League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 114: Man's romance, landing in seconds!

Because Sword Girl had brought corruption potions, her battery life was not bad. After completing a wave of the tower's stabs, with the recovery of the potion, the blood volume was almost full.

Later, Sword Sister came up to try another wave when she was at level three, trying to fight against each other passively, but where would Chen Yuan give him a chance, W [Dark Shelter] was pinched to death, Sword Sister’s E couldn’t be beaten at all. In him, speed up his attack for nothing.

Not only that, but he was also hung up with Q and E, chasing A all the way, and lost half a tube of blood.

This wave of BDD is much more honest. Instead of thinking about messing up, he calmed down and started to develop honestly. After all, the single kill ability before Nightmare Level 6 is still not strong. As long as you focus on the line of soldiers, you don’t want to kill the nightmare. , It is impossible to die.

However, peaceful development is also what Chen Yuan wants. As long as he has a big move and Tiamat, he will not be in line with Sword Sister.

In 5 minutes and 40 seconds, Chen Yuanqing finished the new wave of artillery soldiers and returned to the city under the tower.

After returning to the city, he quickly merged the long sword in his hand into Tiamat, and at the same time quickly threw a Q out and started walking on the line.

After all, Sister Dao cleared the line very quickly, and he didn't want to lose too much pawn.

"The mid laner of both sides will be at 6 soon." The doll glanced at the experience bar: "I don't know how Yuanzi's first wave of big moves at level 6 will be used. Will he wait for karsa to catch people at level 6?"

Sword Sister returned to the city after pushing the line. When she went online again, she already had a lot of brilliance in her hand. He didn't do Tiamat, and he took the direct three-item production route.

At this time, the director swept the camera around the upper and lower roads, and Xiaohu on the road used Aoun to match Sword Ji. Although he couldn't get the advantage, Aoun, a heroic panacea, was still okay to mix, and the compensation was almost the same.

But Uzi, who was on the bot lane, had a lot of advantage. With the **** line in the middle, he had already beaten five knives.

"Karsa, how many grade six are you short of, let's hurry up and do a slaying." Chen Yuan urged in his voice at this time.

Karsa also hurriedly said at this time: "It's fast, there are still two groups of wild."


When the time came to seven and a half minutes, in addition to karsa level six, the bottom road also reached level six.

Uzi and Xiao Ming already know the rhythm of the four pack two. They have already begun to push the line in advance. Morgana's line pushing ability is still very abnormal. Even if the opposite party can see their purpose, they can't push it.

When he reached the sixth level, he just pushed the line under the tower.

Karsa will never be absent, appearing behind the next tower of KZ on time.

Although the nightmare didn't show up, this hero had the long dash of the ultimate move, and he must be dangling nearby at this time.

KZ saw the scorpion appear in the top lane, of course, couldn't wait, and went straight to the next tower TP, wanting to sacrifice his advantage to save the bottom lane.

But karsa doesn’t matter if you’re T or T, looking at the coquettish policewoman under the tower, without a word, she directly turned on W and Wolf’s head. Scorpion suddenly speeded up, like a ghost, pulling the policewoman from the tower. Came out.

Xiao Ming predicted the advance amount, and directly shot a Q, steadily hitting the moving female police.

The team has specifically agreed not to turn when Karsa Scorpion makes a big move to arrest people...

"It's dark..."

The nightmare's heavy sigh resounded through the audience, robbing everyone of the enemy's vision, and then a ghost appeared from a distance and directed at the controlled female police officer.

Under the attack of the four people, the policewoman naturally couldn't survive. After dawn, news of the death of the policewoman came, leaving only a TP-down Jian Ji and his assistant staring at the side.

Khan regretted a little at this time. He could have cancelled the TP, but he was blinded by the nightmare's big move, so he still took a bit of luck, hoping that the policewoman would survive.

Facts have proved how stupid his fluke is. At this time, he can only return to the city where he is, and then bite the bullet and walk on the road.

With a high burst and a K to the head of Chen Yuan, he lost a Q skill at will to help push the lane, and then returned to the middle.

After pushing the line, Uzi helped Karsa to get the first dragon fire dragon.

"The first dragon won, it seems that RNG's rhythm is not bad." Wawa said with a smile: "Oh, the second dragon is the earth dragon! This is good news for RNG."

