Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 90 - part two
Sector twenty one, Gorgola's orbit, Tiga one
Peace. Things were finally calm on the space station Tiga one. It's been two days since the last group of fools thought they could hurt Seven and his people, the news about those who suffered defeat had reached every corner in the known universe. Only those at the epitome of idiocy tried their luck at this point, yet to learn their lesson. It wasn't another small pirate group they were facing, the Verta clan was enough of a strong opponent to begin with, however, a whole planet's military power was on a different level.
With the assistance of the small fleet Seven hired Gorgola was never invaded, no one got past it's impenetrable defense.
Most of the residents had already moved to the surface, to their new homes. Those left on the station were Seven, Lilia and the staff.
Basically Tiga one is the main government building. Gorgola is region as a closed plant on the union's phonebook, that didn't stop people from coming when their intentions were peace. A few wanted to migrate, their reasons were varied but most looked for a job as it's widely known how profitable work in colonization could be. The rest were obviously agents from the hundreds of organizations who want to investigate Gorgola with investments in mind. Of course there were many among them who harbored ill intent toward the planet and it's lord , but there wasn't much they could do.
Seven turned down all requests denying entry for anyone who wasn't previously part of the clan. It hasn't been a year since he got the rock and he still doesn't know how the universe works, but he could smell the trouble being haste would do.
The numbers of the visitors decreased with time and eventually no one stopped by. Everything was dealt with and all work was done.
Everyone is finally getting the first free day in months.
"… um… Seven…" a timid voice spoke behind a curtain.
"Hm? Is something wrong, Lilia?"
"Well… how do I say it… it feels strange…"
"Don't worry, it's just the two here"
"Even so…"
Lilia peeked her head out, her cheeks ablaze. Seeing the anticipation in Seven's eyes she sighed once and slowly revealed herself.
"Oh~~~h" from his chair, Seven jumped to his feet and walked over to Lilia, clapping his hands.
"I thought we agreed not to buy this!" Lilia protested but immediately began fidgeting in her place.
Considering their night activities Lilia had no reason to be embarrassed about. Her husband has already taken a really good look at her fully nude body, as she did the same, but even if that was the case she has yet to get over this feeling of shame, especially when he's making her play to his fetishes.
The outfit Lilia wore is one of the "dresses" she tried on back on Rooster and rejected the idea of ever putting it on again. As she saw it, the thing was a skimpier version of her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r. It barely covered her b.r.e.a.s.ts, some of her, sides and her nether region. It's not like the rest was completely exposed, but the dark fabric was practically see through, not to mention her exposed back.
The skin from her h.i.p.s was out, halfway down a pair of long socks bit into her soft and smooth t.h.i.g.hs. Her shoulders, too, were exposed and her arms covered in long gloves.
Unlike her usual outfits which had either white or blue as their main color this one had black and crimson with golden lines here and there.
From what Gilda -the shop owner back on Rooster- told them, there are some people out there who like wearing clothing of this kind, but Lilia doesn't appear to be one of them. Seven on the other hand thought it was more "normal" for space girls to look like this, however he would never allow anyone to see this alluring sight.
"Alright!" with much enthusiasm he took out his book and began snapping pictures of the red faced Lilia. He circled around her changing the angle each time to capture a different side.
"Lilia, you look so cute when you're embarrassed" enjoying the humiliation his wife was going through Seven continued taking pictures "can you sit on the bed for a moment?"
She did as he said and he started capturing her image, going through every angle he had in mind
"can you cross your legs?"
"Stick your leg out… yes, like that!"
Click click click
"Put a hand near your face and smile! Oh, raise your head a little…"
Click click click click click
"hold your socks like you are about to pull them down"
Click click click click click click click
Disregarding her embarrassing Seven asked Lilia to pose for him as he made sure to capture the fantasy that was coming to life before his eyes. What did he intend to do with all of those photos? There is only one answer for that.
They are materials for his meat beating sessions. Just in case he wasn't allowed to have his private time with his wife. Even though it doesn't seem to have lasting effects, the sever pain Seven felt after the deed was a hindrance someone in such a high position couldn't afford to overlook.
Since the severity of the pain was proportional to how much they did it in one go the two thought it would be fine as long as they held back. However, once they remove their clothes there was no stopping it so it was better to not give it a try.
