Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 43: Stop being a lawyer and become a male model.

Zhang Yan was so angry. Not only did his apprentice lose, he was also sent in. What made him most unhappy was that Huang Jiancheng was still laughing next to him.

In his heart, he is one of the noble partners of a top law firm, while Huang Jiancheng is just a partner of an emerging law firm.

I have absolutely no right to laugh at myself here.

But Huang Jiancheng was unwilling to hear this. Eat shit?

Let your son eat shit? Who are you? Your apprentice failed miserably and took it out on my son?

So Huang Jiancheng didn't show any weakness, and stood up directly to confront him: "Zhang Yan, I came to see you with you to save my face, and now you talk about my son instead? You don't even look at that apprentice of yours, who is looking like a charlatan when he files a lawsuit. He still clings to mental illness and turns himself into an indirect culprit. I have never seen such a mentally retarded lawyer!"

Zhang Yan became even more angry: "Yellow dog! What did you say! Your son is mentally retarded!"

Huang Jiancheng directly resisted: "You scold me again! I will send you a lawyer's letter directly!"

"Fuck! I'm afraid of you. I've wanted to practice with you for a long time!" Zhang Yan didn't show any weakness.

"Practice with me? You don't have the qualifications!" Huang Jiancheng continued to shout angrily.


The two of them were shouting angrily at the same time, their mouths were moving very fast, and their faces were covered with saliva, but no one took action. The top lawyer seemed to have a very high level of patience.

And Huang Xuan, who was talking wildly about eating shit, was dumbfounded on his chair at the moment, muttering silently: "He won, he won again, this... this is impossible, how can he win? Yes! I... I’m going to eat shit!”

The huge commotion in the conference room attracted people from Jinhan Law Firm. When everyone saw Zhang Yan, the top lawyer of their law firm, being angrily criticized by a rival company, they immediately came to his rescue.

Dissuade a fight?

That was impossible. After a while, several of Jin Han's lawyers with an annual salary of millions also joined the battle and madly sprayed angrily at Huang Jiancheng, which made Huang Jiancheng's face full of stench.

"Okay, okay! You really think our lawyer Yongyuan is just a freeloader, right? Just wait for me!"

Huang Jiancheng made a tactical retreat and ran out of the conference room.

Coincidentally, Huang Jiancheng's Yongyuan Law Firm and Zhang Yan's Jinhan Law Firm are both on the 27th floor of Jianghai International Building, right next door.

The rent in Jianghai International Building is very expensive, and only such well-known law firms and companies have settled here.

The companies that can enter this building are either rich or expensive, and most of them are start-up companies with modest success.

At this time, Huang Jiancheng rushed out and arrived at his law firm.

"Huang Lu, what's wrong with you?"

"Damn it, Huang Lu, what did you use to wash your face? Why does it stink so much?"

"Wow, Huang Lu, why...are you smearing saliva on your face?"

A group of people covered their mouths with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Stop talking nonsense, those idiots like Jin Han look down on us, come with me!"

Huang Jiancheng waved his hand and explained that there had been conflicts between the two parties, especially Yongyuan, who had often been robbed of clients and cases by Jin Han. He couldn't bear it for a long time. Now that they have such an opportunity, a group of people can't stand it anymore. .

Those who wanted revenge and those who had grudges rushed out with Huang Jiancheng.

Following Huang Jiancheng, a group of more than a dozen people was dispatched, including a senior partner.

On Jin Han's side, Zhang Yan also seemed to have lost his mind. He had to vent today and rushed out with a dozen people.

The two sides took up positions in the public hall, and as Huang Jiancheng and Zhang Yan opened fire, all parties also raised their hands and started spraying.

No matter how vicious it is, the lawyer's letter has been prepared for a long time, all in an attempt to provoke the other party to beat him.

As long as the other side hits someone, the other side wins!

High-end business wars are often conducted in the most honest way.

A group of law students with top academic qualifications, including top students from top law schools abroad, all regretted that they did not learn more about swearing skills. They will only regret it when the time comes to use them!


"¥%@#¥@!#!@#!! Amynos!"


What’s even weirder is that the court hearing is being broadcast live on the screen in the public hall.

Even Lin Mo didn't expect that his victory would lead to a real war of words among more than 30 elites in the legal industry.

in court.

The judges have withdrawn, leaving only the staff sorting out documents.

However, Ning Hong is still resisting the law, and Wang Xue is also resisting the law.

It wasn't that they didn't want to be taken away by the bailiff, but the two of them actually started to fight in front of the court.

"Ning Hong, you retarded! Why am I being sentenced if I let you file a lawsuit!"

"My freedom, my independence, my poems and the distance are gone! Ning Hong, please pay for my freedom! Wuwuwu!"

Wang Xue collapsed and shouted.

