"Hello everyone, my name is Huang Jiancheng. Older friends should know me. I have won many lawsuits and made a lot of money. I am also a senior partner of a law firm. It can be said that I am successful and famous. There is no need to go out to litigate.

However, now there is an unscrupulous lawyer named Lin Mo, who, under the guise of seeking justice for Jiang Shuxuan and Chen Anmin, sued the parents of their two children for intentional homicide in the name of intentional homicide!

As a lawyer, I know exactly what Lin Mo is doing, to attract attention, attract everyone's attention, and increase his own popularity.

But his behavior not only hurt the hearts of the parents of the two top academics, but also hurt the hearts of parents across the country.

What parent doesn't like their child?

So, I will defend the parents of two! ..."

In the video, Huang Jiancheng spoke righteously and in a completely upright manner. In his words, he described Lin Mo as an unscrupulous lawyer who would do anything to gain popularity.

As soon as the video came out, it aroused the support of many parents.

Lawyer Shunhe.

Xia Ling looked at the video and said loudly: "Damn it! It turns out that the man behind the scenes is a yellow dog!"

Qiu Ying was also present at this moment, and she said seriously: "Let me just say that Hongjun Law Firm does not have the power to control public opinion. It turns out that all this is Huang Jiancheng's method."

Then, Qiu Ying looked at Lin Mo: "Lawyer Lin, Huang Jiancheng is very powerful. Do you need my help?"

"There's no need to help. You can just be busy with other litigation matters of the law firm. I can handle it."

Lin Mo said with a smile, Huang Jiancheng took action, which really surprised Lin Mo.

But that's all he did.

Lin Mo knew Huang Jiancheng's record.

An absolute genius boy made his debut and became one of the top lawyers at Jinhan Law Firm at the age of 30.

There is no doubt about the strength.

In just one day, he was able to provoke online public opinion to attack himself and the law firm, and at the same time portray himself as the embodiment of justice, as if this time he came out to defeat the villain Lin Mo.

It has attracted applause from many middle-aged parents, and the image of a hero is being established among the middle-aged people.

It can be seen that the method is indeed very clever.

And just then.


A loud bang sounded outside the law firm's door.

"Unscrupulous lawyer Lin Mo, get out of the lawyer circle!"

“Shunhe Law Firm has no conscience!”

"Lin Mo, you devil!"

Noisy shouts sounded outside the law firm door, and at the same time, countless dirty things smashed against the glass windows of the law firm, making loud noises.

"What's going on?"

Several people immediately walked out of the conference room and came to the door of the law firm.

I saw a group of middle-aged people standing darkly outside the door of the law firm. They all held various things in their hands and smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows and glass doors of the law firm with angry faces.

He shouted slogans such as closing the law firm and unscrupulous lawyer Lin Mo.

Soon the law firm's floor-to-ceiling windows were smashed into darkness. Fortunately, they were of good quality and were not broken.

This time, Xia Ling became angry!

"What are you doing!" He pointed at the dark crowd outside the door and rushed out.

"How dare unscrupulous lawyers resist! Beat them!"

Wow, a bunch of rotten vegetables from the crowd hit Xia Ling.

But Xia Ling was hit somewhere, and she dodged instantly and escaped all the attacks.

But Lin Mo narrowed his eyes. Radical middle-aged people actually came to attack his law firm offline?

Just in time!

Lin Mo smiled.

Xia Ling, who was about to rush forward, was pulled back by a big hand.

"Calm down, the situation is in our favor!"

The person who pulled Xia Ling back was Lin Mo, and Lin Mo's face was filled with joy at this moment.

Xia Ling was stunned for a moment: "Boss, our law firm was smashed by them. Why are you happy?"

At this time, Qiu Ying was also frowning. This situation was indeed too bad. At this time, Qiu Ying's phone rang. She took a look and saw that it was her father calling.

It seems that he also got the news.

Also, this building belongs to him, and it is normal for the president to know.


"They all called at your door? Nizi, give Lin Mo the phone."

Qiu Ying immediately gave Lin Mo the phone.

"Lin Mo, do you want me to support you?" Qiu Shan also said with anger.

Lin Mo stopped him immediately: "No, I'm of great use!"

"Oh? Useful? Then get busy." Qiu Shan seemed to understand something, said nothing, and then hung up the phone.

