Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 64 - part two
Sector twenty one, Seven
Sitting around the round one of the round tables in the cafeteria -one of five- were a Zesionien female with golden hair, a Herara Male with white fur and blue stripes, a really handsome blue haired synthetic being that looked awfully close to the black haired human.
"So, how long have we been out here?"
"Hm? What? Did you get a bug or something?"
"I don't think so. It's too quiet ever since we took off, I feel like it's taking us far longer to reach our first stop"
"Heeh, so you do have feelings. That's pretty impressive for a robot"
"Seven! Mr.Aleyisn't a ro-bot, he is a synthetic being "
"What's the difference? Ah, by the way…" revealing my hand for all to see, I spoke in a nonchalant manner "I win"
"Ah, cheech! Not again!" throwing his cards on the table, Logan sulked back on his seat "are you sure this is the first time you played this?"
"yep, this is a first for me" holding up one card with a red symbol I smirked at him "though, even if the concept is a little different, we did have a lot of these back in the day"
Seven cards, each with a different color, each with a different symbol. The symbols were the numbers from one to seven in the Herara language, so obviously they looked nothing like the ones I'm familiar with.
Just like a four years old I was really excited learning how to count above three, and it's an alien language too! Though, because we all had this translation chip implanted into us all I learned was to read them. Pronunciation is sadly out of question.
but what should be all the more surprising is the game we are playing. The similarities in culture between humans and Zesioniensis impressive, that opened the door to the idea that other alien races have more things in common with us than one would imagine, which means it's not for even an anthropomorphic tiger to invent a card game that is so close to the ones we had.
There are forty nine cards divided into seven colors each color with the numbers from one to seven drawn on the surface.
At the beginning each player is given six cards. One card is placed face down, the players take turns choosing to either take it or draw one from the deck thenplacing another card from theirhands face down. The winning conditions are to gather six cards with the same number, cards from one to six each with a different color. If anyone manages to gather six cards with the number seven they automatically win. If no one was able to meet those conditions by the time the deck runs out, the one with most cards of the highest number wins.
Much like most card games, it's simple, easy to understand, no magic or trap cards to look out for. But in reality, much like the other games winning depends on how good you are at reading your opponent, and I just happen to be very talented in that prospect.
"Talented… huh?" floating behind the blue haired synth was a ghostly figure with cat, no, tiger ears and tail.
Iris looked at me with scornful eyes "you really are pathetic, going this far to win in a game"
'well, you were the one to offer help in the first place'
For each of the past three rounds I managed to meet one of the winning conditions. That would be achievable only if I had the ability to read their cards, or if someone could sneak behind the others and see which cards they are about to discard then send me the information telepathically.
Going so far to win a game? Nay! All did was using one of my abilities to –literally- read the cards being played. Even if that's considered cheating, as long as no one is able to point out the method I'm using it's a win for me!!
"Don't you think it beats the purpose of the game if you were to win each time?"
'Nope, I do everything in my ability to win, that's how I'm when it comes to games'
"then, what will you do if I decide to stop?"
'It would reduce the chances the chances of me winning, but that doesn't mean I would automatically lose' there are other ways to win card games after all.
As our little debate continued, Logan was returning to the topic we had before
"it's surprising how you are so good at this game yet you know nothing about bots, captain"
"oh, I wouldn't call it that" even if I'm more of a fantasy lover, as a dude of course I would have interest in machinery and electronics. It's just that swords and magic are more appealing to me.
"I don't think the ro-bots mr.Seven has in mind are the ones we are talking about, sir pilot"
"oh! So it's a mistranslation" holding up his index finger, Logan opened his eyes wide as he seemed t realize something.
"it happens more usual than you think" Lilia added
"are you talking about… "
"I bet you have experienced it before, captain" Logan gathered the cards then began shuffling "the translation chip is almost perfect, but it doesn't translate names"
"You may have happened upon something with a name you recognize, just to find that that it's a completely different thing right?"
Hmm… are they talking about how pizza is called pineapple pie?
