"Furthermore, the Dayan Vermilion Bird Corps in Huguang has already marched southward to conquer Changde and Changsha.

  Zuo Liangyu continued to flee south and has already fled to Hengyang Mansion!"

  "In addition, the Suzaku Corps, divided into one million troops, marched from Huguang to Jiangxi, and attacked the eastern prefecture!"

  "Huguang and Jiangxi are lost, and they are in sight!!"

  "It's only a matter of time before the three provinces of Nanzhili, Zhejiang, and Fujian are attacked by the Dayan Army!!"

  "In addition, there is a shocking news for the whole world. In addition to sending millions of troops to attack the city and loot the land, the rear mobilized hundreds of millions of people to engage in construction. In all the prefectures and counties of Dayan, construction sites are everywhere! !"

  The commander of Jin Yiwei broke into the court, and with a panicked face, he conveyed one bad news after another to all the civil and military ministers up and down the Southern Ming court.

  The White Tiger Corps marched into the southwest and conquered Sichuan and Chongqing! The Suzaku Corps swept across Huguang and entered Jiangxi! In the rear of Dayan, the whole country was engaged in construction and mobilized hundreds of millions of people! Here, it's all big news, bad news! "Sizzle!!"

  The entire courtroom was filled with the sound of air-conditioning, and it was continuous.

  It can be seen that these news completely shocked them.

  They can't even imagine how strong Dayan's national power is and how full the national treasury is before they can make big moves one after another.

  Could it be that the Great Yan people don't eat or drink? But they all know in their hearts that the consumption of the Great Yan Army is dozens or hundreds of times theirs! beyond their imagination.

  It refreshed their world view! It made them hard to believe that in this world, there would actually be a monster like Dayan! Today's Dayan, its national strength is more than that of the heyday of the Ming Dynasty. Times, a hundred times, even a thousand times!! Powerful makes people desperate, makes people jealous and can't be jealous.

  "Am I wrong?"

  At this moment, Zhu Yousong began to doubt life and muttered to himself.

  Every move of Dayan has undoubtedly proved one point. His continuation of the small court of Nanming was a mistake! He, Zhu Yousong, took the throne of the small court of Nanming, that was a big mistake!! However, he was given by Nanming gentry Get on this broken ship, and never...get off.

  It's too late to regret!! Zhu Yousong, unprecedented depression, hope, regret.

  Never should, never should, coveted this throne!! "Da Ming, as early as the moment the capital was breached, it should have perished"

  Zhu Yousong muttered to himself, and such a thought came into his mind.

  This is not out of thin air, it is compared again and again.

  Since the death of Emperor Chongzhen, the Ming Dynasty has died.

  And the small court of Nanming that he inherited, to put it nicely, is to inherit the kingdom of Daming and uphold the will of Daming.

  However, from the beginning to the end, his Nanming small court was worthy of the name of the Great Ming!

  From the beginning to the end, it has become a joke of the world, and it has become a stain on Daming! Daming's remaining prestige and prestige, and even the world's goodwill towards Daming, have been consumed bit by bit and drained.

  Because of the existence of the small court of Nanming, people all over the world, who originally had a good impression of and belonged to Da Ming, had just spent a little bit of it, and finally consumed everything and turned into disgust.

  Zhu Yousong can imagine that if he goes underground, he will definitely be sprayed to death by the ancestors of the Zhu family! The sadder You Song became, the more desperate she became the more she thought about it.

  In the end, the whole person was listless and completely self-sabotaged.

  Up to now, he also sees it clearly, the restoration of Daming, and the restoration of Daming's prestige, have become delusions!

  Nanming is Nanming after all, not the real Daming.

  He is only the vassal king of Daming, not the emperor of Daming! He, Zhu Yousong, does not represent Daming! Compared with Zhu Yousong, who gave up on himself and was almost listless.

  The civil and military officials of the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty, when they heard the news one by one, showed extremely wonderful expressions on their faces.

  Shock, horror, despair, fear, collapse, madness, any negative emotions, all appeared on their faces.

  For these civil and military officials, this is definitely a shocking news, a thunderbolt of bad news!

  "The White Tiger Army entered Sichuan and swept Sichuan and Chongqing, and the three southwestern provinces were not guaranteed!!"

  "The Suzaku Corps swept across Huguang, Zuo Liangyu fled in embarrassment, and could not resist for long.

  In addition, the Suzaku Corps has also divided its troops into large numbers, advancing eastward to Jiangxi, there are not many troops in Jiangxi, and they can't stop the strong Yan Army, Jiangxi will not be protected, and the entire southern provinces will not be protected!!"

  "It's over, it's over, it's over now!!"

  "Without troops and money, what can we use to carry the Great Flame Army!"

  "I can't keep it all!!"

  "What should I do, what should I do now!"

  "Ah, ah, my Ming Dynasty is in danger, my gentlemen are in danger, and the world is in danger!!"

  "Ancestral family law, sage's unique skills, family inheritance, all are not guaranteed!!"

  "God wants to destroy me, Da Ming, and destroy my gentry!!"

  "What should I do, what should I do? There are several provinces in the south, and the entire southwest is not guaranteed. Even if you escape to Guangdong and Guangxi, it will be useless!!"

