Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 62 - part six
Planet Rooster, Gram city, Seven
Yeah, I can smell it too.
This guy isn't human, of course. But with his body covered like that it isn't easy to tell what he is, what specie he belongs to.
The strange odor coming from him, am I the only one smelling it? Suspicious, is what it's telling me. I heard about it somewhere -probably the internet-, the situations when you smell something that isn't there. Is it just that I'm feeling unwell with a handsome guy smiling at me?
O~~h, now I get it.
This guy is handsome, too handsome. Really handsome, he is the kind that would make teenage girls wet, he is the guy people hate to invite for partying cause he would steal all the girls, but invite him anyways because girls won't come unless he is there.
Add some of the suspicious aura he gives and hiss sudden appearance and you would understand why I didn't like him.
Well, that and a few other reasons I can't comprehend.
"… what? I don't remember owing you anything" we never ran into him ever since the first time, I don't think he has anything to do with the victims of my mild rampage.
"No no, nothing like that, I'm just glad that you are doing well" waving his hand a little, the mysterious guy laughed refreshingly without a care in the world "I heard you had some trouble with a crew of herara? One can only wonder what brought them all the way over to this place"
'Hey, take a look around'
"What about the magic word?"
'Considerate paying the rent, the least you can do is being useful'
"Tche" cl.i.c.k.i.n.g her tongue once Iris flow to the edge of her range and began surveying the area
"Well, considering the recent events it is understandable for you to be highly alert" nodding once, he turned to my blond companion, the smile on his face never vanishing "but I doubt there would be a need for that when you already have such an elegant young warrior as your guard"
Lilia looked quite relaxed, to my surprise. Maybe because she is way out of his league, or just that she didn't have any interest in good looking guys -that goes without saying since, well, she chose to stay with me-. Normal girls would start blushing just from being in the same space as someone like him, but Lilia looked like she is ready to jump at him with her hand preparing to draw her spear.
"I fond something" hearing Iris's voice in my head, I leaned on the back of the seat "it's only one person though, a female Zesionien"
'…only one?'
"Yeah… but I don't really like what I'm seeing"
Only one person…huh… are they barricading the entrances? Do they have enough numbers to cover such a large area?
This hansome man, alien, whatever he is… why am I still getting goosebumps from looking at him? What is he planning?
Putting a hand on his c.h.e.s.t the blue haired handsome guy talked, introducing himself in the same friendly yet somewhat disturbing smile
"I think I should introduce myself first, my name is Rajol Aley, I'm a ninth generation HM model, unit number one two five five six"
"… I see…" nodding like he agrees with something we said, although we said nothing, he continued speaking with his creepy smile -many would disagree with me in that regard- "just as I initially predicted through our first encounter, you are not a real synthetic being, am I right?"
"….so" this isn't the first time someone asked me that. We already know people could make a guess based on appearance alone.
" I thought you were trying to hide it but… well, that is not relevant anyways. Though, I feel somewhat offended when faced with someone pretending to be one of us"
"… like I give a f.u.c.k about your feelings"
Now I get it!
This guy… he is a robot! How did I not notice it? He isn't even breathing!! I knew something felt strange -except for the blue hair and the wizard like attire-
I think they call it the uncanny valley. That point where robots which imperfectly resembles actual humans give off a feeling of eeriness to the observer.
This guy who calls himself Rajol Aley, if you overlook his blue hair you might see him as a normal human, but the absence of the subtle movements any living creature makes when breathing in and out turns him to nothing more than a sculpture each time he goes silent.
"I see you have finally realized what kind of being I am! Indeed, I am a synthetic being, too! Or should I say…" he leaned a little forward placing a hand beside his mouth and whispered "I am the real thing"
My brain was stretched in two different directions. From one side it knows this thing isn't a real human after all one can't be perfectly still without holding their breath, and no one can hold it for this long. Yet when seeing the way it acts, the expressions and speech, all of it say the exact opposite.
