Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1143: : 0 million do n’t mess up

After sending He Shan home, I returned to Lazy God Island, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

Yang Ji was fragile and planned to return to the locker room first to change his clothes. According to common sense, his day's work has ended today, and it is time for Zhao Xiaofei to change his shift.

Before Ke got out of the car, he saw Nanming jump out, and the thief asked, "How is it? Did you and Sister Shanshan have anything?"

"No!" Yang Ji waved his hand very angry, but Nan Ming held him and dragged him to sit down: "Don't be shy, tell me quickly, do you have any chance of thinking about the opportunity you miss? Live? Any progress? "

Looking at Nan Ming's gossip look, Yang Ji has the heart to die.

Who told you that I thought about He Shan?

哪 Which eye do you see that I have a crush on He Shan?

Do not mess around, you ca n’t mess around like this! What about your emotional intelligence? Do you have an EQ?

Nanming was dragged to sit on the pond of Lazy God Island, blowing the cool night breeze, facing Nanming's curious eyes, the street lights in the distance were shaking in the pool water, shaking the mind of Yang Ji, that Suddenly, Yang Ji suddenly felt like he was waking up from a strange dream.

Hey wait ... how could I become like this?

Why would I be someone else ’s bodyguard? Because of someone ’s order, I would send that scum girl home, and I would be messed up?

Yang Ji, shouldn't it be a battlefield, playing with the lives of others?

I'm a man who has the authority to fear and can control the fear of others, the lives of others, and everything else of others!

Why is this unreliable **** who can dominate but can order me to do things I don't like to do?

As a man with authority, Yang Ji is actually very proud.

几个 How many people can have authority in this world?

Except for Nan Ming, Chen Wei, and Zhao Xiaofei, only Abi and Sister Nan seem to be living.

小 Zhao Xiao fat's guardianship is used to protect President Nan. Chen Wei's authority still relies on the existence of cards. Sister Nan's slaughter is dedicated to butchers. In Yang Ji's view, how can these types of authority compare with him?

惮 In this world, what he can fear is only the lazy authority of President Nan and the seditious authority of Miss Abi.

Moreover, he feels that the authority between him and Miss Abi is also between Bo Zhong, and only Nan Ming can dominate him!

As the second strongest man in the world! Maybe it is the second strongest man in the universe. How could Yang Ji see He Shan as a scum girl!

Hey wait, am I the second strongest man in the world?

Thinking of this, Yang Ji suddenly became agitated.

At this moment, the night was dark, and Lazy God Island was quiet. The members of the Lazy God Security who had just visited were passing by, and beside the deserted pond, besides the koi that was still turning out the water, only Nanming and Yang Ji were still there In the courtyard.

The two men side by side, in the back view, wearing a black security uniform, shoulder wide and long back, Yang Ji, sitting there like a rock, a few laps higher than Nanming, seems to be able to fit him in.

Yang Ji stretched out his hand, like his brother, wrapped around Nan Ming's shoulder.

Tong Nanming was still questioning over there.

"Have you held a small hand?"


"Is there a kiss?"

"What do you say?"


"of course not!"

"Oh, thanks to the opportunity I created for you ..."

Tong Nanming was still complaining about Yang Ji there, but Yang Ji's hand was already resting on the side of Nan Ming's neck.

Yang Ji's military career is nearly ten years. After retiring, he exercises daily in the Lazy God Gym. The muscles on his arms are as hard as steel.

Under his arm, Nan Ming's body is thin and thin. Yang Ji's big hand rests on the side of Nan Ming's neck. He can feel Nan Ming's blood vessels beating under the clean skin. If you shrink your fingers, you can feel the fragile neck bones of the teenager under the flesh.

With his strength, as long as he pinches lightly, he can pinch the slender and undefended neck bone.

A tadpole is no more difficult than pinching a mosquito.

Then ... he is the most powerful authority in the world!

I thought of this, and Yang Ji's heart jumped up in despair.

的 The temptation of this idea is too great!

Almost subconsciously, his fingers tightened gradually.

Just pinch it down!

Yang Ji has never been the kind of Zhao Xiao fat. He was born with his dark side, and his authority is also an extremely scary and powerful fear authority.

He doesn't want to obey anyone, protect anyone, and sacrifice himself for more than anyone.

He is a natural ambitionist. He doesn't stand behind others. He wants to stand at the pinnacle of this world!

No matter whether it is destruction or prosperity, he is in his control.

And now he suddenly realized that he was so close to all this ...

As long as there is no Nanming, with his fear of authority ...

Tighten his fingers, tighten ...

Su Nanming snorted suddenly and heard it in Yang Ji, like a thunderstorm.

His hand suddenly froze, and he suddenly realized that in his hand, this man was Nan Ming.

男人 A man with powerful "lazy" permissions that are so incomprehensible!

Will he fight back?

Alas, he has no chance to fight back ... now his life is completely in my hands!

I will soon be the strongest man in the world!

I pinch!

"Comfortable, help me pinch again." Nan Ming just moved his neck.

"Uh ..." Yang Ji squeezed again, "So?"

"Yes ~ ~ Pinch behind the neck ..."

"Pinch behind ..."

"Give the hammer a few more ..."

"Yes, next to your shoulder ... hh ... so comfortable ... Yang Ji, are you very professional?"

当然 "Of course, we will relax each other after training." Yang Ji heard said very dog-legged.

Hey wait ... what's wrong?

Suddenly, Yang Ji was a little aggressive.

什么 What am I doing?

Why am I pinching Nan Ming? Am I not trying to pinch him?

"Well ..." Nan Ming stood up from the river, stretched a lazy waist, and hummed comfortably: "Go back to sleep."

Yang Ji also stood up in silence.

"Yang Ji."


"Come on tomorrow too! Girls have to chase it seriously."

"..." Yang Ji was silent for a moment, "Yes ..."

"Good night." Nan Ming turned and walked back, Yang Ji stood by the pond, standing for a long time, like a sculpture.

Suddenly gave herself two slaps, and then covered her face with both hands: "Coward! Waste!"

I almost became the strongest man in the world!

Tong Nanming walked back unconsciously, and suddenly heard the voice of lazy god.

之后 Since the lazy permissions have stabilized, Lazy God seems to be slightly more active than before.

"Nan Ming."


"Don't mess around in the future."


"Because you might die ..." 8

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