
  When the division commanders learned that the guarding general of Nanyang Mansion had forced the Dashun army officers and men under him to rebel one after another, which directly led to the collapse of the entire Dashun army, they couldn't help laughing and laughing.

  Quan Dang regarded it as a piece of fun! After laughing, they all had a serious look on their faces: "Now the Dashun Army in Nanyang Prefecture is almost completely destroyed, and the resistance is almost useless, then our army will be able to Sweeping Nanyang Mansion and taking down the entire Nanyang Mansion!!"

  "Then what are you waiting for I can't wait!!"

  "Send troops immediately and take Nanyang Palace City!!"

  "First take Nanyang Prefecture City, and after occupying the subordinate states and counties of Nanyang Prefecture, we can officially declare to the outside world that our army has completely occupied Nanyang Prefecture!!"

  "Well, it also means that all my Dayan's actions in the Zhongzhou battlefield are over!!"

  "Hahaha, my big inflammation is increasing by one province"

  "Don't be happy, let's act now, we are a lot slower than the Suzaku Corps!!"


  Numerous teachers, with your words and my words, you immediately made a decision to recover Nanyang Palace City and occupy the entire territory of Nanyang Palace.

  As soon as the military order was issued, the army went straight to Nanyang Palace City.

  The Dashun Army of Nanyang Mansion had almost been wiped out in the previous battle, and it had long since lost much resistance.

  Artillerymen set up artillery positions, facing Nanyang Palace City

  The city wall was bombarded, and the defenders in Nanyang Mansion City were immediately frightened, and they opened the city gates one after another and knelt down to surrender! Afterwards, the infantry of the Great Yan Army rushed in from the city gate, with the fastest speed. The speed of the city occupied four gates and controlled the four walls.

  Further advancing step by step, the resistance forces were completely wiped out, and they occupied the government office of Nanyang Mansion.

  The flaming golden dragon flag was planted on the head of Nanyang Palace City and fluttered in the wind.

  It was also officially announced that the Dayan Army had taken Nanyang Palace City!! It was still the old rule. After occupying Nanyang Palace City, they began to confiscate the land, judge the gentry, clean up the resistance forces, and control all the resources of Nanyang Palace City.

  The clean-up operation was carried out in accordance with the process.

  On the other hand, the guards under the South Route Army of the White Tiger Army began to attack everywhere, and began to occupy the cities and counties under the Nanyang Prefecture.

  In just three days, the Great Yan Army occupied the entire territory of Nanyang Mansion, completely controlling Nanyang Mansion.

  And Nanyang Mansion was conquered, which also meant that the Dayan Army swept the entire Zhongzhou, completely eliminating the forces of the Dashun Army from Zhongzhou.

  Dayan, in the land of an additional province! At the same time, the Central Province Dayan army began to be dispatched, and heavy troops were hoarded in Xinye County of Nanyang Prefecture.

  Xinye County is adjacent to Huguang, and a few dozen miles to the south, it is close to Xiangyang Mansion in Huguang.

  Xiangyang Mansion can be said to be Li Zicheng's Longxing place. Since he occupied Xiangyang, changed Xiangyang to Xiangjing, called himself King Dashun, and established the Dashun regime, it has been out of control.

  Like a man of destiny, he rises up against the wind and rides the momentum.

  Xiangyang is of great significance to the Dashun Dynasty! All the Dashun troops who fled on the battlefield of Zhongzhou automatically gathered in Xiangyang, and they have become the last fortress of the Dashun army against the Dayan army on the battlefield of the Central Plains.

  However, after the Dayan Army swept the Zhongzhou Dashun Army and completely occupied Zhongzhou, the attack stopped and construction work began.

  The army was gathered in Xinye County as a front-line base, and began to frantically reserve strategic materials in preparation for the next war.

  Wars, especially major battles, do not mean that they can be fought if they can be fought! Even if they are fought, they will require a lot of logistical supplies to keep up.

  After sweeping across Zhongzhou and occupying the entire territory of Zhongzhou, for the Dayan Army of Zhongzhou, the most important thing at the moment is not to siege the city, but to carry out the construction of Zhongzhou and develop the resources of Zhongzhou.

  The most important of them is the construction of the railway! The railway from the capital to the south will pass through Kaifeng Prefecture, Ruzhou, and finally arrive at Nanyang Prefecture. In one breath, it will be built to Xinye County.

  Once the railway going south to the Central Plains is completed, the Dayan Army will be able to keep up with the logistics and supplies, and the army will be able to go south again and launch large-scale battles! After occupying Zhongzhou, the transition from military to military construction begins, and everything is in order. In progress.

