Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 38 - three part two
Planet Rooster, Gram city, Seven
"umu, we will take it"
"YES, YES! Thank you!" said the shop owner, gasping for air while a huge grin let droll leak from her mouth.
She was a Zesionien woman, shorter than Lilia with a really slim body. She had short dark red hair and a pair of glasses she constantly tried to keep in place while moving around nimbly.
"please…hah… try this too…hah…." She ran around the shop in a frenzy gathering the best of her 'works', and the one going through all the trouble of trying them was Lilia.
" eh… but" said Lilia looking my way for rescue. At the moment she wore a simple white summer dress, so simple that it seemed like something made on earth. But its simplicity was rendered to nothing as the one wearing it is the ultra high class out of the world beauty that is Lilia.
'What do you think?'
Iris said nothing and simply raised a thumb up.
When we first stepped into the shop the owner was silent for a moment as were the rest of the customers, before she went and kicked them all out saying they are closing for the day.
This was the twenty ninth dress the shop owner asked her to try, of which four were not to our liking and the rest I decided to buy even though Lilia protested every time.
'But, don't you think it shows too much skin'
Compared to what she usually wore this dress covered her legs down to below the knees, but on the other side it revealed her arms, shoulders and most importantly her c.h.e.s.t. I had to remind myself how rude it was for me to stare at her really deep cleavage, and Iris kept reminding me of the tent forming in my pants every now and then.
"Indeed, you don't want her wearing that outside" Iris said, taking a closer look at Lilia.
Maybe I'm being too paranoid, overprotective –Lilia doesn't need protection though- but I can't help not wanting people to see this. Ah, the right term for this is called greed, I want to keep her all for myself. Or it could be that I just don't want anyone giving my wife perverted looks, I don't think I would ever understand those that let expose themselves, it makes me wonder if I should ask her to cover her legs from now on.
Again, the ones we didn't take were not good enough. Even though not many of the ones we took had high exposure, Lilia was totally against wearing the ones that had and so was I. anything that exposed her midriff or showed too much of her c.h.e.s.t was out of question.
Out of question, yet this ghost girl managed to convince me it would be all right if I made her wear them inside where no one could see, so we told the owner to secretly pack them too.
When the shop owner gave her the next dress to try Lilia gave it a look then turned my way saying "none of those are easy to move in! Why are we buying things I won't be wearing anyway?"
"But… they look good on you…" I said while keeping a straight face.
"It's a waste!" probably, just probably, the tone of voice made her think I was teasing her
"Don't worry miss" said the shop owner, eagerly waiting to see the dress worn "I already noticed when you came in, I have a vast collection of 'worrier wear' you can try, I assure you my products are the best of the best!"
"You know, the gasping and droll won't be of any help"
"OH GOD! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! Try this one next"
"eh… again?"
"BEAUUUUTIFULL!! I can't believe my eyes! This doesn't deserve to be worn by anyone other than you!!!… this one next, please"
"HAH..HAH… this goes beyond what I imagined…hah… I designed them with my own hands yet… hah"
"There is more!!!? "
"The more I look at you the more ideas I get!! Haaaah…. I will start working right after this! Please try them too!!"
"Wait! I can't…"
The owner resembled a pervert the way she is panting and m.o.a.ning every time Lilia changes into a new dress, and at one point she started whipping her overflowing mouth with the sleeves of her clothes. Iris and I on the other hand just stood there appreciating the changing looks of Lilia who disparately tried to resist, and by the end of it she was totally exhausted.
"Here, you can have this"
"What is it?" I said looking down at the thing the shop owner gave me.