  "It's useless, completely useless, I can't escape when I wait!!"

  "Going to the ground, there is no way to go! Even fleeing overseas is not enough!!"

  "Why don't we come down?"

  "How to drop Lin Feng's thief, just to destroy my gentry!! If you drop him, I can't live!!"

  "Then what should I do if I can't escape, I can't fight, and I can't surrender, so what should I do?"

  "I don't know, the old man doesn't know!!"


  The civil and military officials of the entire Nanming small court all wailed, raised their heads to mourn, and collapsed in despair.

  At this moment, they are all in despair! Collapse!! As they said, they can't escape, they can't fight, they can't surrender, there's no other way but to die!! On the edge of life and death, don't they collapse in despair For a time, the entire small court of Nanming, the sound of mourning was incessant, and the dynasty collapsed!

Chapter [-]: All-round attack, the end of the Huguang gentry

  Changsha Prefecture, Suzaku Corps headquarters.

  "Report, a letter from the capital!"

  "The White Tiger Army is out of the customs, and it has sent millions of troops south into Sichuan!"

  "The White Tiger Army won the first battle, swept the Sichuan and Chongqing, and Zhang Xianzhong fled!!"

  "Now the White Tiger Army is officially attacking several provinces in the southwest!"

  "Your Majesty the capital, let us figure it out!"

  The messenger rushed into the legion headquarters and said to the legion commander Zhang Yang.

  When Zhang Yang heard this, his complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted: "The White Tigers entered Sichuan and took down the entire Sichuan-Chongqing area in one breath, officially attacking several provinces in the southwest."

  After saying that, his face was ugly and angry, he went straight to the sand table map, looking at the sand table, north of the Yangtze River, all owned by Dayan, his heart moved slightly, and he was a little happy.

  But seeing the White Tiger Army swept across Sichuan and Chongqing, they continued to send troops south to sweep Yunnan and Guizhou.

  Zhang Yang was suddenly in a bad mood, and he pointed at the staff below and said angrily: "Look, look at all, the White Tiger Army has swept the entire Sichuan-Chongqing region, and has already entered the Yunnan-Guizhou region!!"

  "We haven't even won the small Huguang!"

  "Impossible, I want to hand over Guangdong and Guangxi to others and be preempted by the White Tiger Army!"

  The staff members listened and looked at each other, bowing their heads, not daring to speak.

  Although Zhang Yang angrily accused them, but what he said did not make sense.

  Their Suzaku Legion sent troops first, and they made a big move to cross the Jiangnan first.

  But now even the whole of Huguang has not been won, and Zuo Liangyu is still alive.

  This is the dereliction of duty of their Suzaku Corps! If the White Tiger Corps took over several provinces in the southwest in one go, and even took the lead in occupying Guangdong and Guangxi, it would be a shame! "Where did Zuo Liangyu go?"

  After scolding, Zhang Yang regained his composure, looked at the sand table map, and asked in a cold voice.

  "Hengyang Mansion!"

  A staff officer stepped forward quickly and pointed to Hengyang Mansion Road.

  After speaking, he added urgently: "Our army is following their buttocks, and they are hunting down south, and Zuo Liangyu is likely to continue south and go straight to Chenzhou!"

  “Chenzhou House!!”

  Zhang Yang looked at the location of Chenzhou Mansion, which is the north gate of Huguang. After crossing Chenzhou Mansion, he entered the Nanling Mountains and officially entered the land of Guangdong and Guangxi.

  Thinking of this, Zhang Yang slammed the table and shouted: "Let the troops on the front line chase after me, and block Zuo Liangyu in front of the Nanling Mountains, and block it in the territory of Chenzhou Prefecture!"

  "This time, I can't let him go!!"

  "The rest of the troops, give me the fastest speed to occupy the entire territory of Huguang! Then the army divided into two groups and attacked south and east!"

  "Swept all the southern provinces to me!!"

  "The warlords in the south, the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty, and the gentry who survived in several southern provinces, there is no need for them to exist!!"

  This order of Zhang Yang is like a lore order for the gentry in the world! As he said, whether it is the warlord forces or the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty, as well as the lingering gentry of the world.

  At this moment, for Dayan, there is absolutely no need to exist! Today, Dayan, domination of the world is the most important and the most critical thing! Since the White Tiger Army has marched southward and entered several provinces in the southwest, Zhang Yang feels it. When came the pressure from the capital.

  Although the general staff of the capital, as well as Lin.

  urge him.

  But the competition brought by the White Tiger Legion reminded him that if the Suzaku Legion wanted to make great achievements, it must be fast! After Zhang Yang gave an order, the entire Sparrow Legion began to mobilize, intensifying the offensive, sieging the city and looting the land. The speed is even faster! "Fast, fast, fast!!"

  "The legion commander has an order, ordering us to speed up, increase the offensive, and take the entire Huguang, and even the entire southern provinces, with the fastest speed, the whole territory!!"



  "Kill it!!"


  The command from Zhang Yang, the commander of the Suzaku Legion, to increase the offensive and speed up the siege of the city and the land was passed on to all the soldiers under the Suzaku Legion.

  It also made the troops on the front line of the Suzaku Corps start to get nervous.

  They intensified their offensive and accelerated their marching speed.

  Race against the clock.

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