A few seconds later, Lu Yuan finally rushed to the square paved with white jade.

There are beautiful patterns carved here, from a graceful girl, to a poppy tree, to a hunter bending over to shoot arrows... Outstanding art, just like her graceful posture, is fixed on the landscape of history.

Some machines that originally played music are now covered with rust and lying crookedly on the ground.

Maybe this place is too sacred and it is also the last part of the ascension ceremony. The monsters are empty instead. They are eager to try, but dare not go deep into this place.

And standing on the square is a green man that Lu Yuan is very familiar with.

He is thin, his muscles are stiff, and his eyes are empty, like a mummy.

He is dead.

He has been dead for many, many years, and even his clothes are scattered.

But Lu Yuan still recognized this hero.

He is Di, the father of Conch.

"Damn, there is still a roadblock."


At this moment, Di seems to be possessed by something.

A pair of empty eyes stared at Lu Yuan coldly.

The obsession of the Ascension Ceremony, which comes from the traces of history and the power of the Poppy Tree, affects everything around it, even the corpses of the strong, and they move.

This is a blasphemy.

Lu Yuan angrily pulled out the outstanding dagger at his waist and made a fighting posture.

[You, you, why are you here... Go away! ! When the Ascension Ceremony begins, they will all calm down! ]

[They just want to complete the last ceremony...]

[They have been waiting for many, many years. ]

Miss Conch's voice finally came to my ears, with a hint of worry and a little cry.

A small golden flower was shaking with the sandstorm in the roots of the Poppy Tree.

"Who asked you to be the savior!!" Lu Yuan said coldly, "Do you want to meddle in this kind of thing?"

[Ah? ] Miss Conch was a little confused.

Lu Yuan said: "Do you want to be a savior, or are you just looking for an excuse to escape the cruel reality?!"

"Your father and mother have finally protected you and let you have a free life."

"You choose to come back here and satisfy these damn evil thoughts that should be cleared into the garbage dump?!"

[I... If I don't come back, the Sand Clan, Ms. Chicken, Mr. Wolf, they will all die. 】

Lu Yuan was furious, blushing and scolding: "Who the hell needs your rescue!!"

"I'll tell you, you should live a good life instead of dying here inexplicably."

"Your parents have paid so much, and you choose this, I can't stand it!!"

Hailuo was scolded and fainted.

Who is Hailuo?

She is just...

An ordinary, ordinary person.

Among the many partners in the team, she is the most ordinary!

She has not had much experience.

Even Laolang has experienced more than her.

What about the ability to "follow your heart"?

She is the most unhappy in the team!

Born without a body, she can only hide in the soul gem, relying on a few small grasses to gain a little mobility.

Can't eat, can't smell, have no sense of touch, and can't even move!

Hiding in a shell all her life is more miserable than an old cat.

She doesn't want to take up too much space, just squatting on the edge of the tricycle, there is a small corner.

Well, just survive.

People like her are timid all their lives, not thinking about hurting anyone, nor thinking about competing for interests.

Lu Yuan teased her, just like provoking a ball of cotton.

The immortal giant turtle bullied her, and she could only respond indifferently.

Is she not angry?

It's because she has no confidence in her heart.

It's because she is too kind and doesn't know how to bully others.

It's because she subconsciously feels that her existence is meaningless.

It's just a burden.

Only by helping others can she seem to have a little meaning of existence.

The chicken snake was about to be eaten by Lu Yuan,

she came up to say something good, asking Lu Yuan not to eat it and keep it.

The old wolf was scolded, so she came up to say something nice to comfort "Mr. Wolf".

Even when the ant was about to be stepped on, she would nag a few words to comfort "Mr. Ant".

To be honest, it's good to have a kind-hearted person in the team.

The mental illness in the team has dropped several levels.

If there is another "rat raising plan", the conch will definitely be able to raise the rats to be fat and white, and the others...maybe they can also raise them for a day or two.

But now, this kind-hearted person with the most tragic life experience wants to sacrifice himself.

