Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 123: Court opens! Still prosecuting for intentional homicide!

The majority of young people feel sorry for Lin Mo. As soon as this incident happened, Lin Mo's online account gained more than 100,000 fans.

However, the fact that young people feel sorry for him does not mean that everyone feels sorry for him. Those middle-aged parents who oppose Lin Mo all cheered for him!

"Yes! Such unscrupulous lawyers deserve to be punished!"

"If only I were in Jianghai, I would definitely participate. I would be the first to step into their law firm and take down their law firm numbers!"

Everyone cheered for him online.

I just regret that Lin Mo was not beaten badly enough offline.

This time, a fierce online conflict broke out between young people and middle-aged people.

At the same time.

Yongsheng Sports Company, Chairman's Office.

A muscular middle-aged man paced back and forth in the office.

"Why does Lin Mo want me to support his lawsuit?"

Wang Sheng, the founder of Yongsheng Sports, is 48 years old. He was once a national badminton player. He participated in the men's singles badminton event at the Olympics 20 years ago and unfortunately lost and won the silver medal.

After retiring, he started working in the sporting goods industry.

It has become a big agent since its development.

But what bothers him is that the sales performance in the past three years has not increased, but has declined. If it continues like this, it will enter a loss-making state.

So he doesn't want to give up any opportunity.

If an ordinary lawyer tells him to support the lawsuit, he will not listen at all, but the other party is Lin Mo.

"Lawyer Lin Mo said this to me, there must be his reason, so why is the reason?"

Wang Sheng was puzzled.

Especially now, Lin Mo's law firm is still under siege offline, which has aroused unanimous applause from the middle-aged people with the most consumption power in society.

Although he knows that this kind of education is absolutely wrong, his education for his children is also based on quality education, and both sons have entered the sports industry and live happily.

But he is a businessman and must consider the market.

His business is sports goods, and the people who come to buy are basically teenagers, and teenagers have no purchasing power, and their parents pay for it.

Supporting Lin Mo's lawsuit will offend this group of middle-aged parents with consumption power. At that time, they can just change a store to buy sports equipment for their children.

But his company is dead!

So Wang Sheng didn't understand why Lin Mo said that.

He was still thinking.

On the other side.

Seeing that the popularity was so high, the leader of the offline violent activities also started broadcasting.

But he was already swollen like a pig's head.

The wounds on his face were all caused by Xia Ling. He wanted to take advantage of this trend to start a live broadcast to earn some medical expenses.

As a result, this group of cheering middle-aged people completely angered all the teenagers.

There were some teenagers who didn't want to speak out, but now they all came out to fight.

As soon as he started broadcasting, the live broadcast room was directly attacked by young people who were more proficient in the Internet, and even a large number of reports were taken off the shelves and blocked for more than 30 days.

Before, the majority of young people just felt sorry for Lin Mo, but they were completely disgusted by the cheers of the middle-aged people on the Internet.

The result is that the students who were originally oppressed in school and family still considered some feelings and did not stand up to support Lin Mo, but now?

They all support Lin Mo!

Even the remaining young people who have good original families and grew up normally have all come out to support Lin Mo.

Until all the young people on the Internet came out to support Lin Mo!

It's nothing, these parents are too unreasonable and too arrogant!

They refused to admit that they were wrong, and they scolded Lin Mo, and even beat Lin Mo offline, and cheered online!

Who can tolerate this?

The full-scale war on the Internet began!

Although everyone is poor and has no money to charge Doujia, they can't resist the large volume and skilled operation!

Under every video of a middle-aged person accusing Lin Mo, there are comments of resistance from young people.

A large number of videos insulting Lin Mo were reported and removed.

Many middle school students also shot videos to support Lin Mo, and even many college students shot videos to support Lin Mo to continue to sue.

After going to work, young people who suffer from the oppression of reality feel more empathy and support Lin Mo crazily.

"Lawyer Lin, go! Don't give in to the tyranny of this group of people, speak for the young people!"

"Let them reflect, let them know the mistakes of this education method, let them know their mistakes, Lawyer Lin, I support you!"

"Woo woo, I was oppressed in school, oppressed by my boss in society, and when I complained at home, my parents said that I didn't work hard... I couldn't bear the hardship, Lawyer Lin, I... I support you!"

"Each of us has very little power, but when we gather together, it is very big, don't give in!"

For a while, the Internet was like launching a student movement, vigorous.

Those who complained complained, those who accused accused accused.

Everyone has their own sadness.

At this moment, the heat of the case has reached an unprecedented height!

And Wang Sheng, the chairman of Yongsheng Sports, is also paying attention to this battle.

Until the young people occupied all the hot searches and occupied the high ground of public opinion.

Shunhe Law Firm.

Xia Ling held her phone, watching the popularity rise, and she was stuttering and unable to speak: "Boss... Boss... So many people! So many people support us!"

