"Our lord can finally officially ascend to the throne!!"

  When Liu Yuan heard it, he burst into laughter and was extremely excited.

  It can be said that throughout the First Battle of Northern Zhili, whether it was the defeat of the Dashun Army or the defeat of the Manchu Tatars, there were numerous battles in succession.

  It is so important to occupy the Forbidden City without winning the capital! The Forbidden City in the capital is very symbolic! Win the capital and enter the Forbidden City.

  This represents orthodoxy!! It also means that Dayan can officially establish a country.

  The lord of Great Yan can truly enter the Forbidden City and become emperor! Thinking of this, Liu Yuan couldn't help laughing. on the castle tower.

  At the top of the tower of the Forbidden City, the flaming golden dragon flag flutters high. Under the sunlight, it looks like a golden dragon, reborn from ashes! Cleans all the lead! This flag, which represents the Chinese civilization and the Han civilization, once again flutters in the sky Below, above the earth.

  Appearing in the eyes of the world once again! Once again, dominating the east of the world! The moment the flaming golden dragon flag was planted in the tower of the Forbidden City, it also represented that the Forbidden City welcomed a new owner - Lin Feng.

Chapter [-]: Defense of the Capital, Great Purge

  After occupying the capital and planting the flaming golden dragon flag, which symbolizes the great flame, on the highest part of the tower of the Forbidden City, Liu Yuan began to do business.

  The first is the garrison of the army! The capital is the capital of a country, and naturally no wars are allowed to come into the capital! Once the enemy enters the capital, it will be a very heavy blow to the confidence of the citizens of a country. .

  The decline of any power is related to the enemy's entry into the capital.

  Therefore, the city defense of the capital needs to be expanded to include all surrounding cities into the city defense system.

  The land of the capital, because of Zhu Li's relationship, was originally used as a front-line base for the war.

  The city defense is amazing.

  The first thing Liu Yuan had to do was to take all the cities around the capital, such as Tongzhou, Shunyi, Changping, Juyongguan, etc., to establish the first core line of defense.

  Then expand the scope of the city defense and make use of the Great Wall defense line.

  "Order the North Road Army to stay behind five 55 garrison guards, stationed in Shanhaiguan and Yongping Prefecture, and the remaining fifteen garrison guards, along the Great Wall defense line, occupy and garrison one by one!"

  "If the time is right, the guards below will have the right to cross the Great Wall's defense line and launch a counterattack against foreign places!"

  Liu Yuan immediately ordered that more than half of the North Route Army stationed in Shanhaiguan should be sent back.

  The garrison garrisoned the Great Wall defense line, that is justifiable.

  In addition, for the current Dayan Army, it is the most important thing to occupy the entire northern Zhili, the entire area north of the Yellow River, and even the entire old land of the Ming Dynasty, and unify the world.

  Therefore, in a short period of time, it will not cross the Great Wall defense line on a large scale to attack the Manchu Tatars and Mongolia.

  Of course, if there is a chance, it will also come out and fight back.

  But that's all based on the guards! The reason why Liu Yuan gave the guards below the authority to cross the Great Wall and counterattack is because of this.

  Although I can't fight big, I can still fight small, and by the way, it will relieve the pressure of the capital's city defense.

  The enemy the Xuanwu Legion faced was the enemy north of the Great Wall.

  Therefore, after winning the surrounding cities of the capital, he began to move his army northward, and seized the important military towns and the Great Wall defense line.

  Among them, Xuanfu Town, northwest of the capital, is an extremely important point.

  Because the vast area north of the capital is a huge mountain range with many lofty mountains and mountains, it is not a place where heavy troops will attack.

  This kind of terrain limits the dispatch of the army.

  The enemy wants to break the level on a large scale, and there are only two directions.

  One is Shanhaiguan in the northeast, and the other is Xuanfu Town in the northwest.

  Outside Xuanfu Town, that is the prairie of Yimapingchuan.

  For more than ten years before, the Manchu Tartars had passed through Xuanfu Town or Datong Mansion in Shanxi to break through the barriers and enter.

  For Liu Yuan, the main force of the Xuanwu Legion in the future will definitely focus on the defense targets of Xuanfu Town and the north of Datong Mansion. In addition to Shanhaiguan, it is also a key defense target.

  In these two places, the Xuanwu Legion will hoard heavy troops.

  Thinking of this, Liu Yuan sent the order again: "I ordered the team to go north, take the back, and continue to launch the attack to take the three places of Xuanfu Town, Baoan Prefecture, and Yanqing Prefecture in the northwest!"

  Once these three state capitals are won, then the Great Yan Army can be said to occupy two-thirds of the territory of Northern Zhili.

  Only Baoding Mansion, Shunde Mansion and Guangxi Mansion remain.

  Ping one, and Zhendingfu one.

  And the Dashun Army of these several prefectures, almost all the same as guarding the capital and guarding the Shuntian prefecture, retreated in an all-round way, almost withdrawing from the entire Beizhili, and all returned to Shanxi.

  There is no need for Liu Yuan to do anything at all, he only needs to send troops to receive it.

  Beizhili is a huge territory, much bigger than Shandong! It has eight prefectures, one town and two prefectures. Administratively, it is the land of eleven prefectures! It can be said that once the whole territory of Beizhili is occupied , The land owned by Dayan has fully owned the land of the nineteen prefectures! North of the entire Yellow River, only a part of Zhongzhou, Henan, and Shanxi have not been occupied.

  The site is huge, and it is extremely troublesome to build.

