But now he really wanted to know why he appeared at his door, and what purpose did he have after coming here, he asked.

  "I want to ask you a question, I don't know if you can answer me."

  "Tell me, what is the question I want to know, and I may tell you."

  "Why are you dangling at Lin Feng's door, are you trying to do something to hurt him?"

  After the woman heard Lin Feng's words, she immediately said.

  "Where do you want to go with my book.

  Could it hurt him?"

  "Then why are you wandering around the door?"

  After saying this, Lin Feng obviously showed that the woman's face was a little red.

  So he whispered.

  "Actually, I was there because I wanted to find Lin Feng for something, but I've never met him, so I felt a little embarrassed and could only stand at his door and hesitated."

  "Listen to you, you really aren't going to assassinate others."

  After the woman heard Lin Feng's words, she rolled her eyes at him.

  "Look at how weak I am from top to bottom, can I deal with such a formidable person? Lin Feng's name is really resonant here, especially some of his deeds, from a child to an old man, who would not do you know?"

  "And he's still so beloved, what reason do I have to team up with others?"

  Lei Feng didn't expect to hear so much from his mouth.

  It seems that his status in people's minds is still very high, after having this knowledge, he suddenly felt that even if his life ended now, it would be complete.

  After the woman finished speaking, he didn't hear anything from the other party. He saw Lin Feng showing a very proud look, and he was a little puzzled for a while.

  "It's not you that I praised, what are you proud of?"

  The woman's words interrupted Lin Feng's imagination.

  "I'm just thinking, what does the man who is so powerful you say look like? Is he really as good as you say? I'm thinking, if I see him one day, I must take a good look at him, yes Not as you say."

  "Che, when you see him in person one day, I think you will admire him very much. According to my father, he is a very smart and resolute man, and he treats his subordinates and his people very well. Very very good.”

Chapter 452 Doubt

  do not know why.

  Lin stood still and listened, while the little woman in front of her kept mumbling.

  In short, in a short while, this woman said many, many things about herself, and she also said very much to him that the things she said did indeed happen.

  At this time, one thing caught his attention. From the woman's mouth, he learned that all this was told to him by his own father. Then the question came, who was his father and why did he tell him this? After thinking about it a lot.

  He questioned the woman.

  After hearing you say so much, who is your father? How does he know so much, and how could he tell you everything about Lin Feng?"

  "Why don't you tell me? My father is very fond of me. As long as I want to know, he will tell me everything he knows."

  "Could it be that your father is a high official?"

  "You're smart, you guessed it so quickly."

  It was exactly as I expected.

  "Since your father knows so much about Lin Feng, I think he must be an official under Lin Feng."

  After Lin Feng said these words, he finally caught the little woman's attention. He found that he was constantly trying to understand his father's affairs with himself. Could it be that his identity is not simple? After thinking of this, the woman finally became wary.

  "I found a problem, why do you always ask me about these things, tell me, who are you?"

  At this moment, Lei Feng had already discovered that the woman was treating him, so at this time, he returned to a cowardly manner and said.

  "It doesn't matter who I am, in short, just remember not to hurt you.

  Now, I'm not your enemy either."

  When Lin Feng finished saying these words.

  He glanced at the sky, the sun was about to set, so he said to the woman in front of him.

  "Okay, I won't be entangled with you anymore. I'm leaving. It's getting late, so you should go back quickly. Your father cares about you so much, and you will be very worried if you don't go back."

  After Lin Feng said this, the woman in front of him also thought that his father must have found out that he had been away from home for so long, so he must rush back now.

  Because he had other things in mind, he did not continue to entangle with Lei Feng.

  After a while, he disappeared in front of Lin Feng.

  Lin Feng saw him walk away beside him with his own eyes.

  To be honest, it was really not easy for the woman just now to reach out. Although he didn't find any inscrutable martial arts on him, his lightness skills were pretty good.

  He glanced blankly at the direction where the woman left, looked for a while and then left.

