This idea is really too scary, too terrifying! If it were possible, Zhang Xianzhong would never believe it.

  However, Zhang Xianzhong knew Li Zicheng very well and knew what kind of person Li Zicheng was.

  There is no doubt that the truth is, I am afraid, just as he imagined.

  The Great Yan Army is so powerful that it makes people desperate and collapses, and there is no sense of resistance at all.

  As soon as he thought of it, Zhang Xianzhong was very anxious, and he shouted and issued a military order: "Come here, go to the north of Sichuan, send me a large army to guard the north of Sichuan, and block the passage from Hanzhong Mansion into Sichuan!"

  "Absolutely can't let: The Great Yan Army enter the land of Sichuan and Shu from Hanzhong Prefecture!!"

  At this moment, Zhang Xianzhong was terrified.

  There is an old saying that has been passed down since ancient times, guarding Chuan must guard Hanzhong, once Hanzhong is lost, the land of Sichuan and Shu, the land of abundance, will be in danger.

  But now, Hanzhong Mansion has fallen into the hands of the Dayan Army. From the very beginning, Zhang Xianzhong's Daxi Army has fallen into a strategic passive position! How can you not panic! How can you not be alarmed! Feilu reminds you: Collection of three things to read , recommend, score

The [-]th chapter is a sensation in the world, Shenzhou is boiling

  The Dayan Army conquered Xi'an Prefecture and occupied the entire territory of Guanzhong.

  Li Zicheng set himself on fire and died, and the Dashun Dynasty surrendered and completely perished. Once the news came out, it caused a sensation in the world, causing an uproar in the whole world, and it was boiling.

  Whether it was gentry, officials, businessmen, or ordinary people, when they heard the news, they were all shocked and gasped in disbelief.

  "How is it possible that the Dashun Dynasty has fallen? This is impossible at all!!"

  "This is incredible, this is the Dashun Dynasty that is in full swing!"

  "Chuang Wang Li Zicheng, such a person, how could he commit suicide!!"

  "Yeah, yeah, could it be fake news? In the past, when Daming was besieging and suppressing King Chuang, there would be troubles from time to time, and the news that King Chuang was beheaded came out.

  But in fact, it won't be long before the news will come out that the king Li Zicheng is back in the arena, making a comeback, and the army is sweeping the world!!"

  "Yeah, in my opinion!!!, this is fake news!! Chuang Wang Li Zicheng, he is a character who can't be beaten to death!!"

  "It's too fake, this news is really too fake, how could King Chuang die!! And he still set himself on fire!"

  "I believe that the Dashun Dynasty will destroy the old man, but the king Li Zicheng set himself on fire and died, even if the old man was beaten to death, he would not believe it!!"

  "This news is too fake, really too fake!!"

  "King Chuang is a Ziwei Xing sent by the heavens, how could he possibly die! Countless facts have proved this before, King Chuang Li Zicheng will not die, and it is impossible to die!!"

  "Hey, there is knowledge in this. If King Chuang is a Ziwei Xing and he was born with great luck, then it can be explained clearly why King Chuang never died before.

  But after King Chuang established the Dashun Dynasty, conquered the capital, destroyed Daming, and became emperor, he has completed his mission!! Now Ziweixing, that is the Great Yanwu Emperor of Great Yan!!"

  "Yeah, the Dayan Army can be said to be a celestial general who has descended into the world. Since the dispatch of the army, it has been invincible in battle, invincible in attack, and has defeated the Dashun Army four times. It seems that it is the natural enemy of the Dashun Army.

  What does this show? It shows that Ziwei Xing has been transferred!!”

  "Da Yan is Da Shun's nemesis, so Da Shun never won a single victory in the hands of Da Yan, and Da Shun died because of Da Yan.

  Before Chuang Wang Li Zicheng was the nemesis of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen also died at the hands of Chuang Wang Li Zicheng.

  Now King Li Zicheng died at the hands of his nemesis, the Great Emperor Yanwu.

  That makes sense too!!"

  "Hey, could it be that Li Zicheng, the King of Chuang, burned himself to death, it's true!"

  "Eighty percent is true, if it's false, it can make such a big fuss!"