I'm already overwhelmed by this creature -is it safe to call a machine a creature?- that confirmed it's not alive, then I'm being told that "…. Let me guess, you already knew what I'm from the start?"
"Should you be acting so relaxed? That thing knows what you are" Iris had a sound argument. It may be for the better to turn it into spare parts but… it didn't do anything wrong, until now. We can't just go around murdering… dismantling things we don't like…
"Well…" scratching its head awkwardly, the robot continued with its easygoing manner "I apologize if my words felt misleading. Yes, I do know what you actually are, but I want you to understand that I don't have any interest in why you are doing this, nor do you have any obligation to explain"
"then, what business brings you to us?" in a situation similar to this the reasons to why someone as suspicious as it would approach us -a suspicious group ourselves- are limited to what the other party knows about us, which means it's either connected to me being human or filthy rich, or to Lilia being a Zesionien warrior and also filthy rich.
Does it plans on using Lilia's status for something, like Logan the other day?
"Indeed, it is business that lead me your way, I heard recently that you managed to obtain a new ship?"
"Hey, she is coming your way, doesn't look she is trying to hide it"
'So, not an enemy? No, it's too early to say for sure…'
Listening to what Iris has to say, I carefully kept my eyes on the human like robot
"hmm…so, where did you hear that from? I don't remember talking about it to anyone" seeing how I went around paying for damaged buildings should be a clue to the wealth I held, but I don't remember ever bringing the topic of the new ship in front of anyone.
"the Verta clan wouldn't come all the way to this sector without a good ride, it's not strange for you to get your hands on it after defeating their captain"
What a great excuse. I almost believed that he didn't trace our steps to work something out before confronting us. Next he is gonna ask for where we are going, and then "what a coincidence! He is heading there too! This must be fate! May I ask to accompany you on your journey?" something along those lines.
"Do you want to hitch a ride with us?" why wait for it to ask, I already know what he wants.
"Eh? Ah! This is quite the embarrassment, hahaha, you already read through me" seeing it laugh like this knowing it isn't a real human only makes things creepier "if I'm guessing right than your next destination should be Imar nine right? I would be more than thankful if you could allow me to accompany you"
See? Just as expected. It probably has another excuse for why it won't use public transportations
"To be honest, I prefer avoiding public transportations due to my work, they make my options feel limited"
"And what is it that you do for work?"
"Many things, one of them is intel collecting. I go to many different locations and gather information about the landscape, weather and population"
yeah, that there is a bright red flag.
"well, I'm sorry to disappoint you but we don't run that kind of business"
" I'm fully aware of that, it is the main reason behind my choice. You are thhe best option I have, and with a Zesionien warrior on board I don't think we would face any trouble"
'well, that goes without saying since you are the trouble' as I thought that to myself someone spoke from behind android ninety nine
"Fufu, what a surprise" most likely the female Zesionien Iris told me about "for someone else to acquire the same idea, this must mean I wasn't in the wrong"
Rajol Aley moved aside letting us see the owner of the voice, and I immediately turned to my little ghost friend seeking an explanation
'…is this her?'
Screaming my mind at Iris and her vague description I take a good long look at this female Zesionien that has been spying on us for some time.
She is huge!
I mean her balls are huge!!
Her dress did it's best to show off how deep the cleavage between those voluptuous assets is. Rather than covering her, it's more likely that it was made to emphasize her feminine parts for everyone to see, and that includes those long legs of her peeking from the sides
"Whoa there, you gotta be careful, that thing is alive"
Of course it is!!
This women. She looks to be in her late twenties or early thirties. She is tall, has dark purple hair and a really e.r.o.t.i.c looking body, and above all the way she dresses, it's almost like she is saying se isn't afraid to show it!
In a contest of beauty she completely pales in front of Lilia.
But her narrowed eyes, the purple lipstick, the seductive smile and the whole "ara ara~" aura Surrounding her
'and you ask me not to get hard?'
