Each one's face is full of understanding, and Xing's heart is full of emotion at the same time. Dayan is really too bold to say that if he hits the gentry and officials, he will really be defeated and show no mercy! For the common people in the capital, It is an incredible thing! They never dreamed that Dayan would dare to do this! Although before, they had also heard that Dayan was the enemy of the gentry in the world and did not allow the gentry to survive.

  But they just thought it was an exaggeration, and it was all slander by the gentlemen.

  Who knows, what Dayan did, it was more terrifying than they imagined!

  It's even more powerful! A person who looks like a person in front of a person, and the upright gentlemen and officials were violently stripped, and what they did behind their back was messy, unpardonable, and extremely cruel things were all stripped out. .

  The people in the capital who listened were all in an uproar, stunned, and dumbfounded.

  They never imagined that these gentlemen and officials, who were full of sages and righteousness, would actually do so many abhorrent things behind their backs.

  It's so bad! Doing everything, just listening to it once, makes people feel angry.

  And these gentry officials have done more than I can count! The people in the capital are completely angry, and they no longer hold on to watch the fun! Because the bad things that these gentry do, happen to them, even to them! All are unacceptable Forgive! "Kill them!!"

  "I will put them to death!!"

  "Kill kill kill!"

  "They all deserve hell!!"

  "Shave them alive, they're so cheap!!"

  "Damn gentry officials, too bad!"


  The entire people in the capital were full of rage and anger! The people who were originally persecuted were burning with anger. After realizing the truth, they rushed up like a madman and beat the culprit violently! The gentry and officials were in a state of embarrassment, like defeated dogs with gray faces.

  "Murder and kill your heart!!!"

  "Da Yan, it's so hateful!"

  "Da Yan Lin Feng, this person is simply a devil! Not only does he want to take away our land, farmland and family property, but he also wants to put me into the eighteenth hell, and I will never be able to turn over!!"

  "It's over, it's over, this old man's reputation is completely stinky!!"

  "Today I am waiting for the gentlemen, everyone has become Qin Hui and his like, and the history has left a name!!"

  "How can Dayan be like this? How can they be like this!!"

  "I hate it, I wish I could detect Lin Feng as soon as possible, the wolf's ambition, can eat people without spitting bones!!"

  "My generation of gentlemen has completely destroyed Lin Feng's hands!!"

  "It's over, it's over, the old man is over, and the old man's family is over!!"

  "I don't regret the beginning!!"


  All the gentlemen who were skinned were ugly and exposed, some were crying and begging for mercy.

  He yelled at Da Yan and Lin Feng again.

  Some regretted that they didn't get rid of Lin Feng sooner, and Da Yan was wiped out.

  It can be said that there are all kinds of living beings, and the sinister human heart, like a demon, is completely exposed to the people of the capital.

  All the people in the capital seem to have recognized for the first time the true colors of these gentlemen!

  The shock this brought them was really too great! It completely subverted their three views! They never thought that those high-ranking, seemingly infinitely beautiful and human-like gentlemen and gentlemen, the real face, turned out to be So ugly! And with that comes exposure, full of anger, on the heads of these gentlemen.

  This day, for the gentry in the capital, is simply the end.

  They were completely skinned, and their ugly faces were completely exposed to the world! They were exposed to the world! They almost peeled off their black hearts, and thoroughly showed them to the world! The evil things they did , I can't even finish writing it! On this day, there are not one hundred gentry in the capital! No matter how noble or high-level they were before, they were all like dead dogs, surrounded and beaten to death by the angry people of the capital! Even There are still many people in the capital who eat their flesh and drink their blood and smash their skin!! It can be said that they hate it to the core.

Chapter [-] Seized [-] million taels of silver and occupied the entire territory of Northern Zhili

  "Commander, the number of seizures has increased. The amount of silver seized alone has reached 1 million [-] taels. In addition, there are countless jewelry, calligraphy, painting and antiques, especially food, which can be called a huge amount!"

  "I have to say, these gentlemen in the capital are really too rich!!"

  The chief of staff of the Xuanwu Legion reported to Liu Yuanhui with a happy face in the former Beijing camp of the capital, where the Xuanwu Legion is now stationed.


