The intelligence minister was horrified and frightened. The prince of the Qing Dynasty was the real prince. He had real power, and he also had thousands of troops under his command.

  At the same time, the prince of the Manchu Tartars was extremely brutal, and if he said murder, he would kill! He didn't make any sense at all! Although he was a high-ranking intelligence minister of the Manchu Qing, he was a Han minister.

  And Han Chen, in the eyes of the princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty, was a slave, a real dog slave.

  It can be killed and humiliated at will! It’s just that there is no status! Among the Manchu Tartars, everything has to be said with strength! And strength, that is the military power under control! Without strength, no matter what status you are, all Must be a bullied character.

  The Minister of Intelligence was so frightened that he hurriedly cried out: "Wronged, wronged!! Your Majesty, Prince Regent, Prince, and servants can't dare to lie, this is a fact, it is absolutely true!!"

  "In the territory of Dayan, it was published in the newspapers and spread throughout Dayan!!"

  "Anyone, enter the big.

  Can confirm whether this message is correct or not!"

  "Li Zicheng, he really set himself on fire!!"

  "It is said that Dayan still buried him in his hometown!!"

  "Slave is not dare to tell half a lie!!"

  When the Manchu Manchu princes, princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty, when the news spread throughout the entire Great Yan, the expressions of each and every one of them changed, they gasped wildly, their expressions changed greatly, and they were extremely dignified.

  There was a lot of discussion, there was an uproar, and I couldn't sit still anymore.

  "Damn it, it seems that Li Zicheng really set himself on fire and died, and the Dashun Dynasty really perished and became history!!"

  "It's over, it's over, the Dashun Dynasty is gone, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold!!"

  "Yeah, although this king looks down on the weaklings of the Dashun Dynasty, I have to say that the Dashun Dynasty is really useful. The reason why Dayan doesn't attack me, Daqing, is that

  It's because the Dashun Dynasty is attracting their firepower and standing in front of us!"

  "Now that Li Zicheng is dead, and the Dashun Dynasty is over, no one can stand in front of us to attract Dayan's firepower.

  Next, the ghost knows if Da Yan will make a move against me!"

  "It's hard to say, it's all hard to say!!"

  "Yeah, even if the Xuanwu Corps of the Great Yan Army does not attack me from Shanhaiguan.

  The White Tiger Corps in Guanzhong, going north to Monan, is also a threat to the Mongolian opponents, and it is also a threat to me in Qing Dynasty!!"

  "Damn, without the Dashun Dynasty, the Dayan Army will be completely liberated, no one can threaten them, they can also move in any direction!!"

  "More than one direction? With the current strength of the Great Yan Army, they can open up several battlefields in Guanzhong at the same time, and move in several directions!!"

  "What should I do, what should I do! I, the Eight Banners strong brigade, suffered heavy losses in the battle in Guan Nei, my vitality was severely damaged, my muscles were broken, and I almost lost my combat effectiveness.

  So far, it has not recovered, and the combat effectiveness is a bit weaker than before.

  Once you start with the Great Yan Army, that terror is not an opponent!"

  "It's not just an opponent, it's an opponent who isn't the Great Flame Army at all!! Don't forget, now the Great Flame Army, after a complete change of clothes, is stronger in combat.

  Not to mention, today's Dayan army is strong and strong, with a rainbow of morale, no one can stand up to Dayan's army!!"

  "Oh my God, how can a perverted force like Da Yan come out in this world!!"

  "God is going to destroy me!"


  A group of princes, ministers and ministers of the Manchu Tartars, talking and talking, their mentality exploded in an instant, and they collapsed completely.

  Weeping in despair, weeping and shouting mother! After discussing and discussing, they suddenly discovered a fact that made them terrified and desperate.