It's a little silver cube half an inch in size with a strange pattern on the side and the shops' logo on the other
"It contains all the designs of everything you purchased today; you can use this to remake them if any gets damaged in some way. I would appreciate if you return here whenever you can but…"
She looked behind me, at Lilia who stood on the opposite side of road twenty meters away. The owner –named Gilda by the way- kept bringing one dress after the other leaving Lilia with no choice but to run out of the shop to make her stop. She was still wearing the last dress she tried, one of the 'warrior wear' the owner designed –though it only looks like a really short one piece- of course, no matter what she wore it would look perfect on her, and the view is really nice –and dangerous, that thing is too short!-
"By the way" Gilda waved her hand for me to get closer, then whispered in my ear "everything in my collection is made so it won't show anything unnecessary, you don't have to worry about her moving around in that" she winked at me with a slight grin.
My mind immediately returned to the time we fought the Colossus Automata. That time even though Lilia made really risky moves and no matter how many times she jumped –five or six meters in the air- her skirt ignored gravity and all outside forces to prevent me from seeing what's underneath.
I would latter learn that most of the threads used in those are made by nanotech allowing them to stretch and adjust in size and also cover the important parts during a fight.
"…good" now I don't have to worry about 'other people' peeking at her privates.
"Can't you just ask her to show you?" ghost girl said
'You shut up'
"I will deliver everything to your hotel room later" the shop owner took out a familiar smartphone like device, tapping on its surface to produce a hologram " I would like to have your current address if you don't mind "
I didn't have to think about it much. With everything we bought it would be a tremendous pain in the a.s.s to move them around. Taking them to the hotel then moving them again is just a big waste of time
"No, I will call you when after we decide on a ship, it would be a lot easier to send them there"
"Oh, I understand, our address is in the guide, feel free to call anytime" putting away her 'Book' she slightly bowed her head apologizing for any trouble she caused, then waved her hand as we turned to walk away "Until next time then" she smiled looking at Lilia, who turned away not saying anything, then said in a serious tone unlike the way she spoke p to this point "I wish you the best of luck"
Something about that sudden change seemed wrong, but I could understand why she would wish me luck. I crossed the hordes of Zesioniens passing by, and as soon as I reached her Lilia began to walk away in quick steps, not saying any word about what just happened.
Obviously I kept the distance between us short enough so no smartass gets any weird thoughts –if I'm three steps behind no one would notice that I existed at all- and after half an hour of meaningless strolling I decided to break the silence
" um… are you still angry?"
We walked, quickening her pace and increasing the distance. She didn't even spare me a glance and the ghost currently possessing me tried her best to shift all the blame on me, although she totally enjoyed watching her best friend go through it.
We walked, and walked, and walked, and after a while her mood seemed to lighten a little, and she allowed me to catch up with her.
"…It's that pervert's fault, don't worry about it…" she still has some irritation left in her voice, but she seems a lot calmer now. Although "but I have to say, what were you thinking? You bought almost everything in the shop!"
"He bought more than what you think" said Iris, whispering loudly in her ear making sure I could hear her
'Hey! what if she somehow was able to hear you!?'
"she would find out soon anyways" she put on her usual smug grin
'that's not what I meant'
"are you sure you want her to get a new spear?"
Suddenly, all the memories of nearly getting stabbed during training flashed through my mind. Lilia wasn't even serious back then, but it was always a close close call.
'And she wasn't even angry'
"I'm warning you, Lilia is really scary when angered "
'…I can imagine that'
"So, now that it's taken care of should we go to the weapon shop?" I asked my blond companion.
We ended up taking more than planned –and buying more than planned- but we were finally done with clothes, so he next destination would be the lone weapon maker we could find on the map.
It wasn't something to think about, but Lilia didn't give an immediate answer
"Actually… there is another shop I want to visit before that"
Lilia took out her 'book' and produced the map. The hologram was considerably smaller, as if to hide it from the crowds walking by. Checking it for some minutes, Lilia decided on which one she wanted to go to and it got an understanding sigh from Iris.
I tried asking where we were going but only got a "you will understand when we get there" from both of them. I could make some guesses since Iris kept quiet and Lilia showed a hint of embarrassment, probably something a guy had no business with.
And so we began to walk, me leading the way and Lilia following closely behind. I started to notice that Iris would float a little higher as we reached a more packed street, her eyes stayed sharp observing the passersby, her tiger/cat ears twitching a little every now and then.