"okay…" Seven said as he scrolled through his gallery "I think this should be enough" this was the second time they did this. Compared to the cuteness of Lilia's appearance in a simple t-shirt Seven wanted to try and give her a more sadistic vibe. Turns out that would be impossible for someone who's face was beaming red the whole time.
"Well, Lilia looks good no matter what"
"Hmm… if anyone ever sees this I'm killing you" she threatened with a sulky face before sitting next to him.
"of course I wont!" just the thought itself was repulsive "what kind of idiot would reveal his own wife for others to see?"
No sane man would be fine with fine with his wife walking around in that, and no woman walking around like that is worth marrying. Seven was already worried about Lilia's worries wear showing more than he is willing to compromise on, being in a relationship with a beauty among beauties meant eternal vigilance.
"So you do think this isn't something to wear in public…" Lilia pouted a little, twirling a strand of hair around her fingers.
"I have something different in mind for that" Seven grinned mischievously "just wait until you see the uniforms I personally designed"
"… you didn't do anything weird, right?" Lilia narrowed her eyes, what she wore right now made Seven's words seem awfully suspicious "you're not going to make the others wear something embarrassing right?"
"no, of course not!" Seven shook his head "they are going to wear them during work! We would want to keep a clean and healthy image of our government"
"Hmm…" Lilia wasn't convinced in the least. She knew Seven has a thing for female Herara, or cat-girls as he likes to call them. He still has yet to make a move on any of the staff members, not that they have any interest in males from species other than theirs. Seven might use his authority to force them to obey his will, just thinking about her new friends having to dress in humiliating clothes as he photographed them…
Seven had pushed her down.
"I like to see Lilia like this"
As he peered into her eyes Lilia's heart skipped a beat. She was aware what that look meant, Seven d.e.s.i.r.ed her and his control is slipping from between his hands.
As if to stop the words from escaping her mouth he used his to block it. It was a simple kiss, something they did many times, and just like the previous ones the moment their lips touched her will to resist faded into an obscure part of her mind.
'No… if we went beyond this then…' Lilia thought to herself, understanding that their intimacy had to stop. Even so, Lilia herself yearned for her partner's embrace. The time they were forced apart filled her heart with loneliness. They had the free time, they could spend the day in bed and make up for al of it, but then what would she do when Seven becomes unable to do his work?
Regaining a bit of rationality she moved her hands and pushed him away. Or is it more accurate to say she threw him aside?
Seven was used to this by now. Lilia had rejected his advances a few times before, recently she stopped running away after slapping him across the room, a sign that she is maturing more and more. It did hurt, getting rejected each time -and getting slapped too- but he understood she was right in what she did. Even when he tried to hide his pain behind a smile and a sigh the sadness and the disappointment was still clear in his voice
"Sorry, it's been a while…"
"… um…"
As silence spread between them, an awkward atmosphere started to arise. This called for a retreat, it's the most efficient solution in a situation like this and Lilia's last resort. But Lilia didn't run, her couldn't move her weakened feet.
As seven lamented his sorry state he felt something tug on his shirt. He turned around and Lilia put her lips on his.
Before the kiss grew more passionate the two stopped. Lilia looked at him apologetically
"Seven, I…"
"Nah, I know" he scratched the back of his head, drawing a fake smile "can't be helped, I got responsibilities after all"
It's not like work would last forever. It's just that the leader of a new planet, a new settlements, had a lot to deal with. As time goes on they would have a lot of opportunities to be with each other. But logic aside, the two had only just discovered s.e.x.u.a.l p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, their d.e.s.i.r.e weighed on them and the more they held back the more it planted itself in their way turning into an obstruction.
What if they became unable to fulfill their duties if this goes on? There had to be a limit to how much they could hold back before it starts to handicap them. A single day was enough to relieve some stress, but for the most important person on this planet to be out for a week after his day off…
Seven was fine with it, he knew his fortune only went this far. However Lilia was seriously thinking of a way to lessen his burden, ready to give up against her own as she did.
After a minute or so her mind presented her with an idea.
Lilia was on her knees between Seven's legs. Stating at the tent that formed at his crotch made it clear why he wore such strangely spacious pants. Swallowing once she moved her hand, when she touched it the thing twitched a little, its owner Feeling the light brush further increased the tension he felt.
