"Outside the number, outside the number!! My Dayan Army defeated the Dashun Army three times, the Dashun Dynasty was crumbling, and Li Zicheng vomited blood on the spot!!"

  "Outside the number, outside the number!! I have taken the whole territory of Zhongzhou with great flames, and then expanded the land by one province. I already own the land of five provinces and occupy the central plains!!"


  In the territory of Dayan, on the streets and alleys, newsboys roamed the streets and alleys, swept the Dayan army across the battlefield of Zhongzhou, and then expanded the territory of another province. In the ears of the Great Yan Kingdom.

  The major newspapers have added reports, large-scale reports, and produced various extra accounts.

  The people of the Great Yan Kingdom are very concerned about the front-line battles! Because this battle of unification concerns the interests of all the people of the Great Yan Kingdom.

  I don't know how many caring people are always paying attention to the latest news on the front line.

  I learned that there was a great victory in the Zhongzhou battlefield, pushing the Zhongzhou Dashun Army horizontally and occupying the entire Zhongzhou.

  All the people of the Great Yan Kingdom were agitated, boiling and cheering wildly.

  "Okay, it's great, the Zhongzhou battlefield has won an overall victory, and the three major battlefields, Jiangbei and Zhongzhou have been won, so there is only one pass left!"

  "The Dashun Dynasty Li Zicheng's department in Guanzhong is already a broken ship, and it is on the verge of falling!! Haha, just wait, the news of the great victory in the Guanzhong battlefield will be spread soon, and my Great Yan Army will sweep through Guanzhong!"

  "Zhongzhou and Jiangbei are connected together, forming an attack on Huguang. Zuo Liangyu from Huguang is going to be completely scared!"

  "Hahaha, that must be scary!! Jiangbei Zhongzhou is owned by me, Dayan, and Zuo Liangyu still wants to occupy the Yangtze River northern state capital site in Huguang, that's a fool's dream!!"

  "If I were Zuo Liangyu, then at this moment, I must have been frightened and urinated and fled in a hurry. The territory of the prefecture in the northern part of the Yangtze River was completely abandoned, and I fled back to the southern bank of the Yangtze River overnight!!"

  "Warlords like Zuo Liangyu are greedy, how can they be willing to give up the huge land of Hubei in vain, even if they know that they are not the opponents of my Great Yan Army, they will definitely resist one or two!!"

  "Yeah, if you don't resist one or two, you won't know at all, what is despair! Fighting with my Great Flame Army is simply killing yourself!!"

  "Needless to say, Li Zicheng in Guanzhong and Jade in Huguang, the day of their demise is just around the corner!!"

  "Big flame mighty!!"

  "Da Yan is domineering!"

  "Long Live Your Majesty!!"


  All the people of the Great Yan Kingdom were talking a lot, looking at the news reported in the newspapers, and pointing the country one by one, it seems that the situation in the world is right under their mouths.

  Whoever they let die, whoever they let die!

  The kind of...incomparably strong pride and superiority that paper brings.

  Almost all the people of the Great Yan Kingdom felt that they were aloof, pointing the country and determining the life and death of the major forces and warlords.

  I have to say, this kind of feeling is very good! In addition, the victory in the frontline battlefield has made them see the positive side, and their hearts are naturally happier! Not to mention, just looking at the map of Dayan, and The expansion of a province means that the market of another province has joined.

  Can you be unhappy! For the sake of selfishness and public interest, the Great Yan Army’s front-line battlefield siege and victory are all worthy of their joy! Because this concerns the interests of all the Great Yan Kingdom! Not to mention, everything in the world Everything needs to be compared.

  There is no harm without comparison. Compared with the hard times in the past, the people of the Great Yan Kingdom deeply realize the value of being a Great Yan Kingdom.

  Naturally, they will be surrounded by the Great Yan who can make them live a good life! They are all proud of being the Great Yan Kingdom! With the vast majority of the Great Yan Kingdom, they just applauded, cheered, and after the excitement was over, There doesn't seem to be any difference.

  The merchants in Dayan saw that Dayan swept across the battlefield of Zhongzhou, and after adding one more province to occupy the whole of Zhongzhou, their eyes lit up.

  "Okay, that's great!! Zhongzhou belongs to our people in Dayan, and there is a market from a big province to join in!!"

