Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 69 - part two
Sector nineteen
'I know I said I would talk to her, but… it's impossible after all'
"So you came all the way here just to stand in front of her door and do nothing?"
'Yep, pretty much'
"You know what would be really awkward? If that door suddenly opened and she finds your stupid face in front of her"
'Yeah… that would be bad'
Finally realizing his own feelings Seven came all the way to Lilia's room with the intention on apologizing and telling her the truth, he stood in the brightly lit alley about to knock on her door, but just then he started to notice this might be a little like a…
'Isn't this like… a love confession' he thought, swallowing audibly.
"It's not a little like, it is a love confession" Iris replied. She had retreated to her usual place in that corner of his head so she wouldn't get in the way, but with how he is acting she could only put her popcorn aside and push him a little more
'Sigh… I knew it…'
"What now? You have loose horns?"
'I don't have horns to begin with'
"Then it's cold feet"
'yeah, that's more like it'
"oh c'mon!! Get moving already!!"
'it's easy for you to say, what if I got rejected'
"Yeah, that would be for the best. I think we both agree on that"
'that would be more… normal, I think?'
"The thing is, you two are already married, this isn't some high school romance. you have to get in there, play your cards right, and if you are lucky enough you will get to persuade her to stay"
'weren't you all for her dumping me?'
"What would the point in me staying around be if Lilia decides to leave? If I'm stuck with you for who knows how long it would be better to have her close by. Else my sanity would eventually crack…"
'I can't tell if you are wishing her good or bad…"
It's not supposed to be easy.
How will Lilia react to what he had to say, whether she's even willing to hear him out? Seven gave Lilia more than one reason to be angry, and to added some fuel to it he kinda snapped at her for almost accidentally performing a surgery he didn't ask for…
Both of them had reasons to be angry at each other, but was what he did really enough of a reason for her to get that angry?
'Come to think of it…' this wasn't the first time Lilia went a little too far with her spear. She completely butchered that Herara gang on her own, Seven couldn't see the whole thing -eyes shooting lazer beams and all- but he caught a glimpse of her drenched in blood, and it can only be called nightmare fuel if nothing else.
Still, Lilia is his wife, and he is her husband. Seven had no intention of being the petty guy who would cower in front of his woman.
he took a deep breath, and slowly moved his hand to knock on the metallic door
"Lilia… can we talk?" Saying this alone took a lot of energy.
For a few seconds, no reply could be heard, then a green panel appeared in front him with three strange letters.
Having lived on this ship for the past two, three days, Seven learned they read as "open" in the Herara language.
The green panel meant Lilia had unlocked her door. He took a step forward and it slid open, and with another step he walked inside. It was dark, The only source of light was a small orange lamp beside the bed, a shadowy figure sat near it.
Lilia, wrapped in a blanket, turned her back to him when he tried to approach.
Sitting in the dark wrapped in a blanket, what's more she didn't even turn to look at him, and the wavering voice…
'This is really cute… I mean bad! Really bad!' She is so angry she doesn't even want to see his, but that only made her look cuter.
They say love make you blind, but for him to only see the cute side of things, Seven has long been under Lilia's thumb.
He made his way to the opposite side of the bed and sat down, his heart pounding like crazy.
"Lilia, I-"
"Seven!" Lilia interrupted him, faltering for a moment then continued "…are you still angry?"
"Angry? About what?"
'no, really? About what?' He does know, of course, but right now it was the last thing on his mind. Seven convinced himself that it didn't matter at the moment.
"You… after what happened… you were so angry at me… for almost cutting you…" Lilia sounded on the verge of tears, sending him into panic mode.
"yeeaaah… about that, I was just overreacting. But please, be careful next time"
"Mm… I will…"
Seven let out a silent sigh. It appears he managed to avert the disaster, but the danger was still present. He still has to go on, careful not to screw up.
There is no better time than this for him to use whatever knowledge he acc.u.mulated from his gaming days, a few lines from some visual novels should do the trick but…
'So…. Where should I start?'
The best thing to do right now is apologizing for cheating on her. But bringing up what happened with Lisa could spark another… disaster.
Discussing the matter concerning their incompatibility is out of question, the worst thing he can do is talk about how they can't have kids he's trying to make their relationship work.
'Think of something happy. Something that lighten the atmosphere'
"So, about when we arrive to Imar"
Hearing Lilia call his name stopped the words in his throat and when he tried to turn around the sound of sheets moving reached his ears. it was quick, in less than a second a warm feeling started to spread through his back
Lilia hugged Seven from behind, her arms wrapped around his waist. Seven's whole body became stiff as the gentle feeling of her huge bosom masked his mind
"Um… Lilia… where are your…clothes…"
She was n.a.k.e.d. Seven attempted to look at her just notice that after the blanket that covered her fell she had nothing on.
