"Occupy the whole of Huguang, the overall situation has been decided!"

  The cavalry scout said excitedly to the commander of the [-]th Field Division that surrounded Chenzhou Fucheng.

  After hearing this, the commander of the [-]th Field Division had an overjoyed look on his face and laughed: "Then why are you waiting for me to break the city, level the city, and capture Zuo Liangyu alive!"

  "Cannon, cannon!!"

  With an order, hundreds of artillery pieces slammed into the city wall.

  As if the sky was falling apart, just one round of artillery fire stunned the Huguang army in the city, and the army was disintegrated.

  Boom boom boom! After several waves of heavy artillery bombardment, the city wall began to collapse in large areas.

  "Army attack!!"

  The next moment, the Dayan Infantry launched a fierce charge, swarming towards the collapsed city wall.

  Wherever they passed, they looked down at the wind, and the Huguang army knelt down and begged for mercy.

  Without much effort, the entire city was conquered.

  The Huguang gentry and Zuo Liangyu were all blocked in the government office, and were taken away by the Great Yan Army! "Master, good news, good news!!"

  "Zuo Liangyu was captured by us alive!!"

  Immediately after, news came that Zuo Liangyu, the master of Huguang, was captured alive.

  As Zuo Liangyu was captured alive, it also represented the annihilation of the Huguang Army!

Chapter [-]: First go to Huguang, then Jiangxi

  Changsha Prefecture, Suzaku Corps headquarters.


  "Legion Commander, report from the front that our army has captured Chenzhou Prefecture, and in the city of Chenzhou Prefecture, the Huguang gentry have been taken away, and Zuo Liangyu has been captured alive!!"

  "Zuo Liangyu's Huguang Army has been wiped out, and the entire Huguang has no resistance!!"

  The messenger rushed into the legion headquarters and reported to the legion commander Zhang Yang excitedly.

  "The Huguang gentry served in one pot"

  "I even captured Zuo Liangyu alive!"

  "Good, good, good!!"

  Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, then he was overjoyed and shouted three times.

  "Commander, do you want to meet Zuo Liangyu?"

  The army chief of staff on the side asked.

  "meet him"

  "See you!"

  "A fallen phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, why see him!"

  Zhang Yang didn't even think about it, and quickly shook his head.

  Just kidding, there are too many things in his hands, how can he have the time and energy to meet a defeated general, and he is still a prisoner. I want him to see Zuo Liangyu, don't even think about it! Immediately Zhang Yang shook his hand, his face Seriously said: "Since Zuo Liangyu has been captured alive and the entire Huguang army has been destroyed, then let the soldiers on the front line speed up the offensive for me, and take me the whole of Huguang with the fastest speed!"

  "Also, the Eastern Route Army attacking Jiangxi, tell me the commanders who are leading the troops to speed up!"

  "In front of us are all the rabble of crooked melons and jujubes, and they can't stop my Suzaku Legion's soldiers, so what are they doing for me!"

  "Tell them, whoever dares to dawdle, I will resign him!"

  "If you still want to be the field division commander or not, then go to guard the guard and command the envoy!"

  Seeing that Zhang Yang actually gave such stern words to the field division commanders leading the troops on the front line.

  The staff officers in the headquarters looked at each other in dismay, bowed their heads one by one, and silently paid tribute to the field division commanders leading the troops on the front line.

  It made the army commander unhappy, and it was so miserable! Although they were only staff officers, they also knew that the field division commanders on the front line definitely did not dawdle.

  The speed of sieging the city and plundering the land is already very fast! But, who made the White Tiger Army enter Sichuan in large numbers, march south, and officially attack the southwest? Moreover, they also won the first battle and occupied all the land of Sichuan and Chongqing in one go.

  The pressure brought by the White Tiger Legion is really too great! The commander of the legion is in a hurry! It is pitiful, but the military order still has to be conveyed. Immediately, the staff began to write the military order, and the commander's publicized military order was conveyed.

  It is conceivable that Zhang Yang's harsh words have caused a great stir among the field division commanders! "It's going to die, it's going to die. what!!"

  "It's still slow, these ten days and a half months.

  It's still too slow to go down to several state capitals!"

  "Slow down, most of the time is spent on the road!!"

  "We are carrying heavy artillery, and the roads in the south are extremely muddy, all muddy roads, and muddy, how can we get up quickly!!"

  "There is no other way, the legion is pressing behind, and the White Tiger Legion is aggressively attacking the three southwestern provinces, which has brought too much pressure to the legion commander!!"

  "For now, we can only go into battle lightly, and let the heavy artillery division stay behind!!"

  "Alright, anyway, the enemies we face are all crooked and crooked people, and we don't need artillery bombardment.

  , you have to knock them down!!"

  "That's fine too!!"

  "so be it!!"


  In order to speed up the march, the field division commanders at the front had to leave the heavy artillery division and the artillery guards of each division behind.

  Carrying only swords, shields, spears, musketeers, and cavalry, they began to go into battle lightly, speeding up their march to their respective targets.

  Without the drag of the artillery, after the army went into battle with light equipment, the speed of action accelerated several times.

  It is also as expected by the various field division commanders.

  The Great Yan Army has swept across the Eight Wastelands and Liuhe, and has long been known for its supreme prestige.

  Moreover, because of the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, they ran rampant in several southern provinces. Throughout the south, countless warlords and gentry armed forces were terrified of the Dayan Army.