Lin Mo smiled: "Young people are very lovely. If you are really good to them, they will see it and will repay you."

"This is what everyone wants. Let's prepare well. This is no longer an ordinary lawsuit."

Lin Mo raised his head and looked out the window.

Why can a few of his actions attract such great support?

In the final analysis, the majority of young people are suffocated by invisible oppression. If someone speaks out their grievances for them, even if they don't win, they will feel touched.

They will also feel that they exist and are loved.

Thinking about it, Lin Mo smiled bitterly.

"I just want to say a few words for you, and I got your support. I guess you are rarely loved in reality. This is the tragedy of the times. I can understand your pain."

Thinking about it, Lin Mo continued to bury his head in sorting out the information.

What he can do is to speak out as much as possible and then win this lawsuit!

At this moment, although everyone on the Internet supports Lin Mo's lawsuit.

But some people are still very worried.

For example, Wang Lele, Xia Ge, Wang Hao, Lin Feng and others who have been saved by Lin Mo.

Especially after Lin Mo was attacked offline.

They are more concerned about Lin Mo's physical and mental health.

They all sent condolences.

For Lin Mo's safety, Xia Ge, who has many fans, chose to release a video.

In the video, Xia Ge changed his previous playful expression and said very seriously:

"Hello everyone, I am Xia Ge Zhang Youcai. As you all know, I was saved by Lawyer Lin Mo, so my focus is different from everyone else's.

What I want to tell you is that Lawyer Lin Mo is already under a lot of pressure. Although we have everyone's support, don't forget that we are all poor guys, and our opponents are middle-aged people who occupy social resources.

We only need to speak our support for Lawyer Lin Mo, but Lawyer Lin Mo has to speak for the majority of young people, but he has to fight hard with these wealthy middle-aged people.

It can be seen from the fact that Lawyer Lin Mo was beaten offline this time that Lawyer Lin Mo was not only mentally Pressure, and physical danger.

And as far as I know, because lawyer Lin Mo spoke up for Jiang Shuxuan, Chen Anmin, and the vast majority of young people, all the projects of the law firm were ruined, and the loss was very large!

So my suggestion is that everyone should be more rational. If lawyer Lin Mo can't bear the pressure and gives up the lawsuit, or changes the charges, everyone should understand lawyer Lin Mo.

I'm sorry, everyone, I threw a basin of cold water on you, but the fact is that although lawyer Lin is very famous, as far as I know.

He is just a 26-year-old young man like us. It is normal for him to be unable to bear such pressure...."

As soon as the video was released, it began to spread among the young people.

Once again, it caused the majority of young people to choke up.

"So... So Lawyer Lin is under so much pressure. For us, the project has all gone bankrupt."

"Why didn't Lawyer Lin say anything?"

"My eyes are filled with tears. Lawyer Lin is a tough guy. How could he say a little pain?"

"Woo, for us... Lawyer Lin may not even have food to eat!"

"Everyone should be calm and restrained. Being too arrogant will only attract firepower to Lawyer Lin!"

"Yes, don't bring bad things to Lawyer Lin, and don't affect Lawyer Lin's real business and life..."

"I feel sorry for Lawyer Lin again. I am only oppressed mentally. I didn't expect Lawyer Lin to speak for us while bearing the oppression of physical, mental, and financial losses..."

"If that's the case, Lawyer Lin should take care of himself first. We can all accept not speaking out!"

For a while, the majority of young people calmed down, and even chose to shut up for Lin Mo's sake.

Except for opposing the posts and videos of middle-aged people insulting and defaming Lin Mo, everyone chose to restrain themselves.

So the Internet magically returned to normal.

But everyone continued to look forward to Lin Mo's actions in their hearts.

At night, Lin Mo raised his head from a pile of documents. Xia Ling did not slack off this time, and was also frantically sorting out the information, with bloodshot eyes.

Originally, Xia Ling was the one who reported the daily online situation.

"I don't have time, boss, you can check it yourself." Xia Ling did not raise her head.

Lin Mo smiled and picked up his phone to check the network situation.

Unexpectedly quiet?

What happened?

Lin Mo checked and found that it was caused by a video of Brother Xia.

Lin Mo smiled knowingly: "This Brother Xia cares about me."

In a sense, facing so much pressure in reality, 99% of people in his position would give up the lawsuit.

So Brother Xia's post was actually posted to protect Lin Mo, to ensure that even if Lin Mo gave up the lawsuit, he would not be ridiculed by the majority of young people.

From the effect, everyone understood and chose to remain silent.

Seeing this, Lin Mo smiled.

"How could I give up the lawsuit? Give up the opportunity to speak for you? Don't worry..."

The day of the trial was getting closer and closer, and Lin Mo looked up at the moon at night.

The moonlight was very soft, without a trace of coldness.

