He thought to himself.

  "You can also take a look at this trip to see how these people are now living under his governance."

  After having this idea, he kept some minds along the way, silently observing everything around him, and after inquiring from all directions, he found out.

  These people really lived a peaceful life, and no one came to harass them, and their reputation in their mouths was also very good.

  This made him very relieved.

  They walked on the road for two days and two nights, and finally came to Huacheng.

  This place, Huacheng, was once a military fortress, and it was once a place that everyone wanted to get.

  But in the end, he was captured by himself and his brothers.

  To be honest, there are many, many memories of him in this flower city.

  But now is not the time for him to think about these things, but there are important things to come here to solve.

  At this moment, Xiao Si, who was beside Lin Feng, said.

  "Son, what should we do now, go in directly or disguise yourself?"

  "Of course I have to disguise myself, or else they will be discovered by their people. Didn't we come in vain this time?"

  After he finished speaking, he took Xiao Si, left under the gate of Huacheng, and came to a market not far from Huacheng. They bought two ordinary clothes and made some disguise on their faces.

  Then the two of them looked at each other, not to mention, after such a tossing, they really had a big change.

  Then Lin Feng was very satisfied and took Xiao Si beside him, that is... Xiao Si swaggered towards Huacheng.

  After the two people came to Huacheng, when they were about to enter the city, they were stopped by two people guarding the city.

  "Who are you guys and why are you going to the city so late?"

  Just when Xiao Si hadn't reacted, Lin Feng spoke up.

  "You two military lords, when you look at our outfits, you can see that we are ordinary people. We have come to defect to our relatives. There is a flood at home, and there is nowhere to go or anything to eat, so we can only go there. I came here to find my relatives, hoping to live here."

  After hearing Lin Feng's words, the two defenders took another look at Lin Feng and his Xiao Si.

  Feeling that there were no loopholes in what they said, they were not so angry that they hurried into the city.

Chapter 455 Night Detective

  In this way, Lin Feng and his own Xiao Si entered the flower city in a grand manner.

  To be honest, Lin Feng has not been here for a long time.

  Although it is very late, it is not difficult to see that under his governance, the people of this flower city are really living and working in peace and contentment.

  Because on the street at such a late hour, there are still some vendors selling.

  After all, the two of them have walked for a long time, and they didn't have a good rest on the way, so Lin Feng took his little Si to a small noodle vendor and sat down.

  "The boss gave us two, each with a bowl of noodles."

  The boss was very happy to see the two guest officers coming, because it meant that tonight was a joke, so he immediately responded to Lin Feng and the others with a smile, and then turned around to make a face for them.

  "Don't say that the lord of the country, the people in this place are living well. If you look at the clothes they wear, you can tell that they really live and work here, and their quality of life is not bad."

  "Yeah, I'm also very relieved to see them living such a good life."

  Just as the two were chatting, the boss had already brought the two bowls of noodles that had been prepared in front of them and said.

  "You guys are really discerning, you must know that my noodles are really famous in this area, and none of the people who have eaten noodles here say that they are not delicious. Seeing that you two are new here, I will give them away for free. You have one bowl, and you only need to pay me a bowl of noodles when you settle the bill later, and the other bowl will be given to you by me."

  When Lin Feng's Xiao Si heard this from the boss, he immediately became hot.

  "Thank you so much boss."

  "You're welcome, I also saw that you came from out of town, and everyone is not allowed."

  After speaking, he left their side and went to the back to do his own work.

  To be honest, the noodles made by this boss are very fragrant, they are the best noodles they have ever eaten, no wonder the boss is so confident.

  However, Lin Feng never took advantage of the common people. When he finished eating, he not only paid for two bowls of noodles, but also gave him some extra money.

  After seeing his generous behavior, the boss was also very happy, and let them come here when they had time.

  After that, Lin Feng took his Xiao Si to an inn and stayed here.

  At night, when Xiao Si was sleeping, what he didn't know was that Lin Feng had quietly got up and went to do his own thing.

  The reason why Lin Feng was sneaking up at this time was because he wanted to see what his so-called good brother was doing here. He went to his good brother's house to investigate.

  He changed into the night clothes he had prepared before, and took advantage of the dark night, and soon came to his brother's house.

  Because it was already late at night, except for some of the night watchers, everyone else had already rested.

  So he easily came to his brother's house.

