Lin Feng waved his hand and told Li to go on, make full preparations for the war, and fully prepare all military supplies.

  And he will personally supervise the intelligence agencies, collect intelligence on the major forces, and decide the time to send troops north and fully enter Beizhili.

Chapter [-] Plundering the wealth of the whole world

  The entire territory began to enter a state of full-scale preparation for war. Even though the lord's mansion was moved to Jinan, the economic center of the territory, Weihaiwei, still felt a dignified atmosphere of war.

  The territorial residents of Weihai Acropolis have already felt the atmosphere of territorial preparations very keenly. They can know from the busy state of the factory that they are constantly working overtime and overtime.

  In addition, on the port dock, ship after ship of thousand-ton merchant ships, loaded with various iron ore, saltpeter, sulfur, charcoal and even rice and other materials, were constantly looted from overseas.

  Busy can't do it! From this point of view, it is the rhythm of a war! However, because the supply of basic materials in the territory is stable, and the price increase is very small, this did not cause panic among the people.

  On the contrary, because the lord's mansion is fully producing and stocking strategic materials, various factories in the territory have received a large number of orders, and many orders cannot be received, so the lords start to work overtime and make a lot of money. .

  All the merchants were even more beaming, and they all felt that this was a good time to make money! The lord's mansion provided silver dollars, and they provided the labor force, and the power of the territory was easily mobilized.

  There are too many people involved in this war! In addition, the outbreak of the war will not only require those strategic materials, because Lin Feng formulated the policy of occupying one place, building one place, and controlling one place.

  All-round preparation for war is true full-scale preparation! All kinds of materials are needed! Almost all industrial commodities that can be produced in the territory are needed by the lord's palace! Although the factories under the lord's palace are almost in every industry. , occupy a monopoly position.

  But because of the separate accounting system, even if the lord's palace wants to place an order to reserve materials, it needs to be bought with real money.

  What's more, if you want to make the workers in the territory work overtime, you have to spend money! The scale of this time's comprehensive preparations is unprecedented. As a result, the domestic demand market in the territory has expanded wildly, in line with the production mode of the mechanized production line of steam engines. , The production capacity of factories of all walks of life in the territory is bursting wildly, the productivity is increasing wildly, and the scale is expanding wildly.

  And the businessmen who run business overseas are madly buying a large amount of raw materials from all over the world.

  As a result, the scale of overseas transactions in the territory has directly increased.

  Because of Weihaiwei's comprehensive preparations for the war, the entire world's trading market has become: hot.

  From this aspect, it can also be seen how huge the influence of Weihaiwei in the world is now! Almost every move is affecting all parts of the world and every region of the world.

  And because of Weihaiwei's comprehensive preparations for war, more countries and regions, more population, began to serve Weihaiwei, and voluntarily joined the ranks of Weihaiwei's economic colonization and plunder.

  This is not a question of whether countries and regions are willing or not, but Weihaiwei's industrial products crush all local similar products, madly occupy their market, and monopolize their market.

  What's even more frightening is that they still can't find a substitute.

  Even people of insight in some countries are aware of the situation, and the merchants in Weihaiwei are frantically plundering their wealth.

  However, they couldn't come up with any solution.

  Business competition is fundamental competition.

  And by force, they can't even beat the armed merchants of Weihaiwei, let alone continue to escort the sea and deepen their influence.

  As well as the Jinghai Fleet of Weihaiwei, which controls the various sea areas of the South China Sea.

  Now the Jinghai Fleet, since it occupied Yizhou Island and took control of the waters of Yizhou Island, it has used Yizhou Island as its base and expanded everywhere.

  Although no large-scale military operations were carried out, no large-scale armed colonial operations were carried out.

  But they still established various naval bases in Luzon, along the coast of Annan, and in Champaign.

  Moreover, they also began to re-establish one by one according to the troop guards established by the Ming Dynasty in various parts of Nanyang in the past.

  The various indigenous countries of the South Seas, regardless of

  No matter how powerful you are, after seeing the powerful fleet of Weihaiwei Fleet, you won't dare to let go of one.

  As for Dapana on Luzon Island, they happily took the large amount of silver that had worked hard and drifted across the sea from the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean, exchanged it with a ship full of Weihaiwei industrial products, and went back to do business happily.

  Even if the Jinghai Fleet built a naval base next to their Malani port and became neighbors with them, they would not have any opinions, and of course they would not dare to give any opinions.

