The three southeastern provinces seem to have a large territory.

  But in Zhang Yang's eyes, this is a big cage, a big cage that imprisons the gentry and the resistance forces in the world! A large number of gentry and warlord forces have fled after being driven away by the Great Yan Army.

  Invariably, they all gathered in the three southeastern provinces.

  As the Great Yan Army captured Huguang and Jiangxi, it blossomed from the central part of the south.

  All the gentry and warlords in the world were suddenly dumbfounded.

  Because they were horrified to find that they had already lived, and there was no way to escape! The back road was blocked, and without reinforcements, they could only be trapped in the southeast.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a mortal situation! Not to mention that the gentry and warlords in the world today are all remnants of defeated soldiers, a mob.

  Even in their heyday, when they fell into such a passive strategic position that they could only be passively beaten, there was nothing they could do.

  Strategically falling into passive, that is, the overall situation is doomed, they will perish.

  This is not something that can be changed by working hard and not working hard! It is not something that can be changed by winning a local battlefield and repelling the Great Yan Army.


  The game of death!!"

  "This is a mortal situation!!"


  Zhang Yang looked at everything presented on the sand table map and watched the battle situation in the south, and couldn't help laughing.

  For the world's gentry and warlords, this is a mortal situation.

  As for his publicity, for the Suzaku Corps.

  This is a war that is completely crushed from tactics to strategy! It can even be said, what kind of war is this?

  Seeing this scene, he laughed and couldn't stop laughing! After laughing, he immediately restrained his expression and ordered solemnly: "Since several provinces in the southeast have become our dishes, then the order will go on and officially. Let's have dinner!"

  "Order the entire army, from south to north, from west to east, to launch an all-out attack on me!"

  "This time, there is no need for a fierce attack. If you have a fast attack, let me advance step by step. The artillery will destroy everything and crush everything!"

  "The army will completely crush me!!"

  This order, there is no primary or secondary distinction, is to maintain the front line, and the army will attack the three southeastern provinces in an all-round way.

  Step by step, push and roll over.

  Compress the living space of the gentry and warlords in the world, drive them away one by one, and finally drive them all into the sea! Because, once the Suzaku Legion launches an all-out attack, the gentry and warlords in the three southeastern provinces will have nothing to do except jump into the sea. Way to go.

  Under Zhang Yang's order, all the officers and men of the Suzaku Corps who had just occupied Huguang and Jiangxi provinces became busy again.

  Soldiers from Guangdong and Guangxi, Ganzhou, and Jianchang in Jiangxi began to enter Fujian in an all-round way.

  The Suzaku Corps officers and men in Raozhou Mansion went into Nanzhili in an all-round way, pushed Chizhou Mansion and Huizhou Mansion horizontally, and went straight to Yingtian Mansion.

  The soldiers and soldiers in Guangxin Mansion in Jiangxi Province began to enter Zhejiang in an all-round way and went straight to Hangzhou Mansion.

  Fuzhou House, Yingtian House, Hangzhou House.

  These three prefectures are the center of the three southeastern provinces, and a large number of gentry and warlords gather in these three places.

  Fuzhou Prefecture was the seat of the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty.

  Yingtianfu is the place where the gentry fled and retreated from their homes.

  Hangzhou Mansion was the gathering place of southern gentry.

  These three palaces can be said to be the last resistance forces and camps in the world.

  For the Great Yan Empire, if these three points are achieved and the people in these three houses are resolved, then the entire world will be thoroughly cleaned up.

  Sweeping clean! As for the remaining resistance forces in Guangdong, Guangxi and Yungui, in this era, it is not worth mentioning.

  In the eyes of the people of the world, Guangdong and Guangxi are better than Yunnan and Guizhou.

  It is all a barren land, where the chieftains are rampant, and it is not the territory of the gentry at all.

  Once Dayan has conquered Fuzhou Prefecture, Yingtian Prefecture and Hangzhou Prefecture, it means that Dayan has swept the world, and it can be said that the north and the south are unified.

  Without these three palaces, all the resistance forces in the world would be equivalent to no backbone and no brains.

  The rest of the remaining forces will also be torn apart.

  At that time, not even the rabble! It's just some bandits who occupy the mountains as kings.

  Can bandits threaten the rule of an imperial regime? This is not the case! Suzaku Corps launched an all-out attack on the three southeastern provinces, attracting worldwide attention and shocking the world!!

Chapter [-] The panic in the small court of Nanming is intensifying

  Fujian, Fuzhou House, Nanming Small Court Palace.


  "Your Majesty, it's not good, it's not good, the big thing is bad!!"

  "The Suzaku Corps of the Great Yan Army has swept across Huguang and flattened Jiangxi, and has pushed the front line to the edge of Fujian, and half of the two vast prefectures have also been captured by the Suzaku Corps of the Great Yan Army!"