  "The Great Flame Army is calling!!"

  When a word from the Great Yan Army came out, it would cause an uproar in the whole city, and then cause the whole army to collapse.

  Before the battle, just looking at it from a distance, it collapsed.

  What's more, now that the Great Yan Army's domination of the world has long been a foregone conclusion, smart people know what to do.

  A gentleman can fool for a while, but not all the time.

  The soldiers and grass-roots officers armed with warlords and gentry have long understood that it is a foregone conclusion that the Dayan Army will dominate the world.

  As a direct result, when the Great Yan Army arrived, only a figure appeared.

  Countless soldiers and officers knelt down and surrendered! Wherever the Great Yan Army went, they all surrendered to the wind! There were very few forces who really fought to the end and resisted desperately! In just a few days, the Suzaku Army swept across the entire Huguang. The state capital has completely occupied the entire territory of Huguang.

  After taking Huguang, the Suzaku Corps soldiers divided into two groups, all the way from Huguang to the south, heading towards Liangguang.

  The other way is eastward! The eastward army is the main force of the Suzaku Legion.

  Enter Jiangxi in the east in a big way! The whole way is like a broken bamboo, and there are countless victories.

  It has successively conquered Yuanzhou House, Ji'an House, Nanchang House, Ganzhou House, Fuzhou House and Jianchang House.

  It can be said that as soon as the Dayan Army arrives, all attacks will be invincible and no battle will be defeated, and no state or prefecture will be able to stop the Dayan Army! fleeing east.

  And the Suzaku Corps of the Great Yan Army, led by them, was chasing after him frantically.

  It is even said that it cannot be said that it is chasing, but that it follows its escape route and continues to take over the territory of the state and county.

  Along with Jiangxi gentry and warlords, they escaped from Jiangxi and entered southern Zhili and Fujian.

  The Suzaku Corps took down Jiujiang Mansion, Raozhou Mansion and Guangxin Mansion in one fell swoop.

  In one breath, the front was pushed to the border between South Zhili and Fujian.

  And all of this, the Suzaku Legion only took ten days and a half months.

  In just ten days and a half months, the Suzaku Corps first pushed Huguang horizontally, then swept across Jiangxi, and occupied two provinces in one breath.

  What was even more terrifying was that the Suzaku Army's South Route Army marched southwards, attacking two from Huguang and occupying two vast territories in one go.

  Completely blocked the road from Fujian to Guangdong and Guangxi! This also means that the small court of the Nanming Dynasty who was huddled in Fuzhou, Fujian, and even the gentry in the south of Zhili were all blocked from fleeing.

  They have all been surrounded!! There is no escape! There is no way to the sky, no way to enter the ground! They have all become the dishes of the Great Yan Army! Enjoy them whenever you want! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read to collect, recommend, and score

Chapter [-]: The soldiers enter the southeast, attracting worldwide attention

  Changsha Prefecture, Suzaku Corps headquarters.


  "Commander, report from the front, our army has successfully swept across Huguang and conquered the entire territory of Jiangxi, and has pushed the front to Fujian, the southern border of Zhili. "The army can cross the border of Jiangxi at any time and advance to the south of Zhili and Fujian!!"

  The messenger rushed into the headquarters, with a look of ecstasy, excitedly reporting to the legion commander Zhang Yang.

  Even as a soldier of the Suzaku Corps, he knew that after taking Huguang and Jiangxi, it could be said that the entire South was conquered, Dayan unified the North and South, and unified the country.

  Occupying Huguang and Jiangxi is of great strategic significance. This has already cut off several southeastern provinces, and cut off all the retreats for the Southern Ming Dynasty and the gentry in the southeastern provinces.

  It can be said that the Great Yan Army has formed a huge encirclement, surrounding the gentry all over the world.

  This time, the world's gentry and the world's rebel forces against the Great Yan, no longer... have no way to escape! It can be said that there is no way to go to heaven, no way to enter the earth! Heaven and earth, nowhere to go.

  The gentry in the world can only stay where they are, crying in despair and helplessness! At the same time, for Dayan, this is an excellent opportunity to clean up the gentry and the rebel forces in the world.

  Once the world's gentry who have huddled in several southeastern provinces are brought to a pot, it can be said that the new Dayan Dynasty will clean up this ancient land of Shenzhou from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

  And it has been cleaned up! There is no residual power left! In the future, the Great Yan will be a brand-new, brand-new Central Plains Dynasty! You can carry out all reforms in a drastic manner on a piece of ruins and a piece of white paper! And Dayan will also completely control everything in the land of China! Population, land, resources! Everything! When everything in the land of China is controlled and integrated, its potential to explode is enough to shock the world! The hearts of the messengers Full of pride, excitement and excitement.

  And Zhang Yang, the commander of the Suzaku Legion, was overjoyed when he learned that Huguang and Jiangxi provinces had been occupied, and laughed wildly: "Okay, okay, okay, it's really great!!"

  Immediately went to a sand table map, and at the positions of Huguang and Jiangxi provinces, the flame golden dragon flag representing the Great Yan Empire was inserted! Looking from the map, the entire south is still mostly dyed red! Only There are two small areas left in the southeast and southwest.

  In front of the Suzaku Legion, only half of the prefectures in Nanzhili, and all the prefectures in Zhejiang and Fujian were left.

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