Lilia continued putting more strength into her arms, and their bodies started to touch in several other places. Lilia uttered no words as she snuggled her face to his back
'Oh man… what should I do? This escalated way too quickly! I need to calm down… don't rush to conclusions, remember the circ.u.mstances don't line up with this kind of events…'
"Um… L-Lilia…"
"Are you going to leave me?"
"… What?"
'Wait… what… what did she just say?'
"It's too late… I'm not going to let you" saying that, Lilia's arms tightened even further.
"Wait! Lilia…"
'now we are in the danger zone, is she turning yandere on me?'
Jokes aside, any more and she would crack his ribs. This reminded him once more of the monstrous strength this Zesionien female has.
"I won't allow it… even if we can't have kids… I won't let go…" Lilia's voice had fear in it, her body trembling ever so slightly. Seven noticed that but he was too busy trying to free himself as she's unconsciously trying to snap him into two
"Um… Lilia I'm not sure I understand… and… I can't breathe!"
"Eh?" maybe finally noticing what she was holding wasn't some stuffed space animal Lilia finally let go of poor Seven and backed away. Coming back to her senses her face was slowly covered in a red color while Seven coughed trying to get his breathing under control
"I-I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to!"
"No… it's all right" Seven managed to squeez those words out between the coughs, taking a sneaky look at the one who almost ended his life by accident .
Indeed, Lilia doesn't have anything on her right now, not a single part was covered.
The dark room, the messy bed, the dim orange light and the beautiful woman. Faced with this scene blood started to leave his brain, and his eyes refused to leave her alone.
Lilia caught on to his gaze feeling even more embarrassed and quickly went to cover herself.
Seeing how fl.u.s.tered she was a.s.s she wrapped the thin blanket around her, Seven could only savor the cuteness of the scene.
"It is actually, just take a look, it's clear she wants it!"
'I could use some help you know'
"Don't expect any from me, I'm cutting the feed until you two are done"
'Hey wait!'
Cutting the feed she said. Would that parasite of a ghost really miss the chance to see where this is going?
When Seven tried to look at Lilia their eyes met, both of them turning away. The silence went on for a while as both struggled to find something to say. Not like they were out of topics, but it was hard for them to say anything without getting into the events from not too long ago.
He was the one who wanted to talk so he should have been the one to take the initiative, but since his worst traits decided to show themselves, Seven could only listen as Lilia fathered the courage to start the talk
"I… I know Seven wants to have kids as soon as possible… but I was….afraid…" bracing herself Lilia turned to face him "I… I was afraid of doing it so… I made up that excuse but I never… I thought I had the time but…" tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, slowly descending leaving a glittering trail on her rosy cheeks.
Seeing that crushed Seven's heart, but all he did was listen as Lilia went on
"I thought I… I thought we had the time. I never considered how Seven felt. Seven is a human after all, I don't know how humans mate but… I should have noticed you were holding back for my sake"
"… Lilia…"
"Then another female appeared…"
" Lilia I-"
"it's fine, I understand"
"I was angry that Lisa tried tricking you into doing it, but…" tightening her grip on the blanket, Lilia's eyes ventured down "if Seven wanted to mate with her, I wouldn't be able to stop it…"
Silence returned to the dimly lit room. Complex is the least you could call this situation. It took several minutes for Seven to process what Lilia just said, and a few others debating whether he understood her right.
A few days ago Lilia peeked at Seven's member while he was fast asleep. The thought of that thriving erection going into her still traumatize to this point.
But that doesn't matter anymore
"But… it doesn't matter anymore…" even though she tried wipe her falling tears they never stopped "Seven is a human and I'm a Zesionien, we can't have kids together, we can't…"
"… "
Just like before, Seven could do nothing as Lilia began crying. His mind worked at full capacity trying to figure out what to do in this situation, but was hit with several errors as nothing helpful showed from his limited memories.
'what to do… c'mon!'
But try as he might, nothing would come up. Not even a clue that could point home in the right direction. Seven found himself backed in a corner, a situation he couldn't get out of, but in reality the solution was there, right in front of him.
'that's right…' both Seven and Lilia had the same conclusion about what was going to happen going onward, a misunderstanding to be exact.
Seven was sure Lilia would leave him now that their marriage couldn't possibly work, and Lilia thought Seven wouldn't want to be with her if she couldn't bear his children.
Seven didn't have the confidence to convince himself that Lilia was genuinely in love with him, a gorgeous woman like her in love with a nerd like him? The idea never crossed his mind.
What Seven thought about their relationship was that Lilia suffered from loneliness for too long and decided to settle for him, that's why now that she had the perfect reason to quit he at a loss about what to do.