To Lilia, it seemed like he was in pain. She unfastened his belt, unzipped the upper layer then pulled down the his u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r releasing the monster trapped beneath.
A huge pillar stood in front of her, a strong smell assaulted her nose making her back away. Seven looked down at her and said she didn't have to force herself, but Lilia didn't intent to give up now.
Her right hand slowly moved to his rod while shaking a bit. Her fingers, b.a.r.e after she removed her gloves, c.a.r.e.s.sed his shaft once before wrapping around it. Her hand moved up then down and with each motion the hesitated holding her back perished away.
There is more than one way to please your partner, that's what she was told by one of her friends. When she heard it the first time it seemed absurd, but now it was a desperate time, she had to do what needs to be done.
Lilia brought her face closer to the meat pole and timidly kissed it with her lips. Seven's whole body shuddered as the sensation traveled his spine, his member becoming more erect than it was a moment ago.
Lilia pushed all thoughts aside and began l.i.c.k.i.n.g the head, rubbing it her lips as she moved her hand. A few seconds and she was fully enveloped in the act, moving her tongue on his shaft stroking it from the tip to the base.
Seven put a hand on her head patting her as he felt the warm saliva covering his rod, hot breaths blowing on it every time she moves her head.
Lilia went on with the next step and slowly swallowed the tip into her mouth, s.u.c.k.i.n.g it as if she was trying to savor it's taste.
As she pushed his thing deeper inside the sticky tissue of her mouth clung to it. Seven was turned on by the way Lilia looked as she diligently tried to p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e him. It seemed e.r.o.t.i.c in a different way than she looked when they were having normal s.e.x.
As Lilia s.u.c.k.e.d and twisted her tongue around the thing she started to realize there was no way for her to fit all of it inside. It pulsates and twitched giving her a signal, but Lilia failed to notice before it blow.
Seven climaxed like it was his first time, surprising Lilia by shooting his load inside, immediately filling her mouth.
Holding the raging thing in her hand she took it out, coughing. Even with the amount she ended up swallowing the shooting didn't stop and in a moment her face was covered with the white stuff.
Peace. Things were finally calm on the space station Tiga one. It's been two days since the last group of fools thought they could hurt Seven and his people, the news about those who suffered defeat had reached every corner in the known universe. Only those at the epitome of idiocy tried their luck at this point, yet to learn their lesson. It wasn't another small pirate group they were facing, the Verta clan was enough of a strong opponent to begin with, however, a whole planet's military power was on a different level.
With the assistance of the small fleet Seven hired Gorgola was never invaded, no one got past it's impenetrable defense.
Most of the residents had already moved to the surface, to their new homes. Those left on the station were Seven, Lilia and the staff.
Basically Tiga one is the main government building. Gorgola is region as a closed plant on the union's phonebook, that didn't stop people from coming when their intentions were peace. A few wanted to migrate, their reasons were varied but most looked for a job as it's widely known how profitable work in colonization could be. The rest were obviously agents from the hundreds of organizations who want to investigate Gorgola with investments in mind. Of course there were many among them who harbored ill intent toward the planet and it's lord , but there wasn't much they could do.
Seven turned down all requests denying entry for anyone who wasn't previously part of the clan. It hasn't been a year since he got the rock and he still doesn't know how the universe works, but he could smell the trouble being haste would do.
The numbers of the visitors decreased with time and eventually no one stopped by. Everything was dealt with and all work was done.
Everyone is finally getting the first free day in months.
"… um… Seven…" a timid voice spoke behind a curtain.
"Hm? Is something wrong, Lilia?"
"Well… how do I say it… it feels strange…"
"Don't worry, it's just the two here"
"Even so…"
Lilia peeked her head out, her cheeks ablaze. Seeing the anticipation in Seven's eyes she sighed once and slowly revealed herself.
"Oh~~~h" from his chair, Seven jumped to his feet and walked over to Lilia, clapping his hands.
"I thought we agreed not to buy this!" Lilia protested but immediately began fidgeting in her place.
Considering their night activities Lilia had no reason to be embarrassed about. Her husband has already taken a really good look at her fully nude body, as she did the same, but even if that was the case she has yet to get over this feeling of shame, especially when he's making her play to his fetishes.
