Planet Rooster, gram city, Seven

"Uh… I think… I think it's better for me to just die"

"There you go again. You now I don't like those jokes right?"

"But… but!....I can't… uuuu"

"I'm sure it will be fine, we still have yet to know each other"

"Really? I don't think I can wait until that point" I've never been the most optimistic person after all.

"Well, not like you have a choice"

There we were, back in Gram city shilling on a bench facing the statue of that guy who is some traitor or rebel or something. We came to this place, central park, to take a break after getting some things done

But unfortunately, instead of relaxing, the moment my b.u.t.t touched the wooden bench -don't know what kind of wood it's made of though- lost my focus on what need to be done and all the depression chasing me the past two days finally caught up, eating at me until I felt my soul leaving my body behind.

Thankfully a source if happiness and joy was always nearby to keep me from thinking about ways to take my own life. And she is not the ghost girl who made herself at home inside a part of my mind

"it's been two days already, did it really hurt that much?" sitting by my side was Lilia, twirling strands of her hair as usual.

"well, I always thought I'm used to the feeling of crushing disappointment. Maybe since a lot of good things happening to me one after the other, my resistance has weakened quite a bit"

I was fresh out of being rejected by Lilia the other da, and when I thought things were turning for the better when I got to eat some meat then learned about the existence of cat-girls, something other than Iris kicked me in the balls and sent me down.


To understand what happened let's go back a few days

"I will vow for you"

I think we all felt some surprise hearing Lilia say l that. Logan Thundercloud, the fur covered male Herara, almost jumped in his place as he looked at Lilia in disbelief. He then quickly bowed his head again thanking Lilia again and again


"It's fine, I… I think it's the right thing to do" Lilia looked at blue, who's eyes went from Logan to her. She smiled then gently patted the little girl's head again.

Jealousy was biting at me for some time now, but the scene was too wholesome to not stay back and watch.

"Are you sure about this?" Jar asked, finally putting her blasters away.

"Well, we do need a pilot" even if we took the ship, in the end it's of no use to us. Putting aside whether thhe operating system is something Lilia is familiar with or not, I don't want to push her into something she doesn't want.

Plus, how am I supposed to say no knowing the first real life cat-girl I ever sow would be coming along with us?

"… seriously? Didn't we have that conversation already?" and for the who knows what time -8 don't keep count- Iris jumped in with her cold gaze to scorn me for thoughts that I made my best efforts to suppress.

'I don't know what you mean, just look how cute she is' there is a limit to how much one can handle, and having your mind constantly monitored by a female does a lot of pushing 'can't you shut up for a while and let me enjoy this wholesome scene?'

"Wholesome, huh? Are you by any chance… afraid of going near her?"

'… what?' I could almost hear the creaking noise my neck made as I turned my head in her direction

"Uh~oh… did I hit a raw nerve just now?"

'Me? Afraid? Nah, why would I?'

"Well, you don't seem as excited as when you first saw her"

'The situation is different this time. There won't be a need for chasing her after all"

Yes, this won't be like last time. All I have to do is carefully approach her, pretend to talk about something with the fur covered guy, then casually try talk8ng to her.

"There is nothing to worry about, your FBI agent should be dead by now"

'Silence, I need to concentrate'

I Took a deep breath and cleared my mind then slowly walked toward Lilia

"Just to be clear, are you sure about this?" I have to maintain eye contact or else my sight would get automatically drawn to those cat ears the moment they make the slightest move.

Lilia looked down to her feet as if not sure what to say, closing her eyes and thinking about it a little. Slowly opening them a few seconds later "… yes" I could feel her determination as she once more confirmed her decision " I want to help them, I don't know if I could, b.u.t.t I will do my best"

She may still have some doubts whether she could actually make it, but that I wasn't worried about.

