"The Great Yan Army has connected Zhongzhou and Jiangbei, forming two sides to our army, surrounded!!"

  "Our military situation is in danger!!"

  The messenger hurriedly broke into the General Military Mansion, shouting to Zuo Liangyu with a panic-stricken expression.


  "The Great Yan Army has swept across the battlefield of Zhongzhou and has already taken down the entire territory of Zhongzhou!"

  Zuo Liangyu jumped up from the chair in shock, with a look of panic on his face, and shouted.

  These days, his life was very difficult. Under the instigation of the gentry, his generals rebelled one after another, and the army under his command was also panicked and unstable.

  In order to appease his subordinates, shrink his troops, and stabilize the situation in Huguang, he can be said to have spent a lot of energy, and he is so busy that his hair is almost gray.

  After finally finishing these things, I lived a few days of tranquility. Who knows, I suddenly got the news that the Great Yan Army swept the battlefield of Zhongzhou and occupied the entire territory of Zhongzhou! Horrible news! For Zuo Liangyu, It's a shocking news! Because, after Dayan won Jiangbei and Zhongzhou, he didn't have to think about it. If he did the next move, he would definitely do it on his Huguang.

  Who let his Huguang be sandwiched between Jiangbei and Zhongzhou! There is no room for buffering! Facing the unparalleled coercion of the Great Yan Army! For a time, Zuo Liangyu panicked and panicked, Terrified.

  This is the Great Yan Army! It has defeated the Dashun Army three times, the Manchurian cavalry, the Ming Army, and the Great Yan Army, which is invincible all over the world! Invincible, he has completely played the invincible reputation of the Great Yan Army in the world! Today's Great Yan is so high in the sky! When he thinks of being the enemy of Great Yan and fighting the Great Yan Army, Zuo Liangyu is very guilty, and there is no point in it. Confidence.

  It's okay to let him bully the refugees and armed forces, but let him be the enemy of a first-class army like the Great Yan Army, he has no confidence at all.

  He knows his family's affairs! Don't look at the many troops under his command, which are often in the hundreds of thousands.

  However, he knew very well in his heart that these hundreds of thousands of troops were all rabble! Even a head-to-head battle could not be stopped.

  Not to mention, once the terrifying fight with the Great Yan Army begins, the entire army will collapse in minutes!! For a time, Zuo Liangyu fell into a panic, panicked, frowned tightly, and wriggled. Brain, frantically trying to do everything to solve the crisis that is about to face.

  The generals under his command, after hearing about it, all gasped, their faces changed greatly, and there was a lot of discussion, but none of them looked good! "We don't need to deduce the situation of the battle, once we start a war with the Great Yan Army, our army will be defeated. undoubtedly!!"

  "It's more than a certain defeat. If it doesn't work, if the artillery of the Great Yan Army is fired, it will immediately cause the entire army to mutiny and collapse!!"

  "Yeah, the information shows that the Great Yan Army has equipped artillery on a large scale, and has also completely refurbished the artillery.

  Although the number of cannons remains unchanged, there are still hundreds of them, but once the cannons are fired, their power is almost comparable to the thousands of Hongyi cannons before they were replaced, or even stronger!!”

  "Hey!! Thousands of artillery pieces! My God, how can this be fought?"

  "Don't talk about hitting, the defense can't be defended. Thousands of artillery pieces are smashed down, and any fortifications will be smashed, smashed down."

  "Not only that, it is said that after changing clothes

  The Great Flame Army artillery has a terrifying lethality, and a 1-shot cannon smashed down, and within a few dozen steps, people and animals were injured!!"

  "Then what should we do if we can't stop the artillery bombardment of the Great Yan Army, our army doesn't have to fight at all!!"

  "I don't know, I don't know how to stop it at all!! Ma Shiying's Jiangbei Army and Dashun Army tried to dig tunnel fortifications and various anti-artillery fortifications to build a defense line to resist the attack of the Dayan Army! I have also seen that both Ma Shiying's Jiangbei Army and Li Zicheng's Dashun Army have all failed!!"

  "Damn it, this doesn't work either, it doesn't work, I can't, I'll just grab it!"

  "Hey, you're really right, the Great Yan Army dominates the world, dominates the Central Plains, and is unstoppable.

  In my opinion!!!, apart from surrendering, there is almost no way to do it! Fighting with the Great Yan Army and resisting stubbornly is just eating a few more cannonballs and looking for a dead end, and it will not cause any damage to the Great Yan Army at all. Any harm!!"


  The generals of the Huguang Department said their words, not only did they not discuss a way to resist the Dayan Army's future attack on their Huguang, but instead came to a conclusion that made them all pessimistic and desperate.

  Their Huguang Army, once faced with a massive attack by the Great Yan Army, would collapse immediately, without the power to resist, like a crumbling dog.

