"Your Majesty, good news, great news!!"

  "There is good news from the White Tiger Army. They have won great victory in Sichuan and Chongqing. In a short period of time, they have defeated the Great Western Army and occupied the whole of Sichuan and Chongqing!"

  "Zhang Xianzhong was convinced by the beating, frightened by the wind, urinated from his ass, and with tens of thousands of elite soldiers, fled Sichuan and Chongqing overnight, and fled south to Yunnan!"

  Chief of Staff Li Gan reported the news loudly with an excited look on his face.

  After taking the battle report and reading it in detail, Lin Feng showed a satisfied smile on his face.

  The land of Sichuan and Chongqing fell into the hands of Dayan, which means that the entire north of the Yangtze River belongs to Dayan! Dayan's steps to unify the world will go further.

  Looking around the world, there are only a few southern provinces that have not yet been occupied.

  But, that's only a matter of time.

  Because, looking at the southern part of the world, whether it is the warlords of Nanming or the southern provinces, their strength is extremely weak, and they cannot compete with Dayan! Once the Dayan army arrives, they can easily crush them, all Horizontal push! The unification of the world is right in front of you! Looking at the sand table map, Lin Feng's eyes focused on the southern provinces for a moment, and then ordered: "Congratulations to the White Tiger Legion, let them continue to work hard, and move the southwestern provinces as soon as possible. , completely won!!"

  "At the same time, the White Tiger Legion was brought into Sichuan on a large scale, and the news of the whole territory of Sichuan and Chongqing was captured in a short period of time, and the news was informed to the Suzaku Legion, let them figure it out, and appropriately add some pressure to them!"

  Chief of the General Staff Li Gan nodded heavily.

  Of course he knew that Lin Feng's purpose in doing this was to make the two armies of Suzaku and White Tiger compete with each other, in order to quickly occupy the southern provinces and unify the world.

  After talking about the war on the front line, Lin Feng turned his attention to the economic development in Dayan.

  For today's Lin Feng, when Dayan dominated the north and the army stepped down from the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, he didn't pay much attention to the war on the front line.

  Just wait for a steady stream of good news.

  Because the Great Yan country is strong and strong enough to push the entire south.

  There is almost no chance of failure.

  Under such circumstances, how could he focus on the front-line battlefield? After all, no matter how the front-line war is fought, it cannot shake the national strength of today's Dayan.

  Even if the millions of troops on the front line were destroyed, it would not shake the foundation of the Great Yan.

  Such a solid background naturally makes Lin Feng full of confidence.

  It can be called full of confidence! "Railway construction must be accelerated!"

  "Especially the railway of the Beijing-Guangzhou line, I built the bridge across the river immediately to connect the north-south artery, so that the states and prefectures in Dayan can fully circulate personnel and materials!"

  "There is only one direction for us in the future, and that is to build a crazy railway for me, and let the railway spread all over the Great Yan!"

  "Connect all the land into one piece!"

  "Besides, roads, rivers, etc., should be constructed and dredged one by one!"

  "Only when the transportation is perfect, the personnel and materials are circulated, and the big inflammation develops, can it skyrocket rapidly and go on the right track!"

  Lin Feng immediately gave instructions.

  If you want to get rich, you must build roads first. There is no doubt that this sentence is true from a certain point of view.

  Only when the transportation network is perfect, extending in all directions, and the rapid flow of personnel and materials, can the funds in the market flow.

  Only with this flow can the economy develop! Industry and economy complement each other.

  One is indispensable! If the economy is not good, no matter how strong the industrial strength is, it is useless, because even if the production capacity is exploded, the produced things will not be able to be sold if they are piled up in the warehouse.

  If it cannot be sold, it will cause waste and economic losses.

  For Dayan at present, the most important thing is to develop the domestic demand market! Only when Dayan's domestic demand market is developed can Dayan's economic development break out.

  There is no doubt that Dayan has this potential.

  Moreover, even if there is no need for a foreign trade market, and only relying on the domestic demand market, it is possible to become rich, establish an industrial system, and achieve self-sufficiency.

  Land, population, resources.

  All three are indispensable.

  Without any point, industrial self-sufficiency cannot be achieved.

  The sign of a strong country and a great country is that it can be self-sufficient in industry.

  And precisely, Dayan has a unique advantage in this regard.

  The Chinese civilization is the most suitable civilization to achieve industrial self-sufficiency.

  It does not need to rely on any exploitation, any colonial means, and it can rise peacefully.

  Although, Dayan's current strength is enough to colonize the world.

  But industrial self-sufficiency is still the bottom line in Lin Feng's mind.

  He must ensure that there is a self-sufficient industrial system in Dayan.

  Only in this way, in the event of any accident, Dayan has the strength to resist.

  Dayan was created, forged and developed by himself.

  Lin Feng must also build it well and lay a solid foundation.

  It must not be allowed to have any shortcomings! Prioritizing the development of the local area is the grand strategy formulated by Lin Feng.

  Always give priority to the mainland, this is an unshakable policy.

  What Lin Feng has to do now is very simple, he just needs to keep laying the foundation for Dayan.

