Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 25 - five part five
Lilia's space craft, Lilia
"haaaaah~ what a day!" I say as I use a towel to dry my messy hair.
It's such a blessing to have a shower after such a long day, especially after nearly dying.
"Seven, you can go in now"
"un…" saying nothing else Seven walked to the shower room with heavy steps, looking like he would fall over any moment now.
Ah! I almost forgot to reduce the temperature of the water. Although I'm used to it Seven always complains about how hot it is. It seems humans have a more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e skin than us Zesionens which is strange considering he absorbed that amount of Verta's energy.
Verta blasted Seven across the room, smashing him in the wall behind me. In the middle of the dust cloud Seven took the opportunity to get my spear that was pierced a little above where he landed then launched it with such force cutting through the air at the speed of sound.
Verta was almost too late at dodging and suffered a light wound on the left of its neck. the spear, still heated from the time I used it damaged the collar on Verta and it soon slowly dropped to the ground.
That was the point where everything changed.
Before I notice it Seven was standing beside me, crouching down he put his arms on my back and on the back of my knees and lifted me. The look on his face was on longer the mad one from a few moments ago, and I immediately sensed the reason
Verta wasn't moving but something surely was different about it. Seven turned to the exit and began running.
One, two then three circles appeared above Verta. Soon there were six of them, golden circles made of light with a black symbol on them.
That's it! one of the things that made me think a something is strange. I remember reading about them in that book, the thunder drums Verta uses to summon the thunder.
Light filled the room. Before we reached the elevator Verta's blue fur began to glow, the energy stored in the glassume crystals flow through the air like a stream of water as it got absorbed by the great beast
Even when we escaped the room Seven didn't let me down. Still in his hands he kicked the walls jumping from on to the other until we reached the upper floor, then he ran at full speed destroying the doors that came in his way.
His physical strength got a significant boost, but I could see that the energy around him is getting weaker and his hair is starting to return to normal. Even from this far Verta is still draining him, and without that energy Seven is most likely to be left unable to fight like before.
We arrived at the main gate and soon after the ground started shaking
A gigantic explosion we almost couldn't escape threw us inside the forest, and while hiding behind the trees we witnessed something terrifying
A pillar of blue light pierced the sky then vanished a moment later, leaving a humongous hole in the ground.
On the way back neither of them spoke a single word. The lab, the only glimmer of hope they had in leaving this place was turned into dust from the bottom to the top in less than a minute.
Lilia sat down sighing 'such bad luck. Now, what to do?' she thought to herself
Maybe if they search for the fuel they may stumble upon some natural source, although refining it would be a pain. she wonder if there is some of the glassume crystals left in the hole, it should be capable of absorbing a certain amount of the energy released by Verta. Even so it would melt from the excess heat, would it still be usable after that?
One thing she doesn't want to think about is the possibility of another construction existing somewhere on this uninhabited rock. It was purely by chance that she found this one while strolling around.
While Lilia was deep in thoughts Seven was done washing himself, coming out still looking down like bgefore.
Lilia could tell he is blaming himself for how things turned out. The collar on Verta's neck, she didn't think much of it at first but that thing is an incredible piece of technology. Seeing how all that power returned to Verta after it broke is enough to conclude it was used to restrain it and redirect the energy toward the crystals, or so Seven said.
"are you hungry? We still have some earth apples left from the morning" Lilia asked trying to start a conversation
"nah, I don't feel like it"
"I see, maybe later then" she wasn't in the mood to eat something sweet at the moment, that tells how depressed she felt right now.
Lilia looked down swinging her legs lightly
'come to think of it, the wound from before vanished completely' her skin was back to how it was with no trace of it left ' the look on Seven's face when he saw it, it's almost funny how a little scratch made him act so seriously'
Her cheeks reddened a little " c-could it be… he has a thing for legs!?"
as Lilia came to that realization she didn't notice something until it was a little late. Seven had walked while drying his head to the beds then set beside her.