  But what surprised him was that, after checking it, he found that his brother was not sleeping in his room. Could it be that he was not at home so late? After thinking of this, he was about to leave, but at this time he was But he heard footsteps, walking towards him slowly.

Chapter 456 Conspiracy

  Just as Ling Yunfeng was about to leave here, he heard footsteps and was slowly walking towards him.

  So he moved very quickly and hid beside him, the back of a flower pot could just block the sight of the other person.

  When Lin Feng hid, the footsteps had already walked in front of him, he slowly raised his head and glanced up.

  The person here is none other than the one he wants to see... his good brother Zhao Lei.

  But at this time, Zhao Lei is not only alone, there is a strange man beside him. He has never seen this man before. What is their relationship? Why did they meet in the middle of the night? After thinking of this, he raised his spirits and listened carefully to the other party's speech.

  At this time, I only heard Zhao Lei speak very angrily to the man next to him.

  "Things have come to this point, I advise you not to go too far, or we'll break up with each other."

  When the other party heard Zhao Lei's words, not only did he not get angry, but he laughed.

  "What are you talking about, it's a joke. It's not that I look down on you. I think even if you kneel in front of Lin Feng now, if you let him know what you did, I don't think he will forgive you."

  "You have only one way to go now, and that is to cooperate with us."

  In fact, Zhao Lei is also a very stubborn person. He was of course dissatisfied when he heard the other party say that about him.

  "I advise you not to be imaginative. I was able to sit in this position today because of my hard work. I don't need you for Lin Feng's affairs."

  "Anyway, I can do whatever I want with this matter, and I hope people don't intervene in the middle.

  Hand, otherwise, don't blame me at that time. After saying these words, he looked at each other very angrily.

  After hearing Zhao Lei say so many words, the other party was already a little angry.

  "Well, since this is the case, we will definitely go back and think about it, but you also know that I am also under orders, and the final decision is not in my hands, but I promise you, I can You fight for it."

  "Wouldn't it be better soon?"

  "Okay, we're here for today's conversation. You should leave quickly. Don't be seen by others. Otherwise, it will be bad to cause unnecessary trouble."

  "Okay, then I'll go first, and I'll send you a message tomorrow."

  After speaking, the man jumped to the roof with a swish in front of Zhao Lei, and then left.

  After Zhao Lei watched the man leave, he also pushed open his door and walked in.

  At this time, Lin Feng had already heard all their conversations in his own ears.

  What he can be sure of now is that Zhao Lei is now messing with a group of unknown people, and after listening to their conversation, he knows that they are conspiring to something.

  He slowly came out from behind the flower pot.

  Originally, he planned to meet Zhao Lei tonight, but after hearing these things, he felt that it was better not to see him now. He had to find out this matter first, and then question Zhao Lei.

  After seeing what his brother did, although he was a little sad, he knew that things had come to this point and could not be changed.

Chapter 457 Worry

  The reason why Lin Feng can survive so well here is that he has a lot of thoughts, and he is brave and resourceful in everything he does, and he can have good plans for everything.

  Just like this time, he didn't see his... subordinate directly, but came to inquire secretly.

  Because before that, he still had some thoughts in his mind.

  He always thinks that he will never do anything wrong with your own understanding of him, but there is another voice in his heart, telling himself that he must check him in person, otherwise his heart is true very worried.

  That's why he only saw the scene in front of him tonight. Although it made it hard for him to be confident, the fact was in front of him, and he couldn't help but believe it.

  Now that the matter has arrived here, he already knows some things that he should inquire about, so there is no need for him to stay here, so he disappeared here again in the dark night.

  When he returned to the inn again, his little Si had already woken up.

  Seeing the king standing in front of him made him startled.

  "Although I don't know what you are doing, I know you must be doing something very important."

  The reason why Lin Feng brought him out this time was because he was usually a very smart person, and he was very strict about what to ask and what not to ask.

  I won't talk about this and that like other people, that's why I like it so much.

  "Okay, don't say any more, hurry up and rest, we still have important things to do tomorrow."

  Although Lin Feng's Xiao Si is very concerned about his own country, since Lin Feng has said so, he can only do it.

  After a while, he

  The two of them came down.

  But after lying on the bed, Lin Feng turned over and over again because he still had something hidden in his heart.

  Something so important haunted him.

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