Especially those generals and the state government's territorial officials, one by one, their eyes are shining, and they are extremely fanatical! Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and divide

The thirty-seventh chapter expands the army by three million

  "Great, once the three major railway lines are completed and opened to traffic, wouldn't our Great Yan Empire take off immediately!"

  "It's more than taking off! It's like flying straight into the sky, okay!!"

  "The three major railway networks pass through many prefectures and counties in the three provinces. It is terrifying to mobilize materials. It only takes a few days to directly send them from warehouses in various prefectures and counties to the frontline battlefield!"

  "What's more, if it's fast, one day and one night will do!! One hour and thirty kilometers, if you drive twenty hours a day, you can run six hundred kilometers!!"

  "Six hundred kilometers, you can run from Weihaiwei to the Yellow River in Kaifeng Mansion!"

  "Strong, this train is so strong!!"

  "Having this train, it is so convenient and fast for me to mobilize personnel and materials!!"

  "Hahaha, in just one day, the entire Guards can be sent to the battlefield to help the frontline!"

  "You didn't see the point. The point is that once the three major railway networks are completed and opened to traffic, it will save us a lot of logistical pressure!! The manpower and material resources that can be saved are countless!!"

  "Okay, that's great!!"

  "Don't say anything, congratulate me that the three major railways of Dayan are about to open to traffic!!"


  The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty showed excited smiles on their faces, and they discussed with great interest.

  This discussion is endless, and the topic can't be stopped.

  Whether it is military generals or government officials, they have seen endless benefits from the train that is about to open to traffic! This makes them, how can they not be excited, how can they not be excited, and they all fall into boiling laughter and laughter.

  For a long time.

  In the end, it was Li Gan's face to forcibly suppress these extremely excited and enthusiastic civil and military officials.

  After talking about all the data, Li Gan's face became solemn, and he said with a serious face: "Now everyone knows the situation of my Dayan, and the following conveys the issue that Your Majesty attaches the most, and it is also the issue that I, Dayan, will attach the most importance to next!"

  "Yes, that is to rule the world!!"

  Speaking of this, all the officials sat up straight, pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

  Especially the generals of the military, all of them listened to each other at this moment, and knew that there would be another big move.

  "According to His Majesty's instructions, all the staff of my general staff have carefully studied and calculated, and now decide the next combat target!"

  Li Gan immediately opened his mouth, walked to the front of a large map, pointed to the map and said: "Once our Dayan Empire sends troops, we will divide our troops into three directions and send troops from three directions!"

  "One route, the Suzaku Corps as the main force, sent troops from the Huaibei area, crossed the Huai River, and the army took it and swept all the territory north of the Yangtze River in Nanzhili.

  After occupying the north of the Yangtze River, we will march westward to Zhongzhou and Huguang!"

  "One route, the Suzaku Legion and the White Tiger Legion, sent troops from the area north of the Yellow River in Kaifeng Prefecture, crossed the Yellow River, and attacked Zhongzhou, and immediately occupied Kaifeng Prefecture, and then occupied the entire territory of Zhongzhou!"

  "One route, the White Tiger Army is the main force, marching westward, crossing the Yellow River, and launching a fierce attack on the Dashun Army in Guanzhong! After winning Guanzhong, go south from Guanzhong, enter Sichuan and Chongqing, and capture all the sites north of the Yangtze River in Sichuan and Chongqing!"

  Speaking of this, Li Gan went west along the mouth of the Yangtze River, pointed to the land of Sichuan and Chongqing, and said solemnly: "Take the north of the Yangtze River, attack the five provinces of South Zhili, Zhongzhou, Huguang, Sichuan and Chongqing, and Guanzhong, and advance the front to the On the edge of the Yangtze River, this is

  This is the strategic goal of our Great Yan Army!"

  "In order to achieve this strategic goal, following His Majesty's instructions, my General Staff has made detailed calculations, and after comprehensive consideration, decided to expand the army!"

  Great expansion of the army! As soon as these three words came out, it seemed to have a strange magic power, instantly attracting the attention of all army generals.