"the same goes for people's names too"
Well, what this blue haired handsome mannequin is saying makes total sense. I didn't give it much thought but wouldn't it be strange for aliens to have human names?
Wait… what is considered a human name to begin with?
"uh oh, I see that you are playing sedfami" surprising us with her calm voice, the second passenger named Lisa entered the room. As usual her skimpy dress struggled to keep her he bosom inside, but however much skin she showed it doesn't seem to bother her in the least.
"how about it? care to join us?" it's to be expected from Aley since he is a synth, but for Logan to be so indifferent about the sight…
"maybe there really is a problem with you"
'you shut up' it's normal for a man to get aroused when such huge things are in front of him.
"I think we need to talk about your disrespect toward me at some point"
'yeah, we do need to talk about the way you talk to me even though you are freeloading inside me and reading my memories without permission' well, I should question my tolerance for all the things she do or say.
Lilia left the table
"how about something to drink?" she asked Lisa, who responded with "some water would be fine"
Something to drink….
"I will have some of that apple juice"
"EH!? Captain! Hold back a little would ya?" Logan slammed his paws on the table
"I said I will pay for it, didn't I?"
"We won't get a chance to restock any time soon! I don't want to run out before we get to Imar!!!"
"Ok, ok…. I will trade you with some of my ghnem meat"
"Ugh… sure, but one bottle only"
We had good selection of other drinks, of course, but everything pales compared to the mysterious juice Logan usually keeps for himself. He made a small mistake before he went for his twenty hours nap, his old crew knew well not to mess with each others things, especially food, but since I can't read his language, I never noticed the noticed the name tag that was on the bottles kept in the freezer.
After practicing then bathing I went to get some refreshments and ended up drinking half the quantity we had.
It's called apple juice but obviously didn't taste like apples, nor does it have any resemblance to the earth apples we had on Gorgola. Funny enough the closest thing to it would be orange juice, or a very sweet lemonade.
Lilia kindly filled our cups one after the other then returned to her place
"Okay, who's first?"
"I will go" I said a.s.s I drew the first card, a red number six. I don't know what the facedown card is but that doesn't matter since I'm covering it in the next step.
I have In my hand I have seven cards: three fives, one six, one seven, and two of the number one.
It's hard to decide which direction I would like to go, I have to wait and see which cards are lost before my next turn , only then I could choose the winning condition that is the easiest to achieve.
"By the way, I won't be helping you this time" smirking at me, Iris disappeared into thin air
'Huh? Wait! You idiot!! How am I gonna…'
"Learn to accept defeat sometimes, what was the saying again? Can't win them all!"
'At least tell me which cards do they have!'
"Nah, I take p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e in your suffering, remember?"
Calm down, calm down. Don't let her get to you. You can still do this, even without her help I can still do this.
I place a yellow number one card facedown and end my turn.
The next turn goes to Lilia. She does the same as me and drew from the deck, knowing her she would throw any of the green cards.
Next was Aley. He did the same as us, but I can't say what type of card he got rid of.
Whatever that card was Logan picked it up. His expression didn't change at all but his ears moved slightly, indicating that he got something he wanted.
The last player, Lisa, followed me and the other two by drawing from the deck, looking at her hand for quite while she finally picked one card and placed it face down.
"So… I was thinking this for sometime now but… you already know how to lay this game?"
I drew from the deck again as I gave Lisa a side look, putting in the effort to not look at her c.h.e.s.t or exposed t.h.i.g.hs as she crossed her legs -the card was a red five, so now I have four fives, one six, one seven and one one-
"Fufu… I traveled a lot, is what I like to say. But I learned it from a friend off mine who has been to Namira"
"Come to think of it, I wanted to ask how far have you went? This is the first time I left Zesion so…" Lilia took the red number six card I placed down. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke to Lisa. Either she was excited to hear about the adventures of a fellow female Zesionien, or it's just that she doesn't know what a pokerface is -not like it's poker that we are playing-
"if it's traveling stories you want then I do have as lot! More than anyone I should say!" Logan grinned at Aley.
