If you followed up to this point then I want you to know how thankful I'm, THANK YOU ! It means a lot to know there are people interested in the stories I write, and I sincerely apologize for the infrequent updates.

This is the end of the first volume but the story is far from its end!

If you are a reader of normal Japanese light novels then you probably noticed one of those 'afterword' pages dedicated to the authors, as a huge fan of works like grimgar of fantasy and ash and goblin slayer I always wanted to write one so, here it is!

As I said in previous chapters my tablet died –preparing for the funeral right now- and I was left with no means to transfer my thoughts into the text. For the past few chapters I have been using a pc at my dorm but then time I'm allowed to is too short –can't spend the night in the library – I also used the desktop at my home but that caused major back pain and the only option left was my siblings phones –and no one would just let you take it-

I have been struggling against depression for the couple past years but recently it took a turn for the worse. It's hard to find a job in my country and the concept of "part-time" doesn't exist, low payment for nine hours of weight lifting after three or four years in university isn't something to be happy about.

But enough with that! You aren't here to read about a sad person with suicidal thoughts right? You are here to see what happens next with Lilia and Seven, and oh boy what plans I have got for the next volumes.

To tell the truth I have been scared of writing a story with just two characters in it, it puts a limitation that's hard to work around.

Now that they left the planet new characters would appear, Seven would get crazier and Lilia would have to make a hard decision.

I have plans to stop watering down some 'scenes' if the audience asks for it so don't be afraid to leave a comment or a review, and while you are at it rate the chapters!

My second series 'Tales of a certain eternal' is also out if you like what I have. That one is bond to have a more serious tone than last man so I hope you enjoy it.

I hope you all have a nice day, see you next time.

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