Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 37 - three: Fatality!! Part one
Planet Rooster, Gram city, Seven
Okay, maybe I have been a little too quick in jumping to conclusions; this is an alien planet after all.
Although the shopping aria was what I may describe as an oversized mall, like maybe five or six times the size of any large mall with thousands of shops occupying more space than needed, on the display windows none of the objects I saw made any sense in the freaking least.
Like, what is that thing? what does it even do? I can't even read its name or price!
"that's a vase" said Iris, I started to notice her ears twitch a little every time she has something to tell
'… you gotta be kidding right?' how in the hell is that a vase? I mean, it's cube shaped for god's sake!! How the hell do you put flowers in it!?
"you fill it with water, duh, once it's full you put the flowers in and all sides get removed, look, up there"
I raise my head to see a number of transparent cubes floating near the roof, inside them were three types of flowers which obviously I didn't recognize – I probably wouldn't even if they were from earth-
'what in the world happened to the laws of physics'
"you are a few hundred years old and a ghost is talking to you but this is where you start questioning it?"
I turn to Lilia, who held one of the water-zero gravity-cube things with both hands, staring in amazement at the blue flowers inside.
The only reason why we came in is because she looked slightly interested in those things, .
"they are pretty" she said, smiling at the blue flowers with a hint of red on her cheeks
I move a little closer, not that I needed to, just wanted to know how it felt in this kind of situation. I already know that Lilia likes flowers, which kind of suits her since she has this princess like appearance, an elegant one that if she put on the appropriate dress no one would guess that she is able to beat the crap out of them with her b.a.r.e hands. This instant is automatically burned into my memory –this time, not even a sudden alien invasion would cause me to forget- even the flowers look hundreds of time prettier with her holding them, and I wouldn't waste more than a second if she wasn't interested. I didn't care much about flowers and the like. I appreciate the colors, and the nice scent emitted even though they are inside the water, but I'm sure I wasn't a big fan of parks and gardens, too much sunlight.
" yes, they are" I said, not knowing whether she wanted a replay or not " should we buy some? after we get a ship of course"
Lilia closed her eyes, shaking her head slowly "no, I don't think I could take care of them" she let the water cube go and it floated back up "Iris was the one good at that, seeing them makes me feel nostalgic"
A lonely smile appeared on her lips as she looked up toward the numbers of floating water cubes. Beautiful, even with a clouded expression like this Lilia only seemed to look more and more gorgeous. But even so, seeing her sad wasn't bearable, that's why I turned with a glare at the ghost currently possessing me.
Iris had made her way looking at Lilia from the other side. Her expression, too, was a mix of sadness and loneliness.
I wanted to ask her why she didn't warn me this would happen, but I let it drop for now, this isn't a scene I should step in.
The strange things vanished little by little as we entered an area with nothing but stores selling clothes. Well, I say that because of the mannequins placed in front of nearly every shop and the holograms of cute girls and buff dudes -both Zesionien, obviously- who seem to be models . Everything has a Sci-fi touch; some even sold those tight jump suits you see in mecha anime. But here and there you could see normal clothes like an expensive dress or formal suits, some shops sold nothing but strangely designed things others kept their products modest and normal looking.
I also noticed a strange pattern I started to call 'the one color shops', where, surprise surprise, everything sold there has the same color
'I believe Lilia would have a lot of fans if she did this kind of work'
"totally agreed" said Iris, and we both nodded imagining what it's like to see Lilia on the cover of a magazine. As we checked out the shops I went and asked Lilia if she is interested, but the answer was somewhat expected
"what?" the question made her blush a little, but then her expression turned serious "I… don't think I'm suited for such things…." She said, twirling her hair with her fingers
" really? I think you would do a way better job than any of those girls"
"b-but, I'm a graduated warrior! I can't seek fame outside a battlefield!" her cheeks reddened again, her hands flailed around
"she is right. getting famous that way would throw dirt on her family name" said Iris in a quiet, emotionless voice followed by a sigh " worrier grade graduates are held high in the eyes of the public, and as a Stoneheart she can't go around seeking fame now that she didn't graduate at the top of our school"
'complicated huh…'
"yeah…" another sigh escaped her
Those at the top get fame and position the moment they graduate, but that's only for the top. Iris was also a warrior graduate as I remember, it must have been hard on her since she had a weak physic.
