
  On the streets and alleys of Weihai Acropolis, both the common people and the wealthy businessmen began to talk and talk frantically. Some people were optimistic about the future of Weihai Acropolis, while others were full of pessimism. I began to consider whether to follow the lord's mansion and settle in Jinan.

  In short, the relocation of the lord's mansion caused a great uproar, but in the end it subsided one by one, and all the territorial people had to accept the fact that the lord's mansion was really about to move.

  Under the fully armed guard of the [-]-person guard battalion, Lin Feng left Weihai Acropolis, where he had lived for more than a year, and went to Jinan Fucheng with the personnel and institutions of various important departments of the territory.

  Just like when you came to Weihaiwei, leaving Weihaiwei also means the end of an era and the rise of a brand new era.

  On the second day of entering the lord's mansion in Jinan Fucheng, Lin Feng held a non-stop military and political meeting of the whole territory! Fei Lu reminds you: the three things of reading: collect, recommend, and divide

Chapter [-] expands the army more than three times, the three major legions

  This meeting brought together all the leaders of the territory's military and political affairs, with the highest level.

  Such as the commander of the naval and land armies, the guard commander in the field army, and the commander of each fleet.

  In the Government Council, ministers and vice-minister-level figures from various departments were gathered.

  Including all military and political leaders.

  The meeting was chaired by Li Gan, Chief of the General Staff of the General Staff.

  This is almost equivalent to a "challenge meeting" in Lin Feng's territory

  Yes, it is bound to be noticed.

  Now Weihaiwei's every move has attracted much attention, and its influence is too great.

  Moreover, Weihaiwei, who had been dormant for more than half a month, suddenly convened such a major meeting. As a person, he knew that Lin Feng would definitely make a big move.

  "The theme of this meeting is only to make adjustments for the future strategic deployment of the territory!"

  The chief of staff set the tone for the meeting for the first time. When he saw everyone's faces were straight and obeyed with awe, he opened the map of the entire territory and pointed to the map: "Now the territory is undergoing crazy infrastructure construction. Among them, there is also the process of popularizing the mechanization of steam engines, because of the popularization and application of steam engines and related mechanical equipment, our speed has been greatly improved in various infrastructure constructions!"

  "As for the newly occupied territories, Qingzhou Prefecture, Jinan Prefecture, and Yanzhou Prefecture have completed all the infrastructure constructions, and have officially entered the stage of self-sufficiency and even a slight balance, so as to obtain benefits and start blood transfusions for the territory!"

  "And the Xuzhou Mansion in the south, Huai'an Mansion, has also completed more than [-]% of the construction, and it is expected that it will be completed in one week!"

  "The Dongchang Mansion in the northwest and the Daming Mansion that has just been occupied are less than [-]% complete, and we need to work harder to complete it as soon as possible!"

  Infrastructure construction and territorial digestion have always been the responsibility of the Government Council. Immediately, the heads of various departments focused on: "Make sure to complete the task!"

  Li Gan waved his hand and let them sit down, then his expression became very serious and said: "The most important thing next is military construction. At present, the army in my territory has a total of three 3 field divisions and thirty 30 guards. .

  These troops can defend the territory of the current territory, and even expand a little, it's okay."

  "But if I want to complete the next step, I will start a war with the Dashun Dynasty, start a war with the Manchu Tatars, occupy the whole territory of Northern Zhili, occupy several prefectures in Henan, occupy the whole territory of Shanxi, occupy the huge area north of the Yellow River and south of the Great Wall. North, this force is far from enough!!"

  "Perhaps our army can defeat Dashun, the Manchu Tartars, and even the northern remnants of the Ming Dynasty with a strong fighting force.

  But it is far from enough to rule the entire North, clean up all the gentry forces in the North, and seize all the land and farmland in the North!"

  "The lord has always said that when you occupy a place, you must fully control it! You shouldn't occupy it for the sake of occupying it. After you occupy it, you can't control the territory, and you can't control the resources of the newly occupied area. It's better not to occupy it!"

  "Therefore, we must expand our army!!"

  As soon as Li Gan said that he would expand the army, the commanders of the three major armies and the ten commanders of the 10 field guards were all excited! This is a big event for them! And it's a good thing! Officer, who doesn't want to have more troops and more elites under his command! Li Gan didn't seem to see the excited expressions of these army officers, and said solemnly: "According to the instructions of the lord, the field army will be expanded by more than three times!!"

  "Three 3 field divisions, expanded to ten 10s!!"

  "Thirty 30 guards, expand to ninety 90 guards!!"

  "At the same time, the army will be established, and three field armies will be formed, namely, the Military Corps, the White Tiger Corps, and the Suzaku Corps!!"

  three armies

  As soon as the formation of the group came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

  Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and began to count with their fingers one after another, after this expansion, the army of the territory will be expanded to how many troops.