  The Eight Banners that they are proud of, let alone those who have not recovered their vitality after being severely damaged, even when they are in their prime, they are not the opponents of the Great Yan Army! Moreover, even the second-line troops of the Great Yan Army, the guards Now, after the Great Flame Army has all changed its gear, there is no shortage of muskets and artillery, and they also have a large number of cavalry! The iron cavalry of their Eight Banners Power Brigade, in front of the Great Flame Iron Cavalry, I am afraid that it will be difficult to obtain benefits.

  What's even more frightening is that Dayan can launch a cavalry charge on them without hesitation, and he can afford it! And they can't afford it at all! Once the battle is over, it is really over, and there is no chance for a comeback. .

  The ending is definitely worse than Li Zicheng's Dashun Dynasty! Thinking of this, all the Manchu princes, princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty, and even the Han courtiers kneeling below, were drenched in cold sweat and completely scared to pee.

  When he thought that Dayan was going to send a large army to attack, one by one was frightened and urinated, crying and calling his mother! And Dorgon above, his face was extremely gloomy, and there was no good face at all.

  Li Zicheng set himself on fire and died, and the Dashun Dynasty was overthrown.

  For him, this news was like a bolt from the blue! Although he led his army to fight against Li Zicheng's Dashun Army, in Dorgon's mind, Li Zicheng's Dashun Army had always been his Qing ally.

  If it weren't for Li Zicheng, who was running around in Daming, ravaging Zhongzhou and consuming Daming's vitality.

  How could he in the Qing Dynasty take advantage of Daming for more than ten years and now, Dashun is gone! There is no one else in the customs to cooperate with him.

  When he thought that he would be alone in the future, facing the unparalleled military might of Da Yan, Dorgon wanted to urinate frequently.

Chapter [-] The heroes of the world panic

  Huguang, Wuchang Prefecture.


  "My lord, it's not good, it's not good, the big thing is bad!!"

  "The White Tiger Corps of the Dayan Army was on the front line between Pingliang and Fengxiang in Guanzhong, and defeated the Dashun Army. The Dashun Army Liu Zongmin, Li Laiheng and other generals died in battle, and the Dashun Army has been destroyed since then!"

  "After the Dashun Army was destroyed, the Dayan Army marched south and surrounded Xi'an Mansion. Li Zicheng set himself on fire that night and died in the imperial study."

  "On the second day, the prime minister of the Dashun army, Niu Jinxing, led the civil and military officials of Dashun to surrender to the Dayan army, and the Dashun dynasty was completely destroyed!!"

  "The Great Yan Army took the whole of Guanzhong without bloodshed, and even Xiangyang Mansion, which was occupied by the Dashun Army in Huguang, was also occupied by the Great Yan Army!!"

  "It can be said that the Great Yan Army has already killed us in Huguang!!"

  The messenger hurriedly broke into the General Military Mansion and reported to Zuo Liangyu with a panicked expression.


  Zuo Liangyu cried out in shock, the chair almost fell in shock, and stood up slowly, with an incredible look on his face: "Li Zicheng set himself on fire and died, the Dashun Dynasty is completely dead."

  "How is it possible that Li Zicheng is such a character, how could he set himself on fire!"

  "Even if the Dashun Dynasty has been losing streak of battles, losing four games in a row, losing the city and losing ground, it still has a lot of heritage, so why are you willing to surrender to Dayan?"

  The messenger hurriedly shook his head, almost crying and said: "My lord, this little one doesn't know, the ghost knows why the Dashun Dynasty surrendered!"

  "But this news has already spread all over the world!!"

  "Furthermore, the Dashun Army who retreated to Xiangyang Mansion in Zhongzhou also surrendered to the Great Yan Army who came out of Nanyang Mansion! They handed over Xiangyang Mansion to the Great Yan Army!"

  Zuo Liangyu waved his hand and asked him to step back, naturally he would not argue with a pawn.

  At this moment, his mind was full of doubts, confusion, and shock.

  But more than that, it was apprehension and fear.

  I couldn't sit still any longer, and hurriedly walked to the map on the side to look.