Hearing what Lilia said, Seven was starting to realize that instead of throwing him away like the useless piece of junk he is and going back to her homeworld where she could pick up one of the hundreds waiting to ask for her hand, Lilia wanted to stay by his side, even now after they learned the truth about their future.
'Sheesh… I really am an idiot'
All the worries he had slowly faded, and Seven no longer had that hesitation stopping him from making his move.
With his left hand he stroke her long golden hair, then slowly c.a.r.e.s.sed her cheek as he wiped away her flowing tears
"To think you were worried about such things…" Seven brought his face closer to Lilia's, kissing her gently on the forehead "you think I would let go of you that easily?"
He had mixed feelings about doing it now, he has yet to apologize and it feels like he's taking advantage of the situation, but in the end it is the best move a man in his place has.
Lifting her chin a little he placed his lips on hers. The sensation made the tears stop and Lilia began to calm down. She felt a little embarrassed but she didn't back away. As their kiss grew more passionate Seven pulled her closer.
When their lips separated the two seemed to lose the ability to speak. Lilia rested her hear on his c.h.e.s.t while Seven silently stroked her long silky hair.
"Is it… is it really fine… for us to be together?..."
"Who said it isn't?"
"this is something up to us to decide, no one has a say in it" Seven stopped for a moment, holding Lilia even tighter "I want to be with Lilia, so if Lilia wants to be with me, I will do everything in my power to make her happy, no matter how impossible it seems"
"… Seven…"
"That's why… Lilia…" overcoming all hurdles Seven finally many to bring the words to the tip of his tongue, but unknown to him his insecurities were still holding strong.
Seven came here with one thing in mind, he planned to confess his feelings for Lilia and beg her to stay with him, so even though he leaned that Lilia never had no intention of ditching him he still feels like the most realistic outcome is for that to happen.
Why would she want to be with me? Someone as attractive as her, someone with a lot more options, who am I to think I can keep her for myself? Every man had thought that at some point.
It may be because he lacked confidence in himself, he is one of the ric.h.e.s.t people in the universe and no longer is the out of shape gamer he was, he isn't the most handsome man out there but that doesn't really matter.
If he stopped to think about it he has all the qualities women look for in a man, yet due to the fact that all those qualities appeared so suddenly his thought process is still that of a lonely highschooler struggling to make friends.
No matter how much he changed since that bad and fateful day, no matter how little he still remember about his life on earth, Seven has yet to rid himself of that image, the image of the lonely boy continuously staring at a monitor in his dark room.
"Will you be with me?"
The dark room vanished and the world lit up. Seven's heart skipped a beat as Lilia happily jumped to kiss him.
Still unable to believe it Seven stopped to think about that one word, but when Lilia being so enthusiastic caused him to lose balance and the two fell to the floor.
"Ah! Sorry!"
With Lilia now on top of him the two stared each other in the eyes for a few seconds. Seven still has a long way to go but at least for that moment, his mind was clear the two resumed their passionate kiss.
In the heat of the moment Lilia didn't notice that the blanket she used to cover herself has fallen again.
And for quite sometime she didn't mind it as Seven's hands went all over her back carefully tracing the shape of her juicy back hills.
After a satisfying long kiss and a lot of tongue action Lilia backed l.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips with a smile as she sat on Seven's waist.
"I… I'm happy to know we want the same thing" saying that she went down and kissed him once more then rested her head on his c.h.e.s.t "well, just like Seven said, I don't plan on letting go so easily"
It made sense for him when he said that, but now that he was on the receiving end of those words, added to that the times Lilia's violent side showed itself and that time he saw her covered in blood, Seven felt that he would have been so screwed if this conversation didn't go the way it went.
After a few minutes the two stood up. Lying down on the cold felt uncomfortable so it was nice of Lilia to notice and move before Seven said anything. But there was something she had yet to notice. Actually if Seven didn't ask she might have not noticed it until after a while
"By the way Lilia…"
"hm? What?"
"Um… it's nothing important but… I'm just a little bit curious about what happened to your clothes…"
Seven asked that because, well, he couldn't find anything else to say. But when Lilia looked dawn on herself with eyes that asked 'what are you talking about?' he realized it went over her head.
When Lilia caught up her face started to slowly heat up to the point that steam seemed to raise from her head.
She was about to run to get some cover but Seven with his new found confidence had something else entirely in his mind.
He stood up and grabbed the hem of his shirt, then before he stops to give it another thought he took his shirt off. It took Lilia by surprise making her forget about herself, and while she looked at his ripped muscles she was reminded what could possibly happen after this.
"Um… Seven…"
When he turned to her Lilia quickly turned away
"Well, since we are married and all… I think we should get used to seeing each other like this…" noticing she looked even more embarrassed than him Seven said while scratching his left cheek.
Lilia stood up, stealing glances at his body. As she did her eyes landed at a certain spot , it was hard not to notice it as such a bulge was there.
