"Don't try to resist!"

  "Your Majesty has an order, anyone who resists, shoot to kill!!"

  The personnel of the intelligence department said with a sneer, his words were like giving these spies a verdict of death. For a time, after hearing this, countless spies' faces changed greatly, their faces were bloodless, they collapsed in despair, and they were extremely depressed.

  They never imagined that their every move would be clearly seen under Dayan's eyelids.

  Not only that, but they didn't notice anything.

  The intelligence department of Dayan gave Shun Teng a pat on the back! In the war of intelligence and information, the intelligence department of Dayan is the professional! The spies of all forces in the world are completely defeated! Those who were beaten have no temper! , kneel down and surrender! "Don't fight, stop fighting, I surrender, surrender!"

  "I'm really convinced, you guys are too amazing!"

  "Can you tell me when you were following us?"

  "I admit that I didn't show any clues, so why did I show it?"

  "Damn, this Great Yan is really a forbidden place, come here, ten deaths are silent!!"


  When they were approached by the intelligence department, none of the spies dared to resist, and they all surrendered.

  After surrendering, he also asked curiously one by one, wanting to know where he lost! The Dayan Intelligence Department, naturally, would not satisfy the wishes of these spies! With a wave of his hand, they were all taken back, and they were tortured one by one. Squeeze out the final value of these spies, ask them all the information they know, then record it for the record, and send it to the database for storage, so that it can be viewed at any time.

  After the intelligence value has been squeezed out, it will be escorted to the railway to repair the railway.

  Anyway, I have to work without listening for the rest of my life! Squeeze out the last trace of their value! This time, Lin Feng's temporary clean-up operation, because the attack was too sudden, the result is brilliant, and it can be said that the territory of Dayan is up and down. Cleaned up next.

  It can be said that there are no spies and spies in Dayan today, but there are definitely very few.

  It will never be like Da Ming, who will almost reveal his old background, and no secrets can be hidden! Clean up the territory, this will be the next step for Da Yan to lead his army south and conduct a large-scale unification war. Significance.

  Intelligence warfare may seem inconspicuous, but in wars, especially large-scale battles, intelligence warfare is the first thing to be launched! Attack the enemy's intelligence collection capabilities, hide their own attack targets, and collect information about the enemy.

  These are far more prioritized than preparing materials and preparing for war in an all-round way.

  After cleaning the house, Lin Feng immediately ordered the intelligence department to collect information on the major forces in the south, and started an intelligence war.

  At the same time, after ascending the throne and proclaiming the emperor, after the official founding of the country, Lin Feng held the first great Yan court meeting.

  The court meeting of Dayan was different from that of the Ming Dynasty, Lin Feng would not sit on the dragon chair in the palace hall, overlooking his ministers from above.

  At the same time, the ministers under his command will not be allowed to stand on both sides, bowing their heads and closing their eyebrows.

  He does not need this form to show his majesty and supreme prestige.

  Therefore, Dayan's court meeting is actually a huge conference room.

  Lin Feng sat on the main seat, while the other civil and military ministers sat around a long oval table, divided according to civil and military, and sat on both sides.

  The so-called civil and military, there are only two in Dayan, one is military generals, the other is government officials.

  There is no fixed time for the great meeting of the Great Yan, and it will be held on schedule.

  It is only when there is a major event or a major decision, a grand meeting will be held.

  As Dayan established the country, the first great court meeting was held, and naturally there were a lot of people.

  On the military side, the naval and land armies, the commanders of the major naval fleets and the commanders of the squadrons, plus their chief of staff and other important officers, the navy alone has as many as fifty or sixty people.

  On the army side, guard commanders and senior officers above all participated, including the guards.

  There are ninety 90 guards in Dayan, just the guard commander of the guards, there are ninety people.

  In addition, the commander of the field division, the commander of the cavalry division, the commander of the heavy artillery division, and their chiefs of staff, as well as the senior officers of the regiment headquarters of the three corps.

  Just from the army, the number of participants is as high as: more than 300 people! Nearly [-] people and [-] people from the army and navy participated in the meeting. It can be said that the stars are shining and the talents are abundant.