  With the current size of the Great Yan Army, it would not be a big expansion unless it was expanded by a few million! And the number of millions of expansion, just thinking about it, makes the army generals beautiful! I have to be promoted! When I become a general and lead troops to fight, who doesn't want to lead more and more troops under their command! As the saying goes, a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier.

  For army generals, whoever is above his mother is not from the same background as them, they also want to lead tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands! Conquer everything! Push everything horizontally! Slay all enemies! Li Gan did not have the appetite of the army generals, and immediately announced: "This army expansion will directly expand ten 10 field divisions to thirty 30 field divisions. ! The total force, nearly [-]!"

  "Three 3 cavalry divisions, expanded to ten 10 cavalry divisions, with a total strength of [-]!"

  "Three 3 heavy artillery divisions, expanded to ten 10 heavy artillery divisions, with a total strength of [-]!"

  "Ninety 90 garrison guards, expand the army to three hundred, with a total force of [-] million!"

  "Plus a hundred thousand Guards!"

  "After this military expansion, the total strength of our Dayan Army will be as high as: three million!"

  Expand the army by [-] million!! "Fizz!!"

  As soon as Li Gan's words fell, there was a frantic sound of air-conditioning throughout the conference, and everyone present was shocked by the generous expansion of the army by [-] million.

  One by one, their mouths wide open, they were stunned when they heard it, and their jaws almost dropped in shock.

  Big money! Really big money!! Three million army! And they are all soldiers! Soldiers who can fight on the front line! This is not to mention the farmer as an assistant! After all, the army is fighting, and the farmer is also a very important team Although they do not need to go to the front line, they are indispensable for digging trenches, making various tools, building bridges and roads, logistics transportation, etc.

  A farmer in this era is equivalent to a team of engineers and logistics.

  The importance is no worse than the soldiers on the front line! Especially for today's Dayan Army, which is almost full of firearms, the farmer team is particularly important! The logistical transportation of the farmer is a matter of life and death on the frontline battlefield! Ignore or underestimate the importance of the farmer.

  If you do the math, if you get a troop of farmers as many as the soldiers, then the army of the Great Yan Army has reached 2 million troops!! If it is based on the ratio of the soldiers to the farmers, a sum of two and two.

  Recruit six million peasants to help.

  Then the Great Yan Army, once it is dispatched, it will be a real army of ten million! When I think of this, not one of the people present can sit still.

  All of them looked at Lin Feng in shock and at a loss, looking at Lin Feng in the main seat, wanting to confirm whether this news was true or not.

  Seeing that his subordinates were all shocked by his big effort to expand the army by [-] million, Lin Feng secretly laughed in his heart.

  Today's Dayan already has this strength! Three million army! He Lin Feng can afford it! Immediately nodded with a serious face, and said solemnly: "Listen to your chief of staff!"

  As soon as these words came out, all the generals at the scene almost jumped up with excitement! I was overwhelmed with excitement!! Happiness, it came too suddenly!

Chapter [-] breech gun, blooming bullet

  When the military generals heard that the army would be expanded by [-] million, they were overwhelmed with shock and extremely excited.

  And the government officials, after hearing the decision, were secretly surprised and excited at the same time.

  On the surface, the expansion of the army by [-] million seems to have nothing to do with these government officials.

  But in fact, once the army has [-] million people, then in the future, the army will go south, siege the city, loot the territory, and occupy the territory, which will be the territory of their government officials! Army generals, this is fighting for life. , Grab their territory! These government officials are the ones who hide behind and get the most benefit.

  With so many sites, how many more prefectures, how many provincial officials! North of the Yangtze River, south of the Yellow River, this large territory is huge! Thinking of this, the government officials present None of them could sit still.

  He patted his chest frantically, swearing with great pomp, that he must do a good job in production and transportation, and fully support the brothers who are fighting hard on the front line! At this time, the army generals were shocked by the large-scale expansion of the army by [-] million, all of them. They were all in a state of excitement, how could they expect so many people who really thought that these government officials raised their hands and feet to support them with all their hearts and souls.

