Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 65 - part three
Sector twenty one
"…sigh... this is getting boring…"said seven, throwing his cards on the table.
"Hm? What's wrong, captain? Are you ready to give up?" Logan, the tiger faced Male Herara, smirked at him as he drew a card.
"No… it's just… I don't think this is as fun anymore?"
"Are you feeling sleepy too? Or are you upset that the beautiful ladies left early?" the self proclaimed synthetic being, named Aley, smiled like the handsome guy he is before revealing his cards as well
"Ah, I have to agree with Aley on that. Without lady Lilia here the place does feel a bit gloomy"
'Maybe I should leave for my bed too' Seven had that thought , but it felt a waste to stop the game at that point.
After Lisa left Lilia won the next round, by the time the next round began tiredness started to appear on her and by the end she also left to get some rest.
Iris too seems to be in dreamland. She didn't respond to his pleas for help, and After she left he was able to score only one win. And now that it's only men -males- losing again and again is starting to get on his nerves.
"I think I will take a bath…my muscles are starting to ache" it was about time. All the exercising is finally having its effect. But somehow, for reasons he didn't want to accept, he found the muscle pain a little enjoyable.
"Is that so… fine then, I will call you when we arrive to the Keion" Logan said, spreading his cards for them to see
"So the winner this round is the captain" Alley seemed indifferent as he glanced at each of the face up cards.
The deck ran out, and since seven is the one with four number seven cards the victory goes automatically to him.
"Well, guess luck was on my side this time"
He stood up, a smile slowly creeping on his face. ' It's not as good as video games, but winning still does have it's sweet taste…'
"By the way, captain, I meant to ask you but couldn't find the right time" the handsome blue haired synth gathered the cards, shuffling them then throwing six to Logan then to himself
"Go on, I don't promise an answer though"
"That is fine, it is kind of a personal question after all" waving his hands he laughed lightly "I was curious about your relationship with Ms.Stoneheart that's all"
"… what?"
"Oooh! Right! right!! I also want to know!" excitement filled Logan's eyes, opening them wide as he looked at Seven with anticipation "I had a guess from what blue told me…" stopping in the middle of his sentence a frightened look took over as he slowly turned to Aley.
"… sigh… he already knows" feeling it's going to take a while he sat back in his place, motioning to Aley to send him a hand.
"Is that so? I was afraid to let it slip"
"well, I was the one who told you to keep quiet about it. Who's first?"
"I will go" Aley took the face down card, then placed one in it's place "so, back to our topic"
"Yeah! I don't know much about Zesioniens, but my oh my! … lady Lilia is one of the most beautiful females I've ever seen!"
"… so you do see them that way…"
"Well, she isn't a Herara so I can't see her 'that' way. Also, no matter who she is, in my eyes there is no female more beautiful than my wife!"
Aley silently played his turn, then as if their minds finally finished processing what Logan just said the two turned to him with eyes gaping open
"Wut did you just say? Logan, you are… married!!!?"
"Yes! What's with that reaction, captain?"
"Well, I never… expected that… you could say?" yes, it's came out of nowhere.
' No, now that I think about it he said something about sending Blue to live with his family' For whatever reason it never crossed his mind, that he meant family in that way.
"I have two sons, they are at an age where I could leave the house to them. Life became a little harsh so I left the planet to get some work"
"heeh, a hard working father huh..." this painted a different opinion about the fur covered, tiger faced guy.
"Well, I got tangled with the clan so I was unable to go home"
'A wife huh… maybe I could get some advice…'
"Wait a minute… does that mean… you are married to a cat-girl….?"
"A… what?"
"You know, a female like Blue, with the ears and tale…"
"Oh! Yeah, well, she is a female Herara so…"
"…damn you, Logan…"
'shit, lucky bastard!' Now that new found respect turned into suffocating jealousy.
"captain… could it be that you want one of our females?"