  The same is true for the Windmill Country, even if they were driven out of Yizhou Island, they did not dare to declare war with the Jinghai Fleet, but chose to do business.

  With the establishment of the various naval bases of the Jinghai Fleet, finally the Jinghai Fleet, on the Strait of Malacca, restored the Weisuo Manshijia built during the Ming Dynasty and Zhuli period.

  The Port of Manciga was established as a naval base and commercial port, and it began to take full control of the South China Sea.

  All the indigenous countries in the entire Southeast Asia have entered the era of economic colonization by Weihaiwei.

  Because of Weihaiwei's comprehensive preparation for war, coupled with the birth of the steam engine and the popularization of mechanized production, Weihaiwei has an increasing demand for various raw materials.

  Directly detonated the entire overseas trading market! When the armed merchants of Weihaiwei held Weihaiwei's dazzling array of high-quality, bargain-priced industrial commodities in one hand, and guns and artillery in the other, people from almost all countries and regions, Obediently chose to take out raw materials for trading.

  After the transaction, I suddenly felt that Weihaiwei's industrial products are really good and fragrant! Turning around, they exploited the subjects below even more! Who let the things grow out of these fields, and the things dug out of the ground, like this It's worth it! Isn't it just paying some untouchables' lives and sweat? It's so worth it! Transactions! And large-scale transactions! Overseas markets, domestic demand markets, began to fully detonate! It's bigger than the scale of a day! For Lin Feng, this is a favorite. Anyway, when Weihaiwei doesn't need so many raw materials, it's not his subjects who are mourning all over the place.

  It can even be said that due to the comprehensive preparation for war, the process of Weihaiwei's economic colonization overseas has been directly accelerated! The plunder of the world's wealth has increased a little! , the industrial system will not be so perfect, so huge.

  For Lin Feng, this is the best time to establish an industrial system! It is also the best time for Weihaiwei! The industrial, commercial and economic colonial system he established cannot find any rivals in this era and this world! Even more terrifying What's more, the territory he established is not an island country, but an empire with a huge territory and population! This means that a real king of the world is being born and rising! In the whole world, there are no people or countries. Realize this.

Chapter [-] Li Zicheng, Son of Heaven

  Jinan Fucheng, the lord's mansion.

  "Master, good news, good news!"

  "Because the strategic layout of the Jinghai Fleet in the South China Sea, its naval bases in the South China Sea, and its economic colonization has been successfully implemented.

  This time, we are fully prepared for the war, which directly detonated the raw material trading market of the whole world!"

  "We use cheap industrial products to earn a lot of raw materials, and the profits are as high as: tens to hundreds of times. As a result, this time, the huge consumption caused by our comprehensive preparations has been recovered from the overseas trading market. , This time we fully prepared for the war, not only did we not lose, but we also made a lot of money!!"

  "Among them, the steam engine has made an unparalleled masterpiece! Because of the emergence of the steam engine, the production capacity of our territory has rapidly expanded. Once the production capacity increases, we can cope with such a large-scale transaction!"

  "It can be said that this time our territory has performed a perfect show, using other people's resources to provide our territory with comprehensive preparations and support our actions to break out a large-scale battle!"

  "The whole world works for us!!"

  Li Gan exclaimed with a look of astonishment, and he still couldn't believe it to this day.

  The shock brought to him by this incident was too great! He could not imagine that the war could still be played like this! It was even possible to pass the cost of the war on to others! The war has not yet been fought, and the spoils of war are nothing No, the army under his command is still in a frenzied consumption of gold.

  However, the territory still made money! This is unbelievable! Lin Feng waved his hand to calm him down, and then said with an expected look: "In the future, you have to get used to it, with the emergence of steam engines in our territory, the mechanized production line The popularity of the industry, the crazy ramp-up of production capacity, and the explosion of productivity.

  In the future, the scale of our overseas economic colonization will become larger and deeper!"

  "Soon, you will find that all countries and regions in the world are our leeks!"

  "We can find any reason and we can harvest him one after another!"

  "Plunder the wealth of the entire world into our territory!"

  "Grafting the cost of war is nothing!"

  "Once we can incorporate more countries, more regions, and more people into our economic system, you will find that in any war we fight in the future, no matter the outcome, no matter how big or small, Can make money, and still make a lot of money!”

  "Even if we sneezed, there would be a big earthquake in the world!"

  "You have to have confidence in our future!"

  Li Gandu was stunned by what Lin Feng told him, and murmured: "If this goes on, then don't we want to control the world and be the king of the world!"