  Moved one by one, they shouted "good brother"

  A pair of brothers are good, and they are in a cheerful and happy atmosphere.

  Looking at Li Gan, he laughed secretly, coughed a few times, pulled everyone's mind back, and said with a serious face: "After the army is expanded, the three major armies of Xuanwu, Baihu, and Suzaku will be reorganized!"

  "The Xuanwu Legion will lead the first to tenth field divisions, and ten 10th field divisions.

  44st to [-]th Cavalry Divisions, four [-]th Cavalry Divisions.

  The first to fourth heavy artillery divisions, four 44 heavy artillery divisions.

  The total number of elite field troops reached nearly [-]!"

  "The Suzaku Corps will lead the 10th to [-]th field divisions and ten [-]th field divisions.

  3th to [-]th cavalry divisions, three [-]rd cavalry divisions.

  The fifth to seventh heavy artillery divisions, three 3 heavy artillery divisions.

  The total number of elite field troops reached nearly [-]!"

  "The White Tiger Corps will lead the 10st to [-]th field divisions and ten [-]th field divisions.

  Eighth to tenth cavalry divisions, three 3rd cavalry divisions.

  Eighth to tenth heavy artillery divisions, three 3 heavy artillery divisions.

  Its field elite total strength reached nearly [-]!"

  Because of the major expansion of the army, the following field divisions need to transfer their backbones to support the new field divisions.

  Therefore, the field division is also almost reorganized. After such a reorganization, the old system is no longer in use, and all new systems are used.

  The three major legions are all about [-] elite troops:

  It can be said that after such reorganization and expansion of the army, the elite army alone has already reached as high as [-] million! And this is not counting the hundreds of thousands of Guards! The elite field division is the standing army of the three major legions. , followed the regiment.

  Once the war starts and the army goes south, the three 3rd legions will each allocate [-] guards to use them to capture the prefectures and counties, garrison the territory, clear the newly occupied area, clean up the area, and build it in an all-round way.

  Plus one hundred guards.

  Almost every legion will have nearly one million soldiers! This is a number that makes the enemy extremely desperate! What is even more terrifying is that with the full entry of the steam era, and the upgrade of the heart.

  Dayan already has the breech gun and the blasting bullet technology! In addition, the production capacity of about [-] flintlock guns per month has also allowed the flintlock.

  The gun can begin to fully popularize the army under his command.

  Even the guards had to throw away their arquebuses and put on flintlocks.

  It can be said that the combat effectiveness of the guards after the replacement has further skyrocketed! What is even more terrifying is the breech gun and the bombardment technology.

  Let the artillery not only have a powerful ability to attack fortifications, but also have a desperate lethality! It will no longer be a joke to kill a large area with one cannon! If it is not because the terrain of the land of China is too complicated, the plains, mountains, forests, mountains and rivers There are many, and you need swords, shields, and spears to serve as the front row.

  At this moment, Lin Feng wanted to eliminate these two major arms, leaving only the musketeers, artillerymen and cavalry.

  After thinking for a long time, Lin Feng gave up the idea and turned the army into firearms, which looks good.

  But the pressure on the logistics is too great! It is impossible for the railway to be built all the way to the frontline battlefield. In this era, most of the capitals of Shenzhou are dirt roads, and the traffic is extremely inconvenient, which is a great logistical challenge.

  Once the logistics can't keep up, it's really like burning a fire stick.

  In addition, the current flintlock gun, in the case of heavy rain, can be waterproof, but the misfire rate is still very high.

  Under various factors, Lin Feng finally gave up this seemingly good plan.

  Before the Great Yan has unified the world and the transportation network has been completely perfected, it is impossible to carry out the construction of all firearms.

  Sword and shield soldiers and spearmen, such front-line defense and charging troops, still need to be retained.

  Because, they can still exert powerful combat effectiveness! The main thing is that the enemy is too weak! If the enemy is equipped with muskets and artillery on a large scale, Lin Feng will carry out the construction of all firearms even under the terrifying logistical pressure.

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