Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 70 - part three
Sector nineteen
"So, this better be important"
"Um, uh, yeah… I mean" Logan was lost.
He did call for the whole crew to gather -except for Blue, who is sound asleep- and he does have some not so good news, but for the captain to be so pissed…
'he still has to cool down after the earlier events huh….' The fur covered guy thought to himself. That's right, after the happenings involving Lisa, the female Zesionien who tried her luck at seducing the captain, there is no way he would calm down after just a few hours, which made reporting the current situation a not so comfortable task
"Remember when I said we left the Zesionien domain? That we are no longer in the roads under their protection?"
"Yeah? You said something about it before, I think?"
"Well, I have been a little too optimistic, considering we are traveling in lawless space…"
"Quit beating around the bush and say it"
Seven sat in his chair resting his head on his fist while emitting an aura that made the whole bridge tense.
'He is pissed, he really is pissed!'
Logan looked at Aley for an answer but only got a smile in return.
'that damn synth!' Logan understood that synths weren't really good at understanding emotions, but to not feel the menacing aura around them, his sensors need some thorough upgrades.
Anyways, a lot happened in a short time, and there is more than one reason for the captain to be in a bad mood.
For Logan, that was the answer he needed for the time. He went to the control panel and pressed some keys manifesting a bigger version of the rectangular window that was in front of him for everyone to see
" beside me and Blue, a few others survived from our previous crew, um, the ones ms.Lilia and captain defeated" he coughed once, looking at how Seven reacted to that topic being brought out "they may have gotten into contact with the main force, and something they said probably ticked off the clan head, which is why…"
On the window what appears to be some kind of radar was displayed. At the center was an orange dot representing the ship they were in. A short distance from it a few yellow dots formed a circle around them
"Why didn't you say anything earlier?"
"eh? Well, they just entered the scanning field so…"
"How far away are they?"
"with this speed they would reach us in about… fifty minutes? They seem to slow down now that they have us surrounded"
"we can't avoid them, can we"
"I… don't think so…"
Seven closed his eyes and thought about the situation for a moment. A few veins pulsates on his forehead indicating to Logan once againhow angry he was, but no matter how much he tried Aley won't tell him the reason.
The mood in the bridge was heavy, much like when they were discussing what to do with Lisa. Seven gave her a quick look then returned to his thoughts.
She thought that things cleared between them but... Seven seems to have regained his angry status really fast.
'Wait… ' Lilia stopped to think about it 'Right now the angry aura surrounding Seven is much like a while ago when we were about to decide what to do with Lisa… Seven was that angry back then, then when we were doing… after we talked in my room he seemed more normal, and now he…'
It didn't take Lilia too long to figure out the real reason behind Seven's bad mood. If her conclusion is correct -and it is- the reason Seven is angry because someone interrupted his mating session. Or it could just be that he didn't like being seen with nothing on.
Lilia felt a little guilty. Although it was embarrassing she was a bit relieved that Aley showed up at the right moment to stop them from going any further
'I thought I already resolved myself…' Lilia cut the thought at that 'now isn't that time, I have to concentrate!'
"We can't outrun them, and we can't expect any help…" Seven begin to say, then looked at the radar "Logan, get into contact with their leader, tell him I want to talk"
"A-alright!" Logan jumped into action, manipulating the control panel to establish a contact with the clan's mothership.
"Ah! Y-y-yes! W-what is it?" Hearing him suddenly call her, Lilia entered a state of panic. She tried to, but calming down proved to be difficult.
Seven was still as angry as before, the veins pulsating on his forehead said so. He acted calm, trying not to put too much power in his voice.
The Verta clan is probably after the ownership of Gorgola, the planet Seven got his hands on recently. And maybe they plan on taking revenge for all the members he and Lilia murdered.
In order to have the ownership transferred to them correctly they probably would avoid attacking them out in space, they need to capture them first, which could give them a chance out of this problem if they are careful at handling it
"I will try to clear things up peacefully if I can, but if things go the other way... kill everyone on the ship"
Logan froze in his place, and Aley looked at Seven blankly. Lilia was surprised too, but her reaction was the weakest between them.
That's right, the easiest and most efficient way to deal with a group that plans on killing you anyways is to make the first move and exterminate them first
"Can you do it?"
Lilia didn't need any reason to do it. Seven was angry, and when you think about it they already killed quite a few of them already.
It's going to be challenging, but Lilia had confidence she could pull it off. After all her warrior license isn't just for show.
Sector nineteen
The Verta clan's main ship. It was about half the size of the Zesionien space fleet center of operations Seven and Lilia visited the other day, which to say is quite big for a craft owned by a bunch of outlaws.
