After a layer of alien space, Lu Yuan insulted these monsters unceremoniously: "Don't become goddamn gods, you have already failed! Don't kill the last bloodline of the green civilization!"

"I'm doing good things."

Countless monsters went crazy and rushed towards the different space!

It's just a pity that spatial ability belongs to the category of divine skills.

These guys have no souls and no targeted divine skills, so it is naturally impossible for them to find other dimensions.

He saw an immortal giant turtle whose skin was dyed purple.

The guy's pupils lost focus and he got mixed in with the monsters, yelling: "Wow quack!!"

Apparently, Oogway must have rebelled against the camp and joined the enemy...

As for the old cat, I don’t know where he went.

Based on its wisdom, it should have run away...

"It's safe for now", Lu Yuan thought in his mind - as for how to escape from this ghost place, he will think about it later.

To be honest, the scene just now was too thrilling.

Lu Yuan has never done such a crazy thing in his life. He rushed in among millions of monsters and rescued people!

He was exhausted all of a sudden.

The whole person seemed to be paralyzed, like a puddle of mud, leaning against the tree of life and resting quietly.

[You don’t have to save me...] Conch said weakly.

"As I said, I admire your dead parents, but I feel unhappy when I see you being stupid." When Lu Yuan thought of this, the veins on his forehead jumped.

"I'll give you two more big mouths and let you know what it means to be awake in the world!"

Conch was a little aggrieved and almost cried.

【Now what? 】

[The Poppy Tree is activating a large-scale field again, extracting souls from the surrounding area. 】

[Now, everyone will die. We are also surrounded by monsters and there is no way to escape. 】

[Nothing has changed... You can't think that my choice is wrong...]

"Don't worry."

"Let me think about it, think about it."

Sweat soaked through his clothes, and Lu Yuan racked his brains to think.

"Is there anyone alive in the green paradise?"

[The Greenland Paradise was destroyed in the battle with the [Demon]... It was precisely because the destruction was so sudden that everyone died before they could react, which is why this obsession arose. 】

[Thousands of years have passed, and it is unlikely that there is any consciousness of being alive... Of course, I am not sure how it is. 】

"How long will it take for you to die among those golden flowers?"

[The preparation process takes about 1-2 hours...]

[After two hours, the poppy tree will inject a large amount of 'god's skills' and 'spirits', making me a god. 】

[But in fact, there is no corresponding reserve, and I don’t know what it will inject into me. It may be the spirit extracted from the surrounding creatures over the past few thousand years...]

[These spirits have not been purified and may cause serious mutations to me...]

Conch is in trouble now.

Anyway, now that she was rescued by Lu Yuan, she could only tell the truth and be very cooperative.

"Is this preparation procedure mandatory?" Lu Yuan suddenly thought.

"I can send you back first, and then snatch you back after 1-2 hours, and the cycle repeats..."

This method is purely to bully the other party's lack of intelligence.

It is equivalent to starting a computer program halfway, canceling it, and then restarting it, which is a waste of time.

[I...I don't know, I don't know how it is set. 】

Lu Yuan thought about it for a while.

I feel like I can't take this risk.

If it fails, won’t the conch die?

I could only think about it in my head, thinking about all the options.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the hot sunlight could burn everything. The crazy monsters in the square kept roaring crazily.

The riot lasted all day and night.

Exhausted, they returned to the buds one by one to recuperate and recuperate - the laws of physics still came into play. The weather was too hot, and the monsters were also at risk of dehydration.

Only the poppy tree is in a very active state. It constantly activates [Field·Confusion] to extract the souls of surrounding life.

It's more difficult to escape at this time than when you came in.

Because the enemy has changed from a vast army of flower buds to a completely awakened poppy tree with only wooden piles left.

a tree!

Enough to rival a million-strong army!

"Damn it, how am I going to fight this thing?" Lu Yuan thought about it in his mind. No matter what method he tried, the risk was too great.

"But if this continues, the gravel family will be completely wiped out."

He suddenly had an idea and thought of a plan that seemed feasible.