"… sometimes your degeneracy exceeds my expectations… and I'm capable of reading your mind…"
'I'm sorry! Alright!? I died a v.i.r.g.i.n remember!? I am still weak to such things!!'
"… F.u.c.k.i.n.g weeb…"
' your shaming language won't work on me, it's not like I'm doing something I should be embarrassed about!!'
"…for now, at least"
The moral debate would continue on and on and no matter how convincing my argument is, I already know that looking at a woman in a s.e.x.u.a.l way only isn't something I should be proud of.
Yet I can't help myself. The way she dresses clearly tells she wants the attention, but she isn't someone to look at for too long. She might have had a bigger impact on me before, maybe I'm only saying that because being beside Lilia all the time -and although she is a ghost, Iris too- my senses are a bit dull. If I got the chance to smash, then good, but beyond that, I don't think she is worth keeping.
Every once in a while I myself am amazed by my facial expressions and how little of what is going on in my head they display. But faced with the alluring looks of an a.d.u.l.t woman and her seductive smile as our eyes met, not to mention the hard task -no pun intended- of keeping my growing erection out of sight, my eyebrows bent in telling a different story of what's really going on
"Oh my~ was it not a good time to make an appearance?"
She seems to have caught up on the unpleasantness I'm feeling, or should I say, the unpleasantness showing on my face
"Are you by any chance heading for Imar nine too?" as I clashed in a staring competition with this woman -because there is nowhere else safe enough to look at- the blue haired robot guy spoke to her with a friendly smile that went well with its handsome face
"No…" shaking her head slowly she responded with closed eyes "I was wondering if they could drop me by Keion since it's on the way to Imar"
'Keion… does it have anything to do with Zeus?'
"It's the name of the fourth planet under the Zesionien rule"
'O~h, and I thought Kratos might be somewhere out there'
"So you are from Keion, huh, going back home?" Lilia jumped in on the conversation, the slight pinkish color obviously came from the improper clothing a fellow Zesionien female wore in front of her
"Yes, it is about time to settle down now that I got to do what I wanted. But… I didn't have any luck finding a ride home, and the merchants wont pass by until the next month…."
"Getting out of a closed planet isn't as hard as getting back into it, right?" said the handsome robot
"And I even have my own traveling pass…" heaving a very long sigh the dark haired female kept silent for a while, she then clapped her hands regaining some level of enthusiasm in her seductive smile before turning to the friendlier looking between us "it's a rare opportunity to run into a warrior outside, so I was hoping you could help your big sis here a little? It would be fantastic if you could deliver me to one of the operation centers close to it…"
'Man… warriors are like celebrities… or political figures'
"We are celebrities and political figures"
'No wonder everyone is looking to exploit your authority'
Sometimes I forgot that Iris too has… had a warrior degree. Lilia said she was weak in athletics, which is a bit strange for a female Zesionien…
Back to the main topic at hand, I don't think I would feel anywhere near comfortable floating through space with such a nice a.s.s nearby. While I'm able to handle Lilia's alluring looks better now that she rejected my advances, something is bond to explode -pun intended- when a m.a.t.u.r.e looking woman is on the same boat as a v.i.r.g.i.n struggling to keep his sanity from going somewhere else.
So please, Lilia, stop looking at me already and tell her to leave. I don't trust myself with making this decision.
Maybe my voice got through to her, or maybe I was stupid to think we could communicate telepathically like I do with the ghost.
Lilia took her book out and brought up a window with the Zesionien writing I'm unable to read and am so tired of seeing
"Hmmm… it takes about fifteen days to reach Imar nine…" oh no, maybe leaving the decision to her was a bad idea after all "Keion is three days away, we aren't in a rush so I don't see any reason to refuse…"
"… sigh… fine, why not" this is surely gonna flop. This trip will without a doubt lead to my second death.