  This conclusion is really too depressing and depressing.


  "Shut up for me all!!"

  The more Zuo Liangyu listened, the darker his face became, and he couldn't listen anymore. This motherfucker will continue to discuss it with his subordinates. It's not enough to panic. The army under his command disintegrated with confidence and vanished into ashes! His dignified Zuo Liangyu's army of hundreds of thousands was frightened by the Great Yan Army and collapsed and disintegrated. When it spread out, it really made a big mess and became a joke for the world. Zuo Liangyu couldn't afford to lose face like this! Thinking about it, he blushes.

  He immediately reprimanded: "If you deceive people's hearts and disturb people's hearts, there is no need to say more!!"

  "Now go down to me, appease the soldiers under your command, and be ready to fight at all times!!"

  "Even though the Great Yan Army has not yet taken any action, I would not have hoped that when the Great Yan Army launched an attack on our Huguang, our army was caught by surprise!!"

  Zuo Liangyu scolded loudly, and the subordinate generals sneered, all closed their mouths, took the worries and uneasiness in their hearts, kept silent, nodded, and after saluting, they all retired.

  After the subordinates were about to leave, Zuo Liangyu watched with a faint gaze, Huguang's vast territory in the northern part of the Yangtze River, and the numerous state capitals, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he murmured with heartache: "Do you really have to go to the last step? , give up all the land north of the Yangtze River!"

  Zuo Liangyu was heartbroken at the thought of losing all the land north of the Yangtze River! In this era, the most well-developed places in Huguang and Guangxi were actually north of the Yangtze River.

  Many areas south of the Yangtze River and south of Dongting Lake have not yet been developed, and only a small part of the plain has been developed.

  There is no way to develop the huge mountainous area.

  If you lose the north of the Yangtze River, you will lose a granary! In this era when food is everything, Zuo Liangyu can't afford to lose it.

  However, Zuo Liangyu did not have the courage to stand up to the attack of the Great Yan Army.

  For a time, Zuo Liangyu had an incomparable headache and was terrified.

Chapter [-] The heroes of the world are frightened

  Sichuan-Chongqing, Daxi regime, Daxi Palace.


  "The Great Yan Army swept across the Zhongzhou battlefield, defeated the Dashun army of hundreds of thousands, occupied Zhongzhou, and dominated the Central Plains!"

  "Damn it, it's so fast! It just swept across Jiangbei, and in less than half a month, Zhongzhou was taken down!"

  "This Great Flame Army is simply insane!!"

  "The big Zhongzhou has been beaten down in more than a month!! Doesn't that mean that the central government is coming soon!!"

  When Zhang Xianzhong heard the news that the Dayan Army had captured Zhongzhou, he jumped up in shock on the spot, his eyelids jumped, panicked, and he had a very bad premonition.

  Shouting: "Map, get the map!!"

  The guard beside him, running fast, spread out the map and showed it in front of him.

  Looking at the map, Zhang Xianzhong frowned immediately and scolded: "Damn, Zhongzhou and Jiangbei are connected together, Huguang is not guaranteed!!"

  "No, it's definitely not guaranteed, just Zuo Liangyu... the guy who shrinks his eggs, I'm afraid that when the Great Yan Army arrives, he will be scared and pee! Not to mention, his Huguang has been doubled by the Great Yan Army. , Flanked, I am afraid that at this moment, he is not sleeping well!!"

  I have to say that Zhang Xianzhong is still very aware of Zuo Liangyu's old rival.

  The two of them had a lot of dealings. Zhang Xianzhong knew Zuo Liangyu very well. Just looking at the map and adding the deployment of the Great Yan Army, he immediately came to the conclusion that Zuo Liangyu was restless at the moment, sleepless all night, and panicked. status quo.

  Looking at it, Zhang Xianzhong couldn't scold anymore, his face was full of bitterness, his mouth was pursed, and his expression was extremely solemn: "Li Zicheng's old nest in Guanzhong, at this moment, is also being attacked by the White Tiger Corps of the Great Yan Army, from the Great Wall defense line in the north. , The heavy army is pressed down!!"

  "Looking at this information, Li Zicheng's Dashun Army can't defend Guanzhong at all. If Guanzhong is lost, that's what will happen in the near future!!"

  As he spoke, Zhang Xianzhong rubbed his head straight, with an incomparable headache and fidgeting.

  "Damn, once Huguang and Guanzhong are captured by the Great Yan Army, the Great Yan Army will also form a two-sided attack on me in Daxi!!"

  "Damn it, Guanzhong, Huguang, do I have to follow in the footsteps of Zuo Liangyu, a coward!"

  The more he thought about it, the more frightened Zhang Xianzhong became, the more frightened, the more solemn his expression became.

  I thought I could sit in Sichuan and Chongqing and watch the world with a smile.