  Hearing that the amount of silver seized alone was 1 million taels, Liu Yuan gasped.

  He was already trying his best to overestimate the wealth of the gentry in the capital, but he never imagined that he would still far underestimate the wealth of the gentry in the capital.

  During the more than ten years of Chongzhen, the national tax of the entire Ming Dynasty was only a few million taels of silver.

  But just from the gentry in the capital, 1 million [-] taels of silver were seized. It is conceivable that the entire Ming Dynasty was hollowed out by these gentry.

  What is even more frightening is that this is only silver, not all the wealth of the gentry in the capital! Those farmland, those hoarded grains, and those inconspicuous antique calligraphy, painting and jewelry, etc., these are the real occupations.

  Because the number is too large, for a while, countless people from the Xuanwu Legion have checked and they can't find it clearly.

  But Liu Yuan knew that this time, he would not need to transfer resources from Dayan to govern the newly occupied state capitals of Beizhili. His pride was enough.

  Immediately he waved his hand: "It's just right, so much food has been confiscated, and we can directly deal with the entire capital and the construction of the entire Shuntian Mansion!"

  "Building roads, building roads, mining mining, all kinds of brick factories, cement factories, all start up!"

  "We must digest our newly occupied territory as quickly as possible!"

  "Only the digested territory can be our help and give me more strength to Dayan!"

  Every high-level general in the army, especially the generals who can lead the army independently, attaches great importance to the strategy proposed by Lin Feng, occupying one place and building another, and digesting the newly occupied territory as quickly as possible.

  Therefore, Liu Yuan is also a good hand in managing the new site! To gain a firm foothold on a new site, the most important thing is to control the land, grain and other resources.

  In this way, all the resources on the site are controlled, and the people of the newly occupied areas are driven to start working.

  On the way to work, give food and drink to the people under his command, and let them see hope, then people's hearts will naturally follow.

  A large number of infrastructure constructions are carried out, and the economy will naturally develop at that time.

  Those merchants in Dayan will not let go of such a huge market! Especially it is a new market with a large population and a huge area! In the following time, Liu Yuan turned into a governor and began to control the entire capital. In the construction, countless projects have been created, and a large number of people have been absorbed, so that almost everyone in the capital land has jobs to do.

  At the same time as he was engaged in construction, he dispatched a few Shishi to the south, and marched towards Baoding and Zhending, which are located in the south of Shuntian.

  Said to be marching, in fact, it was no different from receiving a territory! Because wherever they went, the soldiers of the Dashun Army all retreated for dozens or hundreds of miles.

  Almost as soon as I saw the Great Yan Army.

  It will madly retreat, as if seeing some wild beast, and it will not be terrified.

  Facing the Great Yan Army, the Dashun Army had almost no

  A little morale can be said, it is completely afraid of being beaten by the Great Yan Army! I don't even have the mind to fight! I don't have the slightest temper.

  The Great Yan Army attacked the city and plundered the land. Almost all of the time was spent on marching the road and cleaning the territory. As for the battle, no shot was fired! Just like that, after seven or eight days, there were messengers. Break into the Xuanwu Corps headquarters.


  "Commander, there is good news from the guards below, Xuanfu Town, Baoan Prefecture, and Yanqing Prefecture in the northwest of the capital, the three prefectures of the capital, and the northwest gateway of the capital, I have completely won the Xuanwu Legion!!"

  "And it also entered Datong Prefecture in Shanxi, and occupied several prefectures and counties in Datong Prefecture in Shanxi, such as Mengzhou, Lingqiu, Guangchang, and Hunyuan Prefecture, which border our northern Zhili!"

  The messenger reported to Liu Yuanqi with a look of surprise.

  Hearing this, Liu Yuan also had a look of joy on his face. The three prefectures in Xuanfu Town in the northwest were extremely important, and they were the real northwest gateway to the capital.

  Although economically, it may be a poor place, but in terms of military strategy, it is a must-see.