"How long will the steps of injecting 'God's Skill' and 'Spirit' last?"

[This matter... there should be no time limit. 】

Lu Yuan immediately took a deep breath: "I may have found a good way."

"Is there anything that can resist the infusion of soul?"

He took out his treasures one by one from the storage space.

There are many extraordinary items on hand, but not many that are truly aimed at the soul.

The first is pure gold.

This was brought from the Rize Civilization spacecraft. It is an extremely precious extraordinary material that can isolate superpowers and is several orders of magnitude stronger than black iron.

"Items forged with fine gold can block the power of the soul to a certain extent."

Then, he turned his attention to the sealing resin.

This thing can even block the power of [Ghost]!

Resisting soul infusion shouldn't be a big problem.

"Teach me how to open this starry sky conch first."

[There is a password lock here, and the way to open it is like this...]

Lu Yuan took out the soul gem and asked Miss Conch's small ball of light to transfer into the gem.

Then apply a thick layer of sealing resin.

Suddenly, she was sealed in resin and could no longer make telepathic sounds.

In fact, she couldn't sense the outside world, as if she was imprisoned in nothingness.

Lu Yuan felt happy and applied some more resin.

The sound of the conch slowly came out again.

【Scared...scared me to death! I couldn't see anything just now! 】

"Your 34-point god is already a very strong soul, and you can't even break through the seal."

"In the state of being coated with resin, the poppy tree shouldn't be able to inject soul power from the outside, right?"

[ makes sense. 】

[But it only needs to wipe off the resin to become... Oh, it may not have this kind of intelligence...]

"This is called a stuck bug."

"As long as it doesn't have enough intelligence, there will always be bugs."

[However, after being coated with resin, the poppy tree cannot detect my soul, and it will not start the ascension ceremony, right? 】

"So, this requires some manipulation."

Lu Yuan took out a small metal piece made of fine gold and mithril, and opened the seal to carve the engraving.

His carving skills are truly impressive.

Soon, he created a piece of metal filled with symbols.

"There is a switch made of mithril here. When it is turned on, the poppy tree can detect your soul."

"After passing the inspection, you can turn it off... In this way, the infusion of souls from the outside world will be cut off."

【Uh-huh. 】

"This is the most basic luminous function... If an accident occurs, just inject a small amount of soul power and it will glow. I will rescue you then."

【Uh-huh. 】

Lu Yuan was still a little worried.

He has the ability to "completely transform into a spiritual body" and can also experience out-of-body experiences, so he tried it himself.

There is indeed nothing wrong with the switch made with glyphs.

Besides, being sealed in resin is very boring and boring.

So I used scissors to cut off a little of the "cornea of ​​the far-sighted eye" and attached it to the soul gem.

This thing has a small amount of see-through function and can see a little bit of the outside world.

"It's boring anyway. You can study hard and don't fall behind on your homework." Lu Yuan told him, "I will throw the glyph knowledge on the ground when the time comes, and you can learn it slowly."

"The future is long and life is beautiful. If you endure it, the suffering will be over."

[Hmm... I want to talk, Mr. Lu, can't you talk? 】

[You know I'm a chatterbox. 】

"What you say is risky."

[You think of a way, hurry up. 】

He sighed inwardly, this feeling now...

A bit similar to my adopted sister.

A Lu's academic performance was not good. Ever since he suffered a lot in society, the first thing he did when he came home every day was to tell his sister to "study hard and don't fall behind on your homework."

Sister: I know, I know.

Then continue playing on your phone.

Conch girl is obviously more obedient and sensible than her biological sister "Lu Qingqing", and she won't be rebellious and can only say "um".

"If my sister was so good, would I still beat her?"

There was no other way, so Lu Yuan inserted a small needle made of mithril into the metal piece.

The needle acts like an antenna, channeling telepathy.

However, there is a risk in wanting to speak. After all, once energy can be transmitted out, it can be transmitted in.

Lu Yuanqian told Wan to take it easy and don't risk her life just to talk.

Immediately afterwards, the two parties agreed on some commonly used light signals.

