League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 113: Mid single nightmare? What is this hidden hero?

Compared to a small studio that can only accommodate more than 200 people in the group stage.

The Zenith Stadium in this knockout can be said to be full.

As a large stadium in downtown Paris, there are many professional baseball games and professional football games held here every year, but generally speaking, this stadium is still difficult to fill up, after all, this is a huge stadium that can accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time. .

But this time it was different. Many young Asian faces gathered in this stadium and blocked the water surrounding the square outside the stadium.

The presence of so many Asians in Paris, France, is indeed a sense of disobedience. There is quite a feeling of an Asian coalition invading France.

With such a large flow of people, it seems that it is no problem to occupy this stadium. Seeing this scene, many people can't help but feel that, unknowingly, the professional league of LOL has developed to such a point.

The bus was blocked on the avenue near the stadium for a long time before moving slowly to the parking lot.

After passing through the player channel, a series of checks began.

Check the dangerous goods, check the clothing, and whether the peripherals are qualified.

There are also a series of necessary actions such as makeup and installation of peripherals.

Soon, the half an hour reserved by the team passed, and the French-speaking staff came and knocked on the door to signal to prepare to play.

Chen Yuan followed the team out of the lounge and began to head to the stadium.

On the stage in the center of the stadium, countless lights flickered, and some wonderful shots of RNG were playing on the big screen behind it.

Chen Yuan's sword girl hit three against KZ.

Uzi's domineering four kills against fnc.

At this time, the host spoke in French and said passionately: "Welcome to the first place in the group stage of this MSI: Royarnevergiveup!"

Chen Yuan and the others can only understand the last sentence. When the host read their team name, their five starting players hurriedly took the stage today.

Fighting against the harp KZ team, the recklessness of the incense pot is not very good, so today's starting jungler is karsa.

As for the top order, of course it is the top tiger.

As the players stepped onto the stage, loud cheers and screams rang out from the audience. In front of Mu Qiang's European audience, they did not have a home team, they would only support the strong team.

Of course, this is also inseparable from FNC's hip pull record...

Chen Yuan opened his hands and waved vigorously towards the audience. The popularity of the Spring FMVP was still quite high, and the cheers from below were even louder.


"Welcome everyone to the MSI semi-final match. I am today's commentator, Miller."

"I am a doll."

"Although this game is a semi-final, it is also a battle between LPK and LCK Spring Crown." Wawa said: "In many people's eyes, this is the final."

"Yes!" Miller also nodded: "After all, judging from the results of the group stage, RNG and KZ are quite invincible."

"If RNG can beat KZ here, then I believe that the championship is already in our pocket."


"I see, this is too milky."

"Don't milk, don't milk."

"What are you afraid of, why don't you be praised if you are strong? RNG is invincible!"

The audience in the live broadcast room wailed for a while. It was not because the colonel said it, or they could have closed the live broadcast room.

Although the Lightning Wolves won KZ in BO1, no one would really think that Lightning Wolves could win the championship.

It has always been said that Flash Wolves are against Han Qixia, but it is only limited to BO1. When it comes to BO5, it still breaks with a touch. If you really want to win the championship, you have to look at RNG and KZ. After all, BO5 is what LCK is good at.

Many people refer to this semi-final as the real finals, which also led to the extremely high popularity of this game.

The current game has just begun, but the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has surpassed the peak of last year's finals.

Without wasting too much time, after introducing the players from both sides, the game officially started.

Ten players took their seats one after another, and with a heavy metal crash, BP officially began!

Because of the high ranking in the group stage, RNG has the right to choose the sides of the three games. Feng Ge is extremely heroic and sets the right to choose the three games in the first three games without hesitation.

In the first game, they chose the red side and wanted to use Chen Yuan's excellent hero pool to make an impact on the opponent.

This is also RNG's old style after Chen Yuan came. After all, Chen Yuan, who has a Kangte position, can always give the team a perfect answer.

Starting to ban people, KZ did not hesitate to ban Yasuo, the vampire, and Kai'Sa.

There is no ban knife girl.

Miller began to play his game and understood: "KZ's intention is obvious. They are the blue team. After banning Kai'Sa, they then grab another T0 ADEZ. The bottom BP has basically been in place. ."

"After all, EZ is a jack-of-all-trades hero, and the requirements for support are not too high. If you ban EZ, then I will grab the sword girl and replace the ban. You have the same headache."