Just when I almost started thinking it's a little I felt something pulling me from behind. I turn to see Lilia looking quite bothered; trying to keep some form of composure. When or yes met she came closer and whispered in my ear
"hey… I don't think this thing is has any effect, it feels like the eyes watching us have only increased…"she looked around restlessly
I had my hood on, hiding my head was the reason I bought it after all, but as Lilia said it did little less than attracting more looks. But nobody would care about a strange dude covered in black even if he looked suspicious, the thing that captured those eyes was none other than Lilia herself
A beauty like her would be the center of attention wherever she goes, and that goes double after wearing this new dress, which exposed a little more skin than the rest. There are a few other Zesoniens wearing warrior clothes like hers, but expectedly they all pale in comparison to her, whether they had their arms and legs covered or not.
after all no one near her level was between the Zsioniens around and the other races we saw couldn't even compare. This caused a little problem, with the males trying to keep their mouths closed and their female companions burning with anger and jealousy. I have to be on guard, let's wish no one gets some funny ideas at this point.
" I… don't think I'm the reason behind it"
"Huh?… then it must be this dress" Lilia said, holding it down trying to cover herself " a-as I thought it shows way too much to be worn casually" her cheeks went red again, her body shivering a little.
" I think it's fine " it's not like the previous one she wore covered a lot, but this one looks way better. You have to admit that woman has some serious skills
Iris let out a long sigh floating down to Lilia's side, glancing at her for a second. Their Life back on planet Zesion had been on m mind ever since we met, from wanting to know more about their life in the academy to what they did in their free time –not to mention how their uniform looked-
'Did this happen often back in the day?' I telepathically asked ghost girl. Well, not like I could do it out load.
" not always. it happened a lot more recently, after she went through that growth …she also started taking care of her appearance, but other students knew she tends to get a little violent so no one had the courage to get close"
'...a little… violent…'
" I told you before right? Lilia became a lot quieter and well behaved after spending all that time alone, she used to be a lot more talkative, a lot more energetic. That's probably why she never realized how beautiful she is"
"hmm…" I looked at Lilia, scanning her up and down. Our eyes met again, and she averted her gaze, her face still as red, then looked down to the floor
"d-don't stare too much"
I could feel my face growing hot, but I didn't look away. What Iris said made my eyes unintentionally lock on her generous bosom, and even though I have other preferences I have to say it captivated me. Days had had passed since then but I can still feel the softness in my hand, it's a miracle that I kept myself from looking at it for o long
"Careful now, you don't want her to notice"
I already know that girls are most of the time aware if you are staring and where you are staring at, trying to hide it was useless. What Iris was warning me about is the growing stiffness between my legs, those baggy pants won't be able to hide it anymore.
I sighed then took a long breath closing m eyes and calming myself. I looked at Lilia again trying to stay away from anything that could get me excited. She was more cute than beautiful right now, shyly looking my way with upturned eyes
My heart skipped a beat and I turned away, coughing in my hand and clearing my throat
"umm… Lilia"
Then, as if my courage and self confidence got a huge boost, I went and said it
"you… probably don't realize it yourself but… you are way more beautiful than you think" and I said it
At first she didn't show any reaction but then
"…" her eyes went wade with a little sparkle in them, her face was painted red even though she was already blushing and the hands holding down her dress let go. Steam puffed from above her head like a little explosion –not really, but I could swear I saw it- , and finally she turned away.
" aaah, finally after so long" Iris smiled at Lilia who became a blushing mess, then looked at me with her usual smug grin " way to go lover boy"
'yeah yeah, just… don't tell me you tinkered with my nerves again'
"Really now, you think I would want to mess this up? It won't be any fun if I help you every time"
'I don't know why but I can't b-'
At m left side, I noticed something in the corner of my eye. Iris, being able to read my thoughts stopped her teasing and looked in the same direction. Not far away from where we stood among the suffocating number of Zesioniens stopping to take a good look at the blushing Lilia.