"… what? Is something wrong with that?" maybe blatantly saying it like that isn't the brightest of ideas, he is openly admitting wanting another girl beside his wife.
"Well… I don't think it will be easy… you don't have any fur and all…"
"so captain is attracted to females from other species? That's surprising… or not?"
"What are you talking about, Aley?"
"So there IS something going on between you and Lady Lilia"
For seven this was a first, something he only saw in fiction. Sitting around a table with other guys -alien guys though- talking about women while having a drink and playing
"… well, we are supposed to be married but…"
" M-MARRIED!!!" Logan yelled, jumping back almost falling from his seat.
"Wait a f.u.c.k.i.n.g minute! What's so surprising about it!!"
"Eh!? Well… how do I say it…" Logan scratched his furry cheek, smiling awkwardly "I didn't think lady Lilia would go after money so…"
'That… makes sense' as much as he hated to admit it, the only situation a girl as gorgeous as Lilia would agree to marrying a lower life form like him is when he has enough resources to attract her. But Lilia is a wealthy princess herself so she finances shouldn't interest her.
"O~~h, you surely hit it big huh" Aley spread his cards on the table "but if I had to guess, nothing is official yet, right?"
"…right…" as the talk went on they totally forgot about the game. Aley had gathered six number fives, and the victory went to him.
'damn this guy and his handsome face!!' To seven, that dude looked like the one of the dudes in those reverse harem games the Japanese make for girls. The kind of guy who would say some cheesy lines and all the fangirls would go kyaaa! Over him.
'But if I'm right about it, this guy doesn't have a d.i.c.k!!' after all what does a synthetic being need a bone for? 'Seduce all you want, no woman is gonna settle for someone literary sickness!!'
Yeah, though he no longer looks at him as a lifeless machine Seven still has that small animosity toward anyone that looks like a rival.
" It must be harsh huh, being in love with someone you ca-!!"Logan yelped, Seven didn't see it but Aley just kicked the other guy in the leg, cutting his words. Logan gave him a what was that for look, but Aley just smiled.
"Ms…. Or should I say Mrs…?"
"nothing is official yet so she is still a Ms."
"What about the house? Come to think of it, what does humans do about the family name?"
"Depends on when you lived. Some change it to the whatever house they married to, others retained their original… well, doesn't matter for me, since I don't have a surname"
"Hm? Are you an orphan or something, captain?" Logan stopped distributing the cards, realizing that maybe he had just stepped in a territory he should have stayed away from.
"Nope. I just lost most of my memories that's all. Seven is the name Lilia gave me when we met"
"uh~oh sounds like destiny doesn't it, mr.Aley"
Seven felt a little embarrassed as the two grinned at him, and with downcast eyes he drew a card then threw another face down.
"So, how far-" before he could finish it, Logan got another kick.
"Logan, there is a limit to how personal our questions should be"
"… You're right… so how far…" and another kick. Seven caught on to the growing pain on Logan's face, well, it's not hard to guess why someone would hold his left leg like that. But the topic was too s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e for Seven to touch, so he pretended to not follow on what Logan was saying as he silently thanked Aley for intervening.
"but… if captain is interested in Zesionien females… does that mean he felt something toward lady Lisa?"
The arrow hit the target. Light left Seven's eyes as cold sweat ran through his back
"W-w-whatever do you mean…"
"well, unlike lady Lilia, what lady Lisa wore exposed little too much. And her… soft parts were practically out so…" Logan grinned as he saw the growing tension on his captain's usual calm expression "even I felt something looking at her, even though she is from a different specie"
"… what was that you said about your wife being the most beautiful in your eyes?" Aley asked as he drew a card.
"Of course her charm doesn't come anywhere near the one I love. But in the end I'm still a Male, sometimes I can't help my instincts"
"And I thought you were a devoted husband… sigh…" Seven, reminded of what he saw not long ago, tried to focus on the game a little to calm his awakening member.