After Miller finished his understanding, the doll also said at this time: "Which is difficult to deal with EZ and Sword Girl? I know her practical butt, it must be difficult to deal with EZ, after all, there is still a big difference between T0 and T1."

"Yes." Miller nodded: "It depends on what RNG plans to do."

The two commentators can think of things, of course Feng Ge can also think of, after banning Qing Gang Ying and Luo, he backhanded EZ on the bench.

As for the sword girl, if you want to choose, let you choose, Yuanzi is the way to go...

Unsurprisingly when it came to the selection process, KZ directly locked Sword Sister with one hand.

"It's just not clear whether this sword girl is middle or upper."

Miller continued: "Xiaohu can choose a top laner who can play against Sword Sister first, or leave the position of Conte to Brother Yuanzi. In this way, Sword Sister on the opposite side will have to go on the road.

"After all, facing the hero who has the Kangte position, and the little tiger who has selected the anti-stress hero, everyone knows how to choose."

The Dao **** the road is different from the middle road. Because of the longer line, the knife girl's ability to chase and stand will be further expanded, and the suppressing power will be stronger.

And now there are almost no heroes who can head-to-head with Dao Mei on the road.

Brother Feng also said to the headset at this time: "How about, what hero to choose? Jess or Aoun, you can choose yourself."

Jace, go up and fight to see if he can play suppression, Ornn, go up and mix.

In front of the top tiger, the answer was doomed. After thinking for only two seconds, he said, "Aoun..."

"RNG chose Aoun and Scorpion's Ueno." Miller explained, "Ueno is a little lacking in damage...


Wawa smiled and said: "The problem is not big, you don't see who RNG's double C is."

Once again it was KZ's turn to choose. They quickly locked the policewoman and Bron in the second and third hands, leaving the middle field to the fourth and fifth hands.

"Take Jin first, you must not collapse in the bottom lane." Feng Ge said.

In the third and fourth hands, they locked Jhin and Morgana respectively, the bottom combination of the back hand, it should be the advantage to get the line.

It's KZ's turn to choose the last two hands. After the selection, their lineup will be determined.

"Are you sure you want to hit it?" Coach KZ was a little confused. This request from BDD disrupted their plan.

BDD nodded seriously at this time. A few days ago, the hero Sword Girl's fame battle, he was the biggest background board.

And he is also a good Sword Girl user. In terms of the hero's understanding, his confidence is not weak, so this time he took the initiative to apply for Sword Sister to hit, and give his teammates the choice of the back hand on the road.

"All right..." Coach KZ was suspicious at this time, but he still chose to trust the players.

KZ chose Jian Ji and Zhu Mei in the last two hands.

"What?" Miller was a little unbelievable: "They chose Jian Ji! Is KZ really letting the sword girl go to the middle lane? It seems that they are still quite courageous!"

"Then what hero is RNG going to use to fight Sword Girl? You know, this hero's laning is still quite unsolvable. Basically all mid lane heroes are not easy to fight."

Brother Feng also sneered at this time: "The courage on the other side is still quite big, what did Chen Yuan say, do you take a nightmare?"

Chen Yuan also squeezed his fingers at this time and nodded with a smile.

"Embrace the darkness!"

A dark ghost appeared on the big screen.

The underground audience suddenly cheered. What kind of hero is this Nima? Still hit?

Chen Yuan’s unique understanding of this hero's mid-lane is because he won the spring crown plus FMVP, and after all attributes were +4, basically all of his heroes have 85+ proficiency.

At this point, the system's capabilities began to truly show, and it can be unceremonious. Now Chen Yuan is a terrifying hero sea player.

At that time, after he practiced with Sword Sister, he has been thinking about it. Sword Sister, the hero, is now the OP. What should he do if the opponent snatches Sword Sister?

So he opened the list of heroes, began to observe one by one, thinking about the possibilities.

In the end, he found this hero, the eternal nightmare.

W perfectly restrains the sword girl's double-winged double-edged blades. It is not empty when standing up. It has its own control, long advance, and some recovery. It is simply a perfect mid-way choice.

The doll also exclaimed at this time: "RNG selected the Eternal Nightmare? Can this hero really hit it? If you think about it carefully, there will be rushes, outbursts, passives and replies. W's shield can block the halo of Sword Girl. Maybe you can really fight..."

(Nightmare is only developed by S9, so it’s no problem for the protagonist to play a wave of innovation here.)

Miller also gave a thumbs up: "Yuanzi brother's version of creativity is really incredible, let us look forward to this weird showdown in the midnight sword girl fight nightmare!"