  Lin Feng said affirmatively: "Once we turn the entire Ming Dynasty into our territory, then we will have the qualification to become the king of the world!"

  "Abundant population, vast territory, terrifying productivity, and a mighty army!"

  "We don't do the king of the world, who can do it!"

  Li Gan listened and listened, the whole person looked solemn, so Lin Feng was brainwashed, and said solemnly: "My lord, I will do my best to assist the lord and be the king of the world!"

  At this moment, Li Gan's mind is full of the lofty goals that the world's Lin Feng has set for him, but it seems to be achievable, which makes his blood boil! It seems that he has found the meaning of life, with a frenzied expression on his face.

  Looking at Lin Feng, he secretly muttered: "I won't be fooled and lame!"

  Well, Lin Feng is really just talking casually, he didn't think so

  Far, for the current him, occupying the entire north of the Ming Dynasty is the most important, the most realistic, and the most logical.

  Because the foundation of overseas economic colonization was well laid, the result was that comprehensive preparations for war directly detonated the raw material market of the entire world, and directly accelerated the pace of preparations for war in the territory.

  Raw materials from all over the world arrive at Weihaiwei one after another, and are sent to various factories, then turned into parts, and finally assembled into complete industrial products.

  A large number of materials were produced, and they were quickly transferred to the warehouses of various front-line bases.

  Moreover, the speed of this reserve is getting faster and faster! For the residents of Weihaiwei, this is an extremely rare opportunity to make a fortune, and they are all working hard to speed up the collection and transportation of raw materials.

  For workers, this is also an opportunity to make money, more work, more pay, and under the system of piecework, overtime production.

  With the newly occupied Fuzhou, the farms established by it have gained a bumper harvest.

  After a large amount of grain was put into the warehouse, the materials for comprehensive preparations began to be sufficient.

  The materials stored in the Lord's Mansion are enough to support several large-scale campaigns of millions of troops.

  It also means that the full-scale preparations for the war have come to an end.

  Next, it is to see the training effect of each legion, and whether the combat power has... formed.

  In addition, that is the time to start a war! Time quietly entered the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, early February.

  Lin Feng received news from the intelligence agency that Li Zicheng led the Dashun Army from Datong Mansion in Shanxi along the Great Wall defense line, rushed into Beizhili, and occupied Xuanfu Town without a single shot.

  Xuanfu Town is located in the northwest direction of the capital, and it is very close. Here Daming established a strong military defense line to defend the northern Mongolia and the Manchu Tatars.

  It can be said that this is the northwest gateway of the capital.

  Once lost here, the capital will have no danger to defend, and will face the edge of Li Zicheng's Dashun Army! And Li Zicheng's Dashun Army, since crossing the Yellow River and launching the Eastern Expedition, has been victorious and victorious. Descending, like a son of destiny, the smoothness is unbelievable.

  Coupled with Lin Feng's strong rise, it posed an unimaginable threat to the Daming gentry. Among them, the Huaibei decisive battle almost broke the backbone and resistance of the Daming gentry.

  It directly led to a large number of gentry, who fell to Li Zicheng's Dashun Army in an all-round way.

  As a result, Li Zicheng's Dashun Army was much stronger than in history.

  After taking the Xuanzhen Mansion without a single shot, Li Zicheng was just the army of the Eastern Expedition that entered the capital, and the army reached a million! Among them were a large number of veterans from the border towns of Daming! These Daming soldiers, in Daming, were greedy and fearful. die.

  But once they were put into Li Zicheng's Dashun Army camp, they became one by one: they were not afraid of death, and their morale was like a rainbow! They really showed their due combat effectiveness! This is what Li Zicheng's Dashun Army was like in history.

  In this time and space, because of the strong support of the gentry, the soldiers and horses under Li Zicheng's command were even more powerful.

  Obviously, the gentry in the north of the Ming Dynasty have already regarded Li Zicheng as the main force to replace the Zhu family of the Ming Dynasty and fight against the Weihai Wei Lin Feng.

  Support Li Zicheng's Dashun Army at almost any cost! All families and tribes, almost bring their own troops, horses and money, to join the Dashun Army.

  This move not only shocked the world, but also frightened Li Zicheng's internal generals.

  This is clearly the rhythm of anti-customer-oriented! But, at this juncture that he is about to enter the capital and become the master of the Forbidden City, Li Zicheng does not dare to act rashly.

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