Ning Hong had nowhere to vent her anger, and just then Wang Xue bumped into her: "You stinky Bichi! You're the only one with a free brain! Fuck you, judge! I'm reporting that Wang Xue perjured herself, she is not mentally ill ! She is also a fraud!"

"Ahhh! Lawyer Shabi believes that you are really unlucky for eight lifetimes! I will fight you!"

The two people were actually fighting each other, holding on to their hair. The bailiffs on the side were stunned. The lawyer actually started fighting with his client. This was the first time for everyone to see this.

Lin Mo shook his head helplessly when he saw it. This was turning against each other.

At this time, Xia Ling's voice came to my ears: ""Hey, hehe, women fighting is so beautiful! "

"You're not a woman?"

"Tch, I'm not, I'm a female college Taoist priest!" Xia Ling grinned.

And Xia Ge had already started the live broadcast, holding up his phone: "Look, my friends, this is the court! That's right! This is the MVP of this game, Lawyer Lin!"

Xia Ling was also curious, so she came over and her sweet face appeared in the live broadcast room.

It immediately lit up the live broadcast room.

"Wow! It's the beautiful assistant!"

"Sister, look at your legs!"

"Sister, sister, kick me with your feet! I love it!"

"Assistant, please trample me!"


A group of male fans in the live broadcast room turned into crazy men, and lost their minds when they saw Xia Ling. The moment Xia Ling kicked in the live broadcast was so handsome.

Especially Xia Ling's legs are long, straight, thin, and muscular.

The ultimate good legs! Leg control fans can't help it!

Xia Ling's eyes darkened when she saw the comments: "Are you looking for a fight?"

This is even more incredible. Xia Ge's live broadcast room is extremely abstract, with all kinds of people.

One by one, they turned into little losers, shouting: "Sister, hit me..."

Xia Ling immediately shrank back, this was too scary... It felt like hitting them would make them happy...

Xia Ge saw the grand scene of tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room and knew that the big traffic was coming.

So he shouted: "Family, we won the case, come and give gifts!"

Unfortunately, no one gave him gifts, but all the comments were:

"Don't give gifts! Give it to Xia Ge, Xia Ge will only use it to be cheated by women, let's give it to Lawyer Lin, he can protect more people!"

"That's right! Don't give it!"

So, in Xia Ge's live broadcast room with tens of thousands of people, no one gave gifts.

Xia Ge's face turned red!

Lin Mo was very calm.

After winning the case, take a break, and go out for an interview later.

I picked up my phone and swiped it, and found that on the short video platform, the videos of several people were all pushed up.

The first one is Huang Xuan's "Wearing Stanford University Uniform and Eating Shit."

The second one is Wang Tao's long analysis. He read tens of thousands of words to prove that Lin Mo will lose, and now it has been pushed up by someone.

Huang Xuan's comment area is full of people who are having fun, while Wang Tao's comment area is full of people scolding him...

Lin Mo is also a fun person in nature, so he clicked into Wang Tao's comment area and left a sentence: "It seems that you don't know much about law. Your upper limit is not high. The legal profession should be finished. I have a plan. While you are young, go to be a male model. Combine lawyers and male models. You should be able to make a name for yourself. Don't thank me."

Leaving this sentence is simply because I saw that many people in the comment area said that they were Wang Tao's clients. I didn't expect Wang Tao to be so rubbish that he wanted to terminate the contract.

Lin Mo saw that Wang Tao was not bad looking, so he made a small suggestion, at least to keep his job.

At this time, Wang Tao had no time to watch Lin Mo's trial because he was handling a case. He had time after entering the company's elevator.

His law firm, Junyong Law Firm, happened to be on the 27th floor of Jianghai International Building, next to Jinhan and Yongyuan.

As a result, before he could read the news on his mobile phone, the elevator door opened.

So he saw the Yongyuan people led by Huang Jiancheng and the Jinhan lawyers led by Zhang Yan arguing wildly. Even the security guards did not dare to step forward for fear of being warned by the lawyer's letter.

"Oh my... the battle has escalated?"

Yongyuan often confronts Jinhan, but I didn't expect the intensity to be so great this time!

Directly arguing with each other!

Wang Tao quickly dodged and returned to his law firm, but at this time, Wang Tao's colleagues who were watching the excitement all looked at Wang Tao.

There was sympathy in their eyes, and some even shook their heads.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Lawyer Wang, didn't you read the news?"

"Too busy, no time to read." Wang Tao put down a stack of documents.

Besides, what news can there be now? Wang Tao didn't care at all.

"You... still have a look."

Wang Tao casually opened his phone, and then he saw it.

《The first case in history where a lawyer was sentenced, and lawyer Lin Mo won a big victory!》

He suddenly widened his eyes.

At this moment, in Junyong Law Firm, a young man named Wang Tao felt like the sky had fallen!

"No! Dude! How did you win again?!"

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