Lazy God Possession

Chapter 268: : Do you think he sells feelings, he is actually pretending to be B

When the crowd was talking, the picture had begun to move forward, the narration stopped, a slightly ethereal soundtrack was played, people were searching for silhouettes, anxiously tired faces, and the helpless eyes of parents who lost their children were presented on the video.

Dilapidated hut, sick mother, iron egg's plain dress, gritted teeth, stubborn face.

The flashback picture didn't use too many words and explained everything clearly.

"Get ready to work, Iron Egg, help me find a table." Then Nan Ming's voice sounded, this was beyond the narration, the first line.

Then there are four jumping pictures. The first picture seems to be taken from the ground, obliquely upwards. I saw Iron Egg placing a three-legged table in the yard. ,Boom!

The second picture was taken from the inside of the box. The box was pulled apart and one hand reached in, covering the entire screen.

The third picture, a close-up shot, shows a tablet computer placed on the table, and the screen of the tablet computer shows that a drone is activated. Hit the carriage return with one hand, drum, huh!

The fourth picture, taken at 360 degrees, shows a heroic policeman standing in the yard and pointing to the sky. In a moment, the huge drone group takes off! Drum, oh!

And the soundtrack also changed its style when the screen flashed, four screens, four drums, oh! Boom! Boom! Boom! Then the drum beats gradually accelerated and became louder.

The drums are ringing!

When Nan Ming saw this group of shots, he was also very satisfied. Some of these materials were cut from the huge footage shot by the drone, and some of the shots were temporarily re-shot. Not a regular angle. But now it is very shocking to put it on the big screen.

At this time, many people who haven't seen Lazy God Technology drones. At this time, I also feel that, alas. Underestimated this company, drones are really handsome.

Pictures taken from high altitudes can naturally create a sense of deterrence and awe.

The drum beat became a wind instrument, and then a set of quick shots. At first, the picture was a white drone, and then the picture was split into two. Another drone appeared.

Two divided into four, four divided into eight, eighteen divided into sixteen, and divided into sixteen ... the picture has also become a monitoring screen of different sizes, aerial pictures, all of a sudden, the entire picture is full of small grids. .

Suddenly these grids became 1 and 0, and then turned into a data stream. Flowed into the hard disk, stagnated, and turned into a small bright spot in the rotating hard disk. The stream of data kept flowing, and the bright spots became bright lines. Gradually the entire hard disk lighted up. The lens continued to pull up, penetrated the outer wall of the hard disk, passed through the dense wiring, and passed through the shell. This shot was like a skyscraper. A tower storage cabinet composed of hard disks stacked on top of each other.

It's like night is coming. Those hard drives light up one by one, from bottom to top. Suddenly, all homes were lit.

The narration finally sounded again: "Hundreds of drones are constantly searching. Traffic monitoring data from surrounding counties and cities are also converging. 45t video data, which is an amount of data that cannot be reached by manpower."

The soundtrack becomes a ticking sound, and the picture is flashed back again. A policewoman in charge of watching the monitor is pointing at the display, full of joy; taking out the wanted photo, lifting the landing and landing bee drone, grabbing The arrested policeman and the two young children rescued, but no iron girl.

Five big characters were typed: "Where did Iron Girl go?"

"The clue must be in these video materials, we have to find out the clue." Nan Ming's voice sounded again.

The narration sounded again: "Lazy God Technology has the strongest facial recognition technology on the market today, but this is still not enough. We need a stronger, faster and more effective program!"

Typhoon-like keyboard bangs, line by line of code on the screen, under the dim light, iron egg pouting, staring at the screen tightly, his fingers are thick, but at this time they are extremely dexterous.

"We also need a computer that can carry this program. It needs at least a few trillion trillion calculations, a storage capacity of more than 150t, and deeply optimized programs and systems ..."

"We need a super-calculator!" The sound of crickets sounded, and the eight big characters exploded on the screen.

At this point, the soundtrack suddenly became impassioned and magnificent, and a time stamp appeared in the upper right corner of the screen, showing the time at that time.

At 4:30 in the morning, the vehicle rushed out of Kongshan County, the picture was split into two, and the retake was taken in the morning by Chen Mingyuan, the director of Jixin Academy, and then the picture was divided again. Everyone in Jixin Academy was awakened. Every time there is a split, there is a drumbeat. The previous picture freezes, and the split continues. Almost every professor who has contributed at that time in the Institute of Letters and Letters has made an appearance.

Finally, the face of Mrs. Bai, the old principal, appeared on the screen.

When he saw this, the principal Bai's mouth couldn't be closed, and he laughed.

At this time, in addition to the impassioned music, the background was a cut of various dialogues. Everyone said a word, "Large in the middle of the night, noisy!" Complained.