  And when the entire Zhongzhou site was cleaned up, and all the state capitals and counties in Zhongzhou were completely under control, the Dayan Army commanders who attacked Zhongzhou breathed a sigh of relief, and it was time to announce the good news.

  "Report victory in the capital, report to Your Majesty!"

  "Our army lasted more than a month, crossed the river down the river, swept the Dashun army on the battlefield of Zhongzhou, defeated the Dashun army, occupied the whole of Zhongzhou, made a big fire for me, and occupied another province!"

  "Now, Dajun is concentrated in Xinye County, Nanyang Prefecture, Zhongzhou, preparing for the next stage, entering Huguang!"

  "Zhongzhou battlefield, all the soldiers of the Dayan Army, congratulations to Your Majesty, and congratulations to me Dayan!"

Chapter [-] Zhongzhou Victory

  The capital, the Great Yan Palace, the Imperial Study Room.

  "Great joy, great joy, Your Majesty!!"

  "Zhongzhou Victory, good news from the Zhongzhou battlefield, our army dispatched the Suzaku Corps and the White Tiger Corps, a total of one million troops, crossed the river and launched an attack on Zhongzhou! Sweeping the Zhongzhou Dashun Army, winning consecutive battles, and occupying Kaifeng House one after another, Henan House, Ruzhou, Guide House, Nanyang House and Runing House!"

  "Occupying the entire territory of Zhongzhou, our army has completely controlled Zhongzhou!"

  "I am in the land of a province!"

  "Congratulations to Dayan, congratulations to His Majesty!!"

  Li Gan, chief of the general staff, rushed to the imperial study room excitedly, and reported to Lin Feng in high spirits.

  "Central State took it down"

  Lin Feng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately grabbed the detailed battle report from Li Gan, looked at it carefully, and after reading it, he shouted ok.

  As he expected, the Great Yan Soldier is now strong, well-armed, well-trained, and not afraid of death.

  Wherever he goes, there is almost no opponent who can withstand the attack of the Great Yan! It can be said that the current Great Yan Army is the most powerful army in the world! , How could Lin Feng not like to expand his territory? What makes him even more excited is that the Zhongzhou battlefield has won a comprehensive victory and won the important territory of Zhongzhou, which means that his army can move from Zhongzhou to Jiangbei. The Huguang has been encircled.

  This is a strategic advantage.

  More importantly, winning the Zhongzhou battlefield will be an even worse blow to the now crumbling Dashun Dynasty, which is already a broken ship, and will severely damage the confidence of all supporters of the Dashun Dynasty.

  Looking at the sand table, the flame golden dragon flag of the Great Yan Empire has been planted in the five provinces, Lin Feng's heart is filled with a full sense of achievement, he pondered for a moment, and immediately took a flame golden dragon flag and inserted it in the position of Guanzhong Above: "The land of Guanzhong must be taken!"

  "In addition, the Hetao area outside the Yulin Great Wall must be in the hands of my Dayan!"

  In that large section of the Yellow River in Yuguanzhong, "several"

  On the river reach of the glyph, its "several"

  The head is the Hetao area.

  This place has always been occupied by nomads, and rarely fell into the hands of the Han Dynasty.

  But its location is extremely important, still so south of the Yellow River.

  If you occupy this place and cross the upper Yellow River, you will be able to go deep into the land of Mobei! It can be said that this is an excellent strategic position to attack Mobei! And it is also a strategic position that can be attacked and defended.

  Winning this place will have strategic value that cannot be ignored for Dayan to go deep into Mobei in the future and win the huge Mongolian territory.

  Although at this time, Dayan's main attack was still going south, occupying a large area in the south, and ruling the world, Lin Feng would not lead his army north at this time.

  However, this kind of thing is still done.

  Only by taking precautionary measures and constantly making arrangements, can Dayan occupy the active position everywhere and continuously seize the strategic initiative.

  "The White Tiger Corps has a lot of troops stationed on the Guanzhong line. You can order the White Tiger Corps to deploy some troops when they capture Guanzhong, pass the defense line of the Great Wall, and attack the Hetao area north!"

  Li Gan glanced at the topography of the Hetao area, nodded, and then explained.

  Lin Feng listened and nodded. Since the White Tiger Legion still has more troops, he can launch an attack on the Hetao area to the north when he is attacking Guanzhong in the south.

  Attack, then you don't need him to care too much.

