
  Only the people around him and the rest of the world didn't understand what he was doing at all. In addition to being confused, they were all shocked by the terrifying power that erupted from Dayan.

  Hundreds of millions of people are engaged in large-scale projects, and construction sites are everywhere.

  What a scale this is and what a terrifying national power! You don't need to understand it at all, you just need to think about it a little, and you will know the money spent in it.

  Qianliang is the simplest and crudest system for evaluating national strength in this era.

  When money and food are abundant, it represents national strength! If there is money and food, it means that you have everything! And Dayan can drive hundreds of millions of people to work, start to mobilize for a goal, and can also supply money and food consumption.

  It is conceivable that Dayan or, in other words, what terrifying resources Lin Feng has in his hands! This is a question that cannot be deeply thought about. Just thinking about it will make people despair and collapse.

  Because, the strength gap is really too big! It's too big, think about it, you will be desperate.

  This time, millions of troops on the front line of Dayan attacked cities and plundered land, and carried out large-scale projects in the rear, mobilizing more than [-] million people to carry out infrastructure construction in various state capitals in Dayan.

  The shock brought to the world is far greater than that of the Dayan Army, with millions of troops entering Sichuan, officially attacking several provinces in the southwest, and also taking the land of Sichuan and Chongqing in one breath, and they will come after Zhang Xianzhong was defeated and fled. Shocked.

  This is a very practical problem, the strength of the Great Yan Army is witnessed by the whole world.

  In consecutive battles, victories, never a single defeat, invincible in attack, invincible in battle, invincible in the world.

  It has brought a lot of shock to the world.

  This is more shocking, and it becomes: ordinary.

  Let the Great Yan Army occupy a province, conquer a province, and become: sparse and common.

  Even people all over the world have formed a consensus that it is normal for the Great Yan Army to win a battle, but it is the biggest abnormality to lose a battle! So much so that the White Tiger Army has occupied the entire territory of Sichuan and Chongqing, and is launching a fierce attack on several provinces in the southwest, scaring The news of Zhang Xianzhong's Daxi Army fleeing in the wild only attracted a little attention, so that more people's firmness and confidence that Dayan was about to reunify, they turned to be forgotten.

  Then excitedly discussed, Dayan turned into an infrastructure madman, crazy about the meaning of infrastructure.

  Of course, many people in Dayan are aware of the benefits of building infrastructure, just to develop the economy.

  It's just that Da Yan made such a big deal in one breath, which made them all feel that it was a little urgent.

  The investment is really too big! Hundreds of millions of people have invested in it, what a terrifying resource that this consumes! Just thinking about food and money can make everyone stunned, stunned.

  Not to mention other aspects! Such as technical factories and railway construction.

  These are all very technical. Engineers who can build railways are all treasures! Everyone can't imagine how Dayan has so many engineers.

  However, Dayan just took it out in one breath.

  These large numbers, with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of engineers, have a shocking effect that far exceeds an army of millions, or even an army of tens of millions! Because being a soldier, anyone can be a soldier.

  But for engineers, it is different! With the popularization of Dayan's education, various teaching materials have appeared in the society, so that many people know how much time and money it takes for Dayan to train an engineer.

  Cultivating an engineer is like raising an army! It is because of knowing this that the whole world is stunned and shocked by Dayan's crazy infrastructure movement! Dayan incarnates as an infrastructure madman, and the whole world is shocked!

Chapter [-] The Manchu who gave up all resistance

  Liaodong, Shengjing, the Qing Palace.

  When it was learned that Da Yan's millions of troops were marching south, the real south and southwest regions were attacking the city and looting the land, all the way was like a broken bamboo, and the good news continued.

  In the rear, hundreds of millions of people have been mobilized to carry out construction! From north to south, from east to west.

  Across thousands of miles, there are construction sites everywhere and big projects everywhere.

  Hearing this news, all the princes, princes and ministers in the Manchu Qing Dynasty looked at each other in dismay.

  I just don't understand why Da Yan did this.

  Could it be that Dayan is really rich and fat, and the money and grain can’t be spent, so he is engaged in such an unprecedented construction! However, even if he does not understand why Dayan does this, Dayan is unprecedented in this history, and the whole country The actions of the upper and lower infrastructure projects, the national strength revealed, no doubt, made the Qing Dynasty go up and down, so the princes and ministers felt the pressure of incomparably powerful and terrifying.

  The pressure was overwhelming, almost suffocating them all.

  An uproar! "This is too incredible, too unbelievable!!"

  "Millions of troops on the front line are fighting, sieging cities and looting countless lands.

  In the rear of Dayan, hundreds of millions of people are even mobilized, and the whole country is engaged in construction, and construction sites are everywhere, which is really confusing!!"

  "Yeah, Da Yan's behavior is really strange!"

  "How can there be millions of troops in the front line fighting, and the rear is still doing a lot of engineering!"

  "As far as I can see!!!, isn't this Great Yan so much money and food that it can't be spent! Hundreds of millions of people and millions of troops, the money and food consumed is an astronomical figure!!"

  "Don't count, forget it, this king almost suffocated! Although it's not this king's money, but this king still has a heartache!!"

  "This Great Flame Lin Feng is more prodigal than a prodigal!!"

  "Lin Feng can be called the first prodigal in history!"