"No horns, no tail, no claws, two legs, two arms and white skin" I said before swallowing. He stood out with his blue hair and I couldn't see his face but I could tell.
Lilia heard what I said, following my gaze as her expression returned to normal.
"A… human?" she said, her voice so low that it seemed like whispering
"…no…" it's not something I can explain, but I felt unease crawling its way over me. I turned away and took two steps "humans don't have blue hair"
We can't be sure from just what we saw, after all hair could be dyed. What distinct features he may have might be hidden under the clothes he is wearing. But it terrified me, that he intentionally didn't look our way.
For the next few minutes Lilia, Iris and I felt some tension and keeping silence was the best way to deal with it. We didn't stop to look at any of the shops and slowly headed to a less crowded area, that's when Lilia stepped in catching up to walk by my side. It's obvious that I would look her way when she does something like that but not a moment later I returned facing the front.
She was red to the ears once again
"h-hey…" her voice was shaking a little, but the determination in it was noticeable "what you said before… you… you weren't just teasing me right?"
I was bewildered for a moment, but I understood what she meant. I pushed the blue haired someone deep into a dark corner of my mind then pulled out a file searching for the best answers to this situation. I don't think it will ever stop being embarrassing but I wasn't afraid to say anything anymore
"Well, I wonder about that" I smiled at her, and got rewarded with an angry pout
"so you were just fooling me huh" she closed her eyes and turned away, her cheeks still puffed up
" no" it feels like cheating, but the experience I got from those mediocre dating sims finally came in hand " I meant every word I said"
"…really…" her fingers playing with her golden hair she slowly turned away hiding her expression "… thank you…"
Many things threaten my life right now, or at least the way I'm living it. My memories are returning little by little although nothing important seemed to resurface, and the way I'm acting is nothing like the way I used to.
I'm thousands of light years away from home, after going through a really long hibernation. I don't know shit about what happened, or what's happening, but in the end I know one thing.
I should just enjoy this while I still can.
"umu, we will take it"
"YES, YES! Thank you!" said the shop owner, gasping for air while a huge grin let droll leak from her mouth.
She was a Zesionien woman, shorter than Lilia with a really slim body. She had short dark red hair and a pair of glasses she constantly tried to keep in place while moving around nimbly.
"please…hah… try this too…hah…." She ran around the shop in a frenzy gathering the best of her 'works', and the one going through all the trouble of trying them was Lilia.
" eh… but" said Lilia looking my way for rescue. At the moment she wore a simple white summer dress, so simple that it seemed like something made on earth. But its simplicity was rendered to nothing as the one wearing it is the ultra high class out of the world beauty that is Lilia.
'What do you think?'
Iris said nothing and simply raised a thumb up.
When we first stepped into the shop the owner was silent for a moment as were the rest of the customers, before she went and kicked them all out saying they are closing for the day.
This was the twenty ninth dress the shop owner asked her to try, of which four were not to our liking and the rest I decided to buy even though Lilia protested every time.
'But, don't you think it shows too much skin'
Compared to what she usually wore this dress covered her legs down to below the knees, but on the other side it revealed her arms, shoulders and most importantly her c.h.e.s.t. I had to remind myself how rude it was for me to stare at her really deep cleavage, and Iris kept reminding me of the tent forming in my pants every now and then.
"Indeed, you don't want her wearing that outside" Iris said, taking a closer look at Lilia.
Maybe I'm being too paranoid, overprotective –Lilia doesn't need protection though- but I can't help not wanting people to see this. Ah, the right term for this is called greed, I want to keep her all for myself. Or it could be that I just don't want anyone giving my wife perverted looks, I don't think I would ever understand those that let expose themselves, it makes me wonder if I should ask her to cover her legs from now on.
Again, the ones we didn't take were not good enough. Even though not many of the ones we took had high exposure, Lilia was totally against wearing the ones that had and so was I. anything that exposed her midriff or showed too much of her c.h.e.s.t was out of question.