Startled by his actions she almost jumped to the other side of the room, Thinking he was about to make a really bold move. But all he did was stretching then lying down on his back.
Something then came into her sight 'ah! it was his bed all along!!'.maybe she was too deep in her thoughts, or maybe the relaxing shower after the near death experience, either way she let her guard down and went into a man's bed a second time.
'well, sitting on the side doesn't count right?' she gave him a side look then quickly averted her eyes 'eh? What's wrong with me? Am I being too conscious of him'
Her heart began beating faster and faster. As much as she wanted she couldn't keep herself from feeling like that; both of them were at the right age, they are alone, and they are on the same bed
What should happen newt is that and that then that right?
'b-b-but m-m-my heart isn't prepared for it yet'
She tried calming herself
" ….Lilia?"
"yes!" she straightened her back like a bolt of lightning hit her. The embarrassment made it impossible to look at him in the face, but the words he spoke made all of that fade away
"… I'm sorry…"
her heart slowed down and her face no longer felt hot
" I lost control again, facing that thing" he covers his eyes with his arm " if we retreated a bit earlier then the lab would still be there"
"don't… don't blame yourself, what happened isn't your fault"
"of course it is…" Seven's voice felt dry, almost as if he was about to cry "we had yet to learn anything from it, and now it's gone. I destroyed our only chance at leaving this god forsaken planet. Who knows if we would ever find a place like that? Who knows if we are going to ever find a lead to contacting the outside? Is our only choice to spend the rest of our lives here waiting to be rescued?"
He stopped for a moment, taking in a deep breath, then apologized again
" I'm…really sorry…"
Lilia was left speechless. She knew he was blaming himself but failed to think of anything to deal with it.
'I'm an idiot ' she told herself. While she panicked over trivial matters Seven had been giving it a serious thought.
Lilia had been on this planet alone for more than six months and had gradually began to get used to the loneliness. Although she almost gave up on leaving she didn't stop looking for a way to fix her ship. all of that while knowing that even if by some miracle she managed to repair it, the gravitational field would pull her back to the ground shattering all her hopes at leaving.
Then the other day she met him. Now that another person was around her she had a more optimistic feeling about the whole matter.
'But wasn't it something else?' she didn't want to admit it, but ever since she found Seven she the thought of leaving started to fade little by little, and living the rest of her life here with him didn't seem so bad. That explained to her the way she started to view him in.
She convinced herself that because they only have each other she was the only partner Seven would choose. Although he didn't have horns on his head and looked really skinny, he still resembled a normal Zesionien.
But what about him? Does Seven see her the same way? she knew that the only difference female Zesioniens have from female humans is the horns she has, but maybe he doesn't see it that way. Maybe he is against the idea, it's a normal thing for him to be only interested in the females of his specie.
' I have been selfish' Lilia thought. Seven wanting to leave never crossed her mind, he has way more problems than she does.
all the questions about his home and what happened to his family, the hundred years gap he spent away, his memories that has yet to return. Seven had too much on his mind, and to add to it he took the time to think about how she felt.
A warm feeling grew in Lilia's c.h.e.s.t accompanied by something heavy at the end of her throat.
' Iris… what should I do?' Lilia asked herself, thinking what her late friend would do to south the nice Seven.
She roamed through her memories one by one searching for the answer, and it wasn't too long until she found the answer.
Lilia looked at Seven who was still on his back covering his eyes, then swallowed down. What she was about to do was something Iris did to her a lot whenever she was angry, it's a guaranteed method to change someone's mood for the best but it had one flow, it's extremely embarrassing.
Fighting against the idea for a moment Lilia finally made up her mind and proceeded to execute.
"….huh?..." Seven removed the arm that covered his eyes "…L-Lilia…. What are you doing?...."
Still lying down Seven raised his head to look at her. with a burning red face Lilia climbed on top of Seven sitting on his abdomen.