At this time, everyone looked at Lin Mo. What should he do next?

Lin Mo smiled and said: "Since Huang Jiancheng can win sympathy, we can't? Jiang Shuying, can you cooperate with me?"

Lin Mo looked at Jiang Shuying who was hiding behind.

"Yes...it's okay."

"Okay! Xia Ling, come and take pictures, remember to take pictures of our miserable state."

Xia Ling was puzzled.

But soon, she knew.

Lin Mo pulled Jiang Shuying to the door and shouted, "I am Lin Mo."

"He is Lin Mo! Smash him!"

"Smash him for this unscrupulous lawyer!"

"Do you know how hard it is for us as parents?! How dare you sue us! Smash him!"

In an instant, countless black throwing objects hit Lin Mo.

Lin Mo immediately turned around and blocked Jiang Shuying with his body.

Xia Ling understood immediately, picked up the camera she carried with her, used a slider, found the right angle, and started taking pictures.

The picture appeared.

Behind Lin Mo was an angry crowd, and countless throwing objects hit the two of them, but Lin Mo used his body to protect Jiang Shuying underneath him.

It was as if Lin Mo sacrificed his life to protect Jiang Shuying.

The picture presented is very shocking.

Lin Mo was covered in dirt, and when Xia Ling gave an OK gesture, he immediately picked up Jiang Shuying and returned to the law firm.

"Record, continue to record the video of them smashing our law firm, record them all, it's best to anger them and smash them harder."

"But whoever wants to enter the law firm, just call me out!"


Seeing that Lin Mo and others did not resist, the crowd outside the door became even more reckless and launched a fierce attack.

At the same time, he took out paint and started splashing on the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Seeing that Lin Mo's people hadn't responded yet, and that girl Xia Ling had been irritating them, they wanted to rush in and beat Xia Ling violently.

As it turned out, they were really crazy and rushed in directly, and the scene was very tragic.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, hahaha,"

Xia Ling seemed to have activated Wushuang, and each one was beating and screaming. After a while, more than 40 people in the audience ran away with bruises and swollen faces.

"It's so cool!"

Xia Ling roared.

"You! How dare you hit us! We will sue you!"

"Go ahead and sue! It's just a fight at most. I'm afraid you won't succeed."

"You, old and young, have the guts to go to jail with me! Do you dare?"

Xia Ling was not afraid at all and directly sprayed him.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, all the angry middle-aged people stopped and ran away in despair.

He originally came to resist Lin Mo, but he was beaten violently...

Then, Xia Ling began to follow Lin Mo's instructions and post the violent behavior of the rioting crowd on the Internet.

At the same time, a collection of photos of Lin Mo risking his life to protect Jiang Shuying was also made.

Of course, the video of the final beating of these people was not released.

These videos and photos are posted.

Especially when the scene of Lin Mo protecting Jiang Shuying came out.

It aroused the anger of many teenagers!

"Damn! These middle-aged people are actually offline! I can't stand it anymore!"

"Even if you scold Lawyer Lin online, you still fight him offline. They are such an unreasonable group of people!"

"Not only did they beat Lawyer Lin, but they also beat the children together. They even shouted that they loved children. Look, bah!"

"Lawyer Lin Mo, I cried to death that he risked his life to protect the child!"

"If Lawyer Lin hadn't sacrificed his life for each other, would the child Jiang Shuying have been seriously injured?"

"Yes, a rebellious and disobedient child like Jiang Shuying is the most hated by her parents. It is logical to want to beat her up."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Lawyer Lin Mo must be under a lot of pressure."

"Lawyer Lin actually took the risk to protect Jiang Shuying. How could such a person sue his parents indiscriminately? There must be something wrong with Jiang Shuxuan's parents and Chen Anmin's parents! I believe in Lawyer Lin Mo!"

"This...I'm starting to feel sorry for Lawyer Lin. Lawyer Lin is not hurt!"

"This...this group of people is too scary. Now I'm afraid that Lawyer Lin will be under pressure and won't dare to prosecute..."

"Yeah, I've been beaten offline, and I'm still smearing the law firm. Lawyer Lin, why don't you just forget about it, your life is at stake."

For a time, the Internet was filled with voices pitying Lin Mo. Almost all teenagers were moved by Lin Mo's photo.

I feel crazy for Lin Mo.

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