I looked around again, looking for a way to change the topic. And as we walked I noticed a group of blue blobs so conveniently looking at one of the shops chatting something among themselves
" geh, to think the next ones we run into are those blob guys"
" I wonder if they are planning something" said Lilia, giving them a side glance
" and there doesn't seem like there is an end to the Zesioniens on this planet, I feel like an idiot now, believing what I saw in all those movies"
"…movis?" Lilia tilted her head asking
"what's that?" Iris said imitating her
It wouldn't take much time for her to read my thoughts and understand what I'm talking about, but I had to explain it all anyways
"well, movies are… a recording, I guess… people act a story and others record them doing so, then make it into something people could watch" I don't know how accurate that description is. Everyone knows what a movie is and no one would bother searching a Wikipedia description for something like that
" I somehow get the general idea but… why?" Lilia looked upwards, putting a finger on her lips trying to imagine what I'm talking about
"why do they bother with it all? I don't understand why anyone would want to watch something fake"
"well, because it's interesting, and entertaining" I made sure to say it out load answering both of them at the same time
"…. You humans waist a lot of time on useless things" ghost girl said " but you, you are on a whole other level! I-I can't believe it! You don't go out for days! How is that even possible?"
' well, all my interests could be done indoors so I didn't see the need'
"and you were fat! Not only ugly but fat too!!"
'well, nothing could be done about that'
"it's totally your fault that you weren't popular, Lilia would throw up If she saw the way you were"
' makes me glad they did whatever magic they did on my body'
The conversation went on, and Iris continued insulting the past me, even though I wasn't that fat. I wasn't fat at all, just a thin layer near my stomach that's all. And I weighted about 80 kilograms, and I don't know why I'm specifically remembering those things.
After sometime Lilia turned my/our way, a bright smile on her face
" they sound interesting, those movi things. Are there any ones about things like the mythical beasts and the stories you find in books?"
"of course, a lot of them adopt stories from books and comics…. Oh shit…." Oh shit oh shit oh shit
"eh? What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell again?"
"no, I just realized" oh shit " I didn't get to watch 'end game'"
Both Lilia and Iris looked dumbfounded at the title I spitted out, and my blond wife went on and asked "is that a…"
" a movie, yes, an a really important one at that. It's the sequel to another very important one that ended on a really bad spot…" I put a hand on my forehead, seriously trying to suppress the tears that are about to come out "now I will never know how it all ended"
"… I can't say I understand but… not knowing how a story ends is terrifying" Lilia tried supporting me, but unlike her the other girl just found another thing to humiliate me with
"Really, why do you care that much about fictional characters? They are all actors playing roles right? Although that Thor guy looks really charming…."
'You think I don't know? The end is obvious, the heroes will always win, but how will they do it? What about the snap, and the ones that were dusted? How are they going to defeat Thanos ? And more importantly what's going to happen in 'far from home'!'
"…That's another movie?"
'And every other movie that comes after it!'
"I thought you didn't like Sci-fi?"
'Who cares about that? Shit, I suddenly wish I could go back and….'
"No…"I hold my chin with my right hand brainstorming the possibilities for a moment "there is a high possibility that a copy of it exists somewhere. It's a very important part of culture; someone would surely make sure it wouldn't get lost so easily" that if it ever came out. If that alien invasion really did happen that day then finding a time machine is the next best choice.
"I hope so" Lilia walked a little forward, turning to grace me with her bright smile " let's make sure we watch it together"
"….yeah, absolutely…"
Watching a movie together, huh... I almost forgot, but complaining as I did about how different from what I expected this place is, my life right now is closer to fiction than it is to real. Should I write a book about it? I can easily set aside the money for a high budget movie about it, but where would I find an actress that could play Lilia? No, I don't think anyone on her planet would come that close to her beauty, unless she has a twin, which would be a shock in and out itself.
" so this Thanos guy erased half the living creatures in the whole universe"
"… it doesn't make any sense! I mean… why? Can't he just create more resources if he has that power?" although I explained that it's all nothing but a work of fiction, Lilia still got furious as I told her –them- a little about the marvel cinematic universe. The memories regarding most entries in it easily returned, and I wasn't surprised my real name didn't.
