For the first time, he took the initiative on the battlefield and began to gather troops to approach.

  The leaders and nobles of the Tumet tribe were not stupid, and when they discovered Dayan's cavalry scouts, they also knew that Dayan's cavalry was not far away.

  Although in the duel between the cavalry scouts, they suffered a lot, and many people died.

  However, after all, the location of the Great Flame Cavalry was found out, and they made the same move, gathered their forces, and prepared for a decisive battle.

  Both sides were full of self-confidence and could not wait to fight a cavalry battle, so they formed the formation of a large army charging in a very tacit understanding.

  One morning, after breakfast, the two armies, separated by a distance of a thousand meters, formed a battle formation and faced each other.

  Compared with the cavalry of the Tumet troops, the formation is loose and messy.

  The Great Flame Cavalry, the formation is neat and tidy, with hundreds of thousands of people and war horses, like one person and one horse, looking from a distance, it gives people a very shocking feeling, the visual effect is extremely strong, and the pressure is full.

  "Khan, this flaming cavalry looks like it's not easy to mess with!!"

  "Yeah, you look at their formation, it's really neat, we can't do this at all!!"

  "Hundreds of thousands of people are like one person, and the Great Flame Iron Cavalry is just like their infantry. They are strictly disciplined and well-trained!!"

  "Damn it, I have a bad premonition again, just like the battle in Beizhili that day!"

  "Ominous, ominous omen!!"


  When the nobles and leading generals of the Tummet army saw the incomparably neat and oppressive formation of the Great Yan Army, they immediately frowned, and they felt a little cowardly.

  Everyone has a bad premonition! Whether the army is strong or not, you can see one or two by looking at the military appearance. Come on.

  "Don't disturb the military heart!!"

  The leader of the Tumut group frowned and scolded him. What he saw in his heart was also abrupt, and the premonition was extremely bad, but at this moment, he was also riding a tiger, and he immediately cheered his subordinates and shouted loudly: "How can you be all in a neat formation? Huaquan embroidered legs, I am Mongolian warriors, all top three, riding and shooting tactics, the best in the world, don’t be afraid of them!!”

  Having said that, with a big wave of his hand, he ordered [-] iron cavalry, as the striker, to go and test one or two,

Chapter [-]: Destruction


  Seeing that the Tummet troops had sent [-] cavalry as the vanguard to attack, the Great Yan Army, facing tit for tat, immediately sent two cavalry divisions, [-] cavalry, to rush out of the army.

  The war horse began to gallop in small steps, accelerating.

  Compared with the [-] Tumet cavalry cavalry on the opposite side, there were unidentified killing roars from their mouths, and the formation was messed up.

  The two cavalry divisions of the Great Flame Army were still lined up and began to accelerate, looking down from the sky, it was like a big fist waving in the Great Flame Army.

  He slammed it hard at the Tummet department.

  The vanguard cavalry of the two armies, one [-] cavalry and the other [-] cavalry, drove each other's horses to gallop, speed up, and charge.

  The distance is getting closer and closer, until it is close to a distance of [-] meters.


  No wait: The cavalry of the Tummet department took out their bows and arrows and fired.

  The cavalry of the Great Yan Army faced the front and pulled the trigger.

  Bang bang bang! A wave of muskets shot down, and the front row of the Tumet cavalry fell to the ground on a large scale. Either the people were knocked down, or the horses were knocked down, causing chaos in the rear formation.

  "Draw the knife!"


  Seeing the chaos in the formation of the cavalry of the Tumet Division opposite, the two cavalry division commanders immediately lit up, gave a loud roar, and gave the order to charge.

  The [-] flaming iron cavalry formed a dense formation, like one person, and launched a fierce charge! They slammed into the vanguard of the Tummet army.

  Looking from a high altitude, you will find that the [-] Great Flame Iron Cavalry is like a heavy fist, smashing hard on a mud wall.

  The vanguard of the Tummet was that mud wall.

  It was smashed and collapsed! The warhorse accelerated frantically and launched a terrifying flood.

  The Great Flame Cavalry on the warhorse took out their sabres and launched a charge.

  The dense formation made the saber almost form a row of knife chains, charging past.

  All the cavalry of Tumet who passed through the gap between the two horses of the Great Flame Cavalry seemed to be ramming into two blades.

  The super-high charging speed and the sharp saber almost made the Great Flame Cavalry almost effortlessly cut off a cavalryman from the famous Tumet army.

  Even if it is not cut off, two deep cuts will be cut on the body of the Tumut cavalry, dripping with blood, which is horrible to see.

  The passage between the Great Flame Cavalry seems to be a way of life, but in fact, it is a way of death.

  Because of the characteristics of war horses and people, the cavalry charges against each other, and they will not let the two war horses collide fiercely, but look for a gap and pass through.

  However, the Great Flame Cavalry took advantage of this characteristic to form a neat formation, turning the gap passages that seemed like a way of life into living passages of death.