She was relieved Seven let her keep the answer to his question for herself. The reason that got her to sit in the dark by herself with nothing on was a little detail in what Lisa told them when they interrogated her.
If what Lisa said was the truth and the chances of a female giving birth to a child of a male from another specie are too small, then even if she was a Zesionien and Seven a human there was still hope for their marriage to bear fruit.
All they had to do is to continue doing 'that' over and over again until it happens. When that idea formed Lilia got excited thinking they should start as soon as possible so she prepared herself and waited for her husband to come.
After a few minutes a few things become clear. The first was that for her idea to work she has to force Seven into doing it with her even if he didn't want to. She didn't see any problem in that at all as she already had it in her mind that she would never give up on him. The second was her own stupidity, if she wanted to do it that badly wouldn't it be better if she went to his room instead?
'Well, that would be too embarrassing, I guess…' just when that thought hit her she heard Seven's voice calling for her.
Seven doesn't know that although she looked so bashful Lilia was already prepared for this event, so when she nodded signaling for him to continue he found it a bit surprising.
He unbuckled his belt and threw his pants away, then suppressing the voice telling him not to do it and run away he took off his u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r and stood straight facing Lilia.
As much as she tried Lilia couldn't help but look at how erect Seven's member was. That thing will soon be forced inside her, it's going to hurt, a lot, but she did not want to retreat after coming this far.
Seven noticed that her eyes were pinned on his thing. That filled him with shame and made him want to cover it.
Lilia was shivering a little, so to beat his embarrassment he slowly approached her, wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer.
Their skin touched Lilia's soft b.r.e.a.s.ts got squeezed against Seven and before they could think about it they began kissing. She put her hands around his neck and submitted herself to the sensation. A pair of hands fondled her b.u.t.t.o.c.k.s slowly sinking their fingers in while something hard rubbed against her stomach area. She felt it was unfair for Seven to be the only one feeling a private part of hers so she slid her right hand between them and grabbed his rod.
A spark was sent up his spine and Seven was forced to let go of Lilia's lips.
"Hmm… is this part really that s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e?" Lilia moved her hand up and down with a l.e.w.d smile.
Seven's whole body trembled with excitement. Lilia's smile provoked him into kissing her again, but this time it didn't last that long
"Hey… I want to try that…" Lilia said after their mouths separated again, then she made Seven sit on the bedside.
'It was… like this?' Lilia sat on her knees between Seven's legs, she then came closer to the point where his member was placed between her b.o.o.b.s.
Lilia was trying to imitate what she saw Lisa do to Seven in the bath. She pressed the soft things together and started moving them up and down, then looked up at Seven.
Seven had an expression mixed between shock and p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, which made Lilia smile and put more effort into her the movement of her hands
"Does it… hah… feel good?"
"Yeah… Lilia's b.r.e.a.s.ts are… amazing" he hated that his mind went and compared the feeling to that was still fresh in his memory, but between Lisa and Lilia, Lilia's b.r.e.a.s.ts were far softer and her skin smoother, it didn't take him too long to forget the about what he did with Lisa.
As the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e Seven felt from Lilia's b.r.e.a.s.ts overwhelmed his nerves the urge to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e drew near. Not wanting it to end so quickly he leaned forward and connected his lips, twisting their tongues together in a perverted way as they drank each others saliva.
"Lilia… I can't…!" finally, Seven gave up and loosened his grip and before Lilia could make sense of his words his meat pole exploded, shooting loads of sticky white fluid into the air
"Ah!" it surprised Lilia a little, but now she understood where all that white stuff covering Lisa came from.
Seven's s.p.e.r.m overflowed, staining Lilia beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t then leaked down to her abdomen and legs.
It was a naughty sight Seven did not think he would appreciate. he could only smile when Lilia curiously tried touching the bodily fluid wondering why this sticky stuff came out from his thing.
Normally -if you would call Japanese a.d.u.l.t games and manga normal- one would ask the girl who serviced him to clean the mess using her tongue, but Seven didn't want to go with that. He brought his face close to her again going for a kiss, but then he came to a stop hearing an exaggerated cough
The two went back to their senses, their necks made audible sounds as they turned to the door
"Ah, nice to see that you two have already made up"
"Aley… you better have a good reason or I will kill you" Seven took the blanket and used it to cover Lilia who was in shock. Strands of his hair began turning white while blue energy sparked all over his body
"well, you have to remember to close the door when…"
Aley was a synth, the concept of fear was foreign to him. But when Seven directed that glare at him all his calculations said it was best for him to say no more. He pretended to clear his throat, another things synths had no need for, then he spoke in a more serious tone
"Mr.Logan was unable to contact you so he sent me instead" he tapped the floor with the end of his staff once then went on with "He wants you to know that we are surrounded"
'I know I said I would talk to her, but… it's impossible after all'
"So you came all the way here just to stand in front of her door and do nothing?"