"I disagree, the stones are able to control the universe, creating things from nothing isn't possible even with them" scanning through my thoughts Iris had a better idea about the topic, and her interest grew to the point that she began to ask if it's all just acting
"he is just crazy, and if he didn't do it we wouldn't have the movie" a lot of people asked the same question, and I know his original motives from the comics. But being a crazy mother***** is the only explanation for that kind of action and everyone knew.
Still, one of the best parts is the memes that came from it.
'But enough with that, this isn't the place to discuss those things' I thought to myself, and Iris heard, but Lilia went on this time admiring the heroes
"Super heroes huh, using their powers to defend the weak and triumph over the evil. Makes me dream of becoming one someday" Lilia walked with her hands linked behind her, looking up at the never ending night sky. She smiled, closed her eyes dreaming something while still awake.
"Makes me wish they were real, not everyone had the kind of will to sacrifice themselves for those they didn't know" something told me the world before the green aliens invaded wasn't a really nice place to live in. crime was constantly on the rise and becoming a terrorist was the latest fashion cry, can't count how many YouTube videos talked about the upcoming world war three. And that's without counting the horrifying rate at which the planet is dying. But wishing for someone to save you while you stand your place was one of the main reasons we arrived at that state.
"Good job block head, now her dreams got crushed"
'I didn't mean to'
"it's not impossible…" Lilia said " but it can't be easy"
"yeah….hm?" I stop before one of the shops, not intentionally trying to escape from what I just did.
It was one of those 'one color shops' and the all the clothes behind the almost invisible glass are black, several shades of it on a closer look.
I proposed we go in. not long after I was able to find precisely what I wanted, the only problem was the size. It's a sleeveless hoodie perfect for covering my head, but with them mostly made for Zesioniens I had to buy a version meant for younger guys.
Lilia hadn't been a big fan of black things. She said bright colors were more to her liking and she preferred white clothes over anything else.
In the first place this 'black shop' mainly sold manly clothing so even if she wanted there isn't a lot of things for her in here, so we decided to look somewhere else.
I bought the two hoodies, two pairs of baggy pants –good for hiding unwanted bones- and half a dozen boxers –the full body u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r is starting to get on my nerves- then we went on to look for more feminine shops.
Okay, maybe I have been a little too quick in jumping to conclusions; this is an alien planet after all.
Although the shopping aria was what I may describe as an oversized mall, like maybe five or six times the size of any large mall with thousands of shops occupying more space than needed, on the display windows none of the objects I saw made any sense in the freaking least.
Like, what is that thing? what does it even do? I can't even read its name or price!
"that's a vase" said Iris, I started to notice her ears twitch a little every time she has something to tell
'… you gotta be kidding right?' how in the hell is that a vase? I mean, it's cube shaped for god's sake!! How the hell do you put flowers in it!?
"you fill it with water, duh, once it's full you put the flowers in and all sides get removed, look, up there"
I raise my head to see a number of transparent cubes floating near the roof, inside them were three types of flowers which obviously I didn't recognize – I probably wouldn't even if they were from earth-
'what in the world happened to the laws of physics'
"you are a few hundred years old and a ghost is talking to you but this is where you start questioning it?"
I turn to Lilia, who held one of the water-zero gravity-cube things with both hands, staring in amazement at the blue flowers inside.
The only reason why we came in is because she looked slightly interested in those things, .
"they are pretty" she said, smiling at the blue flowers with a hint of red on her cheeks
I move a little closer, not that I needed to, just wanted to know how it felt in this kind of situation. I already know that Lilia likes flowers, which kind of suits her since she has this princess like appearance, an elegant one that if she put on the appropriate dress no one would guess that she is able to beat the crap out of them with her b.a.r.e hands. This instant is automatically burned into my memory –this time, not even a sudden alien invasion would cause me to forget- even the flowers look hundreds of time prettier with her holding them, and I wouldn't waste more than a second if she wasn't interested. I didn't care much about flowers and the like. I appreciate the colors, and the nice scent emitted even though they are inside the water, but I'm sure I wasn't a big fan of parks and gardens, too much sunlight.
