"If we knew this would happen, we shouldn't have come to fight. We would have led the tribal warriors earlier and escaped!"

  "Ah, ah, it's a terrible loss, a crushing defeat!!"


  The army of the Tumet army, which collapsed at a touch, was like rotten wood, forming a dense formation in front of the great flame iron cavalry, charging with all their strength, without the ability to resist.

  In the blink of an eye, countless casualties, the army collapsed, and countless Mongolian cavalry wailed and screamed.

  More cavalry soldiers looked terrified, as if they had seen the most terrifying thing in the world, turned around and fled like crazy, and fled madly.

  The aristocrats and generals of the Tummet Department changed their expressions one after another. They were extremely frightened, and they shouted in panic, wailing, and regretting endlessly.

  This battle, it can be said that they were completely beaten! Horrible! "It's over, it's over, now our Tummet department is completely over!!"

  The tribal leader of the Tumut Department watched as his subordinates were vulnerable, beaten to pieces, and the army was madly fleeing.

  I almost fainted on the spot with anger! Too bad, this is too bad! One hundred thousand iron cavalry, what a powerful force to be in front of the big flame cavalry, vulnerable to a single blow, no resistance!! If not He personally led the army to fight this battle, and he never dreamed of it! Even so, when the army collapsed and the entire line was defeated, he still had a feeling that he was still in a dream.

  All this has changed so fast that his mind can't react! The defeat is like a mountain, that's it! The tribal leader of the Ministry was full of excitement, and immediately shouted in panic and panic: "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!!!"

  He turned his horse's head like a madman, surrounded by the nobles and personal soldiers around him, whipped the horse frantically, and fled frantically.

  "Kill it!!"

  "Rush rush!!"

  "Quick, quick, don't let them run away!!"

  "Follow me with your life!!"

  "Even if we chase to the ends of the earth, we will chase them back!!"

  "Kill kill kill, those who do not surrender, kill without mercy!!"


  For the Great Yan Army, defeating the enemy army and defeating it will end the war, but this is just the beginning.

  Almost all the armies of the Han Dynasty knew that fighting against the Mongolian nomadic armies and defeating the other side was not a victory.

  Because they all had war horses, and they fled on the horses, and it didn't take long for them to gather again and form a powerful cavalry group again.

  They are like wolves, they can either spread out or gather together to form a pack of wolves.

  It can't be beaten to death, it can't be beaten badly, it's very difficult to deal with.

  What is even more terrifying is that on this vast grassland, they can run very far and live for a long time.

  Fighting against the cavalry of the Mongolian tribes, not taking advantage of the victory

  If they were annihilated, it would not be considered a big victory! Under the frantic urging of their respective cavalry division commanders and officers at all levels, the Great Flame Cavalry, almost insane, chased all the way.

  Endlessly launched a thousand-mile chase!! It can be said that the army charged, at most an hour.

  However, it would take several days, even seven or eight days, ten days and a half months to complete the pursuit.

  Almost all of the time is spent on chasing and killing.

  The vast majority of the troops were dispatched to launch a thousand-mile chase, and the remaining troops began to clear the battlefield, collect the spoils, and bury the corpses at the same time.

  The [-] cavalry of the Tumet army died on the battlefield as many as tens of thousands! After cleaning the battlefield, the army began to move forward and went straight to the station of the Tumet army.

  When the joint command led the remaining troops and arrived at the Tummet, the place was chaotic and chaotic.

  Many Tumut soldiers fled back to the tribe, but were overtaken by the Great Flame cavalry who came after them, and started a fight at the tribe's station.

  In the end, the chasing soldiers completely occupied the Tumut headquarters and captured hundreds of thousands of people! The horses, cattle and sheep in their tribe are even more numerous! They are all counted in hundreds of thousands! The cavalry divisions of the Yanbai Tiger Legion made a fortune! More importantly, after occupying a large area of ​​fertile grassland in the Qiantau Plain, the White Tiger Legion could almost use these war horses, cattle and sheep to station on the spot and start building a large area. Large-scale horse farms and livestock farms.

  With Dayan's breeding technology, the output can be increased several times, or even more than ten times! Whether it is war horses or cattle and sheep, it can reach the level of one million heads! This is a huge wealth! Made a fortune!!"