'Yep, pretty much'
"You know what would be really awkward? If that door suddenly opened and she finds your stupid face in front of her"
'Yeah… that would be bad'
Finally realizing his own feelings Seven came all the way to Lilia's room with the intention on apologizing and telling her the truth, he stood in the brightly lit alley about to knock on her door, but just then he started to notice this might be a little like a…
'Isn't this like… a love confession' he thought, swallowing audibly.
"It's not a little like, it is a love confession" Iris replied. She had retreated to her usual place in that corner of his head so she wouldn't get in the way, but with how he is acting she could only put her popcorn aside and push him a little more
'Sigh… I knew it…'
"What now? You have loose horns?"
'I don't have horns to begin with'
"Then it's cold feet"
'yeah, that's more like it'
"oh c'mon!! Get moving already!!"
'it's easy for you to say, what if I got rejected'
"Yeah, that would be for the best. I think we both agree on that"
'that would be more… normal, I think?'
"The thing is, you two are already married, this isn't some high school romance. you have to get in there, play your cards right, and if you are lucky enough you will get to persuade her to stay"
'weren't you all for her dumping me?'
"What would the point in me staying around be if Lilia decides to leave? If I'm stuck with you for who knows how long it would be better to have her close by. Else my sanity would eventually crack…"
'I can't tell if you are wishing her good or bad…"
It's not supposed to be easy.
How will Lilia react to what he had to say, whether she's even willing to hear him out? Seven gave Lilia more than one reason to be angry, and to added some fuel to it he kinda snapped at her for almost accidentally performing a surgery he didn't ask for…
Both of them had reasons to be angry at each other, but was what he did really enough of a reason for her to get that angry?
'Come to think of it…' this wasn't the first time Lilia went a little too far with her spear. She completely butchered that Herara gang on her own, Seven couldn't see the whole thing -eyes shooting lazer beams and all- but he caught a glimpse of her drenched in blood, and it can only be called nightmare fuel if nothing else.
Still, Lilia is his wife, and he is her husband. Seven had no intention of being the petty guy who would cower in front of his woman.
he took a deep breath, and slowly moved his hand to knock on the metallic door
"Lilia… can we talk?" Saying this alone took a lot of energy.
For a few seconds, no reply could be heard, then a green panel appeared in front him with three strange letters.
Having lived on this ship for the past two, three days, Seven learned they read as "open" in the Herara language.
The green panel meant Lilia had unlocked her door. He took a step forward and it slid open, and with another step he walked inside. It was dark, The only source of light was a small orange lamp beside the bed, a shadowy figure sat near it.
Lilia, wrapped in a blanket, turned her back to him when he tried to approach.
Sitting in the dark wrapped in a blanket, what's more she didn't even turn to look at him, and the wavering voice…
'This is really cute… I mean bad! Really bad!' She is so angry she doesn't even want to see his, but that only made her look cuter.
They say love make you blind, but for him to only see the cute side of things, Seven has long been under Lilia's thumb.
He made his way to the opposite side of the bed and sat down, his heart pounding like crazy.
"Lilia, I-"
"Seven!" Lilia interrupted him, faltering for a moment then continued "…are you still angry?"
"Angry? About what?"
'no, really? About what?' He does know, of course, but right now it was the last thing on his mind. Seven convinced himself that it didn't matter at the moment.
"You… after what happened… you were so angry at me… for almost cutting you…" Lilia sounded on the verge of tears, sending him into panic mode.
"yeeaaah… about that, I was just overreacting. But please, be careful next time"
"Mm… I will…"
Seven let out a silent sigh. It appears he managed to avert the disaster, but the danger was still present. He still has to go on, careful not to screw up.
There is no better time than this for him to use whatever knowledge he acc.u.mulated from his gaming days, a few lines from some visual novels should do the trick but…
'So…. Where should I start?'
The best thing to do right now is apologizing for cheating on her. But bringing up what happened with Lisa could spark another… disaster.
Discussing the matter concerning their incompatibility is out of question, the worst thing he can do is talk about how they can't have kids he's trying to make their relationship work.
'Think of something happy. Something that lighten the atmosphere'
"So, about when we arrive to Imar"
Hearing Lilia call his name stopped the words in his throat and when he tried to turn around the sound of sheets moving reached his ears. it was quick, in less than a second a warm feeling started to spread through his back
Lilia hugged Seven from behind, her arms wrapped around his waist. Seven's whole body became stiff as the gentle feeling of her huge bosom masked his mind
"Um… Lilia… where are your…clothes…"
She was n.a.k.e.d. Seven attempted to look at her just notice that after the blanket that covered her fell she had nothing on.
