Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1144: : Blackening and Whitening

Yang Ji was black-faced, arms down, bowed slightly, and his nose was thick, walking like a beast that was about to be thrown out at any time. ??

Each step, his muscles seemed to tremble and tremble. Under the dark skin, the muscles containing terror seemed to explode, making him a whole bigger.

My uncle seemed to be congested with muscles after he had exercised in his home for at least two hours before he came to the locker room.

A few security guards who saw him, saw him just screaming, "General Manager ... uh!"

Howling hurriedly aside to make way.

Then I was a little puzzled, 咦, shouldn't it be Mr. Zhao's turn today? Why is President Yang here?

And this feels ... doesn't seem to be wonderful ...

I waited for Yang Ji to enter her dressing room, and then they looked at each other, lowered their voices and asked, "Is it going to be black again?"

"What's the date today?"

"No. 22 ..."

"Oh, almost, there are always so many days in a month."

"Don't mess with him these days, you may die ..."

Although they were quiet, they were still heard by Yang Ji. The locker room door that had not been closed suddenly opened. Yang Ji rushed out with a black face. His eyes were red and bloodshot. It was scary and glared. The two of them: "Zhao Guang, Li Chong!"

"Yes!" The two quickly stood upright.

"Run a 2o lap around the island!"


The two turned around and trot away.

示意 As she ran, she motioned to each other: "Look, don't mess with him ..."

Put on a uniform of lazy security and walked out of the locker room, slammed the door shut, and the footsteps gradually drifted away. Then everyone broke free from the solidified atmosphere, and sighed, saying: "General Yang is terrible! B It must have been a miserable day for you ... "

Tong Nanming's security personnel, group A is led by Zhao Xiao fat, and group B is led by Yang Ji. Occasionally, they exchange each other for a few days, so as not to be unfamiliar. In addition, there is a netbsp on standby; But more than 80% of the time, Yang Ji worked and trained with Group B.

"No, although Yang Touer has a bad temper, but most of them will only treat others ..." Group B shook his head. "As a comrade in general Yang, he is still very happy."

"Happiness?" Everyone in Group A shook his head, and his belly was ashamed: "Masochism!"

Xun is so-called to gather things by class, birds are grouped.

In the security of lazy **** security, in fact, it is also divided into two systems. Although it is not clear, it has already begun to emerge.

Zhao Xiao fat has the largest number of people in this department. Like Zhao Xiao fat, the breeze blows his face, and he does not move like a mountain. He regards himself as a security officer, and it is most important to protect his goal. However, this line of Yang Ji is quite aggressive and aggressive. In many cases, it will invade like fire, take the initiative to strike, and eliminate the threat.

In this group, there are also militants and extremists. Unlike Zhao Fengfeng, although he can sacrifice everything for Nanming, in addition to protecting Nanming, he has begun to marry a wife and have children, build a family, and do his best. The responsibility of the Son of Man.

These militants under Her Majesty are almost the same as Yang Ji. They do not marry a wife or fall in love. They have been performing tasks and training all day. Someone has been to Yang Ji ’s residence. The notation is like a new barracks, except for weapons around them. , Is simply an arsenal.

If you divide it in detail, Zhao Xiao fat trains bodyguards, and Yang Ji trains more like mercenaries.

Yangji stepped out of the locker room and saw that today's Lazy God Island is very lively. There are three or two young people strolling and playing in the beautiful courtyard of Lazy God Island.

These are all students of Lazy Divinity College. The lazy divine students who have been outside for the past two days have returned 66, seemingly preparing for the next course.

I felt Yang Ji's terrible aura. These people flickered away like a frightened bunny, then lowered the voice and asked, "Who is this? It looks so scary!"

"Have you heard the words Yang Ji, Yang Ji? That's Yang Ji ..."

"I don't see where I am amiable ..."

"Stupid, don't you know that there is irony in this poem?"

Yang Ji turned abruptly, scaring the two of them suddenly looking pale and holding them together. Yang Ji wanted to fly, but thinking that both of them are students of lazy seminary, they could not control it, took a breath, and pressed Suppressed, turned and walked on.

On this way, Yang Ji didn't know how many people were scared to cry. Only Hu Xiaoyang came over and said a few words to him, complaining that his academic progress was not fast enough.