"Wow!" The immortal giant turtle roared in the back, and it was angry at this moment.

"Grandpa Turtle will eat you all!"

The old cat was also angry, and kept firing, and even started to pour gasoline and set fire directly.

Its small anti-aircraft gun was soon dismantled by the monster.

But it was still struggling to escape.

The black smoke filled the air...


This world should not be like this.

We are evil, chaotic, struggling in the world, and have lost our innocence, aren't we all just for... a little bit of simple kindness?

You, who have a kind heart, should hide, hide, hide, don't shout!

"Your father said, let you be yourself!"

"You don't owe the world, you are the daughter of a hero, you don't owe anyone!"

"I don't want to owe you a life, no one wants to be saved by you!"

"Look at your father, he will definitely lose to me... Let me save you from this damn place!"

"Come, let me show you how your father lost to me!"

Lu Yuan looked like a mad tiger, but he was actually calm.

He didn't want to chop Hai Luo's father into a meat paste, so he simply dropped the dagger, and clawed at "Di's" chest fiercely.

At this moment, "Di"'s eyes turned white, and he also rushed towards him fiercely!

This corpse was like bacon, but the strength of the body was as hard as iron, and it also had a strong combat consciousness. The two balls of red light collided crazily!

The strength of the eternal fire seed over the extraordinary fire seed lies in its high energy density and additional soul killing ability.

This soul killing is naturally effective for things like obsession.

It can even be said that the effect is very good.

The obsession hidden in "Di's" body was burned by the eternal fire seed, and he suffered a great loss, and the whole person was shaky.

The warrior who had fought the [Demon] alone once, his ferocity was fully exposed at this moment.

His fighting instinct made him choose to fight quickly.

After the initial collision, he did not distance himself, but endured the pain of his obsession being killed and pounced on Lu Yuan's chest at a high speed!

Then two skinny arms grabbed Lu Yuan's neck like steel, opened his mouth, two pale eyes widened, and bit his throat like a wild wolf!

[Be careful...] ​​Conch didn't know who he was telling to be careful.

Facing this beast-like bite, if you don't have enough fighting experience, your throat will be bitten off in an instant and you will die.

But Lu Yuan, as the warrior with the most brilliant record in the Ninth Era, all his achievements were won by his wisdom and strength, and every piece of trophy was stained with the blood of the enemy and himself!

At this critical moment, he not only did not dodge, but grabbed the opponent's neck at the same time, and a low roar broke out in his throat.


The two eye sockets of the donkey head mask burst into scarlet light.

Lu Yuan hit his head hard, hitting the opponent's forehead with a dull sound.

The severe pain made blood seep out from his teeth.

Then came the second blow!

The third blow!

More and more blood splashed out from the donkey head mask, and the mutual erosion between the fire energy caused Lu Yuan's seven orifices to bleed.

The opponent was injured by the soul of the eternal fire, and was directly knocked unconscious by the three consecutive blows.

A pair of steel-like big hands couldn't help but let go of Lu Yuan's neck and stepped back a few steps.

Lu Yuan was unyielding, squinting his eyes and shaking his somewhat dazed head, his body glowing red, and rushed forward to use a fist to chop horizontally!

The opponent immediately blocked his face with his elbow!

Lu Yuan's hands were like steel, and then there was a series of wrist-cutting and waist-hitting! Continuously smashing the chest! Hanging arm and elbowing!

This series of combined punches poured on "Di" like hitting a sandbag.

Finally, the obsession that occupied his body was dispersed.

Di's whole body was limp, and he fell to the ground, twitching from time to time.

[Dad... Dad...] Hai Luo saw his father being knocked down. Even though he knew that his father no longer existed in this world, he couldn't help but shout.

"See, it was your father who was knocked down by me voluntarily!"

[My father is dead, and now he has no wisdom...] Hai Luo was also hesitant, thinking that Lu Yuan was right, and she didn't understand a little.

"He just didn't agree with your damn plan."