  Li Gan ignored the uproar of these people and continued: "Remove the army's establishment and formally establish the field division establishment. In the future, the field army will directly use the three major establishments, guard, division, and legion."

  "The field division will follow the standard three-3 mix guard, one cavalry guard, and one artillery guard!"

  "That is to say, this time the army is expanded, the mixed guards will be expanded from ten 10s to thirty 30s, cavalry guards to ten 10s, and artillery guards ten 10s!"

  "Among them, the Xuanwu Legion has four 44 field divisions, the first, the fourth, the fifth and the sixth, and will also be equipped with a heavy artillery division and a cavalry division to serve as fire support, mobile support, and to strengthen the army's ability to attack fortifications. , mobility and pursuit ability!"

  "The heavy artillery division and the cavalry division will each have [-] troops!"

  "The heavy artillery division has three types of heavy artillery, [-] catties of artillery, [-] catties of artillery, and [-] catties of artillery. If necessary, it can also be equipped with [-] catties of artillery! The number of heavy artillery, one hundred and fifty!"

  As soon as they heard the configuration of the heavy artillery division, everyone present gasped.

  This kind of firepower configuration is simply maddening! One hundred and fifty artillery pieces, the smallest are ten jin cannons! If a ten jin cannon hits the city wall, it can blast a big hole with one shot.

  There are one hundred and fifty such artillery pieces, and there are also many fifteen jin cannons and twenty-five jin cannons that are far more powerful.

  This kind of firepower density is smashed down, even if it is a solid bullet, then the city wall will not collapse and the city will not be smashed into ruins! This is obviously specially designed to attack the capital city, whose defense can be called a perverted level. It is specially configured! This This kind of firepower, with all the cities up and down the Ming Dynasty, there are almost no cities that can stop it! What is even more frightening is that the strength of the Xuanwu Legion will reach an extremely terrifying number.

  One field division, 500, 44, [-], and four [-] field divisions, that is [-].

  Together with a heavy artillery division and a cavalry division, the entire army is only a field army, and it has reached 30. It is a huge man! If it is matched with thirty [-] guards, the force will reach a terrifying twenty. [-]! [-] soldiers! The announcement of this number will almost suffocate people in despair.

  If they are paired with some farmers, then the Xuanwu Legion will easily break through the [-]-[-]-strong army! Li Gan continued: "Suzaku, the White Tiger Legion, the basic configuration is similar to the Xuanwu Legion, just one less field division. !"

  "After the establishment of the three major legions, the Xuanwu Legion will be in charge of the northern battlefield, the White Tiger Legion will be in charge of the western battlefield, and the Suzaku Legion will be in charge of the southern battlefield!"

  Speaking of which, Li Gan made an appeal and asked Lin Feng to announce the commanders of the three major armies to accept his fate.

  Lin Feng nodded, sat on the chair, and said in a low voice, "Liu Yuan, Zhang Yang, Qiu Sheng!"


  Liu Yuan, Zhang Yang, and Qiu Sheng immediately stood up and gave a military salute to Lin Feng with solemn expressions on their faces.

  "From now on, Liu Yuan will be the commander of the Xuanwu Legion, Zhang Yang will be the commander of the Suzaku Legion, and Qiu Sheng will be the commander of the White Tiger Legion!"

  "At present, the production of the new musket and flintlock gun has been accelerated, and the establishment of each guard will not be changed for the time being. All the musketeers of the field army will replace the arquebuses with flintlock guns, and the replaced arquebuses will be equipped for the newly established guards. !"

  "The next task for you is to set up the three major legions, and do a good job of dressing up and training soldiers!"

  "Always be prepared for an impending war!!!"

Chapter [-] Comprehensive preparations

  The three major legions, the soldiers of each legion, including the guards, are more than [-]. It can be said that after this large expansion of the army, the number of soldiers is only nearly [-]! [-] armed to Tooth soldiers, if this number spreads out, it will definitely cause the whole world to be shocked and an uproar.

  However, with nearly [-] soldiers, this is a figure that Lin Feng's territory can bear. With the current strength of his territory, he can fully support these [-] soldiers.

  And it is not only affordable, but also able to raise well, have spare energy, and start wars.

  According to Lin Feng's vision, in this war, he will not only occupy the entire northern Zhili, but also occupy the entire territory north of the Yellow River and south of the Great Wall! If he occupies the entire northern part of Shenzhou, then he can establish his absolute dominance! Such a large territory requires a lot of troops to be used.

  Moreover, he is not like Li Zicheng and the Manchu Tartars who recruited and surrendered soldiers while fighting, and let his troops skyrocket like a balloon! Lin Feng did not like this kind of violent soldiers with unstable foundations. , he didn't want to. After he worked hard to conquer the country, he also caused a large number of generals in the army to surrender, causing the army to be unstable and out of control.