"…." In the middle of all the embarrassment Lilia let a teasing smile appear on her lips then put her hands on his sides
"….wait, you aren't…" he was too late " hahaHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAH S-STOP!!! Lilia! Wahhahhahaahhahhhahhahhahhahhh what arrehahhahahhahahaha"
Lilia mercilessly tickled him. This was Iris's way of comforting a sad or angry Lilia, but the thing she learned just now was that Seven has really s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e sides
"hahaHAHAHAHHAHHAHA LILIA!!! STOP!HAHAHA! PLEASE I CAN'T buwaHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA" seven tried to fight back but Lilia pinned him down and continued torturing him
' hm? Should I be able to keep him down like this? Where did all the strength he had while fighting Verta go?'
Soon Seven was laughing so hard he almost suffocated an Lilia desided to let him go
"hahaaa…w-what's wrong …with you…. Did you plan on…ha…. Killing me" Seven said with a ragged voice
"sorry, it's the only way I know" still on his belly Lilia spoke " so, feeling any better?"
"I don't think I have a choice… I didn't laugh like that in years"
"good. Want some more?"
"please don't"
Seven spread his arms in defeat and Lilia felt a sense of achievement. She waited a moment for his breathing to return to normal, thinking if she should reassure him that they would one day escape.
That's right, if there is a way in, there is a way out. That lab was the perfect proof they had, as building it would be pointless if they couldn't leave.
"Lilia wai-"
Lilia was about to stand, but when she moved from atop Seven's abdomen she felt something touching her lower back. She slowly turned back to see what it was, then a moment later, steam exploded from her head
" Lilia, I … sorry, I didn't mean to… how do I say it"
What Lilia looked at was the tent that formed in Seven's pants as her b.u.t.t drew near his crotch aria.
'don't tell me… this means'
Lilia turned to Seven, but his eyes slipped away refusing to make contact. the way he blushed made her feel more ashamed that her face was about to get burned off.
But even with all of that, she didn't get down
"…um… Seven… I just want to be sure but… does this mean…" she couldn't say it
"…I … sorry…" for some reason Lilia didn't understand he apologized. Seven knew what Lilia's intentions were when she did what she did, but he couldn't stop himself from getting excited over the situation they were in.
Silence made its presence for a while, and Lilia was the one to break it
"even thought we are from different species. Humans are really weird"
" it can't be helped okay? Even if we are aliens to each other you aren't too different from a normal human and…" Lilia got her answer, but what Seven added made her heart skip a beat "it's normal to feel that way when it's a really cute girl on top of you…"
Lilia was lost as to how to react. Should she take what he said as a love confession? Or should she get away and calm herself? Maybe she didn't hear him well. Maybe she is over thinking it. is she allowed to be happy about it? should she be happy about it? in the first place, would it even work between them?
Lilia gathered all the courage she had, she looked down whole clinching to his shirt and tried her best to talk. She didn't know what to do if he rejected her after hearing this
"Seven… you see, on my planet we have this tradition. There is a thick wall between the males and females, and if a female sleeps even once on the same bed as a male… they… they are forced to get married"
" I…. I don't know if this applies for those from different races but… we already slept together once…"
She stopped for a moment, then continued looking him in the eyes " would you accept me as your…"
She couldn't finish it, because at that moment a sense of guilt stopped the word before it came out. Seven didn't know about her planet's traditions, and that time she was the one that slipped into his bed. With that said what she was about to do was forcing him to take her as his wife, and getting rejected at this point wasn't an option.
She closed her eyes feeling scared. him feeling attracted to her doesn't mean he is prepared to take her responsibility, she didn't know how things are done on his side as well, she didn't want to hear the answer.
As Lilia thought and thought about all the possibilities, Seven reached with his hands to her waist, then pulled her closer.
Surprised she opened her eyes, and what she saw was Seven's face closer than it ever was.
He stole a kiss from her lips.