"I can't stay silent after hearing that" the blue haired handsome robot placed a card facedown "due to the nature of my job, I can say I'm the most experienced when it comes to traveling"
"But you never went to unpopulated planets tight" Logan took the card and shuffled it among the ones in his paws.
"I went to a few, I also got to see a number of closed ones too"
"May I ask what is it you that you do for work?" Lisa said as she ended her turn
"I'm a writer. I make a living by turning my traveling dairy into books"
I take the gamble and pick up the card Lisa discarded, which I regretted immediately. It was a blue number six.
"hmm… that sounds interesting" not that I care, never been someone who liked outside so I can't say I would read it.
"Heeh… I will look you up once we get to Imar then" Lilia took the number six card I throw away right after picking it.
"sadly all of them are in Melh so I don't think you could read them" Aley reached with his hand to draw from the deck
"Too bad…" Lilia closed her eyes as he sighed, then a smile replaced her disappointed look as she put all her cards on the table "I win!"
Six cards with the number six, each with a different color. Indeed, Lilia won this round.
" uh oh~ so our captain ran out of luck huh?"
Even if it's Lilia, losing does cause some pain. Maybe I should ask Iris for help… no, they may think something smells fishy if I go on a winning strike again.
I don't know when but Blue suddenly appeared, wrapped her blanket with eyes closed just like the other day.
"What's wrong, Blue"
"Un… water…."
"are you thirsty? Wait just a moment!" Lilia went quickly and brought a glass of water for her.
"ah, she can't open her eyes yet so put it in her hands!"
Lilia put the glass in Blue's little hands. with her eyes still closed she slowly brought it to her mouth and drank just half of it before returning it.
"Alright…" Logan pushed back his chair "I will go put her back in her bed, go and start without me" he lifted the little half asleep cat-girl and walked out of the dodoor.
"… sigh…" God damn it!! Maybe I should have taken this chance to pat her!! But… it would feel bad to disturb her when she looks so tired…
"How cute"
I quickly turn to my right. Lisa was looking at me and smiling, putting one hand on her left cheek as a faint red color dyed her face
"That little one, her name is Blue right?"
"… yes…"
"Isn't she cute?"
"ha~h… maybe it's because I'm at that age… it makes me feel that going home is indeed thhe best choice"
"you said something about it when we first met" Lilia returned to her seat, she began gathering the cards "if it's all right, would you mind telling us the reason to why you are returning?"
"ah, I will do the shuffling if you don't mind" Lisa took the deck from Lilia, taking a good look at all the cards before she started shuffling. Her slender Hands moved the cards like a professional, just like how a magician does when he is about to perform a magic trick.
She then distributed them to each of us then slowly rested on the back of her chair while holding hers. Lilia was the first to go this time. She replaced the first facedown card and finished her turn
"Why did I decide to go back now? Well…" she waited until Aley was done and continued as she drew a card "I think I got tired from all the moving around…." She placed down one card the went on "it just felt that it's about time to settle down… get married and start a family"
"… a family huh…" Lisa is beautiful, there is no question about that. Even though she isn't on the same level as Lilia, she is above average, at least in human standards. And with a nice body such as hers, surely she wouldn't have much trouble finding a husband but…
I draw a card from the deck, a red number six. That makes five sixes, one five and one six seven. All I need is another number six and it's my win. Since it's of no use, I threw the green number five away.
"M-marriage…huh…" as Lilia placed down one of her cards, her face slowly bloomed into an intense blush.
"If you have waited for this long then surely you have someone in mind right? Should I offer my congratulations ?"
Uh… he went and said it…
Indeed, Lisa is beautiful, yes, but she is also quite old. From what Lilia told me Zesioniens tend to get married at a really young age, but Lisa looks like she is in her late twenties, if not in her thirties. I know they are an alien race so it might be different for them, but for her to travel up to this point then decides it's time for her to get married.
Isn't it more like she is about to hit the wall?
"Fufufu… of course I have someone" while answering Aley's question Lisa looked at me with her narrowed eyes, a purple light glinted deep inside them as she smiled mischievously.
