At every turn it is the scale of a million soldiers.

  The Daxi Army, with only tens of thousands of elite soldiers, can't fight against Dayan at all! The difference in strength among them, let's just think about it! Daxi up and down, I thought, relying on the geographical advantage of Sichuan and Shu, to resist a period of time time.

  But who knows, this time, he was stunned by the fierce offensive of the Great Yan army, which even attacked the three places.

  Really realized the difference in strength! That's a real world difference!! Countless civil and military officials up and down the Great Western Court, listening to it, were horrified, panicked and desperate, and there was an uproar.

  "In just a few days, the land of the three palaces fell to the front line, and the army lost countless troops and lost all of them."

  "My God, this Great Flame Army is too fierce!"

  "It's scary, it's scary!! This is still in Sichuan and Shu, and I have a favorable geographical position in the west!! If it is in the Central Plains

  In the plains, when the big flaming iron cavalry charged, wouldn’t our Daxi army collapse at the touch of a single touch, and collapse thousands of miles away! In one breath, hundreds of thousands of troops will be wiped out!”

  "Hey!! I finally know why when the Great Yan Army was dispatched, it was rumored that they would destroy hundreds of thousands of troops at every turn! It turns out that the Great Yan Army is really so terrifying!!"

  "Even in the land of Sichuan and Shu, the cavalry of Dayan can still be used to chase and kill the defeated soldiers. It is a sure-shot pursuit! Once the army is defeated, there is no way to escape!!"

  "Now that Chongqing Prefecture is under attack from both sides, and there is no reinforcements to support it, it is bound to fail!!"

  "It's not just Chongqing Prefecture, even Chengdu Prefecture can't be guaranteed!! Hundreds of thousands of Dayan troops are attacking Shunqing Prefecture in the north. Once Shunqing Prefecture falls, the Dayan army can immediately go south to Chengdu Prefecture!! "

  "I've suffered, isn't it, my Chengdu mansion will also fall!"

  "If I don't move south right now, I'm going to go up and down in the west, and I'm afraid I'll be taken over by the Great Yan Army!!"

  "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and run!!"

  "His Majesty!!!"


  The ministers of civil and military affairs in Daxi were talking a lot, and they were all stunned by the fierce attack of the Great Yan Army, and they were afraid of the attack.

  No longer thinking about sending troops to resist the attack of the Great Yan Army.

  Instead, he wondered if he could escape and escape.

  Because all kinds of rumors have proved that once they are chased and attacked by the Great Yan Army, they will be unable to escape even if they want to! Because the cavalry of the Great Yan Army is really too fierce, and their ability to chase and kill is too strong.

  And now the White Tiger Legion, which is going south to fight in Sichuan, its cavalry is exactly the existence of the alien cavalry who swept the Hetao area and fought crying father and mother! This is the real Great Flame Cavalry! Such a strategic killing Great Flame Cavalry , How dare they stay without even a moment's delay, and they all persuaded Zhang Xianzhong.

  Zhang Xianzhong was speechless for a long time, and learned that his frontline army was vulnerable in front of the Great Yan Army, and he was worse than the rabble.

  I thought that Zhang Xianzhong, who had fought for more than ten years, could not be considered a character.

  Especially after Li Zicheng's Dashun perished.

  He, Zhang Xianzhong, was the leader of the peasant army back then! He can be regarded as the leader of the peasant army! Who knows, after being severely beaten by the Dayan Army and his Daxi Army, his gorgeous appearance was completely destroyed. Called back the prototype.

  Only then did Zhang Xianzhong realize that he had thought too much about all this! Now, the times have changed! It is no longer the era of the peasant army at the end of the Ming Dynasty! Now, it is the era of Great Yan! Desolate Liuhe, unique in the world, sweeping across China, the strength of the army is irresistible.

  He Zhang Xianzhong's Daxi Army came together, and he didn't even have the qualifications to be the opponent of the Dayan Army! In just a few days, he lost the city, lost the land, and lost his soldiers! Recognize myself clearly! My mere tens of thousands of elite soldiers, and the Daxi Army of hundreds of thousands of rabble, are nothing but bigger ants in front of the millions of troops of the Dayan White Tiger Legion.