" yes, they are" I said, not knowing whether she wanted a replay or not " should we buy some? after we get a ship of course"
Lilia closed her eyes, shaking her head slowly "no, I don't think I could take care of them" she let the water cube go and it floated back up "Iris was the one good at that, seeing them makes me feel nostalgic"
A lonely smile appeared on her lips as she looked up toward the numbers of floating water cubes. Beautiful, even with a clouded expression like this Lilia only seemed to look more and more gorgeous. But even so, seeing her sad wasn't bearable, that's why I turned with a glare at the ghost currently possessing me.
Iris had made her way looking at Lilia from the other side. Her expression, too, was a mix of sadness and loneliness.
I wanted to ask her why she didn't warn me this would happen, but I let it drop for now, this isn't a scene I should step in.
The strange things vanished little by little as we entered an area with nothing but stores selling clothes. Well, I say that because of the mannequins placed in front of nearly every shop and the holograms of cute girls and buff dudes -both Zesionien, obviously- who seem to be models . Everything has a Sci-fi touch; some even sold those tight jump suits you see in mecha anime. But here and there you could see normal clothes like an expensive dress or formal suits, some shops sold nothing but strangely designed things others kept their products modest and normal looking.
I also noticed a strange pattern I started to call 'the one color shops', where, surprise surprise, everything sold there has the same color
'I believe Lilia would have a lot of fans if she did this kind of work'
"totally agreed" said Iris, and we both nodded imagining what it's like to see Lilia on the cover of a magazine. As we checked out the shops I went and asked Lilia if she is interested, but the answer was somewhat expected
"what?" the question made her blush a little, but then her expression turned serious "I… don't think I'm suited for such things…." She said, twirling her hair with her fingers
" really? I think you would do a way better job than any of those girls"
"b-but, I'm a graduated warrior! I can't seek fame outside a battlefield!" her cheeks reddened again, her hands flailed around
"she is right. getting famous that way would throw dirt on her family name" said Iris in a quiet, emotionless voice followed by a sigh " worrier grade graduates are held high in the eyes of the public, and as a Stoneheart she can't go around seeking fame now that she didn't graduate at the top of our school"
'complicated huh…'
"yeah…" another sigh escaped her
Those at the top get fame and position the moment they graduate, but that's only for the top. Iris was also a warrior graduate as I remember, it must have been hard on her since she had a weak physic.
I looked around again, looking for a way to change the topic. And as we walked I noticed a group of blue blobs so conveniently looking at one of the shops chatting something among themselves
" geh, to think the next ones we run into are those blob guys"
" I wonder if they are planning something" said Lilia, giving them a side glance
" and there doesn't seem like there is an end to the Zesioniens on this planet, I feel like an idiot now, believing what I saw in all those movies"
"…movis?" Lilia tilted her head asking
"what's that?" Iris said imitating her
It wouldn't take much time for her to read my thoughts and understand what I'm talking about, but I had to explain it all anyways
"well, movies are… a recording, I guess… people act a story and others record them doing so, then make it into something people could watch" I don't know how accurate that description is. Everyone knows what a movie is and no one would bother searching a Wikipedia description for something like that
" I somehow get the general idea but… why?" Lilia looked upwards, putting a finger on her lips trying to imagine what I'm talking about
"why do they bother with it all? I don't understand why anyone would want to watch something fake"
"well, because it's interesting, and entertaining" I made sure to say it out load answering both of them at the same time
"…. You humans waist a lot of time on useless things" ghost girl said " but you, you are on a whole other level! I-I can't believe it! You don't go out for days! How is that even possible?"
' well, all my interests could be done indoors so I didn't see the need'
"and you were fat! Not only ugly but fat too!!"
'well, nothing could be done about that'
"it's totally your fault that you weren't popular, Lilia would throw up If she saw the way you were"
' makes me glad they did whatever magic they did on my body'
The conversation went on, and Iris continued insulting the past me, even though I wasn't that fat. I wasn't fat at all, just a thin layer near my stomach that's all. And I weighted about 80 kilograms, and I don't know why I'm specifically remembering those things.
After sometime Lilia turned my/our way, a bright smile on her face
" they sound interesting, those movi things. Are there any ones about things like the mythical beasts and the stories you find in books?"
"of course, a lot of them adopt stories from books and comics…. Oh shit…." Oh shit oh shit oh shit
"eh? What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell again?"