Shit… for just a moment, it felt like she knew exactly what went through my mind. I panicked, quickly averting my eyes, but from the corner I still could see, she is still giving me that look, as if she is trying to pierce me with her dark eyes .
Understand the pressure of that gaze I quickly played my turn, drawing a number two and getting rid of the seven card I had.
Lilia silently drew a card, then discarded one from those she had. Aley did the same.
When it was Lisa's turn, I tried to casually look her way. She still had the same smile while looking at her cards. She took her time repeatedly pulling cards then returning then, perhaps having a hard time picking which to throw away.
With how much it's taking her one would say it's an important decision, but her relaxed expression said otherwise.
She changed the positions of her legs, putting the left one on top of the right. Her dress slid the other way and since the cut in its side goes nearly all the way up to her waist, her left legs was completely exposed.
I leaned forward placing my elbows on the table, pretending to look at my hand. But the reality was it's just a pitiful attempt to hide.
It's getting harder and there is nothing stopping it!
I had my legs spread out a little. One look at her t.h.i.g.hs, the glimpse I got from her string like u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r, my rod went into full erection in less than a second. And it didn't stop at that.
"captin~" Lisa called in a flirtatious voice, doing the same as me and leaning forward on the table "it's your turn, you know~"
"uh… umu" I swallowed deeply. Her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Her soft looking gigantic b.r.e.a.s.ts. They are so big that when she leans forward like this they end up resting on the round shaped table. Her deep purple dress that barely covered anything finally got some rest, but now that something else is supporting those huge melons, it felt like they could spill out at any moment .
I swallowed heavily once more. I tried ignoring the magnet pulling my eyes, and moved my hand to draw a card. My hand touched the to the deck, just then I heard Lisa say
"By the way, captain~" she spoke in the same flirtatious tone of voice, and I could tell she was looking my way "It's my win~"
Dumbfounded, I turned to look at her. She held up six cards, all had the number five, each with a different color.
"… ah! So we lost…" it seems that Lilia was playing absentmindedly too. The blushing finally stopped as she smiled in defeat, placing her cards on the table as well.
"It appears…" Aley did the same
"….sigh…" and I followed.
"Fufufu…." Lisa giggled, backing away from the table and fixing her dress.
I… don't really get it. Did she do it all on purpose? Or was this the way she normally acts?
I look at Lisa one more, and our eyes meet. She still had the same look, the same smile, as if she is able to read my mind. It's almost as if she already knows what I'm thinking about, almost like… almost like…
Almost like how a m.a.t.u.r.e woman would look at a child…
Did she notice my growing stiffness and decided to tease me… if so, I don't think I will be able to calm down any time soon. If this was one of those Japanese games, this would unlock a road that leads to an event were we would…
"Oh! I see you already finished!"
Logan came back, flipping the mood with his load voice, bringing me back to reality.
Where is that stupid ghost when I need her annoying rants?
My imagination was about to go wild, painting the scenario where I and Lisa are in a room alone…
"awright!! I'm winning the next one for sure!!"
"Sorry but I think I will have to go now"
"Eh? Com'on! We still got time" Logan sat down shuffling the card "or are you afraid to of lose now that I'm here?"
"Fufu… it's not like that" Lisa pushed her back into the table "I want to get some sleep before we arrive to Keion"
"ooh, I understand. Well, suit yourself" the fur covered guy shrugged his shoulders the started distributing the card as if the female he was talking to ha d already left the place.
"Well, good night" with those words Lisa left the cafeteria. Giving into my dark side's urges I shifted my angle just enough to see her beautiful behind giggling as she walked away.
"Sigh…" sorry Lilia, your husband had some really dark thoughts.
"Hm? Is something wrong?" as I thought, Lilia is way more beautiful than Lisa. She had a well developed body and her ample bosom is very far from being small. But unlike tbe Zesionien female that left just now she has an aura of purity, I can't imagine myself doing the same things I would do to the other one with her.
Shit… what am I thinking….
"… nothing…."
I have to stay strong until we drop that women where she wanted to go. Only then will I be able to unload everything and return to the calmness from before.