  "That's it, that's it!"

  For a time, Zhang Xianzhong, who knew the truth, suddenly became disheartened.

  Immediately waved his hand, panicked and anxiously said: "Go south, go south!!"

  After being beaten up, Zhang Xianzhong almost panicked and anxiously led tens of thousands of elite soldiers under his command, fled overnight, escaped from Chengdu, and escaped to Yungui!

Chapter [-] Occupy the whole territory of Sichuan and Chongqing

  Hanzhong Mansion, the headquarters of the White Tiger Army.


  "Legion Commander, there is good news from the front line, our army has entered Sichuan, and the troops are divided into three routes, attacking everywhere, and even conquering the three prefectures of Baoning, Xiezhou, and Shunqing in one breath, and the first battle is victorious!!"

  "When the Daxi Army saw the great power of our army, they all looked down on the wind, and they were defeated with a single blow!!"

  "Now that our army has occupied the three prefectures, we will send troops from Xiezhou and Shunqing prefectures to attack Chongqing prefecture. I believe that we will be able to take Chongqing prefecture soon!"

  "The other way starts from Baoning House, enters Long'an House, sweeps north of Sichuan, and goes straight to Chengdu House!!"

  The messengers rushed to the headquarters of the White Tiger Army, and in front of the staff of the army, reported the latest battle report and marching route of the front-line army to the army commander Qiu Sheng.

  "We have won the three houses of Baoning, Xiezhou and Shunqing"

  When Qiu Sheng heard the words, he was immediately overjoyed! Once the three prefectures in the northeast of Sichuan were captured, it would mean that the gates of the entire Sichuan, Sichuan, and even the entire southwest would be completely opened to the White Tiger Army.

  The strategic significance is extremely important! Not to mention that it will sweep Sichuan and Shu in the future and enter the southwest.

  It can be said that at this moment, the two houses of Xiezhou and Shunqing have been taken, and the trend of attacking the two sides of Chongqing has been formed.

  Taking the initiative strategically, and at the same time with the strong fighting power of the Dayan Army, it can be said that most of the Chongqing Prefecture has fallen into the hands of Dayan.

  It is only a matter of time before we conquer the city of Chongqing and occupy the entire territory of Chongqing.

  The White Tiger Army won the first battle and still won a great victory. This is good news for the White Tiger Army to celebrate.

  Beside the sand table, the staff of the White Tiger Corps immediately began to analyze the battle reports and battle routes of the field divisions on the front line.

  Just like Qiu Sheng, the White Tiger Army won the first battle, and they have formed a double-sided attack on the Chongqing government, which made the staff very excited and excited.

  After some careful discussion, debate, and calculation.

  The chief of staff gathered the information after the calculation and analysis of the staff, and said to Qiu Sheng: "Commander, our army has formed a double-sided attack on the Chongqing government. It can be said that most of the Chongqing government has fallen into my white tiger. The Legion's Hand!!"

  "The other way, starting from Baoning Mansion, entered the army of Longan Mansion.

  You can first occupy the entire territory of northern Sichuan, and attack Chengdu Prefecture from north to south, condescendingly!"

  "Our army occupies the right time and place, and even controls the initiative on the battlefield!"

  "If nothing else happens, we will soon be able to get the news that Chengdu Mansion was captured by our army!!"

  "Once Chongqing and Chengdu are captured by our army, it means that most of the entire Sichuan and Sichuan has fallen into the hands of our army!!"

  "Our army can sweep Sichuan and Chongqing in the shortest time and occupy the whole of Sichuan and Chongqing!!"

  Qiu Sheng nodded when he heard the words, although the staff of the legion analyzed and calculated, and considered all the movements of the Great Yan Army itself, and did not consider the Great Western Army.

  It's just that the Great Western Army is so far behind the Great Yan Army that the Yan Army can almost ignore it.

  In this situation, do you still need to consider the Great Western Army? You don't need it at all! From the beginning to the end, the White Tiger Army did not take the Great Western Army in their eyes, and ignored them all the way.

  This is not something the White Tigers are too proud of.

