about anything else."

Meng Fan focused all his attention on the statue. Again, as he said, come what may, there is nothing to regret, and there is no need to envy others.

Meng Fan had carefully observed the Xuanwu statue just now, and now he began to observe the human statue again.

Although it is just a statue, this person actually sits on Xuanwu's body, which proves that in the minds of everyone in the Tianwang Palace, this person's identity is more important than Xuanwu's.

Meng Fan observed carefully and found that this man was middle-aged and unremarkable in appearance. Anyway, he was incomparable to Meng Fan in terms of appearance.

It's just that this person's eyes are extremely deep, as if they contain thousands of mysteries.

Although it was just a carved statue, these eyes still gave Meng Fan an unfathomable feeling.

Meng Fan was subconsciously attracted by these eyes. He stared at them intently and couldn't move away.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan's pupils began to dilate and he gradually became confused.

And his consciousness was confused for a moment.

The next second, Meng Fan suddenly trembled and woke up.

He frowned and looked around, and found that he had changed his environment again. At this moment, he was no longer in the main hall just now.

He appeared on the edge of a lake, surrounded by many people and others gathered around the lake.

"Illusion?" Meng Fan muttered.

Just now I stared into the eyes of the statue, and then it appeared here. This can easily be connected to the illusion.

The statue was indeed strange, but the human eyes that stared at the statue for a while fell into an illusion.

Meng Fan was calm and didn't show anything unusual.

Even if it is an illusion, it will not be a useless illusion. Maybe the opportunity lies here.

He wanted to see what kind of magic this illusion could bring out. It had to be said that Meng Fan had indeed experienced too much in this area, and he was already used to it.

"Senior brother, you don't seem to be a disciple of Xuanwu Hall, so why are you here at Xuanwu Lake? Breath of Xuanwu is only effective for our disciples of Xuanwu Hall, why do you come to join in the fun?"

Beside Meng Fan, a young man said to Meng Fan.

This young man was only a monk in the realm of condensation, and his cultivation level was much lower than that of Meng Fan. He could not recognize Meng Fan's cultivation level at all, so he subconsciously called Meng Fan his senior brother.

There is an unwritten rule in the world of immortal cultivation. If you cannot see through the other person's cultivation level, then the other person must be stronger than you.

This probability is more than 90%, unless the opponent has some treasure that can hide the breath.

Therefore, this young man called Meng Fan his senior brother very politely and did not dare to have any disrespectful tone or behavior.

Meng Fan glanced around and saw that most of the people here were wearing the same kind of clothes, which should be the clothes of the Xuanwu Hall disciples.

As soon as he had an idea, he said something casually.

"I'm just passing by to join in the fun. I just want to see the excitement and learn a lot."

"By the way, what is this Xuanwu Breath you are talking about?"

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