Out of question, yet this ghost girl managed to convince me it would be all right if I made her wear them inside where no one could see, so we told the owner to secretly pack them too.
When the shop owner gave her the next dress to try Lilia gave it a look then turned my way saying "none of those are easy to move in! Why are we buying things I won't be wearing anyway?"
"But… they look good on you…" I said while keeping a straight face.
"It's a waste!" probably, just probably, the tone of voice made her think I was teasing her
"Don't worry miss" said the shop owner, eagerly waiting to see the dress worn "I already noticed when you came in, I have a vast collection of 'worrier wear' you can try, I assure you my products are the best of the best!"
"You know, the gasping and droll won't be of any help"
"OH GOD! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! Try this one next"
"eh… again?"
"BEAUUUUTIFULL!! I can't believe my eyes! This doesn't deserve to be worn by anyone other than you!!!… this one next, please"
"HAH..HAH… this goes beyond what I imagined…hah… I designed them with my own hands yet… hah"
"There is more!!!? "
"The more I look at you the more ideas I get!! Haaaah…. I will start working right after this! Please try them too!!"
"Wait! I can't…"
The owner resembled a pervert the way she is panting and m.o.a.ning every time Lilia changes into a new dress, and at one point she started whipping her overflowing mouth with the sleeves of her clothes. Iris and I on the other hand just stood there appreciating the changing looks of Lilia who disparately tried to resist, and by the end of it she was totally exhausted.
"Here, you can have this"
"What is it?" I said looking down at the thing the shop owner gave me.
It's a little silver cube half an inch in size with a strange pattern on the side and the shops' logo on the other
"It contains all the designs of everything you purchased today; you can use this to remake them if any gets damaged in some way. I would appreciate if you return here whenever you can but…"
She looked behind me, at Lilia who stood on the opposite side of road twenty meters away. The owner –named Gilda by the way- kept bringing one dress after the other leaving Lilia with no choice but to run out of the shop to make her stop. She was still wearing the last dress she tried, one of the 'warrior wear' the owner designed –though it only looks like a really short one piece- of course, no matter what she wore it would look perfect on her, and the view is really nice –and dangerous, that thing is too short!-
"By the way" Gilda waved her hand for me to get closer, then whispered in my ear "everything in my collection is made so it won't show anything unnecessary, you don't have to worry about her moving around in that" she winked at me with a slight grin.
My mind immediately returned to the time we fought the Colossus Automata. That time even though Lilia made really risky moves and no matter how many times she jumped –five or six meters in the air- her skirt ignored gravity and all outside forces to prevent me from seeing what's underneath.
I would latter learn that most of the threads used in those are made by nanotech allowing them to stretch and adjust in size and also cover the important parts during a fight.
"…good" now I don't have to worry about 'other people' peeking at her privates.
"Can't you just ask her to show you?" ghost girl said
'You shut up'
"I will deliver everything to your hotel room later" the shop owner took out a familiar smartphone like device, tapping on its surface to produce a hologram " I would like to have your current address if you don't mind "
I didn't have to think about it much. With everything we bought it would be a tremendous pain in the a.s.s to move them around. Taking them to the hotel then moving them again is just a big waste of time
"No, I will call you when after we decide on a ship, it would be a lot easier to send them there"
"Oh, I understand, our address is in the guide, feel free to call anytime" putting away her 'Book' she slightly bowed her head apologizing for any trouble she caused, then waved her hand as we turned to walk away "Until next time then" she smiled looking at Lilia, who turned away not saying anything, then said in a serious tone unlike the way she spoke p to this point "I wish you the best of luck"
Something about that sudden change seemed wrong, but I could understand why she would wish me luck. I crossed the hordes of Zesioniens passing by, and as soon as I reached her Lilia began to walk away in quick steps, not saying any word about what just happened.
Obviously I kept the distance between us short enough so no smartass gets any weird thoughts –if I'm three steps behind no one would notice that I existed at all- and after half an hour of meaningless strolling I decided to break the silence
" um… are you still angry?"