  "The strategic position of Zhongzhou is not only extremely important in the military, but also in the shopping malls! Zhongzhou, since ancient times, it has been the Central Plains! Whoever dominates the Central Plains is the master of the world! There is a saying, the Central Plains whoever wins the world!!”

  "Yeah, now I dominate the Central Plains with great power, and the power to unify the world will become more and more unstoppable, and it's almost a foregone conclusion! I, such as businessmen, can't be left behind. We must seize the market in the Central Plains as soon as possible and seize the opportunity. what!!"

  "That's right, Zhongzhou has just been won, and everything is in full swing. According to our Dayan's previous rules, a lot of resources will definitely be invested! Not to mention, I heard that the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, the Zhongzhou section has been fully To start the construction, Your Majesty has issued an order to complete the railway in the Zhongzhou section as quickly as possible!"

  "Everyone, everyone knows the power of the railway! Before the completion of the railway, it is my chance to seize the opportunity to occupy the Zhongzhou market first!!"

  "That's right, my Dayan's policy has always been strong support for me to go to the newly occupied state capital to carry out business activities such as development, factory investment and so on.

  I am very optimistic about the future of Zhongzhou, and I must go to Zhongzhou early and make arrangements in advance!!”

  "Haha, now I am vigorously developing industry and commerce, and the ecological environment of regional protection and regional business has been broken in the past.

  In the future, there will be companies that will sweep the entire world market.

  If I want my industry to become a giant sweeping the world in the future, I must prepare early!!”

  "It's more than the world. With the current momentum of our Dayan, there will be corporate giants that will sweep the world market in the future!!"

  "The future is bright!!"

  "Haha, the old man is liking Dayan more and more!!"

  "If it weren't for Da Yan, how could I have today if I waited for business and industry!"


  Dayan swept across the Central Province and expanded to another province. It can be said that the businessmen of Dayan gave a complete smile and crooked their mouths, and they were extremely excited.

Chapter [-] The gentry all mourned

  It had only been less than half a month since Dayan swept across Jiangbei, and the gentry once again heard the news that Dayan had pushed Zhongzhou horizontally and dominated the Central Plains, causing an uproar, panic and fear, and stayed up all night.

  "I heard that there is no Dayan Army in the Zhongzhou battlefield, the Dashun Army that swept the Zhongzhou, pushed the entire Zhongzhou horizontally, and dominated the entire Central Plains!!"

  "Hey!! Doesn't this mean that Da Yan has already occupied the five provinces in one breath!"

  "The land of the five provinces!! North Zhili, Shanxi, Shandong, Jiangbei, Zhongzhou, which place is not the most important point in the world, any power, occupying one of them, that is also a prince, and a hegemony!! Great! Yan is incredible, he has already occupied all five places in one breath!!”

  "This is just the beginning! Don't forget, Guanzhong is still in the middle of the war, and the Dayan Army swept the Dashun Army in Zhongzhou, which is bound to have a great impact on the Dashun Army in Guanzhong. This is still light, but if it is more serious, it might even collapse on the spot!!”

  "Yeah, with the unstoppable force of the Great Yan Army and the overwhelming power of the world, Li Zicheng's subordinates in Guanzhong can't stop the attack of the Great Yan Army at all!! There are no miracles!"

  "It's more than Guanzhong, Huguang is sandwiched between Jiangbei and Zhongzhou. If you want to keep it, it's just a fool's dream and wishful thinking!!"

  "My God, if this includes Guanzhong and Hubei, wouldn't Dayan suddenly become the overlord of the seven provinces!"

  "It's over, it's over, it's over! Great Yan occupies the seven provinces, it's a foregone conclusion, and it can't be overturned.

  The world is in danger, and my gentry is in danger!!”


  The gentry all over the world talked a lot, and the more they talked, the more afraid they became, the air-conditioning was mad, their hearts jumped, they were extremely frightened, and they collapsed in despair.

  I just feel that the road ahead is dark, there is no light, and there is no hope.

  At the end of the discussion, the expressions of all the gentry changed greatly, and their expressions became nervous and desperate.

  Let them try to break their heads, but they can't find any life!

  Zuo Liangyu in Huguang and Guangxi could not protect himself, Zhang Xianzhong in Sichuan and Chongqing lived in a corner, and Li Zicheng's Dashun Dynasty in Guanzhong was crumbling.