She was about to push him away but strength drained from her arms. Soon she turned herself over to his embrace
His hands c.a.r.e.s.sed her back as they slowly kissed. she didn't expect her first to feel that good, nor did she know it was his first too.
His hands slowly moved down on her back, then started groping her soft bottom. Excitement filled them both and the kissing got more intense.
Lilia wrapped her arms around his neck as he c.a.r.e.s.sed her t.h.i.g.hs, her heart was stolen by the way he touched her skin, and Seven enjoyed the smoothness all he could.
After sometime he let go of her lips then threw her on top of the bed. Lilia felt scared, but it was too late to run right now. Seven gulped down, then reached for the soft marshmallows in front of him
Seven carefully traced the shape of her b.r.e.a.s.ts, while Lilia released sweet m.o.a.ns as p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e filled her nerves. Never in his life did seven imagine the time he would touch such a beautiful girl, and the softness at his hands amazed his mind.
Seven let his fingers dig into the melons then looked at Lilia's face. The way she blushed while looking at him made him feel harder, and before he knew it he leaned forward to resume kissing the beautiful girl. Her legs moved unintentionally rubbing against his erect thing, and that slight touch took over what was ft of his mind.
Lilia didn't resist and Seven lost himself to the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, he didn't know at the time but his body had began to move without his will taking him right to the next step.
His right hand moved down then slipped under her shirt, making sure to not miss a single inch it made its way up
But god had other plans for them
An alarm so load was triggered making the two jump away from.
" this… ZFRS 0303...….. lpha, I….peat , this is ZFRS 0303 res....m alpha"
Not saying a word Lilia fixed her clothes and ran the front of the ship. she pressed a few buttons on the blue screen that appeared in front of her seat moving a few things on it
" this is ship ZFRS 0303 rescue team alpha, I repeat this is ship ZFRS 0303 rescue team alpha" the voice they heard became clearer " we are here as a response to the emergency signal sent by civilian ship type OA 23, an extraction team is on its way"
Lilia looked at Seven, his eyes were ripped open
"we are rescued?"
"haaaaah~ what a day!" I say as I use a towel to dry my messy hair.
It's such a blessing to have a shower after such a long day, especially after nearly dying.
"Seven, you can go in now"
"un…" saying nothing else Seven walked to the shower room with heavy steps, looking like he would fall over any moment now.
Ah! I almost forgot to reduce the temperature of the water. Although I'm used to it Seven always complains about how hot it is. It seems humans have a more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e skin than us Zesionens which is strange considering he absorbed that amount of Verta's energy.
Verta blasted Seven across the room, smashing him in the wall behind me. In the middle of the dust cloud Seven took the opportunity to get my spear that was pierced a little above where he landed then launched it with such force cutting through the air at the speed of sound.
Verta was almost too late at dodging and suffered a light wound on the left of its neck. the spear, still heated from the time I used it damaged the collar on Verta and it soon slowly dropped to the ground.
That was the point where everything changed.
Before I notice it Seven was standing beside me, crouching down he put his arms on my back and on the back of my knees and lifted me. The look on his face was on longer the mad one from a few moments ago, and I immediately sensed the reason
Verta wasn't moving but something surely was different about it. Seven turned to the exit and began running.
One, two then three circles appeared above Verta. Soon there were six of them, golden circles made of light with a black symbol on them.
That's it! one of the things that made me think a something is strange. I remember reading about them in that book, the thunder drums Verta uses to summon the thunder.
Light filled the room. Before we reached the elevator Verta's blue fur began to glow, the energy stored in the glassume crystals flow through the air like a stream of water as it got absorbed by the great beast
Even when we escaped the room Seven didn't let me down. Still in his hands he kicked the walls jumping from on to the other until we reached the upper floor, then he ran at full speed destroying the doors that came in his way.
His physical strength got a significant boost, but I could see that the energy around him is getting weaker and his hair is starting to return to normal. Even from this far Verta is still draining him, and without that energy Seven is most likely to be left unable to fight like before.