Lilia continued putting more strength into her arms, and their bodies started to touch in several other places. Lilia uttered no words as she snuggled her face to his back
'Oh man… what should I do? This escalated way too quickly! I need to calm down… don't rush to conclusions, remember the circ.u.mstances don't line up with this kind of events…'
"Um… L-Lilia…"
"Are you going to leave me?"
"… What?"
'Wait… what… what did she just say?'
"It's too late… I'm not going to let you" saying that, Lilia's arms tightened even further.
"Wait! Lilia…"
'now we are in the danger zone, is she turning yandere on me?'
Jokes aside, any more and she would crack his ribs. This reminded him once more of the monstrous strength this Zesionien female has.
"I won't allow it… even if we can't have kids… I won't let go…" Lilia's voice had fear in it, her body trembling ever so slightly. Seven noticed that but he was too busy trying to free himself as she's unconsciously trying to snap him into two
"Um… Lilia I'm not sure I understand… and… I can't breathe!"
"Eh?" maybe finally noticing what she was holding wasn't some stuffed space animal Lilia finally let go of poor Seven and backed away. Coming back to her senses her face was slowly covered in a red color while Seven coughed trying to get his breathing under control
"I-I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to!"
"No… it's all right" Seven managed to squeez those words out between the coughs, taking a sneaky look at the one who almost ended his life by accident .
Indeed, Lilia doesn't have anything on her right now, not a single part was covered.
The dark room, the messy bed, the dim orange light and the beautiful woman. Faced with this scene blood started to leave his brain, and his eyes refused to leave her alone.
Lilia caught on to his gaze feeling even more embarrassed and quickly went to cover herself.
Seeing how fl.u.s.tered she was a.s.s she wrapped the thin blanket around her, Seven could only savor the cuteness of the scene.
"It is actually, just take a look, it's clear she wants it!"
'I could use some help you know'
"Don't expect any from me, I'm cutting the feed until you two are done"
'Hey wait!'
Cutting the feed she said. Would that parasite of a ghost really miss the chance to see where this is going?
When Seven tried to look at Lilia their eyes met, both of them turning away. The silence went on for a while as both struggled to find something to say. Not like they were out of topics, but it was hard for them to say anything without getting into the events from not too long ago.
He was the one who wanted to talk so he should have been the one to take the initiative, but since his worst traits decided to show themselves, Seven could only listen as Lilia fathered the courage to start the talk
"I… I know Seven wants to have kids as soon as possible… but I was….afraid…" bracing herself Lilia turned to face him "I… I was afraid of doing it so… I made up that excuse but I never… I thought I had the time but…" tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, slowly descending leaving a glittering trail on her rosy cheeks.
Seeing that crushed Seven's heart, but all he did was listen as Lilia went on
"I thought I… I thought we had the time. I never considered how Seven felt. Seven is a human after all, I don't know how humans mate but… I should have noticed you were holding back for my sake"
"… Lilia…"
"Then another female appeared…"
" Lilia I-"
"it's fine, I understand"
"I was angry that Lisa tried tricking you into doing it, but…" tightening her grip on the blanket, Lilia's eyes ventured down "if Seven wanted to mate with her, I wouldn't be able to stop it…"
Silence returned to the dimly lit room. Complex is the least you could call this situation. It took several minutes for Seven to process what Lilia just said, and a few others debating whether he understood her right.
A few days ago Lilia peeked at Seven's member while he was fast asleep. The thought of that thriving erection going into her still traumatize to this point.
But that doesn't matter anymore
"But… it doesn't matter anymore…" even though she tried wipe her falling tears they never stopped "Seven is a human and I'm a Zesionien, we can't have kids together, we can't…"
"… "
Just like before, Seven could do nothing as Lilia began crying. His mind worked at full capacity trying to figure out what to do in this situation, but was hit with several errors as nothing helpful showed from his limited memories.
'what to do… c'mon!'
But try as he might, nothing would come up. Not even a clue that could point home in the right direction. Seven found himself backed in a corner, a situation he couldn't get out of, but in reality the solution was there, right in front of him.
'that's right…' both Seven and Lilia had the same conclusion about what was going to happen going onward, a misunderstanding to be exact.
Seven was sure Lilia would leave him now that their marriage couldn't possibly work, and Lilia thought Seven wouldn't want to be with her if she couldn't bear his children.
Seven didn't have the confidence to convince himself that Lilia was genuinely in love with him, a gorgeous woman like her in love with a nerd like him? The idea never crossed his mind.
What Seven thought about their relationship was that Lilia suffered from loneliness for too long and decided to settle for him, that's why now that she had the perfect reason to quit he at a loss about what to do.