The little tiger on the road was also calling nice at this time, Jian Ji wasted a TP, and had to go back to the city to go online, losing 10,000 troops.

It was more than eight minutes at this time, and his Aoun only made up 70 dollars, but Jian Ji made up even less than him, only 65 dollars.

Everyone can see that this one, KZ once again exploded in the early stage.

After clearing the tower in the middle, and using Tiamat to push the line over again, Chen Yuan chose to return to the city.

Chen Yuan didn't want to bear it, and directly took out a pair of CD shoes with the 900 yuan in his hand.

For the nightmare with long CDs, CD is very important, but he bought Tiamat and CD shoes for more than 2,000 yuan, both of which are loss-of-attribute equipment, which requires players to operate even more. .

Ten minutes later, the opposite jungler started to move. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Aoun and Jian Ji, he came to the top road and caught Aoun to death once.

Xiaohu, who had sent the team a blood, was a little annoyed at this time, and at this time he thought of Jiang Qiu's threat to him.

If it's pitted, spray him on the commentary stage...

Thinking of Jiang Qiu and Chen Yuan's solid fan base, General Tiger couldn't help but shudder, and couldn't help but take a little more serious...

In twelve minutes, Chen Yuan made a warhammer and got another ten-point CD reduction. (I don’t know if this version is out... I can’t find it on the Internet, so I’ll just write it like this. This equipment fits the nightmare better.)

Because the pig girl is blue open, at this time the blue buff is in the refresh time, if not surprisingly, the pig girl should be in the lower wild area.

Karsa seized the opportunity and took control of the Canyon Pioneer, the rules of the game, and the Pioneer.

Chen Yuan's big move is also good at this time, holding a 30-minus CD, and now it is his showtime, he said in his voice: "Sword Ji, can you overtake it?"

"Definitely, we control a lot, **** him!" Karsa was very decisive, and directly took Chen Yuan and started walking.

Khan's movements were quite fast. The moment he saw Pioneer die, he was actually ready to retreat, but Karsa's scorpion came faster and ran over with the wolf head open.

Is Xiaohu far away, Aoun directly activated the big move, slowing Jian Ji, and then ran into the second stage of the big move.

The angle of the ultimate move is very tricky, and he predicted a little bit of movement. Khan has no choice but to pass W to block.

After handing in this W, the scorpion's ultimate move can't even run away.

Even if the sword girl flashed, it was useless, but was pulled out of the second tower by a flash of scorpion.

Although the nightmare's big move was late, it flew to Jian Ji's body, triggered by the deadly rhythm, and all QE ignitions were hung up, chasing and slashing all the way.

Although the damage of Nightmare is not high at present, it can't hold the Scorpion to control the foot. After the Scorpion is finished, the nightmare's fear also comes. In this way, he just hacked Sword Ji to death outside the second tower.

As for the vanguard, Karsa was not put on the road, because Aoun brought the blasting, three people can tear down this tower.

When BDD saw his own order being overtaken, he couldn't help but help his forehead. He had known this situation a long time ago, so he brought TP.

If there is a TP, the two rhythms before the nightmare on the opposite side can be stopped by itself.

He brought the ignition because he wanted to play an online advantage, but he couldn't beat it at all....

However, KZ's jungler peanut is not bad. Just after Karsa finished playing Pioneer, he knew that his home was going to be **** the road, so after he finished playing the blue, he took control of the second fire dragon, which was a bit of a stop.

After pulling out a tower, Chen Yuan started to drive to the middle again.

BDD had already realized at this time that, facing Chen Yuan's wandering, he had to push the line vigorously and dismantle the central tower as soon as possible, so he went home to make up a Tiamat.

This wave took advantage of no one in the middle of the road, BDD directly dried up half a tube of blood in the middle tower.

But Chen Yuan doesn't matter. Anyway, you don't have money to get the blood from the tower, just don't open it to me.

"How do you say, do you want to catch a wave? I have fifty seconds left for my big move." Karsa glanced at the tower and said.

If this Sword Girl is not resolved, Chen Yuan will not be able to swim away.

Chen Yuan glanced at his big move, it was too early, "No need, I'll play with him in the middle road, anyway, you have a pioneer, the bottom road tower does not have a lot of blood, you go to the next wave."