  "A prodigal is a prodigal, but Lin Feng's son, he really manages well.

  Starting from scratch, starting from a small: a fisherman, in just a few years, he was able to develop a force like Dayan that is invincible and invincible in the world!"

  "It's really hard to imagine how full this Great Yan's treasury is, how does it feel, how much they can't spend it!"

  "Oh, it makes me sad to mention it.

  This thief Lin Feng, when Weihaiwei started his career, also learned from my Qing Dynasty, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil.

  What's even more hateful is that he even sent troops to loot my Qing Dynasty, kill countless people of my clan, and take away my Qing Dynasty wealth!!"

  "This king understands that Da Yan is so rich, all because of Da Yan's burning, killing and looting!!"

  "Yeah, back then, Dayan immediately used the gentry to operate, thinking that they were seeking their own death and exterminating themselves from the world.

  Who knows, they can survive in the cracks, and they can rise at an extremely fast speed, and this rise will be out of control!!"

  "It's more than taking the world's gentry. It is said that the sailors of Dayan burn, kill and loot overseas, committing all kinds of evils, destroying countless countries!! However, they call it colonization in the territory of Dayan! It is said that they also want to colonize the world and will The wealth of the whole world has been looted!!"

  "Hey, the big flame who robbed the world is really brave!"

  "It's very big, but they succeeded! Look at how easily they have mobilized hundreds of millions of people, a big mouth project.

  And it's not forcibly recruited, and they even pay for food, money, and those untouchables who irritate them screaming and working crazy for them!!"


  If this is the case, who can be the Great Yan in this world?"

  "No need, no need at all, the three major legions of the Great Yan, millions of soldiers, are enough to push the world horizontally, no one can stop it!!"

  "Yeah, this king can see clearly now, Da Yan's move is clearly not taking the world's heroes in his eyes!!"

  "Returning to the world's heroes, there are only the small court of Nanming who could not protect himself, and Zhang Xianzhong who fled to Yunnan.

  These two were beaten by Dayan and ran around, and they couldn't stop the attack of Dayan's army, and it's only a matter of time before they die!!"

  "Once Dayan pacifies the south and unifies the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Han family, wouldn't that mean it will be against my Qing rivals!"

  "It's natural, it's the way it is, and it can't be changed!"

  "Then what to do!"

  "What else can I do, but I can't. Surrendering Dayan won't give me a way to survive. I can live as long as I can. When the Dayan army comes, let's flee north!"

  "Hey, there's no other way but to escape!!"


  The princes and ministers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty talked a lot, and they were in an uproar. At this moment, they were all shocked and frightened by the national power of Dayan.

  Completely desperate! There is no will to resist any more! There is no fighting spirit! This is also no way, because the strength gap is really too big! Not to mention the weapons such as guns and artillery are poor, just in terms of military strength, even the Manchu Qing Dynasty Counting the entire clan, that's a huge difference in the strength of Da Yan's troops.

  Not to mention, the soldiers of Dayan are still fierce and not afraid of death, and their will is tenacious.

  Being crushed in all directions! In this case, how did the Manchu and Qing Dynasty develop the heart of resistance before Da Yan sent troops, and they had already begun to give up resistance.

  Because, I can't resist at all! One by one, they began to give up on themselves, thinking that it would be a day if they could live a day.

  The big deal, as soon as the Great Yan Army comes, they will run north! There is no way to do this! If there is any hope, they will not do this.

  It's just that now, they really can't see any hope! The whole Qing Dynasty is desperate! Dorgon listened to the discussions of the princes and ministers below, and they all gave up on themselves, completely desperate, and gave up their words of resistance.

  His face was gloomy, almost dripping with water.

  His heart was full of anger, but unfortunately, he couldn't utter any scolding or scolding.

  There's no way to speak! Fighting spirit and resistance don't come from shouting slogans.

  Dayan crushed the Qing Dynasty in all directions. This is a fact, a fact that everyone can see.

  In this case, unless he is Dorgon, he can let the following princes and ministers see a way to live, and see the hope of survival, only need to have any hope to inspire the fighting spirit of the princes and ministers.

  However, Dorgon couldn't find this hope! He couldn't see it at all! There was only darkness and despair ahead.

  Although Dayan did not leave Shanhaiguan, he called to Liaodong.

  However, Dayan's giant palm had already covered the sky over the Qing Dynasty, covering the sky and the sun, covering up all the brilliance.

  Let the whole Qing Dynasty, up and down, be under the shadow of the Great Flame.

  I can't see any light or hope.


  At this moment, Dorgon sighed deeply in his heart, he was very tired and exhausted, and despair filled his heart.

  At this point, he had given up all resistance.

  Completely gave up on myself! Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter [-]: The small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty collapsed

  Fujian, Fuzhou House, Nanming Small Court Palace.


  "Your Majesty, it's not good, it's not good, the big thing is bad!!"

  "The Great Yan White Tiger Army raised one million troops, and the soldiers went out of the customs, entered Sichuan in large numbers, and swept the Daxi Army of Zhang Xianzhong.

  Zhang Xianzhong was frightened and fled overnight, fled the land of Sichuan and Chongqing, and fled far away in Yunnan, the Dayan White Tiger Army effortlessly went to another city and conquered the land of Sichuan and Chongqing!!”

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