  Who knows, if he was not careful, he was also caught in the net by Dayan and became a fish in the net.

  And there is nowhere to escape! He is innocent, he is wronged! He Zhang Xianzhong did nothing, and honestly developed and strengthened himself, stabilized his own territory, and watched other people be beaten to death.

  Who knows, all of a sudden, the situation in the world has changed greatly! Jiangbei and Zhongzhou have been occupied by Dayan one after another! Huguang and Guanzhong are at risk and cannot be guaranteed at any time.

  As a direct result, his land in Sichuan and Chongqing will be exposed to the muzzle of the Dayan Army! Can Zhang Xianzhong's Daxi Army stop the now unstoppable Dayan Army? Zhang Xianzhong has the slightest confidence in this.

  Although the Great Yan Army has never fought, the rumors and achievements of the Great Yan Army can be said to be extremely brilliant! It has been victorious and unstoppable, and it has never lost a battle! Whether it is the Dashun Army that was in full swing at the beginning, or the unstoppable Manchurian The Qing Tartars were all defeated by the Great Yan Army and became the defeated general of the Great Yan Army.

  Such a heroic master with such brilliant achievements, Zhang Xianzhong dared not boast that his Daxi Army was able to fight against the Dayan Army even if he had eaten the guts of a bear’s heart and a leopard! One husband is the gatekeeper and ten thousand people do not open it.

  But about the Great Yan Army being brave and not afraid of death, and everyone forging ahead bravely, only

  It's just the perverted fighting will that can frighten people down, and the rumors that they are frightened are not uncommon, and they are widely circulated.

  Not to mention, Dayan's army has a large number of generals and a large number of troops, and Dayan's national strength is strong, and its consumption is rising.

  Just consuming it can consume all the resisting forces to death! Thinking of this, Zhang Xianzhong's scalp numb, and he scolded angrily: "His uncle, it seems that he has to prepare for the way back, he has to run to Yungui in the south. "

  "Chuanyu seems to be really unable to hold back!!"

  Zhang Xianzhong can be said to have self-awareness, he does not have the kind of Li Zicheng...the moment of infinite beauty, invincibility, like the son of destiny.

  He has always maintained a cautious attitude, leading his subordinates to survive hard, move to the Quartet, and grow and develop.

  Seeing that the situation is not good, the ability to run away is almost his instinct.

  Therefore, as soon as he realized that he might not be able to stop the Great Yan Army, he immediately thought of a retreat.

  Thinking of this, Zhang Xianzhong couldn't sit still on the spot, and immediately issued a military order in a hurry, asking his generals to lead the troops south, into the land of Yunnan and Guizhou, and use it as a future base camp to operate.

  Liaodong, Shengjing, the Manchu Palace of Tartars.

  "Your Majesty, the Regent, just heard from the Central Plains that Dayan has once again won a great victory after sweeping across Jiangbei. On the battlefield of Zhongzhou, the Dashun Army of Zhongzhou was severely damaged, and the entire territory of Zhongzhou was occupied!!"

  "Now Dayan has connected Zhongzhou and Jiangbei into one, forming two sides to Huguang, attacking the north of the Yangtze River, and dominating the Central Plains. It is a foregone conclusion and irreversible!!"

  "At the same time, the Dayan Army is intensifying its offensive against Li Zicheng's Dashun Army in Guanzhong. They also split up and crossed the Great Wall to the north and entered the Hetao area, trying to occupy the Hetao."

  "Looking at the layout of the Great Yan Army, I am afraid that after Dayan wants to occupy the Hetao, he will attack me!!"

  The Hetao area belongs to the Mongol royal court and has not yet been conquered by the Manchus, but it is also a goal of the Manchus.

  If it wasn't for Dorgon's army to enter the customs and be severely damaged by the Dayan Army in Beizhili, I am afraid that the Manchu Tartars would have been in a loop at this moment.

  The Hetao area goes north or east and crosses the Yellow River. The Mongolian tribes here have long been conquered by the Manchus and belong to the Mongolian Eight Banners.

  If Dayan sends troops to this place, then it can be said that it is no different to attack the Qing Dynasty directly! After hearing the news, the princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty were in an uproar, and they shouted in complete panic.

  "Damn it, Dayan's appetite is really amazing! This side is still there: the Central Plains battles are repeated, and there is still: Guanzhong and Li Zicheng's Dashun Army are fighting to the death, and now they are approaching Hetao, wanting to fight me Do it!!"

  "It's abominable, maddening!!"

  "Emperor, Prince Regent, I must do it in Qing Dynasty!!"

  "The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. The big inflammation is very strong. If you don't suppress it, I'm afraid it will not be dealt with in the future!!"

  "Yeah, yeah, Dayan is really too strong, not only has a large number of troops, but also a strong army, but also a strong country! Now the occupied territory is getting bigger and bigger, it must be guarded!!"

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