"Speaking of ms.Lisa, did you two notice?" Playing his turn, Aleybplaced another card facedown.
"Notice what?" Following him Seven drew one from the deck, discarding thhe card he needed the least a moment later .
"That she cheated in that game"
" So you didn't notice? One of the number fives she had, the red one, I remember clearly that she covered it after I put it down. She drew from the deck in that turn"
" wait… I think I also threw a number five…" Seven strained his brain, yet sadly he couldn't remember which color it had.
"If you knew she cheated why didn't you say something?"
"I only noticed when the game ended, can't say anything when I don't even know how she did it" plus, Aley went on glaring at Logan with a faint smile "someone came in and shuffled the cards before I could confirm"
"eh? Are you blaming me now?"
"No no, you didn't even participate in that round. Those fooled are the ones to blame"
"… aaaaah!!! Why are we even talking about this?" It's just a game. Besides, Lisa wasn't the only one who cheated "I'm going to sleep!" scratching his head, Seven left the cafeteria with the words "good night behind him"
Logan and Aley looked at each other, then exploded into laughter.
"Ahahaha, he escaped, didn't he?"
"fueh~~ I feel bad for him. I don't know a lot about humans but… he still looks like a child"
"Well, from his appearance I can say it hasn't been long since he reached puberty"
"So he is a kid after all!"
"Mentally. He doesn't seem to know much about the universe, for a human to be this far from his home world and know nothing about his surroundings. And above all, he is a male…"
"Oh yeah! I heard something about it! But… we weren't very interested in that aspect…"
"You should. Humans don't act kindly toward their enemies. If the human empire hears about him the Verta clan might get in really deep trouble"
"come to think of it… if there are no other human males, wouldn't it be better for him to go bake home? I mean, he could get all the females he would want… why settle for an alien?"
"Who knows…"
"…he doesn't know, does he?"
"I think so…"
The two heaved a long sigh.
"…sigh… my arms hurt…"
He said he was going to bed, but on the way seven remembered to take quick bath to relax his exhaled body. 'Maybe doing pushups for hours wasn't a good idea' he thought as he removed his clothes. Iris is probably asleep, she didn't say anything until this point so it's safe to say this is a good opposite to do some beating.
The bathing area in the ship. It was huge, about thirty fifteen meter square. To the left there was a showering area with a few stalls to the right there was the tub, which is more of a pool than a bathtub. Hot water filled it to the brim which led to the whole area being covered in a thin layer of steam.
"No one is here…" well, that's to be expected.
He already made the precaution of deciding the bathing hours for males and females. As warning was placed at the entrance to make sure no accidents of that sort would happen. While he had his wife Lilia in mind when he made the rule, he didn't want anyone accidentally running into her when she is in. But with that he also deprived himself of the chance. Not to mention the occasions when they have other passengers on board , like Lisa.
"… nah, that kind of development… no way…haha" shaking his head at the idea, Seven couldn't stop himself from imagining those things happening.
While Lilia would ran out with a face painted red -or knock him out first-, he liked to think that a woman as m.a.t.u.r.e as Lisa would love to join him leading to an intimate interaction at some point.
Picturing the n.a.k.e.d Lisa doing those stuff to him made his rod stiff as he stood in a daze, lifting the towel he wrapped around his waist.
"sigh… yeah, a h.e.n.t.a.i plot like that? Keep dreaming…"
With the images still stuck in his head he made his way to stalls and opened the shower washing the sweat covering him. There are a few bottles placed there with soap and shampoo like substance with strong scent. Choosing the one he's used to he washed his hair and savored the tingling sensation in his head.
"Now then…" he was done washing so all that is left is to unload before taking a dip into the tub.
"….sigh" looking down at his crotch Seven suddenly felt some guilt weighing on his shoulders.