After the plan was completed, Lu Yuan took a deep breath, canceled the different space, teleported through space, and stuffed the soul gem into the golden flower.

The next moment!

The rioting poppy tree discovered Lu Yuan and the soul gem.

It stopped the riot once again!

Poppy Tree followed the established procedure and began to check the soul of the conch - confirming that it was a "satisfactory" ability user.

Countless obsessions are satisfied.

Lu Yuan hid in another space again, watching carefully to be on guard against any accidents.

"Creak!" The poppy tree kept trembling and passed various appraisals.

Then, light bloomed.

Thousands of years later, the initiation process of the "Ascension Ceremony"...


here we go!

One after another, white rays of light appeared among the golden flowers.

Lu Yuan held his breath, ready to take action at any time.

Obviously, this ceremony did not go smoothly.

The continuous infusion of soul power was all blocked by the layer of sealing resin outside the soul gem.

The golden flowers glowed brighter and brighter, like a balloon, inflating somewhat.

This unexpected situation obviously exceeded Poppy Tree's awareness and required manual handling.

The program of Green Paradise itself cannot be judged.

During this period, the little flower also glowed faintly green, which was the secret code formulated by Lu Yuan and her - the plan was a complete success, don't worry.

"It seems that I got fooled..."

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, he became proud again and laughed in a different space.

The conch was saved!

The people in the sand were also saved!

The monsters calmed down.

As expected of me!

Now, as long as the "Ascension Ceremony" fails completely, those terrifying obsessions should also stop...

At that time, we can safely explore this city and take the poppy tree for ourselves!

That was a terrifying existence in the last era.

Even if only one tenth of its power is left, its value is ridiculously high!

"Make a fortune!"

Wait, does the Sky City belong to Conch?

Lu Yuan suddenly realized a problem. She is an aboriginal resident and should enjoy the inheritance in theory.

Confused, Old Lu stretched out a hand from the alien space.

Controlling the eternal fire, he wrote a line of red text on his arm: Sky City, belongs to me, the Greedy Demon, okay?

The green light flashed twice, meaning: OK.

"Poppy tree, give it to me, okay?"

The other party flashed three times, meaning: No.

The poppy tree belongs to the Green Civilization, and she doesn't want to give it.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but want to tease me: As your lifesaver, twice, you didn't even give me this?

Conch used the small silver needle to send out telepathy: [I can only agree to one request of yours... You can't take everything! ]

"Then, I'll change my request." Lu Yuan continued to tease, "I don't want the Sky City, nor the Poppy Tree."

[What do you want? ]

"I just want to see what you look like..."


Just like that, time passed day by day.

The unsuccessful ascension ceremony lasted longer than expected.

The little golden flower, regardless of day or night, kept blooming with a soft light, as if it could last forever.

One day, two days...

One week, two weeks...

Lu Yuan also discovered that the huge soul energy had been gathering in the flower, and the speed of natural dissipation was very slow.

"What should I do?"

"At this rate of consumption, wouldn't it take tens of thousands of years? The Ninth Epoch has ended, and it hasn't been consumed yet."

He simply transferred his soul to the Tree of Life.

After all, the Tree of Life doesn't need to eat, drink, defecate or urinate, so it's suitable for boring and tedious waiting.

Even, it was very bold to release the alien space!

The Tree of Life was exposed to the air!

Lu Yuan waited for a while and found that as long as he didn't make too much noise, the Poppy Tree would not take the initiative to attack - after all, the hatred of plants is much lower than that of animals.

He wrote a line of text on the ground: "I have to think of a way to speed up the consumption of energy, otherwise, we have to wait until the end of time."

The little flower flashed, as if to express its agreement.

Lu Yuan didn't waste time, and urged the Tree of Life to stretch out a green vine and gently touch the golden flower.

Suddenly, the Poppy Tree shook!

Lu Yuan quickly touched the Soul Gem with the vine, pretending to be a part of the Soul Gem.

He felt the extremely huge energy.

"Fuck! Fuck!" He exclaimed loudly in his heart.

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