There is "What, I'll be right there!"

There is a negation of "This is impossible!"

There is also the firmness of "can do it". When President Bai said this, he looked serious and sacred.

There are also some conversations that are meaningless at all, but the rushing words, coupled with the rapidly beating time stamp, instantly create tension.

This is a race against time!

Taking advantage of the home court, ran into the meeting, and found that the professors of the Jixin Academy who showed their faces were smiling.

Under the stage, there was silence.

It turned out that this is the background of the birth of Qingda Lazy God?

A supercomputer built to find missing children?

Everyone seemed to understand why Qingda wanted to release this documentary, which was talking about feelings. This is a supercomputing full of humanistic care, so children's shoes don't require any performance or computing efficiency.

Some people meditate, some sneer, some shake their heads.

These days, the feelings of selling mobile phones. Do supercomputing also talk about feelings? Do n’t laugh at big teeth, okay?

Li Chenggong is sneering. If you think these people will talk to you, you are totally wrong. Nanming!

On the screen, Nan Ming suddenly opened the back door of the Institute of Supercomputing.

Iron Egg wiped everything else on the table to the floor. Throw a thick stack of information on the table.

Su Hongyi was explaining something to the teacher. Han Dong smiled wryly and ran away without regard to the teacher's anger.

Four people, four pictures, instantly freeze, and then turned into black silhouettes.

It gives a strong hint that this matter is led by four people.

"A few children. It's good to be able to do this." A gray-haired professor was humane to a few people around him. "I remember that my students took the undergraduate guys to participate in the World Supercomputing Competition, and it was the same. Use the existing hardware to set up a supercomputing and optimize the program within a limited time. If you encounter a problem, you can think of supercomputing to solve the problem, and you can take action. It is already good. Don't blame too much. "

But is it just the level of college students' supercomputing competition? May be laughed and generous.

Nan Ming's voice sounded again: "We are the people who want to change the world. We must believe. We can do everything."

For a moment, the screen was black, and the six characters jumped out: "We can do everything!"

So crazy!

After the screen is back on, the screen is centered. There was a countdown, 8 hours!

The screen switches between surveillance video, handheld camera, and various photos. All of them are speeding up. The countdown is scrolling quickly. Nanming handed a stack of thick design drawings to everyone. The cabinet was pushed and pushed. , Disassemble and reassemble ...

They saw that the original neat cabinets were dismantled and re-arranged. Reassemble and recombine.

The whole picture. First it gradually dispersed and then it became neat. Shows a strange beauty.

In three and a half hours, the hardware has been completely assembled and the screen is transferred to the console. Four people in Nanming and several other supercomputing institutes are busy operating the supercomputing operating system.

At seven hours and thirty-three minutes, the entire screen suddenly went black.

With a beep, in the center of the picture, a green light is lit, and then countless green lights are lit, like a sky full of stars.

Then, a buzz sound familiar to everyone present.

Qingda lazy god, online!

A set of data slowly floated: "Existing scale: average floating-point operation speed, (721 trillion times), peak operation speed, (1.121 billion times), core number, 5210 ..."

When these numbers floated, the sound of a chair falling to the ground.

This figure, the peak value may not be enough, but the average speed has been able to squeeze into the top five in the country.

Many people are turning over the information in their hands. If their information is correct, this supercomputer at Qingyang University has been on the market for several years. The core of the calculations purchased are years ago. To what extent does the GPU's computing speed squeeze performance? What kind of structure is this supercomputing and what kind of system is running?

Is there really a situation where one plus one is greater than two in the supercomputing world?

The reason why the peak is not enough is that both the cpu and gpu have reached their limits. At present, this situation has been squeezed to the extreme.

In the end who specifically said, Qingda lazy God sells feelings?

When did Qingyang University have such technology?

At that moment, countless hands were raised, and this was to ask a question.

But the documentary continues. UU reading books

Nanming sealed the ability of Lazy God to retrieve the monitoring screen in real time and cross search for identities, but did not move in other aspects, and everyone saw it. On the big screen, Tie Niu's face covered by the reflection was retrieved. Instantly the entire track was marked on the map. Countless photos and videos cobbled together a person's track.

At that moment, the exclamation almost turned over the entire auditorium.

The picture freezes the picture of Iron Egg and Iron Girl hugging together.

The voice rang: "Every child is the most precious treasure. Please treat them kindly."

If you are a **** girl, you will show off your tricks. For your hair, do you still sell your feelings and treat children with hair! Can you not install B like this, you will be struck by lightning!

Then, the picture gradually freezes, and a few big characters emerge: "Lazy God technology makes the world more lazy."

The screen turns black, and Qingda Lazy God gradually emerges, followed by Qingyang University, Lazy God Technology, ... (to be continued)

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