The next day.

Yongsheng Sports.

Wang Sheng looked at the calm network in great surprise.

What happened?

The secretary quickly explained the whole story to him.

After listening, Wang Sheng took a deep breath and felt a lot.

In just a few days, the young people went from crazy support for Lin Mo to restraint and calmness for Lin Mo's safety.

It seems nothing.

But the quality displayed by these young people is many times better than that group of unreasonable middle-aged people!

They could unswervingly support Lin Mo when Lin Mo was weak, and they would not engage in offline violent activities like that group of middle-aged people.

While learning that Lin Mo was under tremendous pressure, he maintained restraint and even asked Lin Mo not to continue speaking out.

Thinking, calmness, wisdom, listening to instructions, putting yourself in others' shoes, etc.

These are all excellent qualities in young people!

He remembered the words of the great man:

"You young people are full of vitality and are in a prosperous period, just like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. Hope is pinned on you."

Yes, hope lies in this group of young people who have received basic education and higher education and can distinguish right from wrong and can reflect on themselves.

Thinking of this, Wang Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

He got it!

Why does Lin Mo want him to support the prosecution!

young people!

If you speak out for Lin Mo at this time, you can gain the support of young people.

As a sports brand, it needs the attention and support of young people.

If you speak out now, you can obviously attract the support of all young people!

Taking advantage of this popularity, you can even promote your own original sports brands, open up the market, and rejuvenate the company!

As for parents’ spending power, don’t forget that in addition to junior high school students, there are also college students!

My brand used to be limited to a small place like Jianghai, but once it becomes famous, I will be able to open up the national market through online sales!

It is no longer limited to Jianghai, but the whole country!

As long as the reputation is established and the quality is guaranteed, college students will buy it, and middle school students will also become college students.

Everyone will one day break away from the shackles of their families, and it is this group of people that they want to fight for!

"Lawyer Lin Mo..." Wang Sheng murmured.

He is the chairman of the board, and to be able to achieve this position, he certainly has a good mind. After he figured it out, he could only be amazed!

"Want to bet?"

Wang Sheng knew that this was the choice given to him by Lin Mo. If he chose to support it, Lin Mo would win, and his company's attention would definitely rise to a level!

But if you lose...

At this time Wang Sheng took a deep breath.

"I've been gambling for half my life since I started my business. What are you afraid of? The worst I can do is go home and farm! I'll follow Lin Mo!"

Wang Sheng made up his mind in an instant.

"Quickly, send a message to support Lin Mo's prosecution in the name of the company. We must emphasize youth and tell young people that we are on the same front as them!"


The secretary smiled when he heard it. He was also a young man and was very excited and started writing the manuscript immediately.

Soon, Yongsheng Sports issued an announcement expressing support for its partners Shunhe Law Firm and Lin Mo.

The young people in Jianghai noticed it instantly and sighed.

"What the hell? Is Yongsheng's boss crazy?"

"Yongsheng is no longer doing business?"

"Damn it, I know Yongsheng's financial report. 80% of the orders are placed by students' parents. If you do this... Yongsheng will collapse!"

"I think you are all farting. What a loser. Yongsheng is awesome! The boss is awesome!"

Soon, Yongsheng’s announcement went viral and attracted the attention of the entire Internet.

The Yongsheng Sports official account, which originally only had thousands of comments, has now completely exploded.

The number of fans has also increased crazily, from the original 200,000 fans to 800,000 in an instant, and is still rising.

When this announcement was made, employees throughout the company were sweating, thinking that they were going to lose their jobs.

But seeing the number of fans on the official account rising, I felt comforted.

Lin Mo also saw the announcement from Yongsheng Sports.

I sent a message to Operations Director Liao Yun: "Thank you for your support."

Liao Yun replied: "(Khan) (Khan) a few emoticons."

His heart was beating wildly at the moment. He didn't expect that the chairman would actually agree to such a crazy move.

Then he replied to Lin Mo: "The chairman said that if he wins the lawsuit, he would like to meet with you to discuss cooperation."

Lin Mo smiled. It seemed that Yongsheng's boss was a smart man.

"Sure, we'll wait until we win the case."

Time flies quickly, another day has passed.

It’s court time!

On this day, everyone is paying attention to this lawsuit.

In front of Jianghai Intermediate Court.

Countless reporters are already here waiting eagerly, and there are also a large number of middle-aged men and women standing outside the court waiting for something.

Lin Mo and Xia Ling got out of the car and looked at them countless times.

The eyes of those middle-aged men and women were full of anger, and they wanted to swallow Lin Mo up.

Lin Mo asked Xia Ling on the side: "Xiao Xia, do you know why they are so angry?"

Xia Ling sneered: "It's not because their children heard about your deeds and rebelled against them, which made them angry, and then they wanted to trouble you."

Lin Mo was surprised: "You know so much?"