Ever since the game from a while ago he only had Lisa in his mind. Her m.a.t.u.r.e body and the aura she gave seduced him to the point that he sometimes completely forget about Lilia. It's that he fell in love, it's just that his body is getting eager to have some action with an older woman, which is a problem in many ways.
To think he would think about cheating the moment he met another attractive woman, even though Lilia beats her in every other aspect.
"… f.u.c.k this shit… " back to his senses he opened the water.
Maybe it's because of what happened the other day. He didn't want to think about it but ever since she rejected him, it's almost like he stopped seeing Lilia in that way. His feelings didn't vanish or anything, it's just that he can't View her is a s.e.x.u.a.l manner. Perhaps it had something to do with what he did afterward that night? He can't not feel ashamed of himself.
When he was done with his hair he picked up his towel and entered the pool -bathtub-, all his worries melting away for a moment. He let his body relax closing his eyes as the water covered him all the way to neck.
It felt more like a hot spring rather than a simple bath
"Oh right!" going back to reality he tapped the side of the pool bringing out a small window. It had several slides that can be used to control everything from the water temperature to that of the room. It's also used to mix a few other things in the tub and also change the lighting.
Trying to imitate the vague idea he had of Japanese hot springs he turned off the lights leaving only a few lamps near the walls making them emit a faint orange glow.
"Now, if only I could imitate the view of the stars…" it would become perfect. But that has to wait for now.
The water is good and the atmosphere is right, time to let all his worries go. Seven slowly melted under the influence, the muscle pain he had disappeared, and he started to drift away.
"This is… heaven…"
"I agree~"
The cloud covering his mind cleared and the sleepiness vanished as he jumped in his place after hearing a reply. At first he thought it was his mind playing tricks at him but after rubbing his eyes a few times he realized that it's not just one of his delusions coming to life
"Be careful, captain~" sitting beside him was a woman with dark purple hair and eyes shining with the same color. A red color painted her cheeks as she looked at him with her usually narrowed eyes
"you don't want to slip~"
This was no illusion or a trick of the mind. The true, real Lisa was there with him.
"…sigh... this is getting boring…"said seven, throwing his cards on the table.
"Hm? What's wrong, captain? Are you ready to give up?" Logan, the tiger faced Male Herara, smirked at him as he drew a card.
"No… it's just… I don't think this is as fun anymore?"
"Are you feeling sleepy too? Or are you upset that the beautiful ladies left early?" the self proclaimed synthetic being, named Aley, smiled like the handsome guy he is before revealing his cards as well
"Ah, I have to agree with Aley on that. Without lady Lilia here the place does feel a bit gloomy"
'Maybe I should leave for my bed too' Seven had that thought , but it felt a waste to stop the game at that point.
After Lisa left Lilia won the next round, by the time the next round began tiredness started to appear on her and by the end she also left to get some rest.
Iris too seems to be in dreamland. She didn't respond to his pleas for help, and After she left he was able to score only one win. And now that it's only men -males- losing again and again is starting to get on his nerves.
"I think I will take a bath…my muscles are starting to ache" it was about time. All the exercising is finally having its effect. But somehow, for reasons he didn't want to accept, he found the muscle pain a little enjoyable.
"Is that so… fine then, I will call you when we arrive to the Keion" Logan said, spreading his cards for them to see
"So the winner this round is the captain" Alley seemed indifferent as he glanced at each of the face up cards.
The deck ran out, and since seven is the one with four number seven cards the victory goes automatically to him.
"Well, guess luck was on my side this time"
He stood up, a smile slowly creeping on his face. ' It's not as good as video games, but winning still does have it's sweet taste…'
"By the way, captain, I meant to ask you but couldn't find the right time" the handsome blue haired synth gathered the cards, shuffling them then throwing six to Logan then to himself
"Go on, I don't promise an answer though"
"That is fine, it is kind of a personal question after all" waving his hands he laughed lightly "I was curious about your relationship with Ms.Stoneheart that's all"
"… what?"
