Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 91 - part three
Sector twenty one, Gorgola's orbit, Tiga one
"Is something wrong?"
"No, everything is the best it could ever be"
"That's good to hear"
On the bed covered in white sheets was Lilia, slowly running her fingers through Seven's hair as he rested his head on her l.a.p.
She had already changed back to her usual outfit, the blue and white dress suited her more, her beautiful golden hair only enhanced how perfect it looked.
They never went beyond one thing they did. Seven couldn't say he was satisfied but at least he got to release a bit of what he had stored for the past days. Part of that was because he didn't like the idea of having a perfect girl such as Lilia serve him with her mouth. Lilia did her best but it was still imm.a.t.u.r.e compared to that time with Lisa. Not to mention the sight of her face covered in his white stuff, he regretted sullying her like that, so he ended it at that.
Lilia cleaned and changed before returning. They had free time and nothing to do, so the just sat there, Lilia reading her books while he did some light exercise. When he got fed up with it he joined her on the bed, making her give him a l.a.p pillow. Seven was in nirvana right now. Enjoying Lilia's soft t.h.i.g.hs was his favorite nons.e.x.u.a.l activity to replace s.e.x, it brought a sense of tranquility to his mind, and in just a few minutes he was ready to fall asleep.
They could just start wrestling right here right now. No one would stop them, right, but no one knew what would happen in the upcoming days so it was best to proceed with caution, until they were sure they had at least a week worth of free time.
For a newly wed couple to have their s.e.x life restricted like this, it was a problem the two were well aware of. Seven heard about cases were a wife would cheat on her husband because she got bored, and that's speaking of the real world cases and not some Japanese h.e.n.t.a.i plot. Lilia's worries were a bit different, she knew Seven was pent-up and that he was trying his best to be considerate of his position and the people around him. This time was no different. When they were doing it the first few times she understood how many rounds he could go before he felt exhaustion. She turned to herself after rethinking it many times. She was the one tired sat the end of those nights. Seven had his powers, regeneration and unlimited stamina, there was no way he couldn't go beyond that point.
"Seven…" Lilia began to say.
"what is it?"
"do you want to try doing it with another female?"
After the second it took that question to circle around his mind jolting him up.
"Lilia…" his eyes showed terror.
"huh!? Did I say something wrong…?" Lilia didn't know.
Seven didn't hear her wrong. She asked him if he wanted to sleep with another female, and his brain was already working through the possible interpretations of the few words.
But when it's so sudden the first thing that came up was divorce. In the modern world, back on earth at least, divorce became so commonplace that it was expected to happen.
'But isn't that too soon? We've been married for a little more than four months, I know I was too busy and couldn't be there all the time but…' his mind swam back to his biggest fear. He was afraid Lilia would get bored and leave him for some other guy that could satisfy her needs. It was hard to imagine the sweet and bashful Lilia getting addicted to the deed, but their relationship had just started and he was already neglecting her, was Lilia feeling lonely too?
Of course none of that was true. Lilia did enjoy their private time, but she wasn't the type to let her carnal control her fate. What she had in mind was completely different so she knew Seven must have misunderstood something from how he reacted
"I was thinking we should try and find out why your head hurts…"
Seven was dumbfounded.
'Does that mean she would leave if we can't find a cure?' That scared him even more. Seven was a human -or was a human-, finding a doctor for him is easier said than done. Mainly because all three human planets were the closed type, then there was the problem with the whole popular being women. Female humans were dangerous in great numbers, a lone male is advised to keep a minimal distance of sixteen sectors from their colonies -that's his own conclusion, nothing of the sort is passed around-
And even if he went there and managed to learn the reason behind the sever headache, would Lilia leave him if the problem can't be solved?
"I'm a bit curious" Lilia spoke "I was wondering if the problem was actually me, that's why I suggested you try it with another female and see what would happen"
"wait, Lilia… how can you tell me to cheat on you so easily" and with a smile at that?
"Cheating? What do you mean?" she tilted her head to the side with a questioning look "don't you plan on getting a second wife?"
"A second wife? What are you talking about?"
"Well, you would want an heir right? I can't give birth to your children so…"
"that's…" logic. Lilia was thinking about the future already, his anxiety fed on the words she said.
"Also, if you can't enjoy yourself then it would be selfish of me to get in the way"
In the Zesionien culture, males usually have multiple partners. That's because unlike the females who lose the ability to sense p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e during s.e.x.u.a.l i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e once they give birth males keep theirs, even thought it weakens considerably with each female they i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e. It was frowned upon when a females prohibits their husbands from sleeping with other females, preventing them from getting more children while having no d.e.s.i.r.e to satisfy their needs.
"What about you, Lilia?"
Lilia is a Zesionien, she can't give birth to a human child and if she can't give birth could enjoy s.e.x for much longer. Lisa said thhe only reason she traveled around was to sleep with males from different species to satisfy her l.u.s.t. She became a hoe, in other words.