[But if the ascension ceremony doesn't start, everyone will die. ]

Lu Yuan said some nonsense and dragged "Di's" body to a corner to prevent it from being trampled by other monsters.

Then he suddenly stood up and rushed towards the direction of the golden flower!

However, at this moment, the ground shook slightly.

The entire sky city began to shake, and a large number of stones rolled down to the position below.

Lu Yuan was immediately frightened and felt that an indescribable terrifying force was recovering rapidly.

This power is too vast.

Lu Yuan compared it to the difference between a firefly and the bright moon.

"This power level... why does it feel like it's about the same as a [ghost]?"

Poppy tree...

The obsession of hundreds of millions of people actually affected the poppy tree!

Or, it was the obsession of the "Green Paradise" in the poppy tree that affected the surrounding flower buds.

Even if there was only one tree root left, he couldn't resist it.

It had to be a quick battle!

Lu Yuan was too lazy to run, and teleported to the golden flower.

"Hey, are you in there?"

[Yes... yes...]

The conch didn't want to think anymore.

"If you cut this flower off, will you die?!"

[I... I don't know... Flowers can't be cut. Flowers are part of the Green Paradise and an important legacy of the Green Civilization. ]

Lu Yuan gritted his teeth and took out the starry sky conch from the storage space.

"Hurry up and get into the shell."

The soul gem was still inside.

However, Miss Conch, who only had one soul, could not take out the gem.

Lu Yuan could only take the Tree of Life out of his mind and pick a Fruit of Life.

This thing was obviously able to accommodate a soul.

He also saw a baby not far away, whose body was sealed in a ball of amber.

With a "swish" sound, he threw out a hook and hooked the little baby Amber to his side.

"Do you want your original body or the fruit of life? Choose quickly, I can escape easily, my eldest sister!"

Lu Yuan spoke very urgently and loudly.

Conch was shocked. She had always been a slow-tempered person, and was frightened by the stormy scene in front of her.

[Actually...it doesn't work very well. 】

[My divine attributes are too high. Neither my original body nor the fruit of life can fully carry my consciousness...]

"Then you go into the Tree of Life Headquarters. I will give you my body for the time being."

Raise land! !

The huge poppy tree came to life at this moment!

On the surface of the tree bark, one, two, or three raised human faces appeared, staring at him.

The faces make angry, screaming expressions and struggle as if they are about to burst out of the bark of a tree.

The number of human faces increased, and in a blink of an eye, dozens of protrusions with human faces appeared on the tree bark, and pairs of eyes stared at them all!

Everything was completely silent. Lu Yuan could only hear his own breathing and heartbeat, and his perception was deprived of him.

Even though the sandstorm was fierce and the sun was scorching above his head, Lu Yuan's hearing, smell, taste, vision and touch all disappeared at this moment.

His heart was beating faster and faster, and he felt like he was falling into the abyss of consciousness, with pure blackness in all directions.

Lu Yuan used the different space in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, due to the unstable mental state, the different space fragmented.

Lu Yuan said "Wow" and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The number of faces has increased again.

The beating of his heart accelerated to 300 beats per minute. Lu Yuan didn't have any thoughts of resistance at all and shouted: "Hurry up and enter the Tree of Life!"

"I can't withstand a second attack!"

The tree of life took out a small branch.

This branch is actually grafted from the poppy tree, and it also has some power to extract souls.

In Lu Yuan's perception, a small point of light was extracted - that should be the soul of the conch.

[I...I came in...] She seemed very well-behaved and motionless.

That terrifying obsession, when he discovered that someone had been snatched away, he completely rioted at this moment! !

The entire poppy tree and countless vines rose up from the ground, waving their teeth and claws in the sky, like heavy blood vessels.

A large number of monsters rushed into the White Jade Square, roaring heart-breakingly and beating the air.

It was like digging deep into the ground to find the conch.

Lu Yuan has already activated the different space.

This scene is really terrifying. A large group of purple creatures are constantly groping and roaring. They are simply seeking death.

If cursing could kill, he would have died a hundred times over.

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