Hearing what Lilia said, Seven was starting to realize that instead of throwing him away like the useless piece of junk he is and going back to her homeworld where she could pick up one of the hundreds waiting to ask for her hand, Lilia wanted to stay by his side, even now after they learned the truth about their future.
'Sheesh… I really am an idiot'
All the worries he had slowly faded, and Seven no longer had that hesitation stopping him from making his move.
With his left hand he stroke her long golden hair, then slowly c.a.r.e.s.sed her cheek as he wiped away her flowing tears
"To think you were worried about such things…" Seven brought his face closer to Lilia's, kissing her gently on the forehead "you think I would let go of you that easily?"
He had mixed feelings about doing it now, he has yet to apologize and it feels like he's taking advantage of the situation, but in the end it is the best move a man in his place has.
Lifting her chin a little he placed his lips on hers. The sensation made the tears stop and Lilia began to calm down. She felt a little embarrassed but she didn't back away. As their kiss grew more passionate Seven pulled her closer.
When their lips separated the two seemed to lose the ability to speak. Lilia rested her hear on his c.h.e.s.t while Seven silently stroked her long silky hair.
"Is it… is it really fine… for us to be together?..."
"Who said it isn't?"
"this is something up to us to decide, no one has a say in it" Seven stopped for a moment, holding Lilia even tighter "I want to be with Lilia, so if Lilia wants to be with me, I will do everything in my power to make her happy, no matter how impossible it seems"
"… Seven…"
"That's why… Lilia…" overcoming all hurdles Seven finally many to bring the words to the tip of his tongue, but unknown to him his insecurities were still holding strong.
Seven came here with one thing in mind, he planned to confess his feelings for Lilia and beg her to stay with him, so even though he leaned that Lilia never had no intention of ditching him he still feels like the most realistic outcome is for that to happen.
Why would she want to be with me? Someone as attractive as her, someone with a lot more options, who am I to think I can keep her for myself? Every man had thought that at some point.
It may be because he lacked confidence in himself, he is one of the ric.h.e.s.t people in the universe and no longer is the out of shape gamer he was, he isn't the most handsome man out there but that doesn't really matter.
If he stopped to think about it he has all the qualities women look for in a man, yet due to the fact that all those qualities appeared so suddenly his thought process is still that of a lonely highschooler struggling to make friends.
No matter how much he changed since that bad and fateful day, no matter how little he still remember about his life on earth, Seven has yet to rid himself of that image, the image of the lonely boy continuously staring at a monitor in his dark room.
"Will you be with me?"
The dark room vanished and the world lit up. Seven's heart skipped a beat as Lilia happily jumped to kiss him.
Still unable to believe it Seven stopped to think about that one word, but when Lilia being so enthusiastic caused him to lose balance and the two fell to the floor.
"Ah! Sorry!"
With Lilia now on top of him the two stared each other in the eyes for a few seconds. Seven still has a long way to go but at least for that moment, his mind was clear the two resumed their passionate kiss.
In the heat of the moment Lilia didn't notice that the blanket she used to cover herself has fallen again.
And for quite sometime she didn't mind it as Seven's hands went all over her back carefully tracing the shape of her juicy back hills.
After a satisfying long kiss and a lot of tongue action Lilia backed l.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips with a smile as she sat on Seven's waist.
"I… I'm happy to know we want the same thing" saying that she went down and kissed him once more then rested her head on his c.h.e.s.t "well, just like Seven said, I don't plan on letting go so easily"
It made sense for him when he said that, but now that he was on the receiving end of those words, added to that the times Lilia's violent side showed itself and that time he saw her covered in blood, Seven felt that he would have been so screwed if this conversation didn't go the way it went.
After a few minutes the two stood up. Lying down on the cold felt uncomfortable so it was nice of Lilia to notice and move before Seven said anything. But there was something she had yet to notice. Actually if Seven didn't ask she might have not noticed it until after a while
"By the way Lilia…"
"hm? What?"
"Um… it's nothing important but… I'm just a little bit curious about what happened to your clothes…"
Seven asked that because, well, he couldn't find anything else to say. But when Lilia looked dawn on herself with eyes that asked 'what are you talking about?' he realized it went over her head.
When Lilia caught up her face started to slowly heat up to the point that steam seemed to raise from her head.
She was about to run to get some cover but Seven with his new found confidence had something else entirely in his mind.
He stood up and grabbed the hem of his shirt, then before he stops to give it another thought he took his shirt off. It took Lilia by surprise making her forget about herself, and while she looked at his ripped muscles she was reminded what could possibly happen after this.
"Um… Seven…"
When he turned to her Lilia quickly turned away
"Well, since we are married and all… I think we should get used to seeing each other like this…" noticing she looked even more embarrassed than him Seven said while scratching his left cheek.
Lilia stood up, stealing glances at his body. As she did her eyes landed at a certain spot , it was hard not to notice it as such a bulge was there.