  The construction of agricultural systems such as farms, horse farms, and livestock farms must be perfect and self-sufficient.

  The construction of transportation networks such as railways, highways, shipping, etc., must be improved to realize the rapid circulation of personnel and materials.

  In addition, various resource mines and industrial equipment must be vigorously constructed and developed.

  Agriculture, transportation, industry.

  These three aspects have been developed and the foundation has been laid.

  Then, in other respects, everything will naturally become: it comes naturally.

  Life will find a way for itself, not to mention that as long as people lay a good foundation, then the economic development of Dayan will naturally explode.

  Lin Feng will never underestimate the Chinese people of Dayan, they are hardworking, smart, and can study.

  As long as they are given a fair environment and suitable soil, they can grow wildly.

  Dayan's fiscal revenue has skyrocketed month by month, which is enough to illustrate this point.

  It's only been a long time, and it hasn't arrived for half a year. Dayan's financial income has skyrocketed from hundreds of millions of dollars per month to billions of silver dollars per month, and it is about to break the [-] billion level of financial income per month. .

  Ten billions per month, that is, the annual financial income of [-] billion to [-] billion! Just Dayan's annual financial income can be said to account for more than [-]% of the world's wealth! Not to mention, Lin Feng also Controls a large number of royal enterprises.

  After proclaiming the emperor, he turned all the enterprises controlled by the lord's palace into royal enterprises, almost becoming his private property.

  Lin Feng is the Emperor of Great Yan, and he owns so many royal industries, and he almost monopolizes all industries, which is okay.

  No one has an opinion, and no one dares to have an opinion.

  It can be said that Lin Feng has concentrated the power of the emperor like never before. The power is so great that it has reached the peak of the imperial power for thousands of years! It is truly realized that everything in the world belongs to the emperor! Fei Lu reminds you: read Three things collection, recommendation, points

Chapter [-]: The infrastructure madman shocked the world

  Under Lin Feng's order, the entire Dayan turned into an infrastructure maniac! Crazy farms were reclaimed, railways and highways were built, waterways were expanded, and schools were built.

  Various red brick factories, cement factories, and mines have also been established in the various capitals of Dayan.

  Infrastructure, crazy infrastructure! Almost the entire Dayan has been turned into a big construction site, with construction sites everywhere! There is an unprecedented labor shortage in Dayan, which has hundreds of millions of people. This is impossible in history. , it never happened.

  Countless people were stunned, dumbfounded, and shocked.

  A large number of peasants were liberated from the land, and a population of tens of millions of peasants emerged.

  For the dynasty in this history, it is extremely terrifying, and it is the most afraid of such a thing.

  Therefore, in the history of the Central Plains Dynasty, the permanent policy is to bind the peasants to the land, and they are tied there, and they are not free.

  On the contrary, Dayan did the opposite, without causing any turmoil, but instead made the whole Dayan full of vigor, striving for progress, and doing the same day by day.

  For the people of the Great Yan Kingdom, this is a golden age! Gold is everywhere! Whether it is ordinary people or smart businessmen, they can find their own positions and opportunities.

  The shortage of labor everywhere has made the salaries of ordinary people rise again and again, and there are opportunities to make money everywhere. With money in hand, you can naturally start spending and further stimulate the domestic demand market in Dayan.

  The wildly expanding domestic demand market has also allowed businessmen to see opportunities one by one and join them in a frenzy.

  Various daily necessities factories were established.

  At the same time, sales channels all over Dayan's prefectures and counties have also been established one by one.

  The unprecedented flow of personnel and materials has led to the influx of countless hot money.

  The whole big blaze was fiery.

  For the people of Dayan, this is a wild era, an era of opportunities and business opportunities everywhere.

  As long as you catch it, you can make a fortune! Almost everyone is full of energy, single-mindedly making money, making money! When everyone in the country starts to work hard, create wealth with both hands, and focus on making money.

  The one who benefits the most is naturally the emperor of the Great Yan Empire - Lin Feng.

  Having witnessed the highly developed commercial economy, he has too many ways to promote consumption! By using a few means, he can make the entire Great Inflammation erupt with unprecedented vitality.

  Besides, there are constant battles on the front line of the Great Yan, and reunification is imminent.

  Countless state capitals are in ruins.

  At this time, it is the most suitable for the Great Yan at this stage to not engage in infrastructure construction, but to engage in major infrastructure construction.

  Moreover, because it is still in the age of steam, the potential of infrastructure is far from erupting.

  In infrastructure construction, it is not backward at all, on the contrary, it is still a bit ahead.

  For other countries, this may be too much.

  But for Lin Feng, who has the system, this is the most suitable because once the infrastructure is completed, the system will be upgraded to the imperial level.

  I'm afraid the internal combustion engine will also appear.

  The emergence of the internal combustion engine means the emergence of various land vehicles. At this time, the perfect roads all over the territory of Dayan have a place to be used.

  It can be called a seamless connection! Lin Feng has planned all this in his heart, and the entire direction of Dayan is under his control.

  So I don't panic at all, but feel at ease

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