Surrounding it from all directions were smaller, normal sized crafts acting as the first line of defense, forming an invisible force barrier constantly activated during the flight.
Normally any ship that isn't part of the clan would find it impossible to get behind such barriers, and invitations weren't that common, but this time the clan head seems to have something in mind.
"I don't Know, boss, is it really alright to invite them here?"
"What is it, Coney? You seemed rather exited when you first reported the news to me"
"Well, a lot more came up ever since…"
"So what? I say there is nothing to worry about so calm down"
'There is nothing to worry about…' the clan head thought to himself. They knew the human was accompanied by a Zesionien female, but it was only later that they realized she was a licensed warrior.
'That damn hairless piece of skin haired a bodyguard! It makes sense with all the money he has on him but… just how did he get his hands on a damn Zesionien warrior for Virta's sake!' the clan leader had his doubts about the whole situation, but even if some higher power in the Zesionien empire is backing up that human, he still has to get Gorgola for the sake of the clan
'that thing I felt a few weeks ago, those damn Zesioniens tried to cover it up but… there is no denying it, such cosmic energy could only mean one thing!" A malicious smile uncovered his horrifying long fangs, tempting all his subordinates to distance themselves
The Verta clan, as their name suggests, are a group of Herara that warship the primal god Verta. They were banished from Namira for refusing to abide by intergalactic laws, but from their perspective they believe they left on their own accord in pursuit of a prophecy.
Their leader, Hir, is said to have a really close connection to Verta as evident by the powers he displayed since birth. That's why when he said Verta was no longer on Namira all his followers made their way to space, not hesitating to abandon their homeworld and not planning on making their return.
Verta, once their lord is found, a new world will have it's doors opened for them. There the Herara would thrive once more as the strongest race in the know universe.
That is the prophecy keeping the clan together, the promise of unimaginable power being granted by a mythical beast. Many ridiculed them for following such empty words, but after all those years, finally the search was coming to an end
'Gorgola, huh…'
The planet was empty, one man owned everything on it. Hir was sure Verta had made the rock it's house, the question now was whether it's still sleeping on it or that it already left.
Yet, with all that said, there is still one problem worrying the clan head
'what Giran's underlings reported… that human…'
"So, this better be important"
"Um, uh, yeah… I mean" Logan was lost.
He did call for the whole crew to gather -except for Blue, who is sound asleep- and he does have some not so good news, but for the captain to be so pissed…
'he still has to cool down after the earlier events huh….' The fur covered guy thought to himself. That's right, after the happenings involving Lisa, the female Zesionien who tried her luck at seducing the captain, there is no way he would calm down after just a few hours, which made reporting the current situation a not so comfortable task
"Remember when I said we left the Zesionien domain? That we are no longer in the roads under their protection?"
"Yeah? You said something about it before, I think?"
"Well, I have been a little too optimistic, considering we are traveling in lawless space…"
"Quit beating around the bush and say it"
Seven sat in his chair resting his head on his fist while emitting an aura that made the whole bridge tense.
'He is pissed, he really is pissed!'
Logan looked at Aley for an answer but only got a smile in return.
'that damn synth!' Logan understood that synths weren't really good at understanding emotions, but to not feel the menacing aura around them, his sensors need some thorough upgrades.
Anyways, a lot happened in a short time, and there is more than one reason for the captain to be in a bad mood.
For Logan, that was the answer he needed for the time. He went to the control panel and pressed some keys manifesting a bigger version of the rectangular window that was in front of him for everyone to see
" beside me and Blue, a few others survived from our previous crew, um, the ones ms.Lilia and captain defeated" he coughed once, looking at how Seven reacted to that topic being brought out "they may have gotten into contact with the main force, and something they said probably ticked off the clan head, which is why…"
On the window what appears to be some kind of radar was displayed. At the center was an orange dot representing the ship they were in. A short distance from it a few yellow dots formed a circle around them
"Why didn't you say anything earlier?"
"eh? Well, they just entered the scanning field so…"
"How far away are they?"
"with this speed they would reach us in about… fifty minutes? They seem to slow down now that they have us surrounded"
"we can't avoid them, can we"
"I… don't think so…"
Seven closed his eyes and thought about the situation for a moment. A few veins pulsates on his forehead indicating to Logan once againhow angry he was, but no matter how much he tried Aley won't tell him the reason.
The mood in the bridge was heavy, much like when they were discussing what to do with Lisa. Seven gave her a quick look then returned to his thoughts.