We arrived at the main gate and soon after the ground started shaking
A gigantic explosion we almost couldn't escape threw us inside the forest, and while hiding behind the trees we witnessed something terrifying
A pillar of blue light pierced the sky then vanished a moment later, leaving a humongous hole in the ground.
On the way back neither of them spoke a single word. The lab, the only glimmer of hope they had in leaving this place was turned into dust from the bottom to the top in less than a minute.
Lilia sat down sighing 'such bad luck. Now, what to do?' she thought to herself
Maybe if they search for the fuel they may stumble upon some natural source, although refining it would be a pain. she wonder if there is some of the glassume crystals left in the hole, it should be capable of absorbing a certain amount of the energy released by Verta. Even so it would melt from the excess heat, would it still be usable after that?
One thing she doesn't want to think about is the possibility of another construction existing somewhere on this uninhabited rock. It was purely by chance that she found this one while strolling around.
While Lilia was deep in thoughts Seven was done washing himself, coming out still looking down like bgefore.
Lilia could tell he is blaming himself for how things turned out. The collar on Verta's neck, she didn't think much of it at first but that thing is an incredible piece of technology. Seeing how all that power returned to Verta after it broke is enough to conclude it was used to restrain it and redirect the energy toward the crystals, or so Seven said.
"are you hungry? We still have some earth apples left from the morning" Lilia asked trying to start a conversation
"nah, I don't feel like it"
"I see, maybe later then" she wasn't in the mood to eat something sweet at the moment, that tells how depressed she felt right now.
Lilia looked down swinging her legs lightly
'come to think of it, the wound from before vanished completely' her skin was back to how it was with no trace of it left ' the look on Seven's face when he saw it, it's almost funny how a little scratch made him act so seriously'
Her cheeks reddened a little " c-could it be… he has a thing for legs!?"
as Lilia came to that realization she didn't notice something until it was a little late. Seven had walked while drying his head to the beds then set beside her.
Startled by his actions she almost jumped to the other side of the room, Thinking he was about to make a really bold move. But all he did was stretching then lying down on his back.
Something then came into her sight 'ah! it was his bed all along!!'.maybe she was too deep in her thoughts, or maybe the relaxing shower after the near death experience, either way she let her guard down and went into a man's bed a second time.
'well, sitting on the side doesn't count right?' she gave him a side look then quickly averted her eyes 'eh? What's wrong with me? Am I being too conscious of him'
Her heart began beating faster and faster. As much as she wanted she couldn't keep herself from feeling like that; both of them were at the right age, they are alone, and they are on the same bed
What should happen newt is that and that then that right?
'b-b-but m-m-my heart isn't prepared for it yet'
She tried calming herself
" ….Lilia?"
"yes!" she straightened her back like a bolt of lightning hit her. The embarrassment made it impossible to look at him in the face, but the words he spoke made all of that fade away
"… I'm sorry…"
her heart slowed down and her face no longer felt hot
" I lost control again, facing that thing" he covers his eyes with his arm " if we retreated a bit earlier then the lab would still be there"
"don't… don't blame yourself, what happened isn't your fault"
"of course it is…" Seven's voice felt dry, almost as if he was about to cry "we had yet to learn anything from it, and now it's gone. I destroyed our only chance at leaving this god forsaken planet. Who knows if we would ever find a place like that? Who knows if we are going to ever find a lead to contacting the outside? Is our only choice to spend the rest of our lives here waiting to be rescued?"
He stopped for a moment, taking in a deep breath, then apologized again
" I'm…really sorry…"
Lilia was left speechless. She knew he was blaming himself but failed to think of anything to deal with it.
'I'm an idiot ' she told herself. While she panicked over trivial matters Seven had been giving it a serious thought.
Lilia had been on this planet alone for more than six months and had gradually began to get used to the loneliness. Although she almost gave up on leaving she didn't stop looking for a way to fix her ship. all of that while knowing that even if by some miracle she managed to repair it, the gravitational field would pull her back to the ground shattering all her hopes at leaving.