  He did not look at the map of Guanzhong, but only looked at the map of the prefectures and counties in the northern part of Huguang, especially the map around Xiangyang Prefecture.

  Xiangyang Mansion was occupied by the Dayan Army, so for the Dayan Army, the next big army marching south, it can be said to be a flat river, almost without any effort, can hit the edge of the Yangtze River in one breath.

  And the troops stationed by his Zuo Liangyu in the Hubei prefecture could not occupy any geographical advantage at all.

  Seeing this, Zuo Liangyu couldn't help covering his head in pain.

  "My lord, the Xiangyang Mansion was occupied by the Great Yan Army, which means that the Great Yan Army has the strategic initiative, and they can attack us at any time!!"

  "And we, we simply can't stop the Great Flame Army that is heading south!!"

  "What's even more frightening is that the destruction of the Dashun Army and the demise of the Dashun Dynasty, we no longer have any buffering forces in front of us!"

  "Not even allies!!"

  "Once the Great Yan Army marches south, make a big move!"

  "Today's plan, if we want to preserve the reality, we must retreat to the south of the Yangtze River and confront Dayan Huajiang!!"

  The military advisor on the side frowned, looking at the deployment of his own troops and the Great Yan Army, and said with a heavy face.

  Zuo Liangyu's face was as gloomy as water, and he had a headache.


  He naturally knew that his military division's analysis was very reasonable. He Zuo Liangyu fought alone, but he couldn't stop the Great Yan Army.

  Both sides are attacking! In order to preserve our strength, we must give up a large area of ​​Hubei, shrink our troops, retreat to Hunan, and rely on the natural dangers of the Yangtze River to defend.

  It's just, analysis is analysis, let him give up the entire Hubei site in one breath, he really can't make up his mind.

  More importantly, there will definitely be a lot of opposition from his generals! This does not mean that it can be abandoned just by abandoning it. There are so many things to consider!! "Hey, we can only take one step at a time!!"

  "The death of Li Zicheng and the demise of the Dashun Dynasty are really shocking news, shocking news!!"

  Zuo Liangyu sighed helplessly, his head was extremely painful, and at the same time his heart was full of fear and panic.

  Sichuan-Chongqing, Daxi Palace.


  "Li Zicheng set himself on fire and died, the Dashun Dynasty surrendered, and Dashun perished!"

  Hearing the news reported by his subordinates, Zhang Xianzhong jumped up in shock, with a look of shock on his face! His face was incredible and unbelievable! This news, to him, was a bolt from the blue, shocking news!! Dashun Dynasty He died, and Guanzhong was captured by the Great Yan Army! This not only means that his lips are dead and his teeth are cold, but it also means that his Daxi regime has bordered on the sphere of influence of the Great Yan! He has to face the unparalleled military might of the Great Yan Army alone. For a while, a heavy pressure like a whole mountain was pressing on him, and Zhang Xianzhong was almost out of breath.

  This is really too heavy! There is no one in the world who can face the might of the Great Yan Army that oppresses the world, and still be able to handle it calmly without changing his voice! "How can this happen, how can this happen!"

  "How could Li Zicheng set himself on fire!"

  "If he didn't despair and couldn't see any hope, he would never commit suicide!!"


  Zhang Xianzhong was sweating profusely, frantically muttering, muttering to himself, racking his brains for analysis.

  As he spoke, his expression froze and became vain: solemn, frightened, frightened, and gasping for air.

  He realized that, perhaps, the truth was really like that.

  Li Zicheng was beaten by the Great Yan Army, and he could not see any hope. He was completely desperate and collapsed, so he committed suicide! Otherwise, there is no explanation at all. How could a hero like Li Zicheng commit suicide! "Hey!!"

  "Could it be that the Great Flame Army is even more terrifying and stronger than rumored!"

  Zhang Xianzhong sucked in a breath of cold air, and guessed with horror on his face, almost collapsed in fright at the result he guessed.

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