Sitting around the round one of the round tables in the cafeteria -one of five- were a Zesionien female with golden hair, a Herara Male with white fur and blue stripes, a really handsome blue haired synthetic being that looked awfully close to the black haired human.
"So, how long have we been out here?"
"Hm? What? Did you get a bug or something?"
"I don't think so. It's too quiet ever since we took off, I feel like it's taking us far longer to reach our first stop"
"Heeh, so you do have feelings. That's pretty impressive for a robot"
"Seven! Mr.Aleyisn't a ro-bot, he is a synthetic being "
"What's the difference? Ah, by the way…" revealing my hand for all to see, I spoke in a nonchalant manner "I win"
"Ah, cheech! Not again!" throwing his cards on the table, Logan sulked back on his seat "are you sure this is the first time you played this?"
"yep, this is a first for me" holding up one card with a red symbol I smirked at him "though, even if the concept is a little different, we did have a lot of these back in the day"
Seven cards, each with a different color, each with a different symbol. The symbols were the numbers from one to seven in the Herara language, so obviously they looked nothing like the ones I'm familiar with.
Just like a four years old I was really excited learning how to count above three, and it's an alien language too! Though, because we all had this translation chip implanted into us all I learned was to read them. Pronunciation is sadly out of question.
but what should be all the more surprising is the game we are playing. The similarities in culture between humans and Zesioniensis impressive, that opened the door to the idea that other alien races have more things in common with us than one would imagine, which means it's not for even an anthropomorphic tiger to invent a card game that is so close to the ones we had.
There are forty nine cards divided into seven colors each color with the numbers from one to seven drawn on the surface.
At the beginning each player is given six cards. One card is placed face down, the players take turns choosing to either take it or draw one from the deck thenplacing another card from theirhands face down. The winning conditions are to gather six cards with the same number, cards from one to six each with a different color. If anyone manages to gather six cards with the number seven they automatically win. If no one was able to meet those conditions by the time the deck runs out, the one with most cards of the highest number wins.
Much like most card games, it's simple, easy to understand, no magic or trap cards to look out for. But in reality, much like the other games winning depends on how good you are at reading your opponent, and I just happen to be very talented in that prospect.
"Talented… huh?" floating behind the blue haired synth was a ghostly figure with cat, no, tiger ears and tail.
Iris looked at me with scornful eyes "you really are pathetic, going this far to win in a game"
'well, you were the one to offer help in the first place'
For each of the past three rounds I managed to meet one of the winning conditions. That would be achievable only if I had the ability to read their cards, or if someone could sneak behind the others and see which cards they are about to discard then send me the information telepathically.
Going so far to win a game? Nay! All did was using one of my abilities to –literally- read the cards being played. Even if that's considered cheating, as long as no one is able to point out the method I'm using it's a win for me!!
"Don't you think it beats the purpose of the game if you were to win each time?"
'Nope, I do everything in my ability to win, that's how I'm when it comes to games'
"then, what will you do if I decide to stop?"
'It would reduce the chances the chances of me winning, but that doesn't mean I would automatically lose' there are other ways to win card games after all.
As our little debate continued, Logan was returning to the topic we had before
"it's surprising how you are so good at this game yet you know nothing about bots, captain"
"oh, I wouldn't call it that" even if I'm more of a fantasy lover, as a dude of course I would have interest in machinery and electronics. It's just that swords and magic are more appealing to me.
"I don't think the ro-bots mr.Seven has in mind are the ones we are talking about, sir pilot"
"oh! So it's a mistranslation" holding up his index finger, Logan opened his eyes wide as he seemed t realize something.
"it happens more usual than you think" Lilia added
"are you talking about… "
"I bet you have experienced it before, captain" Logan gathered the cards then began shuffling "the translation chip is almost perfect, but it doesn't translate names"
"You may have happened upon something with a name you recognize, just to find that that it's a completely different thing right?"
Hmm… are they talking about how pizza is called pineapple pie?