  "This, this, this, doesn't it mean that the unification of the world by Dayan has become the general trend, and the destiny has returned!"

  "Even the Dashun Dynasty has been destroyed. In this world, can you still find an opponent for Da Yan?"

  "Hey! It looks like it's all true!!"


  People all over the world were talking a lot, and their first reaction when they heard the death of King Li Zicheng was that they didn't believe it.

  I don't believe it if I beat him to death, and I definitely don't believe that a character like Chuang Wang Li Zicheng would die like this.

  It's just, with all kinds of rumors, all kinds of rumors, all kinds of myth-like stories, when I climbed up.

  Gradually, the people all over the world began to believe it! Because, this is very reasonable!! If Li Zicheng, the king of Chuang, is a legend, then the Emperor of Yanwu, Lin Feng, is simply a myth! No matter what aspect, Yanwufeng is better than King Chuang. Li Zicheng is not a little bit! For a time, almost all the people have only one thought in their hearts, that is, Li Zi has become a pioneer of the king!

  This has happened countless times in history.

  I don't know how many heroes, when they made their fortunes, they could all use the capital of the king. Once they rise, they will soar into the sky, like the sky, and they will not last forever.

  Brilliant is not good, it will blind the eyes of the world! But soon, such a character will disappear at an unimaginable speed.

  How fast is the rise, how fast is the collapse! In the end, everything is the pioneer of the king! And all of this is very similar to the king Li Zicheng. What is even more terrifying is that the establishment of Dashun, to the rise, to the It is like the sun in the sky, it is really soaring into the sky, and it is impossible to live forever.

  In the same way, dying up is also scary fast.

  In just over half a year, the flourishing Dashun Dynasty is gone! According to the thoughts of many people in the world, that is, the luck of the king Li Zicheng is gone, and his mission has been completed. In the end, everything he said and did was pioneered by the king. That's it! This statement is not only widely circulated, but also recognized by the people all over the world.

  Even many gentry and businessmen agree.

  "Fate, this is life!!"

  "God's will, Li Zicheng's Dashun Dynasty is destined to be the pioneer of the king!!"

  "Yeah, the Dashun Dynasty was at its peak, and when it was invincible, it was easily defeated by the Dayan army. All this shows that Dayan is Dashun's natural enemy and Dashun's nemesis! And now the demise of the Dashun Dynasty, Prove it too!!"

  "What's more, Dayan not only defeated the flourishing Dashun Dynasty, but also severely injured the mighty Jiannu Tartar in Beizhili, and taught him a hard lesson!!"

  "In today's world, the two great powers, the two behemoths, Dashun and Daqing, have all been taught a lesson by Dayan:! Now, the Dashun Dynasty has completely perished. What does this mean!"

  "God's will, let Dayan rule the world and the land of China!!"

  "Everyone, the overall situation of the world is already very clear! Guanzhong, Zhongzhou, and Jiangbei, the three major places of prosperity and kings, have all been occupied by Dayan! In the entire north of the Yangtze River, only Hubei, Sichuan and Chongqing are left. Now! Great Yan swept north of the Yangtze River, dominated the north, and formed the pattern of the Northern Dynasty, the overall situation has been set!"

  "Yeah, now we can see whether the world is unified, or the situation between the Southern and Northern Dynasties is opposed!"

  "The old man is not optimistic about the confrontation between the North and the South. Don't forget, Da Yan is not... a race on horseback, Da Yan is the people of my Han, they are not only... well-equipped, proficient in horse and foot combat, they are also proficient in Water battle! The power of the Great Flame Marine is unparalleled in the world! The Yangtze River is naturally dangerous, but it cannot stop the Great Flame Marine!!"

  "Now even the small court of Nanming left Yingtian Mansion in fright and fled.

  Who else can block Dayan in the north of the Yangtze River!"

  "Not to mention, Huguang, Sichuan and Chongqing are difficult to keep, and will fall into the hands of Dayan one by one! Even if Dayan can't cross the river in Nanzhili, they can still cross the river in Huguang, Sichuan and Chongqing!!"

  "There is nowhere to guard against, there is no way to guard against it, and there is no way to guard against it, the unification of the world is a foregone conclusion!!"

