Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 89 - One: Invitation part one
Sector twenty one, Gorgola's orbit, Seven
Welcome to Gorgola, the newest planet on team Intergalactic Union. Only one thing, you can't actually get into Gorgola itself, at least for time being. This is space station Tiga one, previously known as the Verta clan's mothership, and yes I was the one to name it.
Three months have passed since my fight with Hir, head of the Verta clan. Three whole months since I decided to take his people in, and a lot happened since then.
The first settlement is doing well. It took sometime to build. thankfully no problems raised from the planet itself, except the small space we can actually occupy. Since there are less than three thousand clan members -former clan members- space shouldn't be much of a problem for the time being, we managed to house every family that lived on the main ship and had enough room to distribute among the single ones. With my plans to bring in more people in the foreseeable future I must find a way to expand the city a little or find another good spot to place the next settlement on. I could solve the problem simply by abandoning my other plans of preserving the nature and life of the planet to keep it as a natural reserve, but since the Herara who are the first residents to arrive have no problem with living inside the forest, I decided to keep any drastic terrain alterations to a minimum until it was absolutely needed.
How did we build a whole city in just three months? Well, with space technology something like that shouldn't be a big deal but… I just liked this idea that popped in my head al of a sudden so instead of normal ground up brick and cement buildings -if those even existed- or wood based ones we attempted to make room inside the trees themselves.
The idea came from how fantasy works sometime establish elven villages high among the trees. Just as you would expect I had a thing for the long eared nearly immortal beautiful beings, as did every other guy who knew what they were. After meeting beast-kin such as the Herara and the Jaj I thought that maybe, just maybe, there is a whole planet out there filled with gorgeous big b.r.e.a.s.ted hot elven women who look dignified at first but would love nothing more than to milk any man they lay their hands on… but I had to cut that each time.
I was a married man now, I can't go around chasing skirts when I had the most gorgeous women here by my side, right? Even though I was surrounded by cute cat-girls all the time my will power was too strong and I never made a move in any of them, except the occasional head-pats I gave Blue and her little friends. Other than that, Lilia was the only one I had my eyes on. We were a perfectly, happily married couple, our life was exciting and eventful, whoever…
Well, turns out the happier I get the stronger ms.misfortune would slap me in the a.s.s.
Long story short, it's been three weeks since the last time I got to be with Lilia. That included everything from just chatting to sleeping together. we barely got the room to ourselves, the others made sure the two of us are never to be left alone. Part of that was of course because I had work to do, then there is the other reason.
I was responsible for managing the import of resources among other things. Since I can't really read any alien language I thought it would be impossible for me to do the job whoever I had a virtual assistant in the form of a really cute blue haired cat eared ghost girl who just happens to know the language we could use the most from her previous life.
Iris read all the paperwork for me, offering her hidden talents and skills to help me work my way through this hell. I could've asked Lilia to help but I was reminded that her grades back in school weren't too good. We didn't want to fall for the trap of mindlessly signing anything suspicious this early in the game which meant we had to be thorough with each doc.u.ment we had on our hands. Wouldn't it be more practical if we had some IA that could read the doc.u.ments for us? This is space we are talking about, and several thousands of years in the furniture too. That way we could employ some assistants to help manage such trivial tasks -they are in fact really important-
As it seams those programs are banned for this type of job as the person signing needs to be fully aware of what's written and take complete responsibility for the decisions, even in the very rare case of a hack happening.
Relying on the ghost freeloading inside me was God and all but I needed an excuse to use when someone, let's say a certain beautiful blond lady for example, asked why I'm suddenly able to read Zesionien. I was already working on that ever since I bought my new smartphone, downloading a few children books and practicing with Iris as my mentor. Three months is hardly enough to learn a whole new language, I got the basics for both reading and writing but unlike me there is someone who actually managed learn the whole language in just one month.