Yang Ji stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder. He hesitated for a long time between comforting the kid and pinching the kid so that no one would chatter in front of him. After all, he said coolly: "It will be fine. "

"Well, I will cheer for you, Brother Yang! Goodbye!" Hu Xiaoyang watched Yang Ji enter a room, surrounded by the classmates next to him, eyes widened one by one, like an idol.

I dared to talk to Yang Ji!

really not easy!

From the shore, Lazy God Island is such a natural and classic island, just like the legendary Penglai Xian Island, or the Taohua Island in it. All the buildings are built according to the mountains, full of ancient style, but if you change the angle, from If you look in the direction of the sea, you will see that you are wrong.

Lazy God Island, formerly known as Sanping Island, is just a small island with little water surface. It is not a mountain at all, and this so-called mountain ...

Is actually a huge building.

The east is high and the west is low. It is like a huge arch window out of the sea. The huge glass curtain wall up to hundreds of meters is a complete piece. I do n’t know how to make it. It is crystal clear and transparent as if it does n’t exist. Directly from the sky The bottom part of the sea is connected to the outbuildings on the sea floor of Laoshen Island, and the top part seems to be integrated with the sky.

Inside the façade wall is a vast hall and various functional buildings. The lazy **** island full of oriental style above is actually only a roof garden.

For those who have held meetings for many days on Lazy God Island, most of them don't even know that they are actually a huge building under their feet, thinking that what they see is everything.

The lazy **** island after it was built was actually many times larger than the original Sanping island, but no one went into it.

Yang Ji entered a building on the side of the road with a classical appearance. In fact, the interior is a lift, the door of the lift is opened, and Nan Ming's office on Lazy God Island is opposite. Nan Ming and Zhao Xiao fat are both here.

"Yang Ji, chubby, it's actually a tricky thing to ask you to come." Nanming said, "There are many law and order issues on the earth's rock throwing machine. The local Tu ethnic groups and various international forces are fighting for security and security. The situation is not optimistic. President Qin asked me for help, hoping to add some more effective staff ... "

Before Lu Nanming finished, Yang Ji shouted and stood up: "I'll go!"

"Uh ... I just want you to send some staff ..."

"The political situation in Africa is complicated, there are constant wars, there are many Turkish ethnic groups, and there are tangles between the major forces. I am afraid that no one can suppress them ... I'll go!" Yang Ji justified suddenly.

"Well ... then you go, but Sister He Shan ..."

"A good man is interested in the Quartet, how can he love his children? Let her forget me!" Before Nan Ming finished, Yang Ji left a sentence, and the lightning fled.

Out of Nanming's room, Yang Ji felt his mood fluttered involuntarily. He sang the song and trot all the way ~ ~ The students met and smiled and nodded.

I will leave Nanming's side and go to Africa!

In a world of backwardness and chaos in Africa, I am afraid that my fear authority can exert the greatest strength and even turn Africa into its own kingdom!

叫 What's this name? This is called Long Guihai, Huxiao Deep Mountain!

怎么 How can Yang Ji be unhappy?

The students were surprised when they saw Yang Ji jumping. "Who is that?"

"You don't know? That's the sweetheart Yang Ji!"

"Sure enough, amiable ... wait, isn't it all ironic in this poem?"

"Who knows ... maybe there are exceptions?" Everyone stared.

In the office, Nan Ming watched Yang Ji disappear at the end of the corridor, without knowing what to say.

After a long while, he looked at Zhao Xiaofei next to him: "Sister He Shan ..."

"I already have a girlfriend!" Shouted Zhao Xiaofei, while escaping from Nan Ming's office.

"Why run so fast, I didn't say I want you ... yes, call Lu Xingcheng!"

After a while, Lu Xingcheng carefully entered Nanming's office: "General Nan, you call me?"

"Well, I have a very important task for you, sister Sister He, you know, you ... what are you running? Feed me back!"

"Sister He Shan is very good, good-natured and beautiful, why are you all so scared?" Nan Ming was puzzled.

I do n’t know. If he messes up a little more, He Shan estimates that he wo n’t be able to marry in this life. 8

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