  Even if a lucky person can pass the attack of the famous Great Flame Cavalry in the first few rows, seven or eight, they cannot stop the wave after wave of sabres in the rear.

  Puff puff!! In the blink of an eye, large tracts of Tumet cavalry fell down, under the heavy punch of the Great Flame Iron Cavalry, it was like a rotten wall, which collapsed immediately after rushing.

  For the Great Flame Cavalry, it was a hearty game and for the surviving Tummet cavalry.

  It was a hellish scene, a miraculous scene they couldn't comprehend.

  They barely reacted, and they were killed in large numbers.

  The two armies collided, charged past, and separated again in the blink of an eye.

  The Great Flame Cavalry suffered few casualties, and the formation remained intact and orderly.

  However, the [-] cavalry of the Tumut's army suffered more than half of the casualties, and were severely injured in one wave!! "Devil, they are devils!!"

  "My God, Changshengtian abandoned us!!"

  "Can't beat, beat

  But ahhh!!"

  "They are invincible!!"

  "The Devil's Army, they are all the devil's army!!"


  The surviving Tumut cavalrymen exploded in their minds and collapsed. One after another, they pointed at the Great Flame Cavalry and yelled, looking crazy.

  I was almost completely driven mad by the scene I experienced just now! And in the rear, the Tumut army was in the middle.

  Among them, the nobles and the generals who led the troops were in an uproar, their faces changed greatly, they were extremely terrified, and it was difficult to understand this scene.

  In their eyes, their warriors, in front of the Great Flame Cavalry, are almost like rotten wood, vulnerable to a single blow, and in the blink of an eye, they fell down a lot!! The whole process, like their tribe warriors, sent them up with confidence! On the warhorse, the charged charged towards the saber of the Great Flame Cavalry, aiming at his own throat, as if there was a mysterious force that they couldn't comprehend.

  It was incomprehensible, fearful, the army was in chaos, and there was an uproar.

  "What the hell is going on here!"

  "My God, why did our tribal warriors personally put their heads on the swords of the Great Flame Cavalry!"

  "Damn, who can tell me what the hell is going on!"

  "Devil, they are devils!!"

  "Damn, how can the cavalry of the Great Yan Army be so strong!"

  "Longevity God bless you!!"


  All the nobles and leading generals of the Tummet were in an uproar, panicked, extremely frightened, and shouted in horror.

  This scene was really shocking, and it scared them too much! And the leader of the Tummet department, saw this scene, his face instantly turned gloomy, and his expression was extremely solemn.

  As the leader of the tribe, he saw some mysteries.

  It's just that he knew what was going on, but he couldn't do anything about it.

  Because, this requires ten thousand people to be like one person, well-trained and disciplined, to be able to achieve the charge tactics! Otherwise, no matter how many times you try, the outcome will be the same.

  That is the warrior under his command, no matter how skillful his riding is, no matter how fast his horse charges, no matter how brave his soldiers are.

  It's all useless! On the contrary, the braver you are, the faster you die! "Da Yanjun, this is the tactics of the infantry, applied to the cavalry!!"


  The leader of the Tumut department took a deep breath and saw the mystery in it, not only... helpless, but even more frightened, fearful, and feeling bad.


  At a time when the people of the Tummets were panicking, the two cavalry divisions of the Great Yan Army, which were charging across the battlefield, turned their horses and charged again.

  This time, it was more smooth than the last time, because the vanguard of the Tummet had already suffered more than half of the casualties, and the morale of the army collapsed.

  They didn't even have the courage to charge for a duel. Instead, they all fled for their lives frantically, scattered in all directions, and the formation was extremely chaotic.

  The Great Flame cavalry charged past, like a big net, all the Tumet cavalry caught by the net could not escape, they charged past, and all were killed.

  A good cavalry duel almost turned into a massacre.

  "Full army charge!!!"

  The four commanders of the 44th Cavalry Division in the rear saw that the Tumet army was in chaos and was almost on the verge of collapse. They made a decisive decision and ordered the entire army to charge! Eighty thousand iron cavalry began to gallop, accelerate, and finally sprint.

  Aiming at the army of the Tumet army, charge and pass!! The army of the Tumet army, which was already panicked, was unstable in formation, fled in all directions, and was smashed by the Great Flame Iron Cavalry, and the whole line collapsed!! The Tumet army The cavalry, in front of the big flame iron cavalry, seems to be destroyed, generally, vulnerable! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend, and divide

Chapter [-]: Chasing and killing thousands of miles, annihilating one hundred thousand iron cavalry

  "We lost, we lost, we lost!!"

  "Khan, run, run, we lost, our Tumut tribe lost!!"

  "It's over, it's over, Khan, we're completely over!!"

  "Devil, they are devils!"

  "Great Flame Iron Cavalry, invincible, invincible!!"

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