"the same goes for people's names too"
Well, what this blue haired handsome mannequin is saying makes total sense. I didn't give it much thought but wouldn't it be strange for aliens to have human names?
Wait… what is considered a human name to begin with?
"uh oh, I see that you are playing sedfami" surprising us with her calm voice, the second passenger named Lisa entered the room. As usual her skimpy dress struggled to keep her he bosom inside, but however much skin she showed it doesn't seem to bother her in the least.
"how about it? care to join us?" it's to be expected from Aley since he is a synth, but for Logan to be so indifferent about the sight…
"maybe there really is a problem with you"
'you shut up' it's normal for a man to get aroused when such huge things are in front of him.
"I think we need to talk about your disrespect toward me at some point"
'yeah, we do need to talk about the way you talk to me even though you are freeloading inside me and reading my memories without permission' well, I should question my tolerance for all the things she do or say.
Lilia left the table
"how about something to drink?" she asked Lisa, who responded with "some water would be fine"
Something to drink….
"I will have some of that apple juice"
"EH!? Captain! Hold back a little would ya?" Logan slammed his paws on the table
"I said I will pay for it, didn't I?"
"We won't get a chance to restock any time soon! I don't want to run out before we get to Imar!!!"
"Ok, ok…. I will trade you with some of my ghnem meat"
"Ugh… sure, but one bottle only"
We had good selection of other drinks, of course, but everything pales compared to the mysterious juice Logan usually keeps for himself. He made a small mistake before he went for his twenty hours nap, his old crew knew well not to mess with each others things, especially food, but since I can't read his language, I never noticed the noticed the name tag that was on the bottles kept in the freezer.
After practicing then bathing I went to get some refreshments and ended up drinking half the quantity we had.
It's called apple juice but obviously didn't taste like apples, nor does it have any resemblance to the earth apples we had on Gorgola. Funny enough the closest thing to it would be orange juice, or a very sweet lemonade.
Lilia kindly filled our cups one after the other then returned to her place
"Okay, who's first?"
"I will go" I said a.s.s I drew the first card, a red number six. I don't know what the facedown card is but that doesn't matter since I'm covering it in the next step.
I have In my hand I have seven cards: three fives, one six, one seven, and two of the number one.
It's hard to decide which direction I would like to go, I have to wait and see which cards are lost before my next turn , only then I could choose the winning condition that is the easiest to achieve.
"By the way, I won't be helping you this time" smirking at me, Iris disappeared into thin air
'Huh? Wait! You idiot!! How am I gonna…'
"Learn to accept defeat sometimes, what was the saying again? Can't win them all!"
'At least tell me which cards do they have!'
"Nah, I take p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e in your suffering, remember?"
Calm down, calm down. Don't let her get to you. You can still do this, even without her help I can still do this.
I place a yellow number one card facedown and end my turn.
The next turn goes to Lilia. She does the same as me and drew from the deck, knowing her she would throw any of the green cards.
Next was Aley. He did the same as us, but I can't say what type of card he got rid of.
Whatever that card was Logan picked it up. His expression didn't change at all but his ears moved slightly, indicating that he got something he wanted.
The last player, Lisa, followed me and the other two by drawing from the deck, looking at her hand for quite while she finally picked one card and placed it face down.
"So… I was thinking this for sometime now but… you already know how to lay this game?"
I drew from the deck again as I gave Lisa a side look, putting in the effort to not look at her c.h.e.s.t or exposed t.h.i.g.hs as she crossed her legs -the card was a red five, so now I have four fives, one six, one seven and one one-
"Fufu… I traveled a lot, is what I like to say. But I learned it from a friend off mine who has been to Namira"
"Come to think of it, I wanted to ask how far have you went? This is the first time I left Zesion so…" Lilia took the red number six card I placed down. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke to Lisa. Either she was excited to hear about the adventures of a fellow female Zesionien, or it's just that she doesn't know what a pokerface is -not like it's poker that we are playing-
"if it's traveling stories you want then I do have as lot! More than anyone I should say!" Logan grinned at Aley.
