The young man looked at Meng Fan and asked in surprise: "You don't even know the Breath of Xuanwu? Are you not from the Heavenly King's Palace?"

As long as you are from the Heavenly King Palace, even if you are not from the Xuanwu Palace, whether it is the Qinglong Palace, the Suzaku Palace or the White Tiger Palace, you have at least heard of the Breath of Xuanwu.

He is completely unaware of the existence of Xuanwu Breath, so he is definitely not a disciple of the Heavenly King Hall.

"It's true that I'm not from the Heavenly King's Palace. As I said just now, I'm just passing through here to join in the fun." Meng Fan said casually.

Hearing Meng Fan's words, the young man felt a little strange, but he didn't say much.

Since he is not from Xuanwu Hall, he has no competitive relationship with them.

He was just watching the excitement, but he hoped that there would be more people here to watch the excitement!

"This senior brother, the Breath of Xuanwu, is the treasure that our Xuanwu Hall disciples dream of.

However, all disciples of the Xuanwu Hall have cultivated the "Xuanwu True Body", and this Xuanwu Breath can make our Xuanwu True Body achieve a breakthrough.

This lake is called Xuanwu Lake, and a kind of Xuanwu holy beast lives in it.

The breath exhaled by Xuanwu is the so-called breath of Xuanwu.

It's just that the Xuanwu Holy Beast only appears once every four years, and breathes out once every four years, so this Xuanwu Breath is extremely precious! "

After hearing this young man's words, Meng Fan probably understood what the situation was.

Xuanwu exhales once every four years. For Xuanwu Hall disciples, this is an opportunity that only occurs once every four years. No wonder so many Xuanwu Hall disciples gather here.

[No, what does this have to do with me? I should figure out why I appear in this illusion now. 】

[Or should I say, what do those statue eyes want from me that brought me here? 】

In the end, what these people in the illusion want to do has nothing to do with Meng Fan. The important thing is what Meng Fan needs to do!

Thinking of this, Meng Fan no longer paid attention to the NPCs in these illusions, but began to look around.

Since it appears here, the problem also appears here. It is meaningless and unnecessary to leave.

Meng Fan looked at the Xuanwu Lake in front of him. In fact, as long as he thought about it for a moment, he could come up with the key point of the problem.

The focus must be the Xuanwu Holy Beast in Xuanwu Lake!

There is nothing that I need to do now, I just need to wait quietly for the appearance of this Xuanwu Holy Beast, and then I will act accordingly.

For the next time, Meng Fan remained calm and waited silently like the disciples of Xuanwu Hall.

After a long time, the wind suddenly started blowing by the lake.

Huge ripples rippled on the lake, and then several water columns rose into the sky.

After a moment, a huge figure rose slowly from the lake. At the same time, the disciples of the Xuanwu Hall around the lake knelt down in an instant.

Meng Fan did not kneel. If this were true, with his cautious character, he would definitely kneel down with everyone else and not be the kind of person who stands out.

But this is not reality, it is just an illusion created by the statue. There is no need to be so timid.

Then, just as Meng Fan expected, the figure rising from the lake was indeed the holy beast Xuanwu.

But what was different from Meng Fan's imagination was that this Xuanwu figure was so huge that it was as big as a small mountain.

In comparison, the Xuanwu statue in the main hall is simply an extremely small mini Xuanwu.

In fact, this is a normal thing. The real Xuanwu is so big. If you want to make a Xuanwu statue, you can only scale it down.

Otherwise, if the Xuanwu statue was made on a one-to-one basis, the entire hall would not be able to fit in it.

Meng Fan carefully observed the body of Xuanwu, and then discovered that there was actually a human figure on the huge turtle shell of Xuanwu.

It's just that the Xuanwu is too big and the person is too small. From a distance, it looks like a small black dot and cannot be seen without careful observation.

"There seems to be someone on Xuanwu's back." Meng Fan asked the young man beside him.

The young man glanced at Meng Fan and saw that Meng Fan did not kneel down, but he did not say anything more.

Xuanwu is the totem of their Xuanwu Hall, and it is right for the disciples of Xuanwu Hall to kneel down and worship.

But the person next to him was just passing by to watch the fun, so he couldn't ask Bi Ren to kneel down too, right?

In fact, except for Meng Fan, there were several people around who did not kneel down. They also saw that there were many people here and came to watch the fun.

This Xuanwu Lake is not within the Heavenly King's Palace, so it is not unusual for people to pass by occasionally.

And Xuanwu Hall did not deliberately clear the place and did not prevent outsiders from passing by. After all, if such a scene was seen by outsiders, it also showed the power of Xuanwu Hall.

"Of course there is someone on Xuanwu's back, and he is the master of our Xuanwu Hall." The young man said to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan understood and didn't ask any more questions.

He observed carefully that the person on Xuanwu's back and the statue he just saw in the hall were indeed the same person.

If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the first palace master of Xuanwu Palace.

Only the first palace master is qualified to have the statue placed in the Xuanwu Palace.

In fact, what Meng Fan didn't know was that there was only one master of the Xuanwu Palace from the beginning to the end.

The so-called first palace master is actually the last palace master!

Just when Meng Fan was observing the figure on Xuanwu's back, the figure also looked at Meng Fan.

He ignored everyone and looked directly at Meng Fan. This proved that Meng Fan was special.

Then when this figure met Meng Fan's eyes, time and space seemed to freeze for an instant.

One glance for thousands of years!

At the same time, the figures of those kneeling on the ground around them began to break and dissipate.

Gradually, only Meng Fan and the figure on Xuanwu's back were left in the entire world.

"not good!"

Meng Fan's heart skipped a beat, he had an ominous premonition, and even felt a faint sense of fear.

Just after his eyes met that of the figure, an indescribable aura seemed to follow Meng Fan's gaze and drift to Meng Fan's body.

"After so many years, I have finally waited. It is time for Xuanwu Palace to reappear in the world."

Such a voice appeared in Meng Fan's mind.

At the same time, Meng Fan discovered that the holy beast Xuanwu and the human figure on the lake had all disappeared, as if they had never existed.

But Meng Fan knew very well that he was convinced that the figure existed just now and had never disappeared.

He vaguely felt that figure appearing on his body.

the most important is……

He sensed danger.

The visitor is not good!

Meng Fan suddenly had a horrifying thought in his mind - seizing the body.

This figure, the former master of Xuanwu Hall, might want to seize him!

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