"Oooh! Right! right!! I also want to know!" excitement filled Logan's eyes, opening them wide as he looked at Seven with anticipation "I had a guess from what blue told me…" stopping in the middle of his sentence a frightened look took over as he slowly turned to Aley.
"… sigh… he already knows" feeling it's going to take a while he sat back in his place, motioning to Aley to send him a hand.
"Is that so? I was afraid to let it slip"
"well, I was the one who told you to keep quiet about it. Who's first?"
"I will go" Aley took the face down card, then placed one in it's place "so, back to our topic"
"Yeah! I don't know much about Zesioniens, but my oh my! … lady Lilia is one of the most beautiful females I've ever seen!"
"… so you do see them that way…"
"Well, she isn't a Herara so I can't see her 'that' way. Also, no matter who she is, in my eyes there is no female more beautiful than my wife!"
Aley silently played his turn, then as if their minds finally finished processing what Logan just said the two turned to him with eyes gaping open
"Wut did you just say? Logan, you are… married!!!?"
"Yes! What's with that reaction, captain?"
"Well, I never… expected that… you could say?" yes, it's came out of nowhere.
' No, now that I think about it he said something about sending Blue to live with his family' For whatever reason it never crossed his mind, that he meant family in that way.
"I have two sons, they are at an age where I could leave the house to them. Life became a little harsh so I left the planet to get some work"
"heeh, a hard working father huh..." this painted a different opinion about the fur covered, tiger faced guy.
"Well, I got tangled with the clan so I was unable to go home"
'A wife huh… maybe I could get some advice…'
"Wait a minute… does that mean… you are married to a cat-girl….?"
"A… what?"
"You know, a female like Blue, with the ears and tale…"
"Oh! Yeah, well, she is a female Herara so…"
"…damn you, Logan…"
'shit, lucky bastard!' Now that new found respect turned into suffocating jealousy.
"captain… could it be that you want one of our females?"
"… what? Is something wrong with that?" maybe blatantly saying it like that isn't the brightest of ideas, he is openly admitting wanting another girl beside his wife.
"Well… I don't think it will be easy… you don't have any fur and all…"
"so captain is attracted to females from other species? That's surprising… or not?"
"What are you talking about, Aley?"
"So there IS something going on between you and Lady Lilia"
For seven this was a first, something he only saw in fiction. Sitting around a table with other guys -alien guys though- talking about women while having a drink and playing
"… well, we are supposed to be married but…"
" M-MARRIED!!!" Logan yelled, jumping back almost falling from his seat.
"Wait a f.u.c.k.i.n.g minute! What's so surprising about it!!"
"Eh!? Well… how do I say it…" Logan scratched his furry cheek, smiling awkwardly "I didn't think lady Lilia would go after money so…"
'That… makes sense' as much as he hated to admit it, the only situation a girl as gorgeous as Lilia would agree to marrying a lower life form like him is when he has enough resources to attract her. But Lilia is a wealthy princess herself so she finances shouldn't interest her.
"O~~h, you surely hit it big huh" Aley spread his cards on the table "but if I had to guess, nothing is official yet, right?"
"…right…" as the talk went on they totally forgot about the game. Aley had gathered six number fives, and the victory went to him.
'damn this guy and his handsome face!!' To seven, that dude looked like the one of the dudes in those reverse harem games the Japanese make for girls. The kind of guy who would say some cheesy lines and all the fangirls would go kyaaa! Over him.
'But if I'm right about it, this guy doesn't have a d.i.c.k!!' after all what does a synthetic being need a bone for? 'Seduce all you want, no woman is gonna settle for someone literary sickness!!'
Yeah, though he no longer looks at him as a lifeless machine Seven still has that small animosity toward anyone that looks like a rival.
" It must be harsh huh, being in love with someone you ca-!!"Logan yelped, Seven didn't see it but Aley just kicked the other guy in the leg, cutting his words. Logan gave him a what was that for look, but Aley just smiled.