"…uh… what about me?" Rajol Aley pointed at itself showing once more how creepy those realistic expressions it makes are
"Yeah yeah, not like we could refuse you after accepting her"
The female Zesionien bowed her head slightly, and so did the blue haired robot
"I'm grateful for your kindness" straightening up she looked my way once again with the same smile "you can call me Lisa by the way, I will be in your care for the next three days
"No, actually, we won't leave until four days from now so…"
"O~h… well, I don't think that would be a problem. I don't have many choices"
"The ship will depart from port number nineteen at five in the morning, please make sure to show up at least minutes earlier"
"understood" the human looking robot bowed its head in response to Lilia, and the female Zesionien calling herself Lisa waved at us then turned her back and left. Rajol Aley soon followed after her and a few seconds later they were out of sight.
Iris said that nothing suspicious happened as they walked away, and for the next few minutes nothing out of the ordinary happened, in other words
"… it wasn't an attack huh…"
"eh!?" looking quite shocked with eyes wide open Lilia spoke with surprise in her voice "well, I didn't feel any hostility from the female but…"
"Really?" I felt a lot of things looking at her
"Maybe because he isn't actually alive, I couldn't feel anything from that synthetic being"
"Was it really a good idea to bring those two along?"
"We hired a previous pirate to be the pilot of our ship, I think we are way beyond the point of acting carefully"
Sigh… I couldn't agree more. Well, unless they go full retard there isn't much they can do in the middle of the void. We will just have to wait and see.
Four days passed in the blink of an eye and time for taking off arrived. We took care of everything that needed taking care of, said our goodbyes to Jar after receiving my order, then waited for the two new passengers that didn't do as they were told and came just in time.
Blue is still avoiding me as usual, while Lilia and Iris looked eager to finally get out of this planet. The engines are heated and Logan signaled for us to take a seat, and with a faint tremor the ship left the solid ground.
This will be my second time going to outer space. I probably should get used to it considering this is a sci-fi setting and all, but for a human that didn't have much interest in this type of things, my heart can't help but skip a beat knowing it will be a big part of my life.
Yeah, I can smell it too.
This guy isn't human, of course. But with his body covered like that it isn't easy to tell what he is, what specie he belongs to.
The strange odor coming from him, am I the only one smelling it? Suspicious, is what it's telling me. I heard about it somewhere -probably the internet-, the situations when you smell something that isn't there. Is it just that I'm feeling unwell with a handsome guy smiling at me?
O~~h, now I get it.
This guy is handsome, too handsome. Really handsome, he is the kind that would make teenage girls wet, he is the guy people hate to invite for partying cause he would steal all the girls, but invite him anyways because girls won't come unless he is there.
Add some of the suspicious aura he gives and hiss sudden appearance and you would understand why I didn't like him.
Well, that and a few other reasons I can't comprehend.
"… what? I don't remember owing you anything" we never ran into him ever since the first time, I don't think he has anything to do with the victims of my mild rampage.
"No no, nothing like that, I'm just glad that you are doing well" waving his hand a little, the mysterious guy laughed refreshingly without a care in the world "I heard you had some trouble with a crew of herara? One can only wonder what brought them all the way over to this place"
'Hey, take a look around'
"What about the magic word?"
'Considerate paying the rent, the least you can do is being useful'
"Tche" cl.i.c.k.i.n.g her tongue once Iris flow to the edge of her range and began surveying the area
"Well, considering the recent events it is understandable for you to be highly alert" nodding once, he turned to my blond companion, the smile on his face never vanishing "but I doubt there would be a need for that when you already have such an elegant young warrior as your guard"
Lilia looked quite relaxed, to my surprise. Maybe because she is way out of his league, or just that she didn't have any interest in good looking guys -that goes without saying since, well, she chose to stay with me-. Normal girls would start blushing just from being in the same space as someone like him, but Lilia looked like she is ready to jump at him with her hand preparing to draw her spear.
"I fond something" hearing Iris's voice in my head, I leaned on the back of the seat "it's only one person though, a female Zesionien"
'…only one?'