"Good…" nodding once I turned to the fur covered guy and took a good look at him

'Man, his appearance screams western animation'

There isn't much I wanted to say to him. Should I threaten him a little? Maybe something like if you betray us I will kill you? Nah, that's too cliché. I was the first to accept him in the first place, won't threatening him effect our relations going forward? Also, there is something that have been bugging me for a while now.

I extended a arm going for a normal handshake "I will work you to the bone, better be prepared" for a few seconds he just went between my face and hand seeming a bit confused 'do those Herara folks not know what a handshake is?' Every culture has it's version after all, it's foolish to expect aliens to know how humans interact.

I was about to retract my hand when his expression changed as if he just realized what I was aiming for. He grasped my hand with both his and began shaking it up and down

"Thank you, lord Seven! I will be in your care!"

"No, I told you, just seven is fine" and you might rip off my arm. His arms aren't so thick just for appearance. Also

"his paws are really soft"

'Indeed' his claws are completely retractable too, he is making efforts to not hurt me by accident.

Finally freeing myself from him, I finally face the most valuable person around at the moment "more importantly…" now, calmly, carefully, ask a simple question "is she… your daughter, perhaps?"

Yes, that should do it. The answer didn't really matter, I just needed a way to bring her into the conversation.

"It could become really awkward if he turns out to be her father"

Ignor the ghost for now, focus on the objective.

"ah, no, yes, how should I say this…" the words were stuck in his throat. The topic may not be something be could talk about in front of a child, so he pulled me aside and began whispering

"I don't like talking about this when se is around. Her mother passed away after she was born, and her father isn't someone who cares. I took her in to get her away from the rest of the clan.

Logan told me about how he planned to take her to Namira and have her live with his family. B.u.t.t because she was born outside the planet she doesn't have a legal file which make it impossible for her to live a normal life even if they could somehow get her in.

What a heart breaking backstory. To think someone in their right mind would abandon such cuteness.

"You better not think about…"

Muting that parasite of a ghost, I finally allowed myself to get a good look at her

I'm not sure if her name has something to do with it but it sounds reasonable as her hair has a clear sky blue color. Her eyes too, they had a somewhat darker shade of the same color.

Her ears -the most important part- were he same as her hair and without the white fuzz on the inside one might fund it really hard to distinguish them.

"Your name is blue, right?" I said as went down on one knee hoping the smile I had on is the same as I'm imagining it.

"We will be traveling together from now on so…" I reach out with my right hand "let get alo-"

"Hassshhaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" Blue snapped all of a sudden, hissing at me as her hair slowly stood up. I panicked seeing how much her calm expression has changed and almost fell back, but even before that could happen the blanket covering her body fell to the ground as she swung her long sharp nails easily cutting my hand.

It happened so fast that by the time the others caught up, Blue had already ran toward the ship, turned to hiss at me once more, then disappeared inside.

"Um… uh…"Logan was at a loss of words much like before.

"S-Seven!!" seeing blood dripping from the cut quickly came to my aid. She looked through her bag and took out some bandages and a small cylindrical object "This will sting a bit" she said as she pressed on its top spraying some fluid on the wound then wrapped it in bandages.

"... I'm… really sorry… I think she still hasn't gotten over what happened the other day…"

"Hm? What are you talking about? Everything is fine"

"Eh? B-but your hand"

"A small wound like this is nothing, don't worry about it"


"Now now, she is still a should. We must not… Seven! Your mouth is bleeding!!"

"Ah! This? I think my heart is broken that's all"

Lilia freaked out seeing me vomit blood with a smile on, Logan didn't seem to be feeling well, Jar watched from a distance slowly shaking her head, and Iris held her belly as she laughed until her breath ran out.


"Well, I think her reaction is understandable" floating above our heads the ghost freeloading my body smirked down on me "you should have seen your face when chasing her, it won't be a surprise nightmares hunted her" like always, she finds joy in my suffering. And it still hasn't been a month since we were acquainted.

But her words may have some reason. After lashing at me that time Blue had kept a minimum distance of forty feet, always leaving the room the moment I enter it.