She thought that things cleared between them but... Seven seems to have regained his angry status really fast.
'Wait… ' Lilia stopped to think about it 'Right now the angry aura surrounding Seven is much like a while ago when we were about to decide what to do with Lisa… Seven was that angry back then, then when we were doing… after we talked in my room he seemed more normal, and now he…'
It didn't take Lilia too long to figure out the real reason behind Seven's bad mood. If her conclusion is correct -and it is- the reason Seven is angry because someone interrupted his mating session. Or it could just be that he didn't like being seen with nothing on.
Lilia felt a little guilty. Although it was embarrassing she was a bit relieved that Aley showed up at the right moment to stop them from going any further
'I thought I already resolved myself…' Lilia cut the thought at that 'now isn't that time, I have to concentrate!'
"We can't outrun them, and we can't expect any help…" Seven begin to say, then looked at the radar "Logan, get into contact with their leader, tell him I want to talk"
"A-alright!" Logan jumped into action, manipulating the control panel to establish a contact with the clan's mothership.
"Ah! Y-y-yes! W-what is it?" Hearing him suddenly call her, Lilia entered a state of panic. She tried to, but calming down proved to be difficult.
Seven was still as angry as before, the veins pulsating on his forehead said so. He acted calm, trying not to put too much power in his voice.
The Verta clan is probably after the ownership of Gorgola, the planet Seven got his hands on recently. And maybe they plan on taking revenge for all the members he and Lilia murdered.
In order to have the ownership transferred to them correctly they probably would avoid attacking them out in space, they need to capture them first, which could give them a chance out of this problem if they are careful at handling it
"I will try to clear things up peacefully if I can, but if things go the other way... kill everyone on the ship"
Logan froze in his place, and Aley looked at Seven blankly. Lilia was surprised too, but her reaction was the weakest between them.
That's right, the easiest and most efficient way to deal with a group that plans on killing you anyways is to make the first move and exterminate them first
"Can you do it?"
Lilia didn't need any reason to do it. Seven was angry, and when you think about it they already killed quite a few of them already.
It's going to be challenging, but Lilia had confidence she could pull it off. After all her warrior license isn't just for show.
Sector nineteen
The Verta clan's main ship. It was about half the size of the Zesionien space fleet center of operations Seven and Lilia visited the other day, which to say is quite big for a craft owned by a bunch of outlaws.
Surrounding it from all directions were smaller, normal sized crafts acting as the first line of defense, forming an invisible force barrier constantly activated during the flight.
Normally any ship that isn't part of the clan would find it impossible to get behind such barriers, and invitations weren't that common, but this time the clan head seems to have something in mind.
"I don't Know, boss, is it really alright to invite them here?"
"What is it, Coney? You seemed rather exited when you first reported the news to me"
"Well, a lot more came up ever since…"
"So what? I say there is nothing to worry about so calm down"
'There is nothing to worry about…' the clan head thought to himself. They knew the human was accompanied by a Zesionien female, but it was only later that they realized she was a licensed warrior.
'That damn hairless piece of skin haired a bodyguard! It makes sense with all the money he has on him but… just how did he get his hands on a damn Zesionien warrior for Virta's sake!' the clan leader had his doubts about the whole situation, but even if some higher power in the Zesionien empire is backing up that human, he still has to get Gorgola for the sake of the clan
'that thing I felt a few weeks ago, those damn Zesioniens tried to cover it up but… there is no denying it, such cosmic energy could only mean one thing!" A malicious smile uncovered his horrifying long fangs, tempting all his subordinates to distance themselves
The Verta clan, as their name suggests, are a group of Herara that warship the primal god Verta. They were banished from Namira for refusing to abide by intergalactic laws, but from their perspective they believe they left on their own accord in pursuit of a prophecy.
Their leader, Hir, is said to have a really close connection to Verta as evident by the powers he displayed since birth. That's why when he said Verta was no longer on Namira all his followers made their way to space, not hesitating to abandon their homeworld and not planning on making their return.
Verta, once their lord is found, a new world will have it's doors opened for them. There the Herara would thrive once more as the strongest race in the know universe.
That is the prophecy keeping the clan together, the promise of unimaginable power being granted by a mythical beast. Many ridiculed them for following such empty words, but after all those years, finally the search was coming to an end
'Gorgola, huh…'
The planet was empty, one man owned everything on it. Hir was sure Verta had made the rock it's house, the question now was whether it's still sleeping on it or that it already left.
Yet, with all that said, there is still one problem worrying the clan head
'what Giran's underlings reported… that human…'
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