  Government officials are not inferior to military officials, senior officials of the Government Council, heads of subordinate departments and their deputies, as well as their important principals.

  Plus the fiefdoms at the prefecture level and above.

  It is also nearly 300 people and 600 people! In a large court meeting, there are nearly 700 civil and military ministers participating in the meeting! Plus Lin Feng's huge staff as a consultant and secretary! Suddenly, the huge conference room is full of people There are as many as [-] people! These [-] or [-] people, , are the current brains of the Great Yan Empire. If a bomb were to be dropped at this moment, I am afraid that the flourishing Great Yan Empire would immediately fall apart.

  Of course, this is just an illusion! In fact, this is absolutely impossible! Within a radius of hundreds of miles, all the units produced by the system are guarded by the Guards who act as ordinary soldiers. The Guards are [-]% Loyalty! Lin Feng doesn't need to worry about any safety issues at all! "Your Majesty!!"

  "Meet Your Majesty!!"

  "Meet the King!"

  "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!!"


  Under the leadership of Li Gan, chief of the general staff, Lin Feng walked into the court meeting in high spirits wearing the golden dragon uniform of the commander of the three armed forces.

  This has just revealed his figure, and it attracted everyone in the meeting to stand up and salute, shouting loudly, with a look of fanaticism.

  "Sit and sit!"

  Lin Feng didn't have so much red tape, he waved his hand and let all his subordinates sit down: Then he sat down on the main seat and nodded to Li Gan next to him: "Let's start!"

Chapter [-] The shocking power of the Great Flame

  Li Gan nodded, stood up, and said excitedly: "My colleagues, before this, I have to celebrate with you!"

  "The Great Flame Empire we built has finally been established!!"

  "We have worked hard for the cause of our life, and we have seen initial results!!"

  "Our Dayan Empire started from a small fishing boat. After untold hardships, countless colleagues' hard work, and countless soldiers' sacrifices, finally today, let me Dayan become the land of the three provinces in one fell swoop. , Nearly thirty 30 state capitals, occupy the overlord of the whole territory north of the Yellow River and south of the Great Wall!"

  "Besides, my Dayan has a large number of colonies overseas, with countless ports, and countless collection sites for raw materials!"

  "Silver mines, gold mines, sulphur mines, coal mines, iron mines, etc., all the important strategic resources and materials, I have them in Dayan!"

  "In addition, I, Dayan, have three major fleets, dozens of steel cruisers of more than [-] tons, and nearly ten giant-like steel battleships! I, Dayan, dominate the two oceans of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean!"

  "The sphere of influence, the projection of military power, north to the North Pole, south to the South Pole: east to the Hawaiian Islands, west to the east coast of Africa!"

  "My big inflammation has swept across the eastern and western hemispheres!"

  "In the next step, I will further expand overseas influence, expand the sphere of influence, increase investment in overseas colonies, and prepare for domination of the world and the world!"

  "Next step, on the local side, I, Dayan, will march south, launch a war of unification, and unify the kingdoms of China!"

  "In the next step, I will continue to increase investment in the industry and commerce of Dayan and develop at a high speed! We must resolutely achieve that, everyone has food to eat, clothes to wear, a house to live in, and a car to ride.

  In addition, we must continue to increase investment in education, strive to fully realize the five-year compulsory education in Dayan, and improve the cultural quality of our people in Dayan!"

  "All my colleagues, I have developed very well in the past, achieved remarkable achievements, and achieved countless brilliance!"

  "However, this does not mean that we have to stop here. Your Majesty instructs us to continue to work hard, continue to struggle, and strive to achieve the goal of the next stage!"

  "Everyone, let's encourage each other!"

  As soon as Li Gan's voice fell, there was an incomparably warm applause, like thunder, which spread throughout the Great Court for a long time.

  Almost all of them showed excitement and enthusiasm on their faces.

  Excited for the brilliant achievements in the past! Enthusiasm for everyone's common cause! Of course, they also heard the various deficiencies of the current Great Yan, and they showed contemplative colors one by one.