  As the lord of a country, the emperor of the Great Yan Empire, he only needs to control the general direction of the Great Yan Empire.

  The specific campaign plan must be handed over to the following generals to complete.

  After talking about the military deployment, Lin Feng immediately said: "Since Zhongzhou has been occupied by our army and has become a hot spot for me, I immediately sent a government affairs team to Zhongzhou to fully accept the economic construction work of Zhongzhou!"

  "With the fastest speed, the agriculture in Zhongzhou will be restored to production, and food will be self-sufficient!"

  "At the same time, the construction of the Zhongzhou section of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway can begin with full force, and we must build it as quickly as possible! Our purpose is very clear, that is, wherever the army hits and the territory expands, the railway will be given to me. Where to build!"

  "The railway is the main artery and lifeline for my future rule over the territory, no matter how important it is, it is not an exaggeration!"

  Li Gan focused his head heavily. As the chief of staff of the General Staff of Dayan, he was equivalent to a figure like the chief and assistant of the cabinet. He knew all kinds of construction plans of Dayan.

  He didn't even need to look at the map, he remembered clearly the situation of each province and state capital of Dayan.

  I also know what is the most important thing for Dayan to do at present! The site is to be expanded, but the economic construction of Dayan must also keep up.

  Only in this way can Dayan be able to continuously produce a large amount of materials to support the front-line army.

  Only in this way can Dayan enter the road of rapid development and rapid national strength.

  The expansion of the site, the economic development, and the skyrocketing of various data.

  This has become a cycle! It is precisely because of this cycle that Dayan can digest the newly occupied territory at the fastest speed, quickly become self-sufficient, and then replenish the national treasury to recover the previous investment.

  Not only...be able to quickly return to capital, but also be able to have surplus! With high-yield farms as the foundation and sufficient food supply, Dayan can develop industry and commerce wholeheartedly, and make the industry and commerce economy, like a great leap forward, make a big leap.

  In particular, after Dayan fully entered the steam era, it changed almost every day.

  The operation of steam ships and steam locomotives, and the large-scale circulation of people and materials, made this ancient land accumulate wealth for thousands of years, began to activate, and then entered the channel of rapid circulation.

  Not to mention at this time, Dayan was constantly sieging cities and plundering land, expanding territory and expanding markets.

  Even without these, in the current situation in Dayan, industry and commerce are still soaring rapidly, and various data are skyrocketing! The production capacity has almost exploded! If it weren't for the fact that Dayan had many colonies overseas, it would have opened up the world trade market and dispatched the front line. Five million troops are frantically sieging the city and looting the land.

  I am afraid that with the current industrial production capacity in Dayan, I am afraid that it has already exploded, the production capacity is surplus, and the products produced are oversupplied.

  The industrial commodities produced by the entire Dayan have swept away almost all competitors and monopolized the entire world trade market. Almost every Dayan has a market share of more than [-]% of the world market.

  This means that [-]% to [-]% of the world's wealth, %%%, is controlled by Dayan! With such a terrifying market share, monopoly position, Dayan, it is difficult to be rich! Powerful industry, terror Only the economic strength of the Great Yan Army can support such a powerful fighting force of the Great Yan Army.

  It is precisely because of this that the Great Yan Army was able to swept the Quartet, crushed everything, and conquered everything on the frontline battlefield! Feilu reminds you: three things in reading: collect, recommend, and divide

Chapter [-] The land of five provinces, dominate the Central Plains

  "Sell newspapers, sell newspapers!! Great victory in Zhongzhou, Great victory in Zhongzhou, our Great Yan Army in Zhongzhou battlefield, swept the Dashun Army, occupied the whole territory of Zhongzhou, made great Yan for me, and expanded a province!!"

  "Selling newspapers, selling newspapers!! Great victory in Zhongzhou, great victory in Zhongzhou, after the Battle of Jiangbei, our Great Yan Army will dominate the Central Plains in Lower Zhongzhou!!"

  "Outside the number, outside the number!! Great victory in Zhongzhou, my Dayan Army wiped out hundreds of thousands of Dashun Army in the Zhongzhou battlefield, swept across Zhongzhou, sieged cities and looted countless lands, and dominated Zhongzhou!!"

  "Outside the number, outside the number!! My big flame is expanding a province, congratulations for my big flame, congratulations for your majesty!!"

  "Outside the number, outside the number!! My Dayan army is unstoppable, invincible in battle, invincible in attack and invincible, and then defeat the Dashun army, and successfully occupy the entire territory of Zhongzhou!!"

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