To stop that from effecting my interactions with the others I completely suppressed my emotions and worked myself until it was time for bed.

We agreed to leave Rooster is six days. That was mainly because when Logan took us to a tour inside the ship I was kinda disappointed by the interior.

There was too much cleaning to be done, and a lot of remodeling too.

It is a huge craft, but most of the space was dedicated to the cargo hold where they usually put the merchandise they deliver to black markets.

Aside from that, the second largest room was the bathhouse, or the bathroom. It was so huge with a pool for a tub. it would be fantastic to fill it with hot water and turn it to one of those indoor hot springs, but since it looked like it hasn't been used in years we just added it to the cleaning list.

Now that the ship has a legal owner we were able to get it into the port where the cleaning, repairs and improvements would take place.

Immediately after, we went to get the matters with Logan done. Everything went well and he was able to get both his identity card and piloting license reactivated.

All we had to do now is waiting.

The work on the ship should be done by tomorrow, but I had asked Jar to get me some things from the three moons which would take another four days.

Something that had to be done is dealing with the collateral damage I caused chasing Blue around, so I have been running around the past two days apologizing to the store owners and the others that were caught up in it.

I paid all the repair fees, and got invited to eat at Red Ramoul again even though they were the one that suffered the most. What was annoying though is how we he had to deal with the private security companies that run most of the city. I planned to slap some green at their faces, but surely that won't be enough to satisfy their hunger so instead of paying them anything all we did, or should I say all Lilia did was flash her identity card with the three stars and the warrior symbol and we just walked away without paying a single unit -the intergalactic currency, something like space bitcoin –

"we still have a few days left huh…" our original plan was to leave all that work for Jar and leave for the next open planet, Imar nine, but all of that changed now that we got ourselves a pilot and a ship.

The work didn't take as much as we thought, and now we are left with a lot of free time.

"We still have to pick up the clothes we bought the other day" yeah, we almost forgot about that too.

Lilia counted on her fingers the tasks we still have to get done.

"didn't the owner say she would deliver them once we got a ship?" I don't think Lilia is looking forward to visiting that shop anytime soon "by the way, you still haven't told me about the thing you asked from Jar"

"Hmmm… I ordered a few batteries with clean energy I could use. Apparently they are quite rare anywhere you go"

"…Is that it?"

"The other thing is…" I can't really tell her about it. Let's just say it's something guys in a relationship really need "you will have to wait and see"

"…hmm… does it have anything to do with meat?"

"Eh? Ah! Yeah, something like that" I actually ordered enough ghnem to last me the entire trip "by the way, what should we do about provisions, I remember Logan saying he would take care of it but… isn't there something you would like to get?"

"Let's see… perhaps some-"

"ahem! Please excuse me for interrupting"

As usual, wherever we go Lilia's beauty and her golden hair seemed to always catch the eyes of the people. But even with all those eyes on us it was very rare for someone to try and start a conversation with us unless we took the first step. That's the reason as to why most of he people we interacted with here in Rooster were staff members of the establishments we visited, the residents were for some reason -that may or may not have to do with us massacring a whole pirate crew- hesitant in approaching us, so it was a really big surprise to see someone coming to us so casually.

One look was enough for all three of us to remember him, not that we actually ever met. The only time we saw him was when we passed by each other the other day. His appearance was so unique that it left a lasting impression in our minds.

He was the size of an average a.d.u.l.t human male. He wore a strangely designed oversized white robe that covered most of his figure and had what looked like high level wizard staff in one hand.

No horns, no animal ears, no winds and normal but somewhat pale skin.

If not for his blue hair I may have ended up mistaking him for a human, but whoever or whatever he is, I can feel he isn't anything like me

The strange man? Looked at both of us with a smile, then turned my way and pointed with his index

"Forgive me if I'm wrong but… are you not the synthetic being who went rampant three days ago?"

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