  Perhaps, this is not a deficiency, it's just Lin Feng, and what everyone is not satisfied with! The territory is too small, the sphere of influence is not large enough, Dayan is not rich enough, industry and commerce are not prosperous enough, the national cultural quality is not strong enough, etc. Wait

  Just like people, people have many desires, which are difficult to satisfy and always want more.

  The same is true for a country, which also has desires! For a country, this desire is the ambition of a country, and it can also be said to be self-motivated.

  If a country loses its desire, its current achievements, and its stagnant pace, it cannot extricate itself from the memory of its past glory, then it will be difficult for this country to achieve.

  It was also in recession.

  For the newly born Great Yan Empire, it was the time when the eagles spread their wings and the tigers and cows were born.

  With great ambition! When almost all civil and military ministers work together, work together, and fight together.

  At such a time, they will not be satisfied with the present! They want more, want to create greater feats, more splendor!

  The applause ended, and Li Gan opened the mouth with a smile: "In terms of government affairs, at present, I, Dayan, have digested the land of the three provinces and nearly thirty 30 state capitals."

  "Roads, city defenses, factories, mines, farms, etc., all kinds of infrastructure have been built, and the industrial and commercial development of thirty 30 state capitals has become increasingly prosperous, and it is stronger day by day!"

  "What we need to do next is to continue to expand the scale of industry, and strive for more state capitals to have complete industrial bases, use local resources, develop industry and commerce, expand production capacity, and increase productivity!"

  "Let me tell you good news. As of yesterday, my Dayan Empire, three 3 provinces, and nearly 30 [-] state capitals, have already reached as much as [-] billion silver dollars each!!"

  "These [-] billion are just taxes collected! It does not include the profits of subordinate state-owned enterprises, farms, and overseas mines!"

  "My Great Yan Empire, as of yesterday, the total population has already exceeded [-] million!"

  "My Great Yan Empire, as of yesterday, per capita monthly income has already broken a silver dollar!"

  "My Dayan Empire, as of yesterday, has [-] million mu of farmland and produces [-] billion catties of rice every month!"

  "My Great Yan Empire, as of yesterday, the output of steel has exceeded five million tons, including four million tons of iron and one million tons of steel!"

  "My Dayan Empire, as of yesterday, the number of registered ships has exceeded [-], of which nearly [-] are the latest steamships!"

  "My Dayan Empire, as of yesterday, the monthly output of various types of artillery has exceeded [-], and the monthly output of bayonets and flintlock guns has exceeded [-] to [-]!"

  "My Dayan Empire, as of yesterday, the number of privately-registered enterprises that have maintained a record of paying taxes for three consecutive months has exceeded [-]!"

  "My Great Flame Empire"

  Every data, industry, agriculture, commerce, military industry, and population, are all good news, and they are all dazzling data, reported one by one from Li Gan's mouth.

  Every time a piece of data is reported, all the civil and military officials present are madly air-conditioned, and they are shocked and shocked.

  They are very clear about what these data mean! Although they are all cold data, these data represent the national strength of Dayan! These data, with Lin Feng's order, can burst into a powerful military force! Population, military industry, food, steel.

  These four pieces of data directly represent military strength! The combat effectiveness of the army comes from these four 44 figures! And when these four pieces of data are put out, all the civil and military officials present realize that now The national power of the Great Yan has thrown off other forces in the world, more than a thousand times! And these, everyone present, has a credit! That is to say, these are all the people present, working together! In addition to being shocked, I am also very proud! It turns out that their Great Yan Empire was so strong once the country was founded! Once the country was founded, it had the strength to sweep across the six and eight wastelands and dominate the world! These national strengths, once fully prepared for war, can simply be All the forces in the world will be hoisted up and fought! "Let me tell you good news, the three major railway lines of the Great Yan Empire are about to be completed!"

  "Once the three major railway lines are completed, our Great Yan Empire will completely embark on the fast lane of rapid development!"

  "Whether it is industry and commerce, or military power!"

  "There will be a big explosion!!"

  Looking at the astonished civil and military officials below, Li Gan smiled and broke out another big news.

  On the spot, the civil and military officials who were present almost fainted with happiness.

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