"You can win this?!"

"What kind of lawsuit is this!"

"It's fine if the defendant is sentenced, but how come the lawyer is also sentenced!"

Seeing this news, Wang Tao's hands were shaking while holding the phone. This was too sensational!

At the same time, he also saw the series of charges and evidence thrown out by Lin Mo during the trial, which made him dizzy.

This... Is this something that can be done without legal knowledge? !

He panicked, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He didn't forget that he had posted a long video and wrote tens of thousands of words just to prove that Lin Mo was trash.

I thought he could get back the face.

But now...this time...the boomerang hit him on the head!

He quickly opened the video hot search, and sure enough! His short video ranked second!

The first one was Huang Xuan eating shit...

He didn't have time to care about Huang Xuan now, and quickly opened the comments. Thousands of comments were scolding him, which made him dizzy.

Fortunately, the highest like was not scolding himself, but he found that the poster was called "Lin Mo, the pioneer of legal affairs"?

After taking a look, his eyes almost popped out.

"Fuck you! You said I don't understand the law? And you want me to be a male model! Lin Mo! You are really going too far!"

Wang Tao was completely furious, if the other scolding was just a superficial injury.

Lin Mo's words were really hurtful to him, you know, he is a master of law from Huaxia University of Political Science and Law, and he is definitely a graduate of a domestic top law school!

He was actually said to not understand law!

And he was asked to be a male model, what the hell is the combination of legal knowledge and male model!

This is a complete insult!

"Humph! Male model? I am an elite lawyer with an annual income of one million, Lin Mo is just talking nonsense, I have so many cases, how can I reach the top? I am very busy! I never stop making money, how can I be a male model!" Wang Tao said angrily.

But at this time, Wang Tao's cell phone rang.

It was an important client.

Wang Tao was angry, but he immediately smiled and answered the phone softly: "Hello?"

"Oh, Lawyer Wang, I think our cooperation ends here. I also read your analysis post. It's all wrong. I think your legal literacy needs to be improved."

Beep, beep, beep, the other party hung up the phone.

Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, but soon, another call came in the next second.

"Lawyer Wang, I think you are still not suitable for cooperation with our company... That's it..."


The other party hung up the phone.

But soon, more calls came in, and on WeChat, a large number of customers sent messages to Wang Tao.

The purpose is nothing more than only one, to terminate the contract with Wang Tao.

A large number of termination messages directly made Wang Tao at a loss.

In just 10 minutes, dozens of termination messages!

"This... This... How could this happen!"

"Video! Yes! Video! Delete it quickly!"

Wang Tao knew that it was his analysis video that was slapped in the face that caused the disaster!

Now the whole network knows that their analysis is wrong and their legal level is insufficient, so a large number of customers come to cancel the contract!

But deleting the video is useless, and various marketing accounts have already posted it everywhere!

"Damn it!"

Wang Tao took a look. In just 10 minutes, all 18 recent customers canceled the contract, leaving only the last one.

At this time, he panicked, because he had been smooth sailing in the past two years, and he bought a house in Jianghai. The house in Jianghai is not cheap, with an average price of 50,000 per square meter, and the expensive place reached 100,000.

In order to show his status as an elite lawyer, he bought a 200-square-meter large flat at 80,000 per square meter, and directly spent all his savings, and had to repay a loan of 30,000 per month.

As long as the case source is cut off, he can't pay back the loan!

Now the crisis is here! All the contracts are canceled, which means that there may be no income for several months.

If the loan cannot be repaid, the house will be reclaimed!

"Ah! Damn Lin Mo!"

At this time, another call came in. Wang Tao saw that it was Sister Hong, one of his rich women clients and his last client at present.

He immediately answered the phone: "Sister Hong, I am here to provide you with legal support at any time!"

This is the last straw!

The voice of a vicissitudes of life middle-aged woman came from the other end of the phone, saying in a comforting tone: "Xiao Wang, I sympathize with you for this kind of thing. Victory and defeat are common in the military, so you must cheer up."

Wang Tao felt warm in his heart, fortunately someone comforted him.

"Well, Sister Hong, thank you for your concern! I just want to do something within my ability for you."

But the next moment Sister Hong's tone changed, and she said in an expectant and tempting tone: "Don't be discouraged, as for things within your ability... Actually... Auntie, I am quite optimistic about you, why don't you come to Auntie's house to teach me some legal knowledge in person?"

Wang Tao was stunned, home?

The originally warm heart suddenly turned cold, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he was furious in his heart!

What is the detailed discussion of the law! Aren't you just greedy for my body!

Wang Tao wanted to refuse decisively, but he thought of his mortgage. As the saying goes, a man with a mortgage cannot help himself.

How about... go and discuss it in detail?

There are no customers anymore, and I definitely can't pay the mortgage this month. This is the only solution at the moment!

At this time, Wang Tao suddenly thought of Lin Mo's words - "Combine the law with male models, there will be a way out."

"Fuck! Am I really going to be a male model?! Lin Mo! You... why... woooo..."

Wang Tao cried, he was done for, he was completely done for.

He knew that his reputation had completely collapsed with the video and Lin Mo's victory.

The only way forward might be to combine legal knowledge with male models...

"Why! Lin Mo could even guess this!" Wang Tao roared in anger.

Suddenly he thought of Sister Hong's weight and cried even more sadly.

His heart was completely dead.

At this time, a madman ran out of the Jinhan Law Firm, shouting stupidly: "I want to eat shit! I want to eat shit!"

He rushed to the toilet suddenly, and Huang Jiancheng couldn't stop him!

Wang Tao, who was as disappointed as death, looked up and saw that it was the genius law student Huang Xuan who had a great reputation before and graduated from Stanford University.

Yes, Huang Xuan was already crazy.

He had always been smooth sailing, growing up as a genius, until he met Lin Mo, and encountered such a devastating blow.

He had no ability to withstand pressure and could only go crazy.

Seeing this scene, Wang Tao felt a little psychological comfort in his heart. Compared with eating shit, being a male model is not a bad idea...

But what if Sister Hong's needs are more perverted?

I heard that the rich woman wanted happy balls, high heels, super round battles...

I don't know if I can stand it...

Thinking about it, Wang Tao's face was filled with sorrow again...

Compared with the farce here.

The most nervous person is Wang Zhenghua, the vice president of Jianghai High Court.

He is rushing to Jianghai Primary Court in a hurry!

The vice president's work is very busy. He just finished processing the documents and then received the news from Lin Mo, but he didn't expect it to be such explosive news!

"Lin Mo, you think the school bullying case wasn't big enough, right?"

"I asked you to file a divorce lawsuit, but you sent the other lawyer to jail?!!"

Wang Zhenghua was worried. If lawyers all over the country followed suit again, fighting each other in court and using magic, that would be terrible!

Then they would stir up a lot of trouble and make public opinion boil. He had been criticized by the Supreme Court last time, and now it happened again.

I can't bear it!

He hurried over, at least to make Lin Mo restrain himself when he was interviewed by reporters and control public opinion...

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