  "Great Yan dominates the country, then what should I do!"


  Southern gentlemen, you have analyzed the general situation of the world clearly, the more you analyze it, the more pessimistic and despair you will become, and in the end, the more you will cry, hug your head and cry.

  They unexpectedly discovered that Great Yan's dominance of the world and the establishment of a new dynasty were a foregone conclusion.

  However, in the new dynasty, they can't see the position that belongs to their gentry! There is quite a sense of helplessness, despair, and panic that have been eliminated and abandoned by the times.

  Dayan conquered Guanzhong, Li Zicheng died, and Dashun perished, which caused a sensation in the world, and it was boiling.

  The unification of the world has become the consensus of all people in the world.

The thirty-ninth eighth chapter goes north of the fortress and enters the Hetao

  Guanzhong, Xi'an Fucheng, White Tiger Army Headquarters.

  After winning Guanzhong, Qiu Sheng has been busy with military and government affairs.

  Especially in Guanzhong, the establishment of a large number of system farms, the construction of highways, and the improvement of the transportation network can be described as exhausted.

  Do everything possible, in order to let the land of Guanzhong completely digest it, control all its population and resources, and let the land of Guanzhong become self-sufficient as soon as possible.

  The reason why Guanzhong is so anxious to be self-sufficient is also because the front line is too long, which is a great pressure for logistics transportation and supplies.

  The next goal of the White Tiger Legion is to march south, enter Sichuan in large numbers, and invade the land of Sichuan and Shu, the Land of Abundance.

  The configuration of the Great Yan Army is destined to be extremely dependent on logistical supplies.

  If one were to transport logistical supplies across a whole pass, then just the consumption on the road would be an extremely terrifying astronomical figure.

  This is also the disadvantage of the Great Flame Army! After a large number of muskets and artillery are equipped, it is extremely dependent on logistical supplies.

  Therefore, every time before launching the next battle, the latest thing to solve is the logistics supply problem.

  Only by thoroughly digesting these sites in Guanzhong, and being able to raise food and other materials from Guanzhong on the spot, will the White Tiger Army have the strength to go south and enter Sichuan and Chongqing.

  Both the farm and the transportation network are extremely important to Guanzhong, and they are also the first priority key construction projects.

  Although after occupying Guanzhong, the whole of Guanzhong began to get busy with crazy projects, but it takes time to build so many projects one by one.

  "Good news, good news!"

  "The commander of the legion, the capital came to order, His Majesty personally issued the order to start the construction of the railway in our Guanzhong section, and considering our lack of labor in Guanzhong, we have supported millions of farmers, supported our economic construction in Guanzhong, and the construction of the railway!"

  The chief of staff of the White Tiger Army reported such a good news to Qiu Sheng with great enthusiasm.

  When Qiu Sheng heard this, he couldn't help but slap his hands and laugh, and shouted excitedly: "It is really great to support our millions of peasants, and they are all young and middle-aged laborers!!"

  Guanzhong has just been occupied, and for the other states in Dayan, it is poor and white, with no industrial foundation, and everything has to be rebuilt.

  Farms, roads, schools and various mines, brick factories, cement factories and other factories.

  All of these require a lot of labor! And Guanzhong has been fighting for decades, and there are severe droughts every year, natural disasters and man-made disasters are endless, the population does not know how much has been reduced, and labor can be described as urgent.

  If it weren't for the White Tiger Corps itself, which carried more than one million farmers, it would be difficult for Guanzhong to carry out large-scale projects and constructions.

  Today, the capital supports millions of farmers, and all of them are farmers who are systematically produced, the real young and middle-aged labor force.

  For Guanzhong, which is in desperate need of labor, it is a relief.

  Many projects can be speeded up and done! "Okay, that's great, that's really great!! Qiu Sheng shouted excitedly, excited.

  With such a large population, agriculture, basic industries, basic transportation, and the crucial railway in Guanzhong can be completed at a faster pace.

  And once all are completed, then Guanzhong will be able to take off immediately from the poor and white place! There is no doubt! Guanzhong and Shanxi are separated by a Yellow River.

  Can make full use of Shanxi's

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