The outfit Lilia wore is one of the "dresses" she tried on back on Rooster and rejected the idea of ever putting it on again. As she saw it, the thing was a skimpier version of her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r. It barely covered her b.r.e.a.s.ts, some of her, sides and her nether region. It's not like the rest was completely exposed, but the dark fabric was practically see through, not to mention her exposed back.
The skin from her h.i.p.s was out, halfway down a pair of long socks bit into her soft and smooth t.h.i.g.hs. Her shoulders, too, were exposed and her arms covered in long gloves.
Unlike her usual outfits which had either white or blue as their main color this one had black and crimson with golden lines here and there.
From what Gilda -the shop owner back on Rooster- told them, there are some people out there who like wearing clothing of this kind, but Lilia doesn't appear to be one of them. Seven on the other hand thought it was more "normal" for space girls to look like this, however he would never allow anyone to see this alluring sight.
"Alright!" with much enthusiasm he took out his book and began snapping pictures of the red faced Lilia. He circled around her changing the angle each time to capture a different side.
"Lilia, you look so cute when you're embarrassed" enjoying the humiliation his wife was going through Seven continued taking pictures "can you sit on the bed for a moment?"
She did as he said and he started capturing her image, going through every angle he had in mind
"can you cross your legs?"
"Stick your leg out… yes, like that!"
Click click click
"Put a hand near your face and smile! Oh, raise your head a little…"
Click click click click click
"hold your socks like you are about to pull them down"
Click click click click click click click
Disregarding her embarrassing Seven asked Lilia to pose for him as he made sure to capture the fantasy that was coming to life before his eyes. What did he intend to do with all of those photos? There is only one answer for that.
They are materials for his meat beating sessions. Just in case he wasn't allowed to have his private time with his wife. Even though it doesn't seem to have lasting effects, the sever pain Seven felt after the deed was a hindrance someone in such a high position couldn't afford to overlook.
Since the severity of the pain was proportional to how much they did it in one go the two thought it would be fine as long as they held back. However, once they remove their clothes there was no stopping it so it was better to not give it a try.
"okay…" Seven said as he scrolled through his gallery "I think this should be enough" this was the second time they did this. Compared to the cuteness of Lilia's appearance in a simple t-shirt Seven wanted to try and give her a more sadistic vibe. Turns out that would be impossible for someone who's face was beaming red the whole time.
"Well, Lilia looks good no matter what"
"Hmm… if anyone ever sees this I'm killing you" she threatened with a sulky face before sitting next to him.
"of course I wont!" just the thought itself was repulsive "what kind of idiot would reveal his own wife for others to see?"
No sane man would be fine with fine with his wife walking around in that, and no woman walking around like that is worth marrying. Seven was already worried about Lilia's worries wear showing more than he is willing to compromise on, being in a relationship with a beauty among beauties meant eternal vigilance.
"So you do think this isn't something to wear in public…" Lilia pouted a little, twirling a strand of hair around her fingers.
"I have something different in mind for that" Seven grinned mischievously "just wait until you see the uniforms I personally designed"
"… you didn't do anything weird, right?" Lilia narrowed her eyes, what she wore right now made Seven's words seem awfully suspicious "you're not going to make the others wear something embarrassing right?"
"no, of course not!" Seven shook his head "they are going to wear them during work! We would want to keep a clean and healthy image of our government"
"Hmm…" Lilia wasn't convinced in the least. She knew Seven has a thing for female Herara, or cat-girls as he likes to call them. He still has yet to make a move on any of the staff members, not that they have any interest in males from species other than theirs. Seven might use his authority to force them to obey his will, just thinking about her new friends having to dress in humiliating clothes as he photographed them…
Seven had pushed her down.
"I like to see Lilia like this"
As he peered into her eyes Lilia's heart skipped a beat. She was aware what that look meant, Seven d.e.s.i.r.ed her and his control is slipping from between his hands.
As if to stop the words from escaping her mouth he used his to block it. It was a simple kiss, something they did many times, and just like the previous ones the moment their lips touched her will to resist faded into an obscure part of her mind.