Then the other day she met him. Now that another person was around her she had a more optimistic feeling about the whole matter.
'But wasn't it something else?' she didn't want to admit it, but ever since she found Seven she the thought of leaving started to fade little by little, and living the rest of her life here with him didn't seem so bad. That explained to her the way she started to view him in.
She convinced herself that because they only have each other she was the only partner Seven would choose. Although he didn't have horns on his head and looked really skinny, he still resembled a normal Zesionien.
But what about him? Does Seven see her the same way? she knew that the only difference female Zesioniens have from female humans is the horns she has, but maybe he doesn't see it that way. Maybe he is against the idea, it's a normal thing for him to be only interested in the females of his specie.
' I have been selfish' Lilia thought. Seven wanting to leave never crossed her mind, he has way more problems than she does.
all the questions about his home and what happened to his family, the hundred years gap he spent away, his memories that has yet to return. Seven had too much on his mind, and to add to it he took the time to think about how she felt.
A warm feeling grew in Lilia's c.h.e.s.t accompanied by something heavy at the end of her throat.
' Iris… what should I do?' Lilia asked herself, thinking what her late friend would do to south the nice Seven.
She roamed through her memories one by one searching for the answer, and it wasn't too long until she found the answer.
Lilia looked at Seven who was still on his back covering his eyes, then swallowed down. What she was about to do was something Iris did to her a lot whenever she was angry, it's a guaranteed method to change someone's mood for the best but it had one flow, it's extremely embarrassing.
Fighting against the idea for a moment Lilia finally made up her mind and proceeded to execute.
"….huh?..." Seven removed the arm that covered his eyes "…L-Lilia…. What are you doing?...."
Still lying down Seven raised his head to look at her. with a burning red face Lilia climbed on top of Seven sitting on his abdomen.
"…." In the middle of all the embarrassment Lilia let a teasing smile appear on her lips then put her hands on his sides
"….wait, you aren't…" he was too late " hahaHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAH S-STOP!!! Lilia! Wahhahhahaahhahhhahhahhahhahhh what arrehahhahahhahahaha"
Lilia mercilessly tickled him. This was Iris's way of comforting a sad or angry Lilia, but the thing she learned just now was that Seven has really s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e sides
"hahaHAHAHAHHAHHAHA LILIA!!! STOP!HAHAHA! PLEASE I CAN'T buwaHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA" seven tried to fight back but Lilia pinned him down and continued torturing him
' hm? Should I be able to keep him down like this? Where did all the strength he had while fighting Verta go?'
Soon Seven was laughing so hard he almost suffocated an Lilia desided to let him go
"hahaaa…w-what's wrong …with you…. Did you plan on…ha…. Killing me" Seven said with a ragged voice
"sorry, it's the only way I know" still on his belly Lilia spoke " so, feeling any better?"
"I don't think I have a choice… I didn't laugh like that in years"
"good. Want some more?"
"please don't"
Seven spread his arms in defeat and Lilia felt a sense of achievement. She waited a moment for his breathing to return to normal, thinking if she should reassure him that they would one day escape.
That's right, if there is a way in, there is a way out. That lab was the perfect proof they had, as building it would be pointless if they couldn't leave.
"Lilia wai-"
Lilia was about to stand, but when she moved from atop Seven's abdomen she felt something touching her lower back. She slowly turned back to see what it was, then a moment later, steam exploded from her head
" Lilia, I … sorry, I didn't mean to… how do I say it"
What Lilia looked at was the tent that formed in Seven's pants as her b.u.t.t drew near his crotch aria.
'don't tell me… this means'
Lilia turned to Seven, but his eyes slipped away refusing to make contact. the way he blushed made her feel more ashamed that her face was about to get burned off.