A sick part of Seven's mind couldn't help but think Lilia would go down that path. If he's incapable of satisfying her and she went out to find other men…
"Well I would be happy if we didn't have to worry about work getting in the way" her cheeks flushed as she admitted "but I don't feel it's particularly necessary for our lives"
Seeing the pure blushing face Lilia made filled his heart with relief. He took a deep breath and let it out then returned to his place on her l.a.p, a satisfied smile on his face.
"You know, Lilia…" someone in his position with all the power and money any one person could have wouldn't find it a problem to play around. But just because he could doesn't mean he should "I purposefully never interact with the female staff because I was afraid I might lose my grip at some point"
"I know" Lilia laughed a little
"You do?"
"you aren't exactly hiding it. They don't adore you as much though"
"You think?"
"They told me"
Seven had hundreds of nekos living under his wing. While just head-patting them seemed like a pleasant idea he wanted to conquer a few and building the harem every man dreams of. The image of cute cat eared girls in maid uniforms calling him master was too hard to resist.
Lilia gave him the okay, she didn't mind if he did it at all. But even if they both were fine with it Seven saw no reason for him to try
"… I'm actually happy like this" Seven closed his eyes "I always wanted for our relationship to be more than just s.e.x. As long as Lilia is fine with it, I don't mind if things stayed like this for a while"
S.e.x brings that special addiction to your love, to the feelings you have for one true life partner. If you aren't careful it becomes an addiction to the physical act and the fantasy rather than the person, and that's something Seven was afraid of.
He wanted Lilia to love him, just like he loved her. He said them himself but he never heard those three words from her, and he was afraid to ask.
All he could do was patiently wait and not rush, if he rushed he would risk losing it all. He had many things to worry about, many responsibilities to take care of. But, even if he was a little over twelve thousand years old Seven was still a teenager on the inside.
"I'm glad" as she gently brushed his hair with her hands Lilia shined on him with her smile "you seemed worried about something all the time, I thought I was getting in the way"
"No… everything is fine"
Beside all the responsibilities he had there were a few things he had on his mind. He still doesn't know what to think of earth's destruction, and the fact that he was a few thousand years old. Aley had thought him a few things since then in return for all the information he could provide on the humanity of old, but he didn't know what to make of it. He didn't really care, but when a man hears he's been asleep centuries going on with life without worries was no longer an option
There is nothing to be done in that regard, time would eventually wash it away.
The two spent the day relaxing like that, nothing major happened. After a lunch break they went back to the room, a few minutes later Ginger gave them a visit bringing small box. When they opened it a letter was inside.
"Is something wrong?"
"No, everything is the best it could ever be"
"That's good to hear"
On the bed covered in white sheets was Lilia, slowly running her fingers through Seven's hair as he rested his head on her l.a.p.
She had already changed back to her usual outfit, the blue and white dress suited her more, her beautiful golden hair only enhanced how perfect it looked.
They never went beyond one thing they did. Seven couldn't say he was satisfied but at least he got to release a bit of what he had stored for the past days. Part of that was because he didn't like the idea of having a perfect girl such as Lilia serve him with her mouth. Lilia did her best but it was still imm.a.t.u.r.e compared to that time with Lisa. Not to mention the sight of her face covered in his white stuff, he regretted sullying her like that, so he ended it at that.
Lilia cleaned and changed before returning. They had free time and nothing to do, so the just sat there, Lilia reading her books while he did some light exercise. When he got fed up with it he joined her on the bed, making her give him a l.a.p pillow. Seven was in nirvana right now. Enjoying Lilia's soft t.h.i.g.hs was his favorite nons.e.x.u.a.l activity to replace s.e.x, it brought a sense of tranquility to his mind, and in just a few minutes he was ready to fall asleep.
They could just start wrestling right here right now. No one would stop them, right, but no one knew what would happen in the upcoming days so it was best to proceed with caution, until they were sure they had at least a week worth of free time.
For a newly wed couple to have their s.e.x life restricted like this, it was a problem the two were well aware of. Seven heard about cases were a wife would cheat on her husband because she got bored, and that's speaking of the real world cases and not some Japanese h.e.n.t.a.i plot. Lilia's worries were a bit different, she knew Seven was pent-up and that he was trying his best to be considerate of his position and the people around him. This time was no different. When they were doing it the first few times she understood how many rounds he could go before he felt exhaustion. She turned to herself after rethinking it many times. She was the one tired sat the end of those nights. Seven had his powers, regeneration and unlimited stamina, there was no way he couldn't go beyond that point.
"Seven…" Lilia began to say.
"what is it?"
"do you want to try doing it with another female?"
After the second it took that question to circle around his mind jolting him up.
"Lilia…" his eyes showed terror.
"huh!? Did I say something wrong…?" Lilia didn't know.
Seven didn't hear her wrong. She asked him if he wanted to sleep with another female, and his brain was already working through the possible interpretations of the few words.
But when it's so sudden the first thing that came up was divorce. In the modern world, back on earth at least, divorce became so commonplace that it was expected to happen.