  "Hahaha, the horse farm of our White Tiger Corps can finally be built and built, and there will be no shortage of war horses!!"

  "This is good, we will have more warhorses with better quality in the future!!"


  The six commanders of the 66th Cavalry Division, the chiefs of staff under his command, and many other staff officers all had their eyes lit up and couldn't help laughing.

  This time, for them, it is a wave of fat! Especially, when Dayan owns more war horses, cattle and sheep than nomads, and is stronger.

  In this huge piece of land, there is no other tribe to speak at all! It is all in the hands of Dayan! Once the railway is built, then this land will be unbreakable by Dayan.

  What's more, the former set of plains is not only fertile pastures, but also can engage in large-scale animal husbandry and large-scale horse farms.

  Under this piece of land, there are also a lot of coal resources! And having coal means that there will be a foundation for building an industrial base here.

  The tribal station of the Tumut Department can completely become the frontline base for the Great Yan Army to go north and sweep the southern and northern deserts!! The strategic location is extremely important! Similarly, it is also worth building and building a city on the grassland! Days later, the cavalry who chased down the defeated soldiers returned one after another, and soon the statistical structure of the battle came up.

  In this battle, the [-] iron cavalry of the Tumet army was completely annihilated. Except for its tribal leaders and nobles, all the Tumet army was annihilated and captured by the Great Yan Army.

  It can be said that this battle was extremely brilliant, and [-] iron cavalry was destroyed in the first battle! The Tumut team was also completely removed! After the occupation by Dayan, there were no tribes left. Just like Guannei, the chief nobles of those tribes were removed. All were chopped down, the herdsmen were firmly in their hands, and the household registration system was directly established to rule them.

  The backward tribal system is completely abolished!

Chapter [-]: The Great Flame Iron Cavalry, Megatron Monan

  They annihilated the [-] cavalry of the Tummet army, swept the front plain of the Hetao area, and hit the front line to the foot of the south of Yinshan Mountain in one breath.

  At the same time, the Xuanwu Corps stationed in Datong Mansion and Xuanzhen Town in Northern Zhili also led their troops out of the Great Wall, heading north and out of the fortress, swept across the area north of the Great Wall, and pushed the front lines from the Great Wall to the foot of Yinshan Mountain.

  It can be said that this time, the Great Yan Army has severely expanded its territory to the north by hundreds of miles.

  Moreover, the east and west stretches for thousands of miles! From the northern Zhili to the Hetao area, this huge territory was seized by the Great Yan Army.

  And it caused a huge panic among the Mongolian tribes, they all thought that the Great Yan Army was going to attack with a large army.

  However, the Great Yan Army stopped its action and began to send a large number of peasants to cross the Great Wall. On the vast grasslands, they almost frantically built horse farms and livestock farms.

  Large-scale breeding of war horses and cattle and sheep! At the same time, the railway from Datong Prefecture to the Qiantao Plain has also officially started construction.

  All of a sudden, the desolate, uninhabited prairie suddenly appeared a strange sight that has not been seen for thousands of years. There are people everywhere, construction sites are everywhere, and busy figures are everywhere.

  It seemed that the whole earth had come to life.

  A large number of peasants went north out of the fortress and entered the grasslands, and for a time, there were even more Han Chinese than Mongolians.

  A large number of peasants joined, and soon the Tumut tribe and the herdsmen in this vast area were disrupted. With the family as the household registration, they began to register the household registration, and established the order of Dayan, which belonged to the rule of Dayan.

  The establishment of a large number of horse farms and livestock farms has also exacerbated this transition.

  At the same time, the former set of plains is fertile, and it is possible to build farms and grow food.

  Although the entire Hetao area has been regarded as a breeding base for animal husbandry, farms still need to be built in order to make this huge site self-sufficient.

  Only when it is self-sufficient and food can be replenished locally, can such a territory be occupied, and then it can be stable.

  Of course, you don't need too much, as long as you can be self-sufficient.

  With such a large area, the population is not large, so the area occupied by the farm is not very large.

  Various railways, highways and infrastructure construction began, almost making this desolate and ancient land begin to regain its vitality and popularity.