  Instead, the White Tiger Corps has already completely crushed the Great Western Army in terms of strength, weaponry, and quality of soldiers.

  You can just push it horizontally without considering any ideas, any resistance, and any response of the Great Western Army.

  In this case, we also consider what the Great Western Army is doing.

  So just ignore it and just roll over it.

  The battle went smoothly, without any accident, the front-line army was victorious in successive battles, invincible in all attacks, and invincible in all battles, and it was possible to occupy Chongqing, the city's two prefectures, and swept the whole territory of Sichuan and Shu.

  The smile on Qiu Sheng's face became more and more obvious, and he was in a good mood waiting for the good news from the front line.


  "Commander, good news, great news!!"

  "Our army's front-line scout cavalry received good news that the Daxi Army in Chengdu Prefecture had evacuated. Zhang Xianzhong led his subordinates, as well as tens of thousands of elite soldiers, to withdraw from Chengdu Prefecture overnight and escaped to Yunnan!!"

  "Now, the entire Chengdu Prefecture is in chaos, and the troops are extremely empty!"

  "Chengdu Fucheng is an empty city!!"

  At this moment, a surprise hit Qiu Sheng violently, almost stunned Qiu Sheng.


  "Zhang Xianzhong evacuated overnight, and the Daxi Army, with the only elites, retreated to Yunnan, and abandoned the entire Sichuan and Chongqing!"

  Qiu Sheng was shocked by the news and couldn't help but shouted loudly.

  Zhang Xianzhong would so decisively give up the entire land of Sichuan and Chongqing, give up the foundation of the Land of Abundance, and go to the remote and undeveloped places in Yunnan, which really surprised him.

  This is something he, and the entire White Tiger Legion, have never thought of! "Hey! Zhang Xianzhong is too decisive. The whole land of Sichuan and Chongqing, the kingdom of heaven, if you say abandon it, you will abandon it!!"

  "A hero is a hero, at a critical moment, it's really ruthless!!"

  "You're too hard on yourself!"

  "However, I have to say that Zhang Xianzhong is too decisive, and the trick of abandoning the car to protect the commander is very good! Although he lost the land of Sichuan and Chongqing, he still has the elite soldiers and the military officials under his command. If you go to a remote place, you can start all over again!! This is better than dying in Sichuan and Chongqing!”

  "Yeah, I knew that we couldn't beat our Great Yan Army, but he held on to it and was crushed to death in the end. That's a suffocating death!!"

  "Able to stretch and shrink, he is indeed a hero!!"


  All the staff officers were shocked by Zhang Xianzhong's decisiveness, and exclaimed in surprise, and even many people gasped wildly, obviously shocked by Zhang Xianzhong's hand.

  Qiu Sheng's face turned stern, and he said solemnly: "Okay, let's put the exclamation aside! Zhang Xianzhong ran away with his elite soldiers, and the entire Sichuan-Chongqing area was left behind by the scumbags of the Western Army. generation!"

  "There is no threat to our army!"

  "Immediately, order the front-line army to speed up, take down Chongqing and Chengdu, and sweep the land of Sichuan and Chongqing with the fastest speed!"

  "Since Zhang Xianzhong is willing to abandon this land of heaven and give it to us, then let's not be polite and accept it all!!"

  The staff members took orders one after another, and immediately followed Qiu Sheng's order and conveyed it to the division commanders who led the troops on the front line.

  The news of Zhang Xianzhong's escape, and his escape from Yunnan, also caused a huge sensation in the Daxi Army.

  The Daxi Army in the entire Sichuan-Chongqing area was panic-stricken, disintegrated, full of resentment, and had no will to fight at all.

  As soon as the Great Yan Army hit it, they didn't even need to fire their artillery, they knelt down and surrendered from a distance! Wherever they went, they watched the wind and surrendered! The White Tiger Army, with almost no effort, took Chengdu and Chongqing. House.

  Then attacked everywhere, in just a few days, swept the land of Sichuan and Chongqing, and occupied the whole territory of Sichuan and Sichuan!

Chapter [-] The peak of imperial power

  The capital, the Imperial Palace of the Great Yan Empire, the Imperial Study Room.

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