  "I am Daming, there is no way out!!"

  The commander of Jin Yiwei hurriedly broke into the main hall of the court, shouting in panic.


  For a time, there was an uproar in the entire court, and countless civil and military ministers were horrified and screamed.

  Immediately, people panicked and panicked.

  Guangdong, Guangxi and Jiangxi were both occupied by the Great Yan Army, which was a shocking news for the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty!! The only way to go is to go north, go to Zhejiang, and go south to Zhili.

  However, they originally escaped from Nanzhili.

  How could it be possible to flee north, and then flee back to South Zhili, "It's over, it's over, it's over now!!"

  "I'm waiting to be surrounded, I'm finished!!"

  "What to do, what to do, what to do now!"

  "The Great Yan Army came from Jiangxi and Guangdong and Guangxi, from the west and the south, surrounded by a large army, and I have nowhere to go except jumping into the sea!"

  "There is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth, desperate situation, in a desperate situation!!"

  "Zuo Liangyu, Ma Shiying, a governor of Huguang, a governor of Jiangxi, they are all trash, trash!!"

  "Who would have thought that in just ten days, the entire territory of Hubei, Guangxi and Jiangxi provinces would fall, and the two vast areas would fall!!"

  "The strength of the Great Yan Army is unstoppable, and the world is invincible!"

  "When the Great Yan Army steps down the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, and millions of lions cross the river south, they should have known that this day will come!!"

  "I understand, I understand, but watching Da Ming die in my hands, this old man is unwilling, unwilling!"

  !"I can't wait!!"


  At the end, the ministers of civil and military affairs shouted up to the sky, unwilling! They looked horrified and panicked, but they were full of unwillingness and extremely contradictory.

  However, this is their truest thought.

  Although he said that Daming died at their hands, he was very unwilling.

  In fact, they were unwilling to lose their wealth and power! They finally managed to do it, turning the Emperor Ming into a puppet and letting them command.

  Finally, they took control of the Daming Dynasty, but Daming was about to die in their hands.

  How can they be reconciled! They are not reconciled to being killed!! But, what is the use of being unwilling? Dayan rises, watching the army swept across the Eight Wastes and Six Harmonies, conquering and crushing one force after another.

  Destroy one city after another, and conquer one strong army after another.

  Crush everything, push everything horizontally.

  The momentum is getting bigger and bigger, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the actions are getting bigger and bigger.

  Even if they didn't admit it, and were even full of disdain, but in their hearts, they had to admit that the Great Yan Empire did better than them, that is, they were better than them! Up to now, they still have no place to turn around! What's more terrifying is that, They don't even have a chance to survive! Because the Great Yan Army has already surrounded them, and they have nowhere to escape! Panic is unprecedented.

  There is some panic! The whole court is full of panic, as if the end is coming, and the civil and military ministers do not have a good face.

  Everyone lost their composure.

  The panic is intensifying! Whether it is the civil and military ministers, or the civil and military officials, at this moment, they are all panicking.

  They can imagine that once Dayan's army is under the city, they will die without a place to be buried! Dayan hates the gentry the most, and among the gentry in the world, they are represented by these important officials of the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty! It is said that Dayan will kill all the gentry in the world.

  Even if they don't kill them, they only decapitate the evil ones.

  Then they can't escape! Thinking of their status, power, wealth, life, family inheritance, at this moment, they are about to lose all of them.

  None of the people present were reconciled.

  Face full of grief, panic, horror, despair, collapse, unwillingness.

  All kinds of emotions hang on their faces, making them look extremely complicated.

  Even Zhu Yousong did not expect that the important ministers of the court under his command, the civil and military ministers who did not change color on weekdays, would become like this at this moment.

  She looks like an abandoned resentful woman, full of resentment and resentment!! However, the resentful woman resents her husband, her lover.

  But these important officials of the court, it is God who complains.

  Even if death is imminent, their lives and even everything will be destroyed and destroyed, they still do not feel that they are wrong.

  They only complained that it was all God's fault! God didn't let him live as a gentleman! Let them be a gentleman, there is no value in existence! In a sense, since the rise of Dayan, the era of industry and commerce was opened.

  The times have completely changed! Military, muskets, artillery and all kinds of guns and ships have begun to dominate the entire battlefield.

  Economically, the rapid development of industry and commerce, and the explosion of productive forces seemed to explode, causing the gentry's small-scale peasant economy to be shattered, and the heads of the beatings were broken and vulnerable.

  In terms of education, the beginning of universal education and the alternative imperial examination system made the gentry lose control over education and the selection of officials.

  In terms of propaganda, a large number of people began to be literate, and reading and literacy was not just a matter between the gentry, which led to the popularization of newspapers, the emergence of a large number of newspapers, and the convergence of various information, so that the gentry lost their right to speak.

  All of these have made the gentry lose the meaning of existence and everything in this era.

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