"Yeah… but I don't really like what I'm seeing"
Only one person…huh… are they barricading the entrances? Do they have enough numbers to cover such a large area?
This hansome man, alien, whatever he is… why am I still getting goosebumps from looking at him? What is he planning?
Putting a hand on his c.h.e.s.t the blue haired handsome guy talked, introducing himself in the same friendly yet somewhat disturbing smile
"I think I should introduce myself first, my name is Rajol Aley, I'm a ninth generation HM model, unit number one two five five six"
"… I see…" nodding like he agrees with something we said, although we said nothing, he continued speaking with his creepy smile -many would disagree with me in that regard- "just as I initially predicted through our first encounter, you are not a real synthetic being, am I right?"
"….so" this isn't the first time someone asked me that. We already know people could make a guess based on appearance alone.
" I thought you were trying to hide it but… well, that is not relevant anyways. Though, I feel somewhat offended when faced with someone pretending to be one of us"
"… like I give a f.u.c.k about your feelings"
Now I get it!
This guy… he is a robot! How did I not notice it? He isn't even breathing!! I knew something felt strange -except for the blue hair and the wizard like attire-
I think they call it the uncanny valley. That point where robots which imperfectly resembles actual humans give off a feeling of eeriness to the observer.
This guy who calls himself Rajol Aley, if you overlook his blue hair you might see him as a normal human, but the absence of the subtle movements any living creature makes when breathing in and out turns him to nothing more than a sculpture each time he goes silent.
"I see you have finally realized what kind of being I am! Indeed, I am a synthetic being, too! Or should I say…" he leaned a little forward placing a hand beside his mouth and whispered "I am the real thing"
My brain was stretched in two different directions. From one side it knows this thing isn't a real human after all one can't be perfectly still without holding their breath, and no one can hold it for this long. Yet when seeing the way it acts, the expressions and speech, all of it say the exact opposite.
I'm already overwhelmed by this creature -is it safe to call a machine a creature?- that confirmed it's not alive, then I'm being told that "…. Let me guess, you already knew what I'm from the start?"
"Should you be acting so relaxed? That thing knows what you are" Iris had a sound argument. It may be for the better to turn it into spare parts but… it didn't do anything wrong, until now. We can't just go around murdering… dismantling things we don't like…
"Well…" scratching its head awkwardly, the robot continued with its easygoing manner "I apologize if my words felt misleading. Yes, I do know what you actually are, but I want you to understand that I don't have any interest in why you are doing this, nor do you have any obligation to explain"
"then, what business brings you to us?" in a situation similar to this the reasons to why someone as suspicious as it would approach us -a suspicious group ourselves- are limited to what the other party knows about us, which means it's either connected to me being human or filthy rich, or to Lilia being a Zesionien warrior and also filthy rich.
Does it plans on using Lilia's status for something, like Logan the other day?
"Indeed, it is business that lead me your way, I heard recently that you managed to obtain a new ship?"
"Hey, she is coming your way, doesn't look she is trying to hide it"
'So, not an enemy? No, it's too early to say for sure…'
Listening to what Iris has to say, I carefully kept my eyes on the human like robot
"hmm…so, where did you hear that from? I don't remember talking about it to anyone" seeing how I went around paying for damaged buildings should be a clue to the wealth I held, but I don't remember ever bringing the topic of the new ship in front of anyone.
"the Verta clan wouldn't come all the way to this sector without a good ride, it's not strange for you to get your hands on it after defeating their captain"
What a great excuse. I almost believed that he didn't trace our steps to work something out before confronting us. Next he is gonna ask for where we are going, and then "what a coincidence! He is heading there too! This must be fate! May I ask to accompany you on your journey?" something along those lines.
"Do you want to hitch a ride with us?" why wait for it to ask, I already know what he wants.