We mostly traded with Zesionien planets and Rooster so of course it was the only language both parties could use. Herara came from the thirteenth sector, there was no trade or interactions between Namira and the Zesion empire so it's only normal for each race to not know the other's language.
As a replacement for auto translators I had to employ someone to make the translations to the 'northern tongue', the language used on Namira which the clan members are familiar with the most. That way we were able to increase the number of staff and distribute the workload.
Ginger was indirectly recommended to me by Logan. I liked the fact that he was the first to actually voice his doubts about me, and apparently he predicted my victory against Hir even before the fight began. I also heard his calculations are always spot on, though the person himself said it's an exaggeration.
In the end, after he proved his capabilities by learning a whole language in a single month while properly managing the staff I employed him full time and gave him a position as my personal advisor. Sadly, with how much work we had it always felt like we are shorthanded.
Then, as if we didn't have enough on our plates, the clan's past came back to bite us in the a.s.s.
Remember how I had to turn in all those with criminal records? While that meant only thirty percent of the clan had to leave for twenty days some of the enemies they made on their previous jobs saw it as a great opportunity to take revenge by attacking those left behind. My reputation as Verta has yet to spread and with Hir gone the fools thought they could do what they want and get away. They probably had the brilliant idea of taking over the planet while they were at it too.
The first attack didn't go too well. We suffered some damage but no life was lost. The most efficient way to deal with that situation was to just get inside and close the door on ourselves. the barrier I installed as part of the planet's defense system was more than enough to stop a bunch of pirates sh.i.p.s.
However, just in case the worst happens I got in contact with a private Zesionien military company and hired a few sh.i.p.s to help us deal with any nuisance. Incidentally the owner and president of the company was the Stonehearts thirteenth daughter and Lilia's older sister. The two weren't on really good terms as it seems so I had to ask Hank to do the introduction for me, since he was the one to propose the idea in the first place.
Dealing with both the inside and outside issues did its toll on me. The stress was too much to handle and I barely got time to rest or blow some steam. nevertheless I didn't have a lot of options in that regard.
Work is directly related to the second reason as to why I haven't been able to spend some quality time with my lovely wife Lilia. We're still newly wed so you would think we're going at it every night, right?
After I woke up that I noticed I had a light headache. Not paying much attention to it I went with the plans for the first landing and scouted the area the city was going to be built on then went back to the mothership when we finished what needed to be done. Lilia and I got really busy that night, way more than the previous one. It was another perfect night if I had to say, but the day that followed it…
The day that followed it was a bad day.
The headache I ignored before intensified. I couldn't concentrate and had to leave the constructions under someone else's supervision. It took a whole week for the pain to go away, things went to normal and I went back to work, but then came to next day and the pain returned.
Of course I waited until the third time I was cured before I forced myself to admit. It was the s.e.x. Each time I make love to Lilia my head would feel like it's splitting, like someone is slowly drilling holes into my skull. You would expect that sleeping with an alien would do something to your meat pole, but for some cosmic reasoning I don't understand it was my head that suffered from the deed.
Lilia on the other hand was totally fine each time. She once apologized while nursing me, Lilia felt like it was her fault that I'm suffering and suggested we take a break until we knew for sure, that way we could proceed with our jobs without any hindrance.
You would think colonizing a planet and having a whole population to take care of would be a good reason for me to make the responsible choice, but what can I say…
The lesson was too hard to learn. I didn't even try. The moment I felt like it I went to Lilia's room and easily changed her mind, it was almost like we were horny teenagers.
Obviously that didn't go well with the rest of the crew. Avoiding my responsibilities hindered the advancement of the work and delayed the construction and expedition of many key facilities in the city which led to postponing the date the families get to move in.
In order to get my selfish out of the way the Herara separated the two of us leaving me with the muscly fur covered males the whole day while Lilia spent her time working alongside the females.
I felt jealous that I'm not getting any love from my own wife who gets to enjoy herself with a bunch of cat girls, however seeing that she's making new friends wormed Iris's heart and made me feel good inside so I didn't mind it that much.