But even with all of that, she didn't get down
"…um… Seven… I just want to be sure but… does this mean…" she couldn't say it
"…I … sorry…" for some reason Lilia didn't understand he apologized. Seven knew what Lilia's intentions were when she did what she did, but he couldn't stop himself from getting excited over the situation they were in.
Silence made its presence for a while, and Lilia was the one to break it
"even thought we are from different species. Humans are really weird"
" it can't be helped okay? Even if we are aliens to each other you aren't too different from a normal human and…" Lilia got her answer, but what Seven added made her heart skip a beat "it's normal to feel that way when it's a really cute girl on top of you…"
Lilia was lost as to how to react. Should she take what he said as a love confession? Or should she get away and calm herself? Maybe she didn't hear him well. Maybe she is over thinking it. is she allowed to be happy about it? should she be happy about it? in the first place, would it even work between them?
Lilia gathered all the courage she had, she looked down whole clinching to his shirt and tried her best to talk. She didn't know what to do if he rejected her after hearing this
"Seven… you see, on my planet we have this tradition. There is a thick wall between the males and females, and if a female sleeps even once on the same bed as a male… they… they are forced to get married"
" I…. I don't know if this applies for those from different races but… we already slept together once…"
She stopped for a moment, then continued looking him in the eyes " would you accept me as your…"
She couldn't finish it, because at that moment a sense of guilt stopped the word before it came out. Seven didn't know about her planet's traditions, and that time she was the one that slipped into his bed. With that said what she was about to do was forcing him to take her as his wife, and getting rejected at this point wasn't an option.
She closed her eyes feeling scared. him feeling attracted to her doesn't mean he is prepared to take her responsibility, she didn't know how things are done on his side as well, she didn't want to hear the answer.
As Lilia thought and thought about all the possibilities, Seven reached with his hands to her waist, then pulled her closer.
Surprised she opened her eyes, and what she saw was Seven's face closer than it ever was.
He stole a kiss from her lips.
She was about to push him away but strength drained from her arms. Soon she turned herself over to his embrace
His hands c.a.r.e.s.sed her back as they slowly kissed. she didn't expect her first to feel that good, nor did she know it was his first too.
His hands slowly moved down on her back, then started groping her soft bottom. Excitement filled them both and the kissing got more intense.
Lilia wrapped her arms around his neck as he c.a.r.e.s.sed her t.h.i.g.hs, her heart was stolen by the way he touched her skin, and Seven enjoyed the smoothness all he could.
After sometime he let go of her lips then threw her on top of the bed. Lilia felt scared, but it was too late to run right now. Seven gulped down, then reached for the soft marshmallows in front of him
Seven carefully traced the shape of her b.r.e.a.s.ts, while Lilia released sweet m.o.a.ns as p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e filled her nerves. Never in his life did seven imagine the time he would touch such a beautiful girl, and the softness at his hands amazed his mind.
Seven let his fingers dig into the melons then looked at Lilia's face. The way she blushed while looking at him made him feel harder, and before he knew it he leaned forward to resume kissing the beautiful girl. Her legs moved unintentionally rubbing against his erect thing, and that slight touch took over what was ft of his mind.
Lilia didn't resist and Seven lost himself to the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, he didn't know at the time but his body had began to move without his will taking him right to the next step.
His right hand moved down then slipped under her shirt, making sure to not miss a single inch it made its way up
But god had other plans for them
An alarm so load was triggered making the two jump away from.
" this… ZFRS 0303...….. lpha, I….peat , this is ZFRS 0303 res....m alpha"
Not saying a word Lilia fixed her clothes and ran the front of the ship. she pressed a few buttons on the blue screen that appeared in front of her seat moving a few things on it
" this is ship ZFRS 0303 rescue team alpha, I repeat this is ship ZFRS 0303 rescue team alpha" the voice they heard became clearer " we are here as a response to the emergency signal sent by civilian ship type OA 23, an extraction team is on its way"
Lilia looked at Seven, his eyes were ripped open
"we are rescued?"
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