"I can't stay silent after hearing that" the blue haired handsome robot placed a card facedown "due to the nature of my job, I can say I'm the most experienced when it comes to traveling"
"But you never went to unpopulated planets tight" Logan took the card and shuffled it among the ones in his paws.
"I went to a few, I also got to see a number of closed ones too"
"May I ask what is it you that you do for work?" Lisa said as she ended her turn
"I'm a writer. I make a living by turning my traveling dairy into books"
I take the gamble and pick up the card Lisa discarded, which I regretted immediately. It was a blue number six.
"hmm… that sounds interesting" not that I care, never been someone who liked outside so I can't say I would read it.
"Heeh… I will look you up once we get to Imar then" Lilia took the number six card I throw away right after picking it.
"sadly all of them are in Melh so I don't think you could read them" Aley reached with his hand to draw from the deck
"Too bad…" Lilia closed her eyes as he sighed, then a smile replaced her disappointed look as she put all her cards on the table "I win!"
Six cards with the number six, each with a different color. Indeed, Lilia won this round.
" uh oh~ so our captain ran out of luck huh?"
Even if it's Lilia, losing does cause some pain. Maybe I should ask Iris for help… no, they may think something smells fishy if I go on a winning strike again.
I don't know when but Blue suddenly appeared, wrapped her blanket with eyes closed just like the other day.
"What's wrong, Blue"
"Un… water…."
"are you thirsty? Wait just a moment!" Lilia went quickly and brought a glass of water for her.
"ah, she can't open her eyes yet so put it in her hands!"
Lilia put the glass in Blue's little hands. with her eyes still closed she slowly brought it to her mouth and drank just half of it before returning it.
"Alright…" Logan pushed back his chair "I will go put her back in her bed, go and start without me" he lifted the little half asleep cat-girl and walked out of the dodoor.
"… sigh…" God damn it!! Maybe I should have taken this chance to pat her!! But… it would feel bad to disturb her when she looks so tired…
"How cute"
I quickly turn to my right. Lisa was looking at me and smiling, putting one hand on her left cheek as a faint red color dyed her face
"That little one, her name is Blue right?"
"… yes…"
"Isn't she cute?"
"ha~h… maybe it's because I'm at that age… it makes me feel that going home is indeed thhe best choice"
"you said something about it when we first met" Lilia returned to her seat, she began gathering the cards "if it's all right, would you mind telling us the reason to why you are returning?"
"ah, I will do the shuffling if you don't mind" Lisa took the deck from Lilia, taking a good look at all the cards before she started shuffling. Her slender Hands moved the cards like a professional, just like how a magician does when he is about to perform a magic trick.
She then distributed them to each of us then slowly rested on the back of her chair while holding hers. Lilia was the first to go this time. She replaced the first facedown card and finished her turn
"Why did I decide to go back now? Well…" she waited until Aley was done and continued as she drew a card "I think I got tired from all the moving around…." She placed down one card the went on "it just felt that it's about time to settle down… get married and start a family"
"… a family huh…" Lisa is beautiful, there is no question about that. Even though she isn't on the same level as Lilia, she is above average, at least in human standards. And with a nice body such as hers, surely she wouldn't have much trouble finding a husband but…
I draw a card from the deck, a red number six. That makes five sixes, one five and one six seven. All I need is another number six and it's my win. Since it's of no use, I threw the green number five away.
"M-marriage…huh…" as Lilia placed down one of her cards, her face slowly bloomed into an intense blush.
"If you have waited for this long then surely you have someone in mind right? Should I offer my congratulations ?"
Uh… he went and said it…
Indeed, Lisa is beautiful, yes, but she is also quite old. From what Lilia told me Zesioniens tend to get married at a really young age, but Lisa looks like she is in her late twenties, if not in her thirties. I know they are an alien race so it might be different for them, but for her to travel up to this point then decides it's time for her to get married.
Isn't it more like she is about to hit the wall?
"Fufufu… of course I have someone" while answering Aley's question Lisa looked at me with her narrowed eyes, a purple light glinted deep inside them as she smiled mischievously.