Welcome to Gorgola, the newest planet on team Intergalactic Union. Only one thing, you can't actually get into Gorgola itself, at least for time being. This is space station Tiga one, previously known as the Verta clan's mothership, and yes I was the one to name it.
Three months have passed since my fight with Hir, head of the Verta clan. Three whole months since I decided to take his people in, and a lot happened since then.
The first settlement is doing well. It took sometime to build. thankfully no problems raised from the planet itself, except the small space we can actually occupy. Since there are less than three thousand clan members -former clan members- space shouldn't be much of a problem for the time being, we managed to house every family that lived on the main ship and had enough room to distribute among the single ones. With my plans to bring in more people in the foreseeable future I must find a way to expand the city a little or find another good spot to place the next settlement on. I could solve the problem simply by abandoning my other plans of preserving the nature and life of the planet to keep it as a natural reserve, but since the Herara who are the first residents to arrive have no problem with living inside the forest, I decided to keep any drastic terrain alterations to a minimum until it was absolutely needed.
How did we build a whole city in just three months? Well, with space technology something like that shouldn't be a big deal but… I just liked this idea that popped in my head al of a sudden so instead of normal ground up brick and cement buildings -if those even existed- or wood based ones we attempted to make room inside the trees themselves.
The idea came from how fantasy works sometime establish elven villages high among the trees. Just as you would expect I had a thing for the long eared nearly immortal beautiful beings, as did every other guy who knew what they were. After meeting beast-kin such as the Herara and the Jaj I thought that maybe, just maybe, there is a whole planet out there filled with gorgeous big b.r.e.a.s.ted hot elven women who look dignified at first but would love nothing more than to milk any man they lay their hands on… but I had to cut that each time.
I was a married man now, I can't go around chasing skirts when I had the most gorgeous women here by my side, right? Even though I was surrounded by cute cat-girls all the time my will power was too strong and I never made a move in any of them, except the occasional head-pats I gave Blue and her little friends. Other than that, Lilia was the only one I had my eyes on. We were a perfectly, happily married couple, our life was exciting and eventful, whoever…
Well, turns out the happier I get the stronger ms.misfortune would slap me in the a.s.s.
Long story short, it's been three weeks since the last time I got to be with Lilia. That included everything from just chatting to sleeping together. we barely got the room to ourselves, the others made sure the two of us are never to be left alone. Part of that was of course because I had work to do, then there is the other reason.
I was responsible for managing the import of resources among other things. Since I can't really read any alien language I thought it would be impossible for me to do the job whoever I had a virtual assistant in the form of a really cute blue haired cat eared ghost girl who just happens to know the language we could use the most from her previous life.
Iris read all the paperwork for me, offering her hidden talents and skills to help me work my way through this hell. I could've asked Lilia to help but I was reminded that her grades back in school weren't too good. We didn't want to fall for the trap of mindlessly signing anything suspicious this early in the game which meant we had to be thorough with each doc.u.ment we had on our hands. Wouldn't it be more practical if we had some IA that could read the doc.u.ments for us? This is space we are talking about, and several thousands of years in the furniture too. That way we could employ some assistants to help manage such trivial tasks -they are in fact really important-
As it seams those programs are banned for this type of job as the person signing needs to be fully aware of what's written and take complete responsibility for the decisions, even in the very rare case of a hack happening.
Relying on the ghost freeloading inside me was God and all but I needed an excuse to use when someone, let's say a certain beautiful blond lady for example, asked why I'm suddenly able to read Zesionien. I was already working on that ever since I bought my new smartphone, downloading a few children books and practicing with Iris as my mentor. Three months is hardly enough to learn a whole new language, I got the basics for both reading and writing but unlike me there is someone who actually managed learn the whole language in just one month.
We mostly traded with Zesionien planets and Rooster so of course it was the only language both parties could use. Herara came from the thirteenth sector, there was no trade or interactions between Namira and the Zesion empire so it's only normal for each race to not know the other's language.
