Lazy God Possession

Chapter 269: : Be Professional 1

At the end, the entire publishing hall was deadly silent. ±,

Everyone was shocked and speechless by the one million-year pretense.

But then there was a cheer.

The cheers first came from the back row. The professors of Qingyang University who quietly mixed in the meeting could not help clapping.

This is their supercomputation, their young lazy god!

Then, this enthusiasm finally swept the entire venue.

In the cheers, Li Chenggong suddenly discovered that Qi Letao's smile around him hadn't changed for a long time, as if piled on his face, so much that he couldn't help it.

"What's wrong?" Li Chenggong didn't know much about the field of supercomputing. He could only judge from the reactions of the public how many supercomputing machines this Qinghai University released.

But in the last paragraph of the video, everyone's emotions have become so high that they can no longer be high.

The grey-haired old men sitting at the front even took off their glasses and wiped their tears silently.

I don't know if I was moved by someone who succeeded, or because I suddenly discovered that, as a front wave, they were almost thrown on the beach and dried into salted fish.

He also saw that there seemed to be a few big cattle who were touching heart-saving pills and antihypertensive pills ...

However, how is Qi Letao's expression?

He shook Qi Letao, but Qi Letao was motionless. There was nothing he could do, and Li Chenggong could only pull Kuang Shuo.

"Because ... because ..." Kuang Shuo stammered, speechless for a while.

Kuang Shuo didn't know how he could answer the question. His smile was like wearing a false mask, pale and stiff.

"Because ..." Kuang Shuo swallowed again. "The supercomputing published by Qingyang University is, theoretically, ranked only under our supercomputing. Or, rather ..."

"You mean, that supercomputer released by Qingyang Engineering University?" Li Chenggong still had some luck in his heart.

"No ... no ..." Kuang Shuo almost cried, "It's the supercomputer at Qingyang Supercomputing Center ..."

Thinking of what he said just now, he is now. Crying almost in shame.

Whose idea did he meow to make him provocate on that occasion ...

And he, thanks to him, felt that Nan Ming was an unskilled guy ...

Why is this ...

"Dangdang!" Li Chenggong almost stood up, his thigh touched the table in front, and the whole man was pumping in pain.

how can that be?

Li Chenggong has some understanding of the supercomputing of Qingyang Supercomputing Center, which ranks among the top five in China. And this supercomputer of Lazy Technology is comparable to its performance.

"Peak ... the peak is still better than yours." Li Chenggong laughed.

"The peak is lower, but the average is higher, indicating that their code optimization is very good ..." Kuang Shuo cried. "They ... their code ... ohh ..."

Kuang Shuo was crying more and more sad.

"Your framework hasn't changed, have you? The framework has changed, and it must be stronger than it is now." Li Chenggong said, didn't he help these people change the framework? Li Chenggong still refused to give up.

"Even if the structure is changed, there is no such efficiency. Impossible ..." Kuang Shuo cried.

"How could this be ..." Li Chenggong was crying too, and this was the first time his peculiar ability disappointed him.

"Teacher. It's your turn." Su Hongyi quietly poked at Lu Zhenzhu, who smiled, and Liu Nanchuan next to it.

"Oh! Oh!" Several people strode to the stage quickly.

As the current head of the Institute of Supercomputing Research, Lu Zhenzhu stood on the stage and just introduced himself: "Hello everyone, I'm Lu Zhenzhu, the current director of the Institute of Supercomputing Research at Qingyang University ..."

Immediately someone shouted and asked, "Excuse me, are those data real?"

"Of course it is true. Qingda Lazy God is less than 200 meters away from here, you can visit and test at any time." Lu Zhenzhu smiled, the publishing hall is in the library, and the library is next to Qingcheng Lake. Underground is Qingda lazy. The straight line distance may be more than 100 meters.

"Excuse me, what kind of architecture do you use to make supercomputing so efficient?"

"Sorry, the details of the structure are temporarily classified as trade secrets and should not be disclosed to the public. If you want to build a similar supercomputing, you can consult the business department of Laoshen Technology ...

"Who does Qing Dalanshen's intellectual property belong to?"

"The intellectual property rights of Qingda Lazy God are jointly held by Lazy God Technology and Qingyang University. The commercial development proceeds are distributed by the two parties in proportion.

"Excuse me, has the performance of Qingda Lazy God reached its limit? Is there any room for further development?"

"Of course not. The design performance of Qingda Lazy God is trillions of times. Now the performance is still steadily increasing. It is expected that the average performance will exceed 1,000 trillion times next month ...

Everyone took a breath, trillions of times? That is an area that humans have yet to reach.

This is too bragging!

But think about it, it is "design performance", which is a theoretical value in itself.

During this time, Lazy God Technology did not continue to make additional investments, but Principal Bai was not idle, allowing the staff of the Supercomputing Research Institute to work hard to add cabinets.

Now this is only a domestic supercomputing conference. After a while, there is still a world-class academic conference. Although it is a conference on biotechnology and medicine, it is necessary to bring out such good things as youth Is n’t it obvious?

Besides, for Qingda Lazy God's trillion-level architecture, where is this performance now? As long as you buy the hardware and connect it according to the rules, you can steadily improve the supercomputing performance compared to the computer City-mounted assembly machines are simple.

How much investment and how much return, this kind of thing, is simply a daydream in the field of supercomputing.

With the increasing number of questions, the questions became more and more sharp and more and more core. Lu Zhenzhu couldn't cope with it. Even Liu Nanchuan was so busy. More importantly, for many things, Lu Zhenzhu didn't know whether she should answer, or didn't know how to answer, after all, Lu Zhenzhu's specialty was supercomputing heat dissipation.

"This question also asked the technicians of Lazy God Technology to answer it." Lu Zhenzhu wiped his sweat and had to pull out the iron eggs, Su Hongyi and Han Dong.

Su Hongyi picked a few questions and answered them briefly.

More can not be said, less clear.

Fortunately, the host soon came to power to maintain order, preventing other people from speaking, hoping to bring the meeting back to normal progress.

However, the whole scene was noisy, and no one was sitting in their own position. As a last resort, several leaders in charge discussed it urgently and decided to open another branch venue.

This conference has many branch venues, and various forums are held at the same time. However, it is almost never the case that a separate venue is opened for a certain unit.

"Now continue the conference. If you have any other questions, please move to the meeting room next door ..." As soon as the moderator's voice fell, everyone was gone.

There were only three or two kittens, and several staff members sat there, gazing at each other.

The next speaker is a professor from another university, at this time the entire face is black.

"Wait ... I'm going to ask ..." Qi Letao finally awoke from the rigidity, suddenly stood up, and ran away.

"Wait for me ~ ~ I will go too!" Kuang Shuo also chased after.

Li successfully reached out, but didn't grab the two. His heart was full of frustration, and he didn't know what to say.

How did this trick change? How did it become like this?

When the meeting was over in the evening, Li Chenggong was disheartened, and Qi Letao, who was unwilling to wait, waited for a long time in the appointed cafe, but never saw Chen Chang and Liu Yang come.

When Li successfully called, he heard Chen Chang pick up from him. He didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, Chen Chang said, "I'm sorry ... we were originally students of the Institute of Supercomputing ..."

I thought this was a sinking canoe, but now I found that this big ship suddenly became the flying carrier of SHIELD ...

The fool only went to see Qi Letao. Although this Daniel is also very admirable, but he must be dedicated. What if the school teacher thinks they are two-sided?

"I xxxx!" Li Chenggong smashed the phone in his hand. (To be continued ...) u

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