Shit… for just a moment, it felt like she knew exactly what went through my mind. I panicked, quickly averting my eyes, but from the corner I still could see, she is still giving me that look, as if she is trying to pierce me with her dark eyes .
Understand the pressure of that gaze I quickly played my turn, drawing a number two and getting rid of the seven card I had.
Lilia silently drew a card, then discarded one from those she had. Aley did the same.
When it was Lisa's turn, I tried to casually look her way. She still had the same smile while looking at her cards. She took her time repeatedly pulling cards then returning then, perhaps having a hard time picking which to throw away.
With how much it's taking her one would say it's an important decision, but her relaxed expression said otherwise.
She changed the positions of her legs, putting the left one on top of the right. Her dress slid the other way and since the cut in its side goes nearly all the way up to her waist, her left legs was completely exposed.
I leaned forward placing my elbows on the table, pretending to look at my hand. But the reality was it's just a pitiful attempt to hide.
It's getting harder and there is nothing stopping it!
I had my legs spread out a little. One look at her t.h.i.g.hs, the glimpse I got from her string like u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r, my rod went into full erection in less than a second. And it didn't stop at that.
"captin~" Lisa called in a flirtatious voice, doing the same as me and leaning forward on the table "it's your turn, you know~"
"uh… umu" I swallowed deeply. Her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Her soft looking gigantic b.r.e.a.s.ts. They are so big that when she leans forward like this they end up resting on the round shaped table. Her deep purple dress that barely covered anything finally got some rest, but now that something else is supporting those huge melons, it felt like they could spill out at any moment .
I swallowed heavily once more. I tried ignoring the magnet pulling my eyes, and moved my hand to draw a card. My hand touched the to the deck, just then I heard Lisa say
"By the way, captain~" she spoke in the same flirtatious tone of voice, and I could tell she was looking my way "It's my win~"
Dumbfounded, I turned to look at her. She held up six cards, all had the number five, each with a different color.
"… ah! So we lost…" it seems that Lilia was playing absentmindedly too. The blushing finally stopped as she smiled in defeat, placing her cards on the table as well.
"It appears…" Aley did the same
"….sigh…" and I followed.
"Fufufu…." Lisa giggled, backing away from the table and fixing her dress.
I… don't really get it. Did she do it all on purpose? Or was this the way she normally acts?
I look at Lisa one more, and our eyes meet. She still had the same look, the same smile, as if she is able to read my mind. It's almost as if she already knows what I'm thinking about, almost like… almost like…
Almost like how a m.a.t.u.r.e woman would look at a child…
Did she notice my growing stiffness and decided to tease me… if so, I don't think I will be able to calm down any time soon. If this was one of those Japanese games, this would unlock a road that leads to an event were we would…
"Oh! I see you already finished!"
Logan came back, flipping the mood with his load voice, bringing me back to reality.
Where is that stupid ghost when I need her annoying rants?
My imagination was about to go wild, painting the scenario where I and Lisa are in a room alone…
"awright!! I'm winning the next one for sure!!"
"Sorry but I think I will have to go now"
"Eh? Com'on! We still got time" Logan sat down shuffling the card "or are you afraid to of lose now that I'm here?"
"Fufu… it's not like that" Lisa pushed her back into the table "I want to get some sleep before we arrive to Keion"
"ooh, I understand. Well, suit yourself" the fur covered guy shrugged his shoulders the started distributing the card as if the female he was talking to ha d already left the place.
"Well, good night" with those words Lisa left the cafeteria. Giving into my dark side's urges I shifted my angle just enough to see her beautiful behind giggling as she walked away.
"Sigh…" sorry Lilia, your husband had some really dark thoughts.
"Hm? Is something wrong?" as I thought, Lilia is way more beautiful than Lisa. She had a well developed body and her ample bosom is very far from being small. But unlike tbe Zesionien female that left just now she has an aura of purity, I can't imagine myself doing the same things I would do to the other one with her.
Shit… what am I thinking….
"… nothing…."
I have to stay strong until we drop that women where she wanted to go. Only then will I be able to unload everything and return to the calmness from before.
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