"Ms…. Or should I say Mrs…?"
"nothing is official yet so she is still a Ms."
"What about the house? Come to think of it, what does humans do about the family name?"
"Depends on when you lived. Some change it to the whatever house they married to, others retained their original… well, doesn't matter for me, since I don't have a surname"
"Hm? Are you an orphan or something, captain?" Logan stopped distributing the cards, realizing that maybe he had just stepped in a territory he should have stayed away from.
"Nope. I just lost most of my memories that's all. Seven is the name Lilia gave me when we met"
"uh~oh sounds like destiny doesn't it, mr.Aley"
Seven felt a little embarrassed as the two grinned at him, and with downcast eyes he drew a card then threw another face down.
"So, how far-" before he could finish it, Logan got another kick.
"Logan, there is a limit to how personal our questions should be"
"… You're right… so how far…" and another kick. Seven caught on to the growing pain on Logan's face, well, it's not hard to guess why someone would hold his left leg like that. But the topic was too s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e for Seven to touch, so he pretended to not follow on what Logan was saying as he silently thanked Aley for intervening.
"but… if captain is interested in Zesionien females… does that mean he felt something toward lady Lisa?"
The arrow hit the target. Light left Seven's eyes as cold sweat ran through his back
"W-w-whatever do you mean…"
"well, unlike lady Lilia, what lady Lisa wore exposed little too much. And her… soft parts were practically out so…" Logan grinned as he saw the growing tension on his captain's usual calm expression "even I felt something looking at her, even though she is from a different specie"
"… what was that you said about your wife being the most beautiful in your eyes?" Aley asked as he drew a card.
"Of course her charm doesn't come anywhere near the one I love. But in the end I'm still a Male, sometimes I can't help my instincts"
"And I thought you were a devoted husband… sigh…" Seven, reminded of what he saw not long ago, tried to focus on the game a little to calm his awakening member.
"Speaking of ms.Lisa, did you two notice?" Playing his turn, Aleybplaced another card facedown.
"Notice what?" Following him Seven drew one from the deck, discarding thhe card he needed the least a moment later .
"That she cheated in that game"
" So you didn't notice? One of the number fives she had, the red one, I remember clearly that she covered it after I put it down. She drew from the deck in that turn"
" wait… I think I also threw a number five…" Seven strained his brain, yet sadly he couldn't remember which color it had.
"If you knew she cheated why didn't you say something?"
"I only noticed when the game ended, can't say anything when I don't even know how she did it" plus, Aley went on glaring at Logan with a faint smile "someone came in and shuffled the cards before I could confirm"
"eh? Are you blaming me now?"
"No no, you didn't even participate in that round. Those fooled are the ones to blame"
"… aaaaah!!! Why are we even talking about this?" It's just a game. Besides, Lisa wasn't the only one who cheated "I'm going to sleep!" scratching his head, Seven left the cafeteria with the words "good night behind him"
Logan and Aley looked at each other, then exploded into laughter.
"Ahahaha, he escaped, didn't he?"
"fueh~~ I feel bad for him. I don't know a lot about humans but… he still looks like a child"
"Well, from his appearance I can say it hasn't been long since he reached puberty"
"So he is a kid after all!"
"Mentally. He doesn't seem to know much about the universe, for a human to be this far from his home world and know nothing about his surroundings. And above all, he is a male…"
"Oh yeah! I heard something about it! But… we weren't very interested in that aspect…"
"You should. Humans don't act kindly toward their enemies. If the human empire hears about him the Verta clan might get in really deep trouble"
"come to think of it… if there are no other human males, wouldn't it be better for him to go bake home? I mean, he could get all the females he would want… why settle for an alien?"
"Who knows…"
"…he doesn't know, does he?"
"I think so…"
The two heaved a long sigh.