"Eh? Ah! This is quite the embarrassment, hahaha, you already read through me" seeing it laugh like this knowing it isn't a real human only makes things creepier "if I'm guessing right than your next destination should be Imar nine right? I would be more than thankful if you could allow me to accompany you"
See? Just as expected. It probably has another excuse for why it won't use public transportations
"To be honest, I prefer avoiding public transportations due to my work, they make my options feel limited"
"And what is it that you do for work?"
"Many things, one of them is intel collecting. I go to many different locations and gather information about the landscape, weather and population"
yeah, that there is a bright red flag.
"well, I'm sorry to disappoint you but we don't run that kind of business"
" I'm fully aware of that, it is the main reason behind my choice. You are thhe best option I have, and with a Zesionien warrior on board I don't think we would face any trouble"
'well, that goes without saying since you are the trouble' as I thought that to myself someone spoke from behind android ninety nine
"Fufu, what a surprise" most likely the female Zesionien Iris told me about "for someone else to acquire the same idea, this must mean I wasn't in the wrong"
Rajol Aley moved aside letting us see the owner of the voice, and I immediately turned to my little ghost friend seeking an explanation
'…is this her?'
Screaming my mind at Iris and her vague description I take a good long look at this female Zesionien that has been spying on us for some time.
She is huge!
I mean her balls are huge!!
Her dress did it's best to show off how deep the cleavage between those voluptuous assets is. Rather than covering her, it's more likely that it was made to emphasize her feminine parts for everyone to see, and that includes those long legs of her peeking from the sides
"Whoa there, you gotta be careful, that thing is alive"
Of course it is!!
This women. She looks to be in her late twenties or early thirties. She is tall, has dark purple hair and a really e.r.o.t.i.c looking body, and above all the way she dresses, it's almost like she is saying se isn't afraid to show it!
In a contest of beauty she completely pales in front of Lilia.
But her narrowed eyes, the purple lipstick, the seductive smile and the whole "ara ara~" aura Surrounding her
'and you ask me not to get hard?'
"… sometimes your degeneracy exceeds my expectations… and I'm capable of reading your mind…"
'I'm sorry! Alright!? I died a v.i.r.g.i.n remember!? I am still weak to such things!!'
"… F.u.c.k.i.n.g weeb…"
' your shaming language won't work on me, it's not like I'm doing something I should be embarrassed about!!'
"…for now, at least"
The moral debate would continue on and on and no matter how convincing my argument is, I already know that looking at a woman in a s.e.x.u.a.l way only isn't something I should be proud of.
Yet I can't help myself. The way she dresses clearly tells she wants the attention, but she isn't someone to look at for too long. She might have had a bigger impact on me before, maybe I'm only saying that because being beside Lilia all the time -and although she is a ghost, Iris too- my senses are a bit dull. If I got the chance to smash, then good, but beyond that, I don't think she is worth keeping.
Every once in a while I myself am amazed by my facial expressions and how little of what is going on in my head they display. But faced with the alluring looks of an a.d.u.l.t woman and her seductive smile as our eyes met, not to mention the hard task -no pun intended- of keeping my growing erection out of sight, my eyebrows bent in telling a different story of what's really going on
"Oh my~ was it not a good time to make an appearance?"
She seems to have caught up on the unpleasantness I'm feeling, or should I say, the unpleasantness showing on my face
"Are you by any chance heading for Imar nine too?" as I clashed in a staring competition with this woman -because there is nowhere else safe enough to look at- the blue haired robot guy spoke to her with a friendly smile that went well with its handsome face
"No…" shaking her head slowly she responded with closed eyes "I was wondering if they could drop me by Keion since it's on the way to Imar"
'Keion… does it have anything to do with Zeus?'
"It's the name of the fourth planet under the Zesionien rule"
'O~h, and I thought Kratos might be somewhere out there'
"So you are from Keion, huh, going back home?" Lilia jumped in on the conversation, the slight pinkish color obviously came from the improper clothing a fellow Zesionien female wore in front of her
"Yes, it is about time to settle down now that I got to do what I wanted. But… I didn't have any luck finding a ride home, and the merchants wont pass by until the next month…."