We walked, quickening her pace and increasing the distance. She didn't even spare me a glance and the ghost currently possessing me tried her best to shift all the blame on me, although she totally enjoyed watching her best friend go through it.
We walked, and walked, and walked, and after a while her mood seemed to lighten a little, and she allowed me to catch up with her.
"…It's that pervert's fault, don't worry about it…" she still has some irritation left in her voice, but she seems a lot calmer now. Although "but I have to say, what were you thinking? You bought almost everything in the shop!"
"He bought more than what you think" said Iris, whispering loudly in her ear making sure I could hear her
'Hey! what if she somehow was able to hear you!?'
"she would find out soon anyways" she put on her usual smug grin
'that's not what I meant'
"are you sure you want her to get a new spear?"
Suddenly, all the memories of nearly getting stabbed during training flashed through my mind. Lilia wasn't even serious back then, but it was always a close close call.
'And she wasn't even angry'
"I'm warning you, Lilia is really scary when angered "
'…I can imagine that'
"So, now that it's taken care of should we go to the weapon shop?" I asked my blond companion.
We ended up taking more than planned –and buying more than planned- but we were finally done with clothes, so he next destination would be the lone weapon maker we could find on the map.
It wasn't something to think about, but Lilia didn't give an immediate answer
"Actually… there is another shop I want to visit before that"
Lilia took out her 'book' and produced the map. The hologram was considerably smaller, as if to hide it from the crowds walking by. Checking it for some minutes, Lilia decided on which one she wanted to go to and it got an understanding sigh from Iris.
I tried asking where we were going but only got a "you will understand when we get there" from both of them. I could make some guesses since Iris kept quiet and Lilia showed a hint of embarrassment, probably something a guy had no business with.
And so we began to walk, me leading the way and Lilia following closely behind. I started to notice that Iris would float a little higher as we reached a more packed street, her eyes stayed sharp observing the passersby, her tiger/cat ears twitching a little every now and then.
Just when I almost started thinking it's a little I felt something pulling me from behind. I turn to see Lilia looking quite bothered; trying to keep some form of composure. When or yes met she came closer and whispered in my ear
"hey… I don't think this thing is has any effect, it feels like the eyes watching us have only increased…"she looked around restlessly
I had my hood on, hiding my head was the reason I bought it after all, but as Lilia said it did little less than attracting more looks. But nobody would care about a strange dude covered in black even if he looked suspicious, the thing that captured those eyes was none other than Lilia herself
A beauty like her would be the center of attention wherever she goes, and that goes double after wearing this new dress, which exposed a little more skin than the rest. There are a few other Zesoniens wearing warrior clothes like hers, but expectedly they all pale in comparison to her, whether they had their arms and legs covered or not.
after all no one near her level was between the Zsioniens around and the other races we saw couldn't even compare. This caused a little problem, with the males trying to keep their mouths closed and their female companions burning with anger and jealousy. I have to be on guard, let's wish no one gets some funny ideas at this point.
" I… don't think I'm the reason behind it"
"Huh?… then it must be this dress" Lilia said, holding it down trying to cover herself " a-as I thought it shows way too much to be worn casually" her cheeks went red again, her body shivering a little.
" I think it's fine " it's not like the previous one she wore covered a lot, but this one looks way better. You have to admit that woman has some serious skills
Iris let out a long sigh floating down to Lilia's side, glancing at her for a second. Their Life back on planet Zesion had been on m mind ever since we met, from wanting to know more about their life in the academy to what they did in their free time –not to mention how their uniform looked-
'Did this happen often back in the day?' I telepathically asked ghost girl. Well, not like I could do it out load.