At the same time, the New Year was passed directly in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Yuanzi is doing a new job again!"

"I have a hunch that after this wave, there will be a lot of nightmare mid laners in the canyon."

"Isn't anyone who doesn't know the midnightmare? I've been using it for more than a year."

"Can the silver crayons shut up? I can kill in silver with the nurse's mid-laner!"

The game officially started.

Blue side KZ: Jian Ji, Pig Girl, Dao Girl, Policewoman, Bloom.

Red RNG: Ornn, Scorpion, Nightmare, Jhin, Morgana.

Both midlaners are fierce, and their skills are flashing, but their talents are slightly different. One is a conqueror and the other is a deadly rhythm.

Both sides entered the Summoner Canyon, Chen Yuan bought the Dulan sword and the red bottle, and went out quickly.

They have Morgana and Jin, and the first-level regiment has a head start.

The last time KZ played a little clever, it was cheap to stand on the first-level group, this time they want to return.

A few people teamed up and ran directly to the triangle grass on the lower road. If not unexpected, the ADC on the opposite side should stand in the defensive zone here. This is a commonly used defensive position for KZ.

Xiao Ming did not follow them to the triangular grass, but walked into the Xiaolong Pit, and inserted a fake eye into the grass through the wall.

As expected, the AD policewoman inside was photographed.

Xiao Ming's attention has been tight, and he quickly reacted. An imperceptible Q shot from the wall toward the policewoman Q.

KZ's ADpary was obviously distracted, or he didn't pay attention to the Dragon Pit. Faced with this Q, he didn't evade and was directly caught by Q.

At this time, RNG's remaining four talents showed up, Uzi's dramatist quickly learned W, once again hit the policewoman, continuing to control.

There were three brawny men left, and the Ornn Scorpion Nightmare swarmed up and hacked the policewoman to death with two swords, and one blood was taken by the Nightmare.

Chen Yuan, who had received four hundred yuan, almost smiled crookedly at this time, pressed the return trip on the spot, and bought a long sword.

At this time the line of soldiers has just come out, everything is so perfect.

The opposite pary was a little bit uncomfortable at this time, because according to their analyst data, RNG never organized a first-level group, but it was unexpected that they would sneak out in their game.

Don't talk about martial ethics!

The line of soldiers is as uncomfortable as Pary, and there is also BDD.

He also wanted to cry without tears at this time. It was not easy to fight a nightmare. You still hang up in the grass to give him one. Do you want to play? Don't play back!

Chen Yuan was playing fiercely here. He knew that Sword Sister could not stack Q, so he learned E at the first level and started to push the line directly. With passiveness, it was obviously impossible to control the line. He could only push.

When the minions show residual blood, the BDD is also the head of the iron, and directly comes up with the Q to save the passive.

Chen Yuan didn't change his face, and gently moved to the young soldier, hoping that the mistake on the other side would make him feel dissatisfied.

However, BDD is also the LCK champion mid laner at any rate. How could such a low-level error occur, and the three melee soldiers directly used Q to receive all.

Then, just like Chen Yuan before, Q directly on Nightmare's body, intending to start a blood exchange.

BDD obviously lacks experience in fighting the nightmare. The first-level sword girl can't fight the nightmare with a deadly rhythm.

The nightmare had already hit him with A before, and the deadly rhythm was just triggered. At this time, Sword Sister had already broken Q~www.readwn.com~ He directly put the E skill on Sword Sister, and then started to stand on the spot while taking advantage of the attack speed.撸.

BDD did not expect at this time, this LYB actually learned E, but he has no Q at this time, and there is no way to get a distance, so he can only bite the bullet and stand up.

After reading the E skill, a scary pattern appeared on the head of Dao Girl.

At this time, Nightmare was vigorous, and passively turned better. The two big swords of Nightmare were rotated, causing 120% of the damage and regaining a lot of blood.

At this time, Sister Dao was half blood, and Nightmare's blood volume was almost full.

The fear was over, BDD knew that he couldn't beat it, and quickly ran away.

At this time Chen Yuan had no skills. He wanted to chase and he would definitely not be able to catch up. Moreover, his attack distance was much shorter than that of the opponent. If he continued to chase, he might be dragged instead. He didn't want to fight, so he went back to make up the knife.

Standing under the tower, BDD gently knocked on a layer of corruption potion, while inhaling a cold breath.

How to fight this NMB! ?

Isn't this for fun? ?

He vaguely felt that he seemed to be gone...

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