'But isn't that too soon? We've been married for a little more than four months, I know I was too busy and couldn't be there all the time but…' his mind swam back to his biggest fear. He was afraid Lilia would get bored and leave him for some other guy that could satisfy her needs. It was hard to imagine the sweet and bashful Lilia getting addicted to the deed, but their relationship had just started and he was already neglecting her, was Lilia feeling lonely too?
Of course none of that was true. Lilia did enjoy their private time, but she wasn't the type to let her carnal control her fate. What she had in mind was completely different so she knew Seven must have misunderstood something from how he reacted
"I was thinking we should try and find out why your head hurts…"
Seven was dumbfounded.
'Does that mean she would leave if we can't find a cure?' That scared him even more. Seven was a human -or was a human-, finding a doctor for him is easier said than done. Mainly because all three human planets were the closed type, then there was the problem with the whole popular being women. Female humans were dangerous in great numbers, a lone male is advised to keep a minimal distance of sixteen sectors from their colonies -that's his own conclusion, nothing of the sort is passed around-
And even if he went there and managed to learn the reason behind the sever headache, would Lilia leave him if the problem can't be solved?
"I'm a bit curious" Lilia spoke "I was wondering if the problem was actually me, that's why I suggested you try it with another female and see what would happen"
"wait, Lilia… how can you tell me to cheat on you so easily" and with a smile at that?
"Cheating? What do you mean?" she tilted her head to the side with a questioning look "don't you plan on getting a second wife?"
"A second wife? What are you talking about?"
"Well, you would want an heir right? I can't give birth to your children so…"
"that's…" logic. Lilia was thinking about the future already, his anxiety fed on the words she said.
"Also, if you can't enjoy yourself then it would be selfish of me to get in the way"
In the Zesionien culture, males usually have multiple partners. That's because unlike the females who lose the ability to sense p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e during s.e.x.u.a.l i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e once they give birth males keep theirs, even thought it weakens considerably with each female they i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e. It was frowned upon when a females prohibits their husbands from sleeping with other females, preventing them from getting more children while having no d.e.s.i.r.e to satisfy their needs.
"What about you, Lilia?"
Lilia is a Zesionien, she can't give birth to a human child and if she can't give birth could enjoy s.e.x for much longer. Lisa said thhe only reason she traveled around was to sleep with males from different species to satisfy her l.u.s.t. She became a hoe, in other words.
A sick part of Seven's mind couldn't help but think Lilia would go down that path. If he's incapable of satisfying her and she went out to find other men…
"Well I would be happy if we didn't have to worry about work getting in the way" her cheeks flushed as she admitted "but I don't feel it's particularly necessary for our lives"
Seeing the pure blushing face Lilia made filled his heart with relief. He took a deep breath and let it out then returned to his place on her l.a.p, a satisfied smile on his face.
"You know, Lilia…" someone in his position with all the power and money any one person could have wouldn't find it a problem to play around. But just because he could doesn't mean he should "I purposefully never interact with the female staff because I was afraid I might lose my grip at some point"
"I know" Lilia laughed a little
"You do?"
"you aren't exactly hiding it. They don't adore you as much though"
"You think?"
"They told me"
Seven had hundreds of nekos living under his wing. While just head-patting them seemed like a pleasant idea he wanted to conquer a few and building the harem every man dreams of. The image of cute cat eared girls in maid uniforms calling him master was too hard to resist.
Lilia gave him the okay, she didn't mind if he did it at all. But even if they both were fine with it Seven saw no reason for him to try
"… I'm actually happy like this" Seven closed his eyes "I always wanted for our relationship to be more than just s.e.x. As long as Lilia is fine with it, I don't mind if things stayed like this for a while"
S.e.x brings that special addiction to your love, to the feelings you have for one true life partner. If you aren't careful it becomes an addiction to the physical act and the fantasy rather than the person, and that's something Seven was afraid of.
He wanted Lilia to love him, just like he loved her. He said them himself but he never heard those three words from her, and he was afraid to ask.
All he could do was patiently wait and not rush, if he rushed he would risk losing it all. He had many things to worry about, many responsibilities to take care of. But, even if he was a little over twelve thousand years old Seven was still a teenager on the inside.
"I'm glad" as she gently brushed his hair with her hands Lilia shined on him with her smile "you seemed worried about something all the time, I thought I was getting in the way"
"No… everything is fine"
Beside all the responsibilities he had there were a few things he had on his mind. He still doesn't know what to think of earth's destruction, and the fact that he was a few thousand years old. Aley had thought him a few things since then in return for all the information he could provide on the humanity of old, but he didn't know what to make of it. He didn't really care, but when a man hears he's been asleep centuries going on with life without worries was no longer an option
There is nothing to be done in that regard, time would eventually wash it away.
The two spent the day relaxing like that, nothing major happened. After a lunch break they went back to the room, a few minutes later Ginger gave them a visit bringing small box. When they opened it a letter was inside.
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