" not always. it happened a lot more recently, after she went through that growth …she also started taking care of her appearance, but other students knew she tends to get a little violent so no one had the courage to get close"
'...a little… violent…'
" I told you before right? Lilia became a lot quieter and well behaved after spending all that time alone, she used to be a lot more talkative, a lot more energetic. That's probably why she never realized how beautiful she is"
"hmm…" I looked at Lilia, scanning her up and down. Our eyes met again, and she averted her gaze, her face still as red, then looked down to the floor
"d-don't stare too much"
I could feel my face growing hot, but I didn't look away. What Iris said made my eyes unintentionally lock on her generous bosom, and even though I have other preferences I have to say it captivated me. Days had had passed since then but I can still feel the softness in my hand, it's a miracle that I kept myself from looking at it for o long
"Careful now, you don't want her to notice"
I already know that girls are most of the time aware if you are staring and where you are staring at, trying to hide it was useless. What Iris was warning me about is the growing stiffness between my legs, those baggy pants won't be able to hide it anymore.
I sighed then took a long breath closing m eyes and calming myself. I looked at Lilia again trying to stay away from anything that could get me excited. She was more cute than beautiful right now, shyly looking my way with upturned eyes
My heart skipped a beat and I turned away, coughing in my hand and clearing my throat
"umm… Lilia"
Then, as if my courage and self confidence got a huge boost, I went and said it
"you… probably don't realize it yourself but… you are way more beautiful than you think" and I said it
At first she didn't show any reaction but then
"…" her eyes went wade with a little sparkle in them, her face was painted red even though she was already blushing and the hands holding down her dress let go. Steam puffed from above her head like a little explosion –not really, but I could swear I saw it- , and finally she turned away.
" aaah, finally after so long" Iris smiled at Lilia who became a blushing mess, then looked at me with her usual smug grin " way to go lover boy"
'yeah yeah, just… don't tell me you tinkered with my nerves again'
"Really now, you think I would want to mess this up? It won't be any fun if I help you every time"
'I don't know why but I can't b-'
At m left side, I noticed something in the corner of my eye. Iris, being able to read my thoughts stopped her teasing and looked in the same direction. Not far away from where we stood among the suffocating number of Zesioniens stopping to take a good look at the blushing Lilia.
"No horns, no tail, no claws, two legs, two arms and white skin" I said before swallowing. He stood out with his blue hair and I couldn't see his face but I could tell.
Lilia heard what I said, following my gaze as her expression returned to normal.
"A… human?" she said, her voice so low that it seemed like whispering
"…no…" it's not something I can explain, but I felt unease crawling its way over me. I turned away and took two steps "humans don't have blue hair"
We can't be sure from just what we saw, after all hair could be dyed. What distinct features he may have might be hidden under the clothes he is wearing. But it terrified me, that he intentionally didn't look our way.
For the next few minutes Lilia, Iris and I felt some tension and keeping silence was the best way to deal with it. We didn't stop to look at any of the shops and slowly headed to a less crowded area, that's when Lilia stepped in catching up to walk by my side. It's obvious that I would look her way when she does something like that but not a moment later I returned facing the front.
She was red to the ears once again
"h-hey…" her voice was shaking a little, but the determination in it was noticeable "what you said before… you… you weren't just teasing me right?"
I was bewildered for a moment, but I understood what she meant. I pushed the blue haired someone deep into a dark corner of my mind then pulled out a file searching for the best answers to this situation. I don't think it will ever stop being embarrassing but I wasn't afraid to say anything anymore
"Well, I wonder about that" I smiled at her, and got rewarded with an angry pout
"so you were just fooling me huh" she closed her eyes and turned away, her cheeks still puffed up
" no" it feels like cheating, but the experience I got from those mediocre dating sims finally came in hand " I meant every word I said"
"…really…" her fingers playing with her golden hair she slowly turned away hiding her expression "… thank you…"
Many things threaten my life right now, or at least the way I'm living it. My memories are returning little by little although nothing important seemed to resurface, and the way I'm acting is nothing like the way I used to.
I'm thousands of light years away from home, after going through a really long hibernation. I don't know shit about what happened, or what's happening, but in the end I know one thing.
I should just enjoy this while I still can.
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