  Looking all over the world, I can't find any power that can resist the Great Yan! Even if I zoom in again, zooming in to the Manchu Tartars who are squatting in the north, it still won't work.

  The Manchu Tatars in Beizhili were severely lectured by the Dayan Army. They lost their troops and lost nearly [-] iron cavalry. Their vitality was severely damaged, and half their lives were lost.

  At this time, not to mention fighting against Da Yan, whether it can protect itself is a question.

  Because the Manchu Tartars have a fatal weakness, that is, the population of their own clan is too small! There are only hundreds of thousands of men of this clan. In the battle of Northern Zhili, nearly half of the casualties were beaten. Whether the Manchu Banners can recover their vitality or not is a question! Not to mention, it will compete with the Great Yan who is now at every turn!

  The gentry in the world are crying in despair! I can't find any opponent who can compete with Dayan! "Could it be that I wait for the gentry and are doomed to perish!"

  "God is going to destroy my gentleman!"

  "What should I do now? I heard that, even if I waited for the gentry to fight the big flame before, the big flame

  The Lin Feng, who is so proud, has called him the Great Emperor Yanwu! But Da Yan is still indifferent, and he is flattering me and other gentlemen, approaching, and ignoring it directly!!"

  "It's more than ignoring! Da Yan's hostility to me and other gentry is still unabated!! You can know, after Da Yan seized the city and plundered the land, what was the first thing that Da Yan did? Arrest them all and start to confiscate all the land! After the confiscation of all the land is not over, we have to turn over the accounts of me and other gentry, and find out what happened in Chen Guzili how many years ago: Come on, as long as you commit the so-called so-called The great law of flames must be judged and judged publicly!!”

  "This is really ridiculous. For what the gentlemen have done before, Da Yan and even Lin Feng himself have not been born, how can you plead guilty to me according to the law of Da Yan!!"

  "Damn, this is an excuse!! Da Yan killed me and other gentlemen to the death, and the light of the pass, almost every place there is no one, just to control the land and control all the resources!!"

  "Dayan Lin Feng is the biggest landlord in the world, and he is the most greedy person! He wants to make all the land in the world his!! He wants to be the biggest emperor in the world, and there is no one before or after!!"

  "Damn it, then what should I do? Even if I see Lin Feng clearly as a person, and see Da Yan's ambitions, but I'm not as strong as others, I can't do anything!!"

  "There are only two ways to go, either resist to the end or escape! Run far away and escape from the minions of Dayan!!"

  "Resistance to the end. I waited for that battle to be not to resist to the end, but the strength was still crushed by the Great Yan, and I couldn't fight with all my strength. If I resisted to the end, don't talk about it. Saying it will only make people laugh!!"

  "Then only escape, escape far away!!"

  "Are you willing to give up everything and run for your life!"

  "I'm not reconciled, there's nothing I can do!!"


  All the gentlemen were frightened, frightened, frightened.

  They all cried out in despair!! I am not afraid that the enemy is too cruel, nor that the enemy is too absurd, but I am afraid that the enemy has no room for negotiation, and the strength is still so desperate!! Facing the Great Yan, this day is even more vigorous than the other day. The day is more powerful than the day, and the opponent is stronger than the day.

  The gentry in the world are completely desperate! They can't see any hope! They have never been so desperate, so desperate and pessimistic! Moreover, they never dreamed that under their suppression, siege, and suppression, It can still develop, and it is still out of control.

  In the blink of an eye, before they could react, Dayan already possessed the spirit and might of a hero in the world! For a time, the gentry in the world were at a loss, and they didn't know what to do.

  He couldn't beat him, he was very unwilling to run for his life, he tried every means, and used every means, but it was completely useless! It seemed that there was no means other than waiting for death.

  Unprecedented depression, unprecedented despair, confused their hearts, made them afraid, trembling, frightened, and trembling.


  This feeling of being swallowed by the darkness step by step made them almost crazy, their mentality exploded, and their spirits collapsed.

  Holding his head in his hands, he cried out in despair.

  The wailing sound was terrifying, and it was very sad to hear.

Chapter [-] The panicked Zuo Liangyu

  Huguang, Wuchang Prefecture.

  "My lord, it's not good, it's not good, the big thing is bad!!"

  "The Great Yan Army swept across the Zhongzhou battlefield, and the Dashun Army suffered another disastrous defeat, and they were all driven out of Zhongzhou!"

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