As a replacement for auto translators I had to employ someone to make the translations to the 'northern tongue', the language used on Namira which the clan members are familiar with the most. That way we were able to increase the number of staff and distribute the workload.
Ginger was indirectly recommended to me by Logan. I liked the fact that he was the first to actually voice his doubts about me, and apparently he predicted my victory against Hir even before the fight began. I also heard his calculations are always spot on, though the person himself said it's an exaggeration.
In the end, after he proved his capabilities by learning a whole language in a single month while properly managing the staff I employed him full time and gave him a position as my personal advisor. Sadly, with how much work we had it always felt like we are shorthanded.
Then, as if we didn't have enough on our plates, the clan's past came back to bite us in the a.s.s.
Remember how I had to turn in all those with criminal records? While that meant only thirty percent of the clan had to leave for twenty days some of the enemies they made on their previous jobs saw it as a great opportunity to take revenge by attacking those left behind. My reputation as Verta has yet to spread and with Hir gone the fools thought they could do what they want and get away. They probably had the brilliant idea of taking over the planet while they were at it too.
The first attack didn't go too well. We suffered some damage but no life was lost. The most efficient way to deal with that situation was to just get inside and close the door on ourselves. the barrier I installed as part of the planet's defense system was more than enough to stop a bunch of pirates sh.i.p.s.
However, just in case the worst happens I got in contact with a private Zesionien military company and hired a few sh.i.p.s to help us deal with any nuisance. Incidentally the owner and president of the company was the Stonehearts thirteenth daughter and Lilia's older sister. The two weren't on really good terms as it seems so I had to ask Hank to do the introduction for me, since he was the one to propose the idea in the first place.
Dealing with both the inside and outside issues did its toll on me. The stress was too much to handle and I barely got time to rest or blow some steam. nevertheless I didn't have a lot of options in that regard.
Work is directly related to the second reason as to why I haven't been able to spend some quality time with my lovely wife Lilia. We're still newly wed so you would think we're going at it every night, right?
After I woke up that I noticed I had a light headache. Not paying much attention to it I went with the plans for the first landing and scouted the area the city was going to be built on then went back to the mothership when we finished what needed to be done. Lilia and I got really busy that night, way more than the previous one. It was another perfect night if I had to say, but the day that followed it…
The day that followed it was a bad day.
The headache I ignored before intensified. I couldn't concentrate and had to leave the constructions under someone else's supervision. It took a whole week for the pain to go away, things went to normal and I went back to work, but then came to next day and the pain returned.
Of course I waited until the third time I was cured before I forced myself to admit. It was the s.e.x. Each time I make love to Lilia my head would feel like it's splitting, like someone is slowly drilling holes into my skull. You would expect that sleeping with an alien would do something to your meat pole, but for some cosmic reasoning I don't understand it was my head that suffered from the deed.
Lilia on the other hand was totally fine each time. She once apologized while nursing me, Lilia felt like it was her fault that I'm suffering and suggested we take a break until we knew for sure, that way we could proceed with our jobs without any hindrance.
You would think colonizing a planet and having a whole population to take care of would be a good reason for me to make the responsible choice, but what can I say…
The lesson was too hard to learn. I didn't even try. The moment I felt like it I went to Lilia's room and easily changed her mind, it was almost like we were horny teenagers.
Obviously that didn't go well with the rest of the crew. Avoiding my responsibilities hindered the advancement of the work and delayed the construction and expedition of many key facilities in the city which led to postponing the date the families get to move in.
In order to get my selfish out of the way the Herara separated the two of us leaving me with the muscly fur covered males the whole day while Lilia spent her time working alongside the females.
I felt jealous that I'm not getting any love from my own wife who gets to enjoy herself with a bunch of cat girls, however seeing that she's making new friends wormed Iris's heart and made me feel good inside so I didn't mind it that much.
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