"no, I just realized" oh shit " I didn't get to watch 'end game'"
Both Lilia and Iris looked dumbfounded at the title I spitted out, and my blond wife went on and asked "is that a…"
" a movie, yes, an a really important one at that. It's the sequel to another very important one that ended on a really bad spot…" I put a hand on my forehead, seriously trying to suppress the tears that are about to come out "now I will never know how it all ended"
"… I can't say I understand but… not knowing how a story ends is terrifying" Lilia tried supporting me, but unlike her the other girl just found another thing to humiliate me with
"Really, why do you care that much about fictional characters? They are all actors playing roles right? Although that Thor guy looks really charming…."
'You think I don't know? The end is obvious, the heroes will always win, but how will they do it? What about the snap, and the ones that were dusted? How are they going to defeat Thanos ? And more importantly what's going to happen in 'far from home'!'
"…That's another movie?"
'And every other movie that comes after it!'
"I thought you didn't like Sci-fi?"
'Who cares about that? Shit, I suddenly wish I could go back and….'
"No…"I hold my chin with my right hand brainstorming the possibilities for a moment "there is a high possibility that a copy of it exists somewhere. It's a very important part of culture; someone would surely make sure it wouldn't get lost so easily" that if it ever came out. If that alien invasion really did happen that day then finding a time machine is the next best choice.
"I hope so" Lilia walked a little forward, turning to grace me with her bright smile " let's make sure we watch it together"
"….yeah, absolutely…"
Watching a movie together, huh... I almost forgot, but complaining as I did about how different from what I expected this place is, my life right now is closer to fiction than it is to real. Should I write a book about it? I can easily set aside the money for a high budget movie about it, but where would I find an actress that could play Lilia? No, I don't think anyone on her planet would come that close to her beauty, unless she has a twin, which would be a shock in and out itself.
" so this Thanos guy erased half the living creatures in the whole universe"
"… it doesn't make any sense! I mean… why? Can't he just create more resources if he has that power?" although I explained that it's all nothing but a work of fiction, Lilia still got furious as I told her –them- a little about the marvel cinematic universe. The memories regarding most entries in it easily returned, and I wasn't surprised my real name didn't.
"I disagree, the stones are able to control the universe, creating things from nothing isn't possible even with them" scanning through my thoughts Iris had a better idea about the topic, and her interest grew to the point that she began to ask if it's all just acting
"he is just crazy, and if he didn't do it we wouldn't have the movie" a lot of people asked the same question, and I know his original motives from the comics. But being a crazy mother***** is the only explanation for that kind of action and everyone knew.
Still, one of the best parts is the memes that came from it.
'But enough with that, this isn't the place to discuss those things' I thought to myself, and Iris heard, but Lilia went on this time admiring the heroes
"Super heroes huh, using their powers to defend the weak and triumph over the evil. Makes me dream of becoming one someday" Lilia walked with her hands linked behind her, looking up at the never ending night sky. She smiled, closed her eyes dreaming something while still awake.
"Makes me wish they were real, not everyone had the kind of will to sacrifice themselves for those they didn't know" something told me the world before the green aliens invaded wasn't a really nice place to live in. crime was constantly on the rise and becoming a terrorist was the latest fashion cry, can't count how many YouTube videos talked about the upcoming world war three. And that's without counting the horrifying rate at which the planet is dying. But wishing for someone to save you while you stand your place was one of the main reasons we arrived at that state.
"Good job block head, now her dreams got crushed"
'I didn't mean to'
"it's not impossible…" Lilia said " but it can't be easy"
"yeah….hm?" I stop before one of the shops, not intentionally trying to escape from what I just did.
It was one of those 'one color shops' and the all the clothes behind the almost invisible glass are black, several shades of it on a closer look.
I proposed we go in. not long after I was able to find precisely what I wanted, the only problem was the size. It's a sleeveless hoodie perfect for covering my head, but with them mostly made for Zesioniens I had to buy a version meant for younger guys.
Lilia hadn't been a big fan of black things. She said bright colors were more to her liking and she preferred white clothes over anything else.
In the first place this 'black shop' mainly sold manly clothing so even if she wanted there isn't a lot of things for her in here, so we decided to look somewhere else.
I bought the two hoodies, two pairs of baggy pants –good for hiding unwanted bones- and half a dozen boxers –the full body u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r is starting to get on my nerves- then we went on to look for more feminine shops.
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