"…sigh… my arms hurt…"
He said he was going to bed, but on the way seven remembered to take quick bath to relax his exhaled body. 'Maybe doing pushups for hours wasn't a good idea' he thought as he removed his clothes. Iris is probably asleep, she didn't say anything until this point so it's safe to say this is a good opposite to do some beating.
The bathing area in the ship. It was huge, about thirty fifteen meter square. To the left there was a showering area with a few stalls to the right there was the tub, which is more of a pool than a bathtub. Hot water filled it to the brim which led to the whole area being covered in a thin layer of steam.
"No one is here…" well, that's to be expected.
He already made the precaution of deciding the bathing hours for males and females. As warning was placed at the entrance to make sure no accidents of that sort would happen. While he had his wife Lilia in mind when he made the rule, he didn't want anyone accidentally running into her when she is in. But with that he also deprived himself of the chance. Not to mention the occasions when they have other passengers on board , like Lisa.
"… nah, that kind of development… no way…haha" shaking his head at the idea, Seven couldn't stop himself from imagining those things happening.
While Lilia would ran out with a face painted red -or knock him out first-, he liked to think that a woman as m.a.t.u.r.e as Lisa would love to join him leading to an intimate interaction at some point.
Picturing the n.a.k.e.d Lisa doing those stuff to him made his rod stiff as he stood in a daze, lifting the towel he wrapped around his waist.
"sigh… yeah, a h.e.n.t.a.i plot like that? Keep dreaming…"
With the images still stuck in his head he made his way to stalls and opened the shower washing the sweat covering him. There are a few bottles placed there with soap and shampoo like substance with strong scent. Choosing the one he's used to he washed his hair and savored the tingling sensation in his head.
"Now then…" he was done washing so all that is left is to unload before taking a dip into the tub.
"….sigh" looking down at his crotch Seven suddenly felt some guilt weighing on his shoulders.
Ever since the game from a while ago he only had Lisa in his mind. Her m.a.t.u.r.e body and the aura she gave seduced him to the point that he sometimes completely forget about Lilia. It's that he fell in love, it's just that his body is getting eager to have some action with an older woman, which is a problem in many ways.
To think he would think about cheating the moment he met another attractive woman, even though Lilia beats her in every other aspect.
"… f.u.c.k this shit… " back to his senses he opened the water.
Maybe it's because of what happened the other day. He didn't want to think about it but ever since she rejected him, it's almost like he stopped seeing Lilia in that way. His feelings didn't vanish or anything, it's just that he can't View her is a s.e.x.u.a.l manner. Perhaps it had something to do with what he did afterward that night? He can't not feel ashamed of himself.
When he was done with his hair he picked up his towel and entered the pool -bathtub-, all his worries melting away for a moment. He let his body relax closing his eyes as the water covered him all the way to neck.
It felt more like a hot spring rather than a simple bath
"Oh right!" going back to reality he tapped the side of the pool bringing out a small window. It had several slides that can be used to control everything from the water temperature to that of the room. It's also used to mix a few other things in the tub and also change the lighting.
Trying to imitate the vague idea he had of Japanese hot springs he turned off the lights leaving only a few lamps near the walls making them emit a faint orange glow.
"Now, if only I could imitate the view of the stars…" it would become perfect. But that has to wait for now.
The water is good and the atmosphere is right, time to let all his worries go. Seven slowly melted under the influence, the muscle pain he had disappeared, and he started to drift away.
"This is… heaven…"
"I agree~"
The cloud covering his mind cleared and the sleepiness vanished as he jumped in his place after hearing a reply. At first he thought it was his mind playing tricks at him but after rubbing his eyes a few times he realized that it's not just one of his delusions coming to life
"Be careful, captain~" sitting beside him was a woman with dark purple hair and eyes shining with the same color. A red color painted her cheeks as she looked at him with her usually narrowed eyes
"you don't want to slip~"
This was no illusion or a trick of the mind. The true, real Lisa was there with him.
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