  When Lin Feng just returned to his bedroom, one of his soldiers knocked on his door.

  After hearing the sound of the door, Lei Feng asked this person to wait at the door and went out immediately.

  Sure enough, he came to the door in a short while, because he had ordered that no one was allowed to enter this room, so none of his subordinates had come in.

  "What's so urgent?"

  After hearing his words, the soldier said.

  "There are soldiers ahead to report, please go to the front hall and say that there is important news to report to you.

Chapter 453 Accident

  Since Xiao Bing has said so, it means that this matter is very urgent, so Lin Feng quickened his pace and walked to the front hall.

  Sure enough, as Xiao Bing said, when he came to the front hall, he saw a soldier in front standing there and walking around anxiously, indicating that the matter was really urgent.

  Lin Feng did not delay for a moment, and immediately came to the soldier.

  "Hurry up and tell me what happened, why are you in such a hurry?"

  The soldier didn't realize that he had come to him, but only heard the sound, but he looked up and saw that it was Lin Feng.

  Then he quickly took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Lin Feng.

  "This is a letter from our general to you, so you must read it."

  After he finished speaking, he handed it over to Lin Feng very respectfully.

  Lin Feng immediately took the letter and opened it, then read the letter from top to bottom.

  After watching it, there was no sound for a long time.

  The soldier who delivered the letter felt very strange, so he surreptitiously raised his head and glanced at Lei Feng, only to find that his face was very ugly.

  The soldier was so frightened that he didn't say anything, just bowed his head respectfully and waited for Lin Feng's orders.

  While waiting, the soldier felt suffocated, because the surrounding air was about to suffocate him. Just when he couldn't take it anymore, Lin Feng finally spoke.

  "Go back and tell your general, just do as it's written on, and if you need any help, tell me immediately, and then pass a word to him for me."

  "Please say something."

  "You just need to tell

  Whether it is successful or not, I will not blame him for suing him, everything should be based on your own safety, and don't act recklessly, if you are not sure, this matter will be cancelled."

  After hearing his words, the soldiers felt that Lin Feng was really as good as the rumors said. He didn't care about the outcome of the matter, whether he won or lost, but only about their lives.

  It is really their blessing to have such a person as their leader, after thinking of this, he said with great enthusiasm.

  "Yes, I will definitely tell your words to our general."

  After hearing the soldier's words, he waved his hand to let the soldier leave.

  When the soldier left, he sat silently on the chair and put his head on the edge of the chair.

  "How could such a thing happen? Anyone who betrayed me might believe how he could betray me. It really surprised me."

  In fact, the letter that the soldier handed him just now was written by one of his former confidants, who betrayed them for some unknown reason, and was discovered by the soldier's general by accident.

  Because the general knew about his relationship with Lin Feng, he didn't dare to make his own decisions, so he asked the soldier to bring back a letter for Lin Feng to read and let him make a decision.

  Now, Lin Feng already knew the whole thing.

  It is impossible to say that you are not sad in your heart, after all, he was his former good brother who had followed him through so many battles from the very beginning.

  It was such a happy thing that he could still be by his side, but what he never expected was that he would actually do such a thing, it really made him so sad.

Chapter 454

  Because of this incident, he thought of many, many people and many, many things.

  But what made him stunned, he didn't know why he did such a thing, so he decided to go there himself to check him.

  But after he made this decision, he immediately summoned several generals around him.

  And these generals are also, he is very trustworthy at present.

  "I have something to go out for a few days. During my absence, you must manage this place well and don't make trouble for me, do you hear?"

  Although several generals wanted to know why he wanted to go out, Lin Feng was the lord of the Great Yan Kingdom, and he had the right to do anything and not tell them.

  So they only have to accept it.

  When Lin Feng saw that they had accepted his mission, he was relieved to lead a servant beside him.

  Set off towards the destination.

  Because the whole place has been in their pockets, so are his people along the way.

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