  Because winning these three state capitals means that the defense line of the Great Wall to the north of the capital has been completely perfected, and all the points of entry are under the control of the Xuanwu Corps! Manchu Tartars or Mongolia in the north want to enter Guan, unless you go to the Datong Mansion further west, otherwise, it is impossible to reach the capital! Of course, for Liu Yuan, the Datong Mansion is also extremely important. His next goal is to take the entire northern Zhili territory. Just wave the army to the west, enter the Datong Prefecture in Shanxi, take the whole of Datong Prefecture, and completely control the defense line of the Great Wall! Hit the east bank of the Yellow River in Shaanxi in one breath! Mongolia is too big! Mongolia is not realistic.

  For Dayan, the most important thing at the moment is to win all the land north of the Yellow River and south of the Great Wall.

  Afterwards, after accumulating strength, he marched south, crossed the Yellow River, and hit the Yangtze River in one breath.

  After that, we will fight steadily, cross the Changjiang River, and occupy the whole territory south of the Yangtze River! Dominate the world! First restore the old land of the Ming Dynasty, and win the traditional two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty. Xu this kind of thing.

  Because only by winning the old land of Ming Dynasty, the strength of Dayan can develop rapidly and expand rapidly.

  After all, the old land of the Ming Dynasty is a familiar land that has been developed by countless people for thousands of years.

  It is much more beneficial to rule this kind of territory than to go to those uninhabited and undeveloped barren lands.

  For any power, the bigger the territory is, the better, but to gain benefits, to use the profits, and at least to be self-sufficient! Otherwise, no power can withstand the losses over the years and a lot of resources invested in it.

  In the next few days, the good news continued to come.

  After the prefectures in the north of the capital were taken down one by one, the Baoding Mansion, Zhending Mansion, Shunde Mansion, and Guangping Mansion in the south were all taken down one by one.

  Completely occupied the entire territory of Beizhili! And pushed the front westward to the Taihang Mountains, and confronted the Dashun Army who was defending Shanxi at the other end of the mountain range.

  The troops were spread over so many state capitals, and a large number of troops had to be stationed on the Great Wall defense line in the north, and the troops of the Xuanwu Legion also began to become less abundant.

  Coupled with the occupation of the entire northern Zhili territory, which required a lot of resources to build, Liu Yuan also made the Xuanwu Army stop its expedition and began to recuperate, and the entire army rested.

Chapter [-] Open up the Western Front

  Jinan Fucheng, the lord's mansion.

  "Good news, good news, my lord!"

  "There is good news from Liu Yuan, the commander of the Xuanwu Legion. They led the main force of the Xuanwu Legion into the capital and successfully conquered Tongzhou City. They scared Li Zicheng and the Dashun Army Manchu civil and military!"

  "On the same day, Li Zicheng led the Dashun Army to retreat to the capital and withdrew from Shuntian Prefecture! The Xuanwu Army won the capital without bloodshed!!"

  "My lord, I have become the master of the capital, and lord, you have become the master of the Forbidden City!!"

  "After the Xuanwu Legion occupied the capital, the troops were divided into three routes, all the way to the northwest to Xuanfu Town, Bao'an Prefecture, and Yanqing Prefecture.

  All the way south to Baodingfu, Zhendingfu! All the way from Shanhaiguan to the west, along the Great Wall defense line, seize the pass and stronghold on the Great Wall defense line!"

  "Yesterday, there was good news from the Xuanwu Army. The three-way advance was very smooth. Li Zicheng's Great Yan Army was completely frightened by us, and he didn't dare to fight our army at all. Here, the Xuanwu Army has completely captured the rest of the prefectures and counties in Beizhili!"

  "My lord, we have taken the entire territory of Northern Zhili, adding another capital, and all the territory, we have the land of the nineteen prefectures!"

  Li Gan, chief of the general staff, rushed to Lin Feng excitedly, and reported to Lin Feng excitedly.

  When Lin Feng heard this, a look of joy appeared on his face, and he shouted: "Bring a map!"

  Li Gan quickly opened the map and showed it to Lin Feng.

  Looking at the map, Shandong and Beizhili were all planted with the Great Flame Golden Dragon Banner, and Lin Feng had an indescribable sense of achievement in his heart.

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