  At a speed that is already visible to the naked eye, the Hetao area and the Qiantao plain are changing every day! At the same time, the Dayan Army swept the Hetao area, crossed the Yellow River, annihilated the [-] cavalry of the Tumut army, and hit the foot of Yinshan in one breath. It spread and spread to all the Mongolian tribes around.

  It attracted Mo Nan, and there was an uproar.

  Countless small tribes fled in a hurry, quickly moved away, went crazy north to the Mongolian Plateau, and did not dare to look south at all.

  And those big tribes are even more panicked.

  In particular, the Mongolian Eight Banners tribes in the east who had already taken refuge with the Manchu Tatars, when they heard that the Great Yan Army had annihilated the Tumut tribe and completely removed them, they all changed their color and became in an uproar.

  "Damn it, what should I do now that the Yan army is heading north!!"

  "I thought that the cavalry of the Great Yan Army was very bad, and the only strong ones were the steps. How could they know that their cavalry was so strong!!"

  "In World War I annihilated [-] cavalry of Tumut, with few casualties, the whole process can be called crushing and beating. The combat effectiveness of the Great Flame Cavalry is much stronger than we imagined!!"

  "I heard that after the Dayan Army occupied the Hetao area, they built a horse farm and cultivated war horses. It seems that they are going to expand their cavalry!"

  "My God, the cavalry of the Great Yan Army is so strong, and there is still a large expansion of the cavalry, is there still a way for us to survive!"

  "It's over, it's over, the [-] iron cavalry of the Tumut tribe were all defeated by the Dayan cavalry. Although our tribal warriors are stronger than the Tumet tribe, they are not the opponents of the Great Yan Army. We will definitely be unable to stop and defeat the army’s massive attack!!”

  "Don't panic, don't panic!! The Great Yan Army is still focusing on the unification of the Central Plains. Before the unification of the world, they will never attack us on a large scale!!"

  "Yeah, I heard that the target of the Great Yan Army this time is only the Hetao area within the Yellow River, and the reason why they only attacked the Tumut tribe is because the Tumut tribe is in the front plain of the Hetao area!! "

  "It's just Lou Rabbit fighting grass, the Tumut tribe is just too unlucky, and was regarded as a target by the Great Yan Army!!"

  "The next move of the Great Yan Army should be to attack the back cover plain!"

  "The Houtao Plain is the territory of the West and the Shuot Khanate. It has nothing to do with us. As long as we don't fight eastward, we'll be fine!!"


  The tribal leaders of several large tribes in the east gathered together and discussed with each other.

  They were all shocked and amazed by the military action of the Great Yan Army to destroy the Tumut tribe, which was beyond their surprise.

  At the same time, he was also shocked by the powerful combat power displayed by the Great Flame Cavalry.

  Despite what they say, their tribe's cavalry is stronger than the Tumt tribe.

  But the actual situation, they are very clear in their hearts one by one.

  If the Tumut tribe is not strong, how can it possibly occupy the most fertile front plain, that large fertile grassland! The Mongols are very realistic.

  Everyone's tribe is strong or not, just depends on whether the grassland they occupy is fertile or not! The tribe that occupies the fertile grassland is definitely not bad, or even very strong.

  At least it's better than those present, most of them say that the tribe is stronger! However, a powerful tribe like the Tumet tribe, raised [-] iron cavalry, and started a cavalry duel with the Dayan cavalry.

  However, they were killed by the Great Flame Cavalry, who eliminated two by three and five! Not to mention the defeat, they were completely annihilated, and the Tumut tribe was completely removed.

  This is more terrifying! In a cavalry duel, it is easy to defeat, but it is very difficult to annihilate, it is as difficult as going to the sky! Everyone is a cavalry, and if they run their way, it is really far away! Go! Even if you chase hard, you can only chase and kill a small part of it, and most of the cavalry will still run away.

  Even if you are not careful, you will be counterattacked by the fleeing soldiers, and you will suffer a big loss.

  Therefore, among the Mongolian ministries, in fighting, at most they are defeated and not destroyed.

  Because there is no need at all! You can run the soldiers, but you can't run away from the tribal station, as well as the tribesmen, cattle, sheep and horses in the station.

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