  The army he needs is an army that he can completely control! And it is still an army that can maintain combat effectiveness! Therefore, the cost of his army is naturally ten times or even dozens of times, even hundreds of times higher than other forces.

  This time, the number of violent soldiers was tripled, and the number of soldiers under his command was expanded to nearly [-] in one breath. Lin Feng had to urgently produce [-] peasants from the system, like recruits, into the three major legions. Start training like crazy.

  At the same time, he also needs the military factory under his command, working overtime and frantically producing weapons and equipment that can fully equip these [-] recruits! In addition, in order to maintain the logistics supply of the three corps, Lin Feng had to produce [-] peasants. A farmer who acts as an army.

  It can be said that the three legions of the Territory Army, with [-] soldiers and [-] farmers, the size of the three legions has reached a terrifying figure of [-] million.

  This [-] million army can't work, can't create income, and will only consume food, weapons and ammunition, silver dollars, etc., is a real beast of gold! If it was smashed, the resources hoarded by the lord's palace were almost drained.

  The heartache Lin Feng almost vomited blood, but unfortunately, he had to smash this consumption! And he also encouraged the commanders of the three major legions under his command, so that they don't need heartache gunpowder and ammunition, and made it hard, with the fastest speed. The recruits were trained and quickly formed combat effectiveness.

  How come the army's combat power in the age of guns and artillery is fed by silver dollars! After comforting the commanders of the three major corps under his command, Lin Feng lay quietly on the chair, clenching his fingers hard to settle accounts, calculating how much money he still has. .

  This time, he really vomited blood! But in order to take chestnuts out of the fire and withhold the greatest benefits in the coming changes, he had to expand his army like crazy.

  "My lord, this military expansion plan is really crazy, and it hurts the finances of our territory too much!"

  After sending off the military and political ministers under his command, Li Gan, the chief of staff, came to Lin Feng and complained with a heartache.

  Li Gan is equivalent to Lin Feng's big housekeeper. He handles almost all the affairs of this military expansion plan. He naturally knows how much the military expansion will cost this time!"

  The training consumption of the crazy formation of combat power, once the war starts, the consumption of large-scale battles in the future will be difficult to withstand!"

  Li Gan only felt his scalp go numb when he looked at the military expenditure report and the budget for large-scale battles after the war.

  It is only the financial budget of a legion of the Xuanwu Legion. Once the war starts, the scale of its consumption will reach a terrifying scale of tens of millions of silver dollars a month.

  Moreover, this is only a regular consumption, and does not calculate the consumption caused by various accidents that occur.

  Now the entire territory, a month's financial revenue, is only [-] million silver dollars! And the territory is not just fighting, the infrastructure construction of the newly occupied territory, and the crazy resource investment, that is the big one.

  The bigger the territory, the more consumption! The construction resources invested have reached an astronomical figure.

  "Don't panic, now that our territory has begun to popularize mechanized production, production capacity is skyrocketing, and the cost of military material consumption in the future will come down.

  At the same time, our newly occupied Xuzhou Prefecture, Huaian Prefecture, Dongchang Prefecture and Daming Prefecture, after the completion of the infrastructure construction of these four 44 Prefectures, will soon be able to be self-sufficient and do not need to invest resources!"

  "And, there will be a lot of food production soon, blood transfusions to the territory!"

  "There are always more solutions than problems. As long as we can persevere through this most difficult moment, as time goes by, our fiscal revenue will increase, and the resources under our control will become more and more abundant. !"

  "In addition, the expansion of the army only consumes the inventory resources of our previous territory, and does not extract the fiscal revenue of the future territory in advance, so it has no impact on the economic development of the territory!"

  "Even because we have fully prepared for the war and expanded the domestic demand market several times, the economy will develop better and become: more prosperous!"

  Lin Feng calmly comforted Li Gandao.

  Li Gan nodded helplessly: "That's the only way, we will have a hard time. During this time, apart from preparing for the battle, we can't have big projects and big actions!"

  "Otherwise, we really won't be able to withstand this terrifying consumption!"

  Lin Feng nodded, at this critical moment of comprehensive preparation, he naturally wouldn't do anything else.

  He doesn't have much energy to do things anymore, and now he wants to put all his energy into the upcoming all-out war.

  The scale of this war will explode on an unprecedented scale! It can be said that he, Lin Feng, will have an unprecedented decisive battle with the three major forces! Dashun, Manchu, and Ming.

  This is bound to happen, because Lin Feng's goal is very clear, that is to occupy the territory and take full control of all resources.

  These three major forces will definitely not give up their territory obediently! Naturally, a war is inevitable! This is the first time that Lin Feng has felt the unprecedented pressure of a decisive battle, and he must put all his energy into it. Come in.

  "Don't say anything, get ready for battle!!"

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