"Getting out of a closed planet isn't as hard as getting back into it, right?" said the handsome robot
"And I even have my own traveling pass…" heaving a very long sigh the dark haired female kept silent for a while, she then clapped her hands regaining some level of enthusiasm in her seductive smile before turning to the friendlier looking between us "it's a rare opportunity to run into a warrior outside, so I was hoping you could help your big sis here a little? It would be fantastic if you could deliver me to one of the operation centers close to it…"
'Man… warriors are like celebrities… or political figures'
"We are celebrities and political figures"
'No wonder everyone is looking to exploit your authority'
Sometimes I forgot that Iris too has… had a warrior degree. Lilia said she was weak in athletics, which is a bit strange for a female Zesionien…
Back to the main topic at hand, I don't think I would feel anywhere near comfortable floating through space with such a nice a.s.s nearby. While I'm able to handle Lilia's alluring looks better now that she rejected my advances, something is bond to explode -pun intended- when a m.a.t.u.r.e looking woman is on the same boat as a v.i.r.g.i.n struggling to keep his sanity from going somewhere else.
So please, Lilia, stop looking at me already and tell her to leave. I don't trust myself with making this decision.
Maybe my voice got through to her, or maybe I was stupid to think we could communicate telepathically like I do with the ghost.
Lilia took her book out and brought up a window with the Zesionien writing I'm unable to read and am so tired of seeing
"Hmmm… it takes about fifteen days to reach Imar nine…" oh no, maybe leaving the decision to her was a bad idea after all "Keion is three days away, we aren't in a rush so I don't see any reason to refuse…"
"… sigh… fine, why not" this is surely gonna flop. This trip will without a doubt lead to my second death.
"…uh… what about me?" Rajol Aley pointed at itself showing once more how creepy those realistic expressions it makes are
"Yeah yeah, not like we could refuse you after accepting her"
The female Zesionien bowed her head slightly, and so did the blue haired robot
"I'm grateful for your kindness" straightening up she looked my way once again with the same smile "you can call me Lisa by the way, I will be in your care for the next three days
"No, actually, we won't leave until four days from now so…"
"O~h… well, I don't think that would be a problem. I don't have many choices"
"The ship will depart from port number nineteen at five in the morning, please make sure to show up at least minutes earlier"
"understood" the human looking robot bowed its head in response to Lilia, and the female Zesionien calling herself Lisa waved at us then turned her back and left. Rajol Aley soon followed after her and a few seconds later they were out of sight.
Iris said that nothing suspicious happened as they walked away, and for the next few minutes nothing out of the ordinary happened, in other words
"… it wasn't an attack huh…"
"eh!?" looking quite shocked with eyes wide open Lilia spoke with surprise in her voice "well, I didn't feel any hostility from the female but…"
"Really?" I felt a lot of things looking at her
"Maybe because he isn't actually alive, I couldn't feel anything from that synthetic being"
"Was it really a good idea to bring those two along?"
"We hired a previous pirate to be the pilot of our ship, I think we are way beyond the point of acting carefully"
Sigh… I couldn't agree more. Well, unless they go full retard there isn't much they can do in the middle of the void. We will just have to wait and see.
Four days passed in the blink of an eye and time for taking off arrived. We took care of everything that needed taking care of, said our goodbyes to Jar after receiving my order, then waited for the two new passengers that didn't do as they were told and came just in time.
Blue is still avoiding me as usual, while Lilia and Iris looked eager to finally get out of this planet. The engines are heated and Logan signaled for us to take a seat, and with a faint tremor the ship left the solid ground.
This will be my second time going to outer space. I probably should get used to it considering this is a sci-fi setting and all, but for a human that didn't have much interest in this type of things, my heart can't help but skip a beat knowing it will be a big part of my life.
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