  In addition, now Dayan has not "relocated the capital"

  Therefore, Liu Yuan, the commander of the Xuanwu Legion, was needed to lead his elite main force to guard the capital.

  In addition to establishing military defense, that is to clean up the gentry of Northern Zhili.

  Although the northern Zhili has been plundered and looted by the Tartars for more than ten years, on the surface, the strength of the northern Zhili gentry is not as good as that of the southern Zhili gentry.

  But in fact, the northern Zhili gentry were more stubborn than the southern Zhili gentry, and their involvement was deeper.

  Because here, the gentry of the entire Ming Dynasty have gathered! And they are all powerful factions with their heads and faces! Without their strength, they would not be able to get along in Beizhili! The capital and even the entire Beizhili will be operated as a core site in the future. It is the core area of ​​Dayan.

  Liu Yuan absolutely can't tolerate it, there will be big troubles here in the future.

  Immediately, an incomparably iron-blooded cleansing order was issued.

  The entire Northern Zhili gentry were subjected to extremely strict iron and blood cleaning! As long as there were any gentry families that threatened the rule of Dayan, they would all be included in the cleaning list.

  In particular, the remaining princes and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, the cabinet bosses, the Six Books, and the military aristocrats with titles such as princes and marquis.

  One of them counts as one, and all of them have entered the ranks of raiding their homes and exterminating their families! Apart from the possibility of causing chaos, the most important thing is that these people are rich! They are richer than the Shandong gentry! How can Liu Yuan let go? Now, with the development of industry and commerce in Dayan, the shortage of money! Because the circulation of silver dollars is too fast, the market needs a lot of silver dollars.

  Even though Dayan plundered and occupied several large silver mines on the Japanese island, he actively carried out overseas trade and plundered a large amount of silver all over the world.

  However, it still cannot satisfy the more and more developed industry and commerce! There is silver in the market. In fact, this is also a sign of the development of industry and commerce, because the rapid circulation of silver dollars in the market speeds up the circulation.

  The more frequent the transaction, the more silver dollars are needed, which naturally leads to the phenomenon of money shortage.


  "The commander of the legion, those gentry who escaped from the capital, they have all been captured, and none have been spared!!"

  Just as he was thinking of sending a sum from the gentry of the capital, the messenger sent a good news to Liu Yuan.

  Suddenly, Liu Yuan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

  Whatever you really want, come here.

  He was too lazy to see these gentry in the capital. In his heart, there is no good thing for the gentry in the capital who are still alive! The good gentry officials have long since died with the death of Emperor Chongzhen! All these remain, I don't know Shame turned his head and sold Daming and the gentry of Emperor Chongzhen, all should be damned! Moreover, it would be a big trouble to let them survive sooner or later! He immediately waved his hand and made a beheading gesture: "Clean up all of them!"

Chapter [-] The Doomsday of the Capital Gentry

  "What are you doing!"

  "Do you know who I am?"

  "I am the Minister of Rites of the Ming Dynasty!!"

  "I don't know the rules yet!!"

  Following Liu Yuan's order to purge, the entire capital of the capital underwent a frantic and brutal purge.

  One by one, the captured gentry were dragged out of their mansions one after another. Among them, there were many high-ranking officials such as those in the cabinet of the Ming Dynasty and the Six Books.

  In addition, there are a large number of various Ming nobles.

  They still maintained a certain ineffable authority, shouting and scolding, trying to intimidate the soldiers who came to arrest them.

  I thought that the layer of skin on their bodies, that... gentleman status, could keep them.

  Who knows, the soldiers of Dayan don't care about this set of things at all, without saying a word, they just smashed the handle of a gun and dragged it out like a dog to death.

  How majestic before, how embarrassing behind! This day, it is the end of the capital gentry! There are screams, killing roars, and crying all over the place. The gentlemen, the officials, and the wealthy businessmen have been dragged. Come out, bundled together, and began to wander the streets in the capital city.

  It caused a sensation in the entire capital! All the people of the capital never imagined that they would be able to see such an explosive scene.

  He didn't even expect that Dayan would be so hard-hearted, so resolute, that he actually dragged all these old men out like dead dogs.

  "Isn't that uncle?"

  "Hey, what is Uncle, there are a lot of marquis and even princes behind it!!"

  "Even the big bosses in the cabinet and the six ministers have all been caught!!"

  "Da Yan is really too strong!!!"

  "This is really strong, it's definitely not a petty mess! Catch up the gentlemen above in one go!!"

  "What is this, I heard that Dayan wants to behead all of them, not to mention, but also raids their families and exterminates their families! Their families, clansmen, and the guilty will all beheaded.

  Even if he is innocent, he will be arrested and taken to the mine to mine! It is said that he will mine for a lifetime!!”

  "There are not one hundred survivors, all of them are good people, really good people!"

  "Ah, so, those who have been beheaded are all bad people!"

  "That's for sure, gentleman, there are a few good people who are almost all bad guys!"

  "I can't see it, I really can't see it! These gentlemen and gentlemen are always righteous and awe-inspiring, saying big truths, saying good things, and persuading people to be kind, how can they be bad guys?"

  "Hahaha, it's the bad guys who persuade people to be kind! If there are too many bad guys, wouldn't they be robbing them of business?"

  "Ah, what you said seems to make sense!"

  "Shit, it's so damn worthy, these gentlemen, one by one, they're oozing pus, they're so bad!!"

  "They deserve hell!!"

  "Hahaha, the gentleman is also very nice today, it's really nice!"


  The whole capital was a sensation, and all the people came out, stood on the street, and even climbed to the roof, watching the gentry and gentlemen being paraded through the streets.

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