'No… if we went beyond this then…' Lilia thought to herself, understanding that their intimacy had to stop. Even so, Lilia herself yearned for her partner's embrace. The time they were forced apart filled her heart with loneliness. They had the free time, they could spend the day in bed and make up for al of it, but then what would she do when Seven becomes unable to do his work?
Regaining a bit of rationality she moved her hands and pushed him away. Or is it more accurate to say she threw him aside?
Seven was used to this by now. Lilia had rejected his advances a few times before, recently she stopped running away after slapping him across the room, a sign that she is maturing more and more. It did hurt, getting rejected each time -and getting slapped too- but he understood she was right in what she did. Even when he tried to hide his pain behind a smile and a sigh the sadness and the disappointment was still clear in his voice
"Sorry, it's been a while…"
"… um…"
As silence spread between them, an awkward atmosphere started to arise. This called for a retreat, it's the most efficient solution in a situation like this and Lilia's last resort. But Lilia didn't run, her couldn't move her weakened feet.
As seven lamented his sorry state he felt something tug on his shirt. He turned around and Lilia put her lips on his.
Before the kiss grew more passionate the two stopped. Lilia looked at him apologetically
"Seven, I…"
"Nah, I know" he scratched the back of his head, drawing a fake smile "can't be helped, I got responsibilities after all"
It's not like work would last forever. It's just that the leader of a new planet, a new settlements, had a lot to deal with. As time goes on they would have a lot of opportunities to be with each other. But logic aside, the two had only just discovered s.e.x.u.a.l p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, their d.e.s.i.r.e weighed on them and the more they held back the more it planted itself in their way turning into an obstruction.
What if they became unable to fulfill their duties if this goes on? There had to be a limit to how much they could hold back before it starts to handicap them. A single day was enough to relieve some stress, but for the most important person on this planet to be out for a week after his day off…
Seven was fine with it, he knew his fortune only went this far. However Lilia was seriously thinking of a way to lessen his burden, ready to give up against her own as she did.
After a minute or so her mind presented her with an idea.
Lilia was on her knees between Seven's legs. Stating at the tent that formed at his crotch made it clear why he wore such strangely spacious pants. Swallowing once she moved her hand, when she touched it the thing twitched a little, its owner Feeling the light brush further increased the tension he felt.
To Lilia, it seemed like he was in pain. She unfastened his belt, unzipped the upper layer then pulled down the his u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r releasing the monster trapped beneath.
A huge pillar stood in front of her, a strong smell assaulted her nose making her back away. Seven looked down at her and said she didn't have to force herself, but Lilia didn't intent to give up now.
Her right hand slowly moved to his rod while shaking a bit. Her fingers, b.a.r.e after she removed her gloves, c.a.r.e.s.sed his shaft once before wrapping around it. Her hand moved up then down and with each motion the hesitated holding her back perished away.
There is more than one way to please your partner, that's what she was told by one of her friends. When she heard it the first time it seemed absurd, but now it was a desperate time, she had to do what needs to be done.
Lilia brought her face closer to the meat pole and timidly kissed it with her lips. Seven's whole body shuddered as the sensation traveled his spine, his member becoming more erect than it was a moment ago.
Lilia pushed all thoughts aside and began l.i.c.k.i.n.g the head, rubbing it her lips as she moved her hand. A few seconds and she was fully enveloped in the act, moving her tongue on his shaft stroking it from the tip to the base.
Seven put a hand on her head patting her as he felt the warm saliva covering his rod, hot breaths blowing on it every time she moves her head.
Lilia went on with the next step and slowly swallowed the tip into her mouth, s.u.c.k.i.n.g it as if she was trying to savor it's taste.
As she pushed his thing deeper inside the sticky tissue of her mouth clung to it. Seven was turned on by the way Lilia looked as she diligently tried to p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e him. It seemed e.r.o.t.i.c in a different way than she looked when they were having normal s.e.x.
As Lilia s.u.c.k.e.d and twisted her tongue around the thing she started to realize there was no way for her to fit all of it inside. It pulsates and twitched giving her a signal, but Lilia failed to notice before it blow.
Seven climaxed like it was his first time, surprising Lilia by shooting his load inside, immediately filling her mouth.
Holding the raging thing in her hand she took it out, coughing. Even with the amount she ended up swallowing the shooting didn't stop and in a moment her face was covered with the white stuff.
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