She was relieved Seven let her keep the answer to his question for herself. The reason that got her to sit in the dark by herself with nothing on was a little detail in what Lisa told them when they interrogated her.
If what Lisa said was the truth and the chances of a female giving birth to a child of a male from another specie are too small, then even if she was a Zesionien and Seven a human there was still hope for their marriage to bear fruit.
All they had to do is to continue doing 'that' over and over again until it happens. When that idea formed Lilia got excited thinking they should start as soon as possible so she prepared herself and waited for her husband to come.
After a few minutes a few things become clear. The first was that for her idea to work she has to force Seven into doing it with her even if he didn't want to. She didn't see any problem in that at all as she already had it in her mind that she would never give up on him. The second was her own stupidity, if she wanted to do it that badly wouldn't it be better if she went to his room instead?
'Well, that would be too embarrassing, I guess…' just when that thought hit her she heard Seven's voice calling for her.
Seven doesn't know that although she looked so bashful Lilia was already prepared for this event, so when she nodded signaling for him to continue he found it a bit surprising.
He unbuckled his belt and threw his pants away, then suppressing the voice telling him not to do it and run away he took off his u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r and stood straight facing Lilia.
As much as she tried Lilia couldn't help but look at how erect Seven's member was. That thing will soon be forced inside her, it's going to hurt, a lot, but she did not want to retreat after coming this far.
Seven noticed that her eyes were pinned on his thing. That filled him with shame and made him want to cover it.
Lilia was shivering a little, so to beat his embarrassment he slowly approached her, wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer.
Their skin touched Lilia's soft b.r.e.a.s.ts got squeezed against Seven and before they could think about it they began kissing. She put her hands around his neck and submitted herself to the sensation. A pair of hands fondled her b.u.t.t.o.c.k.s slowly sinking their fingers in while something hard rubbed against her stomach area. She felt it was unfair for Seven to be the only one feeling a private part of hers so she slid her right hand between them and grabbed his rod.
A spark was sent up his spine and Seven was forced to let go of Lilia's lips.
"Hmm… is this part really that s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e?" Lilia moved her hand up and down with a l.e.w.d smile.
Seven's whole body trembled with excitement. Lilia's smile provoked him into kissing her again, but this time it didn't last that long
"Hey… I want to try that…" Lilia said after their mouths separated again, then she made Seven sit on the bedside.
'It was… like this?' Lilia sat on her knees between Seven's legs, she then came closer to the point where his member was placed between her b.o.o.b.s.
Lilia was trying to imitate what she saw Lisa do to Seven in the bath. She pressed the soft things together and started moving them up and down, then looked up at Seven.
Seven had an expression mixed between shock and p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, which made Lilia smile and put more effort into her the movement of her hands
"Does it… hah… feel good?"
"Yeah… Lilia's b.r.e.a.s.ts are… amazing" he hated that his mind went and compared the feeling to that was still fresh in his memory, but between Lisa and Lilia, Lilia's b.r.e.a.s.ts were far softer and her skin smoother, it didn't take him too long to forget the about what he did with Lisa.
As the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e Seven felt from Lilia's b.r.e.a.s.ts overwhelmed his nerves the urge to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e drew near. Not wanting it to end so quickly he leaned forward and connected his lips, twisting their tongues together in a perverted way as they drank each others saliva.
"Lilia… I can't…!" finally, Seven gave up and loosened his grip and before Lilia could make sense of his words his meat pole exploded, shooting loads of sticky white fluid into the air
"Ah!" it surprised Lilia a little, but now she understood where all that white stuff covering Lisa came from.
Seven's s.p.e.r.m overflowed, staining Lilia beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t then leaked down to her abdomen and legs.
It was a naughty sight Seven did not think he would appreciate. he could only smile when Lilia curiously tried touching the bodily fluid wondering why this sticky stuff came out from his thing.
Normally -if you would call Japanese a.d.u.l.t games and manga normal- one would ask the girl who serviced him to clean the mess using her tongue, but Seven didn't want to go with that. He brought his face close to her again going for a kiss, but then he came to a stop hearing an exaggerated cough
The two went back to their senses, their necks made audible sounds as they turned to the door
"Ah, nice to see that you two have already made up"
"Aley… you better have a good reason or I will kill you" Seven took the blanket and used it to cover Lilia who was in shock. Strands of his hair began turning white while blue energy sparked all over his body
"well, you have to remember to close the door when…"
Aley was a synth, the concept of fear was foreign to him. But when Seven directed that glare at him all his calculations said it was best for him to say no more. He pretended to clear his throat, another things synths had no need for, then he spoke in a more serious tone
"Mr.Logan was unable to contact you so he sent me instead" he tapped the floor with the end of his staff once then went on with "He wants you to know that we are surrounded"
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