"Hey, I've been reading books about human nature recently." Xia Ling smiled mysteriously.

Just then, another car stopped.

A familiar figure came down from above.

Huang Jiancheng!

After he got out of the car, he stood up his collar, then glanced arrogantly at Lin Mo and walked up the stairs.

When the middle-aged parents saw Huang Jiancheng, they seemed to have seen a soldier praying for them, and they all cheered for Huang Jiancheng.

"Lawyer Huang! Come on!"

"Lawyer Huang, you are the most just!"

Huang Jiancheng enjoys such treatment very much.

"Only those who have the ability to consume can start a new business successfully. Lin Mo, you are the stepping stone for me to succeed again!" Huang Jiancheng sneered amidst the cheers.

Then, he accepted an interview with reporters.

He loudly praised the education methods of contemporary parents, calling them perfect and in line with human nature, and once again won applause.

Then, he swaggered into the court.

Lin Mo was extremely calm. Xia Ling stood beside Lin Mo and walked up the stairs.

As a result, everyone glared at Lin Mo as if they were seeing enemies.

Lin Mo didn't care, his face remained expressionless, and he didn't even accept the interview.

Just to get into the court as soon as possible.

But this scene was broadcast via live broadcast, and Lin Mo's expressionless look was completely different from the previous court trials.

As a result, young people understand it as a huge amount of pressure.

For a moment, everyone's hearts were clenched.

On the one hand, everyone hopes that Lin Mo will maintain his previous prosecution charges, and on the other hand, they are worried about Lin Mo's physical and mental health.

"Hey, the pressure is great. It would be great if our young people were stronger."

"For the first time, I longed to grow up quickly."

"Let's just let nature take its course. You don't need to criticize Lawyer Lin too much."

"No, Lawyer Lin has already won by standing here and speaking for everyone once!"


Everyone spoke out.

At this moment, countless young people watched the live broadcast on their mobile phones.

Even in Jianghai No. 1 High School, a large number of students violated school rules and obtained mobile phones through various channels to watch the live broadcast secretly.

Here, Lin Mo quickly entered the court.

The trial was closed to the public but was broadcast live.

The presiding judge is a judge named Huang Youhe, who is in his 30s.

Both parties check their identities and the clerk reads out the rules.

Huang Youhe and several judges also appeared at the scene.

"The court is now open!"


Huang Youhe banged the gavel.

Opposite Lin Mo were Jiang Ze and his wife, Chen Guodong and his wife, as well as the dean of Jianghai No. 1 High School, Wang Suo, and defense lawyer Huang Jiancheng.

Huang Youhe said loudly: "The plaintiff is suing Jiang Ze and his wife, Chen Guodong and his wife, and Jianghai No. 1 High School. The trial is now being consolidated."


He banged his gavel again.

Lin Mo had no impression of this judge. He seemed to be of a young age, so he should not be biased.

Being non-biased means benefiting yourself!

This is good news.

At this time, Huang Youhe looked at Lin Mo:

"Now please ask the plaintiff to publish your claim."

Lin Mo nodded, and then stood up under the angry eyes of Huang Jiancheng and everyone on the other side.

By this time, Mr. and Mrs. Jiang Ze and Mr. and Mrs. Chen Guodong were already quarreling in court.

"Lin Mo! Are you a human? You are suing our parents for the sake of fame! You scum!"

"You sue! You keep suing! One day you will be punished! I will use all means to prevent your law firm from opening!" Jiang Ze pointed at Lin Mo and shouted angrily.

At this time, Huang Youhe immediately banged the gavel.

Defendants, please restrain yourself, otherwise you will be asked to leave the courtroom!

Huang Youhe's tone was very serious. Obviously, he didn't like such unreasonable parents.

"Judge, we are also victims. Our children jumped off the building, but this lawyer is suing us like this, saying that we are accomplices. This kind of thing has never happened since ancient times. It is simply treasonous!" Chen Guodong shouted angrily.

Huang Youhe's expression did not change, he just said seriously:

"This is a society governed by law. Now that we are in court, everything must be governed by the law! Please don't mix your personal emotions!"

These words suppressed the other party's arrogance, but they still glared at Lin Mo, as if to put pressure on him.

At this time, the young people watching the live broadcast were also worried. This put pressure on Attorney Lin!

Who can bear this!

But the next moment, Lin Mo glanced at the other party, smiled slightly and said:

"Presiding judge, I will now begin to state my lawsuit application."

"First, I request that Jiang Ze and his wife, Chen Guodong and his wife, and Jianghai No. 1 High School be sentenced for intentional homicide!"

As soon as these words came out.

There has been no movement at the trial.

And the Internet exploded!

All the young people opened their eyes wide and were extremely excited.

Or intentional homicide!

Lawyer Lin withstood the pressure and did not change the charges!

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