"OK." Karsa nodded. He actually thinks so too. He has the Pioneer Energy Second Tower. Without a tower, he alone is enough.

At this time, the teams of KZ are also communicating.

pary: "Wang Hao, hurry up and squat for a while, the blood volume of the bottom road tower is not much, and there is a pioneer on the opposite side, we can't hold it."

(Peanut was originally called Han Wanghao)

Peanut did not dare to refuse the orders of the predecessors, and said quickly: "Here is here.",

Little Peanut’s sister pig gave up the three wolves at hand and hurried down the road. When he arrived, Karsa’s scorpion arrived.

KZ's support arranged a true eye in the bushes behind a tower. At this time, the scorpion unhurriedly removed the true eye, and waited for Xiao Ming to push the line of soldiers over, and then began to release the vanguard.

Khan couldn't stand it anymore, regardless of the painful lessons of the previous wave, once again TP got off the road without hesitation.

If this wave is not T, the game can be over directly.

Xiaohu noticed this situation, followed by a TP.

At this time, his big move is still twenty seconds away, and the combat effectiveness is not strong, but he must also get a T.

A 4V4 battle broke out in the next road.

Pioneer took the lead and used his life to directly knock down the next tower on the opposite side. Xiao Ming had a stopwatch in his hand at this time, and he was not afraid of death.

"This wave.. Xiaohu and Karsa have no big moves!" The doll was a little anxious: "How can this wave be beaten?"

How could it be possible? Ask about the economic gap of more than two thousand!

At this time, Jhin had already made the first Lanche, and the policewoman, because she didn't go home, still held a storm sword in her hand. You asked me how to fight it?

Xiao Ming flashed and stuck to the policewoman, waiting for the end of the big move, the policewoman was dizzy, and at the same time a QW followed up, and the high damage directly hit the policewoman half blood.

Bron wanted to jump on to protect the policewoman, but was rushed by the scorpion to hold her back.

RNG's division of labor is extremely clear and can be described by machines.

Uzi faced the Jian Ji Guan who was TP down next to him, and he just chased the policewoman harder.

He had already jammed the bullet before, and he had two bullets left in his hand.

Third round, fourth round!

The two rounds were flat A, which directly took away half of the blood left by the policewoman.

Facing the sword girl rushing up, Uzi didn't rush, he was just one... DF Erlian!

After the flash, Jhin took the fourth bullet to accelerate the critical strike and the acceleration of the healing, and stretched a long distance. Jian Ji had just used the flash in the last wave, so there was no choice but to watch Jhin run away. .

While running, he had replaced the bullets in his hand, Uziyi Gao was bold, and turned his head to continue output.

At this time, Bron, Jian Ji and Sister Pig were left on the opposite side. It can be said that as long as Jian Ji is killed, the opposite side will not be hurt.

So upon an order, everyone began to gather the Fire Sword Fairy.

But Khan was such a thief, and after realizing that he couldn't kill Jhin, he also decisively chose to retreat.

There were W and Q, and they had already taken control, so this wave of fights ended with the death of the policewoman.

RNG obtained a human head and a defensive tower, and the economic gap widened to three thousand.

"Oh." Pary couldn't tell. He clearly predicted the opposing action every time, but he didn't know why, he just couldn't stop it...

"West Eight!"


The game quickly reached eighteen minutes.

The third dragon refreshed, and it was still a fire dragon.

The doll looked at the two parties and began to hug each other: "This little dragon seems that neither party wants to give up!"

Miller also said: "Because the Sword Girl in the middle has been developing under stress-free conditions, the equipment is actually good, and the upper limit of Sword Girl's group is also quite high, so KZ is still a little bit of capital for grouping. ."

At this time, BDD's Sword Girl has already made three items, and with Tiamat, the damage is indeed full.

However, Chen Yuan's nightmare didn't do too much here, CD shoes, Tiamat, curtain blade, plus a glare, more luxurious than Sword Girl.

"You can drive, you can drive!" Chen Yuan said in his voice, he couldn't wait to fight this wave.

After Xiaohu heard this ~www.readwn.com~, his subordinate Aoun decisively opened up the big move, a goat was aggressive, and the sheep came to the sky!

Then, it was blocked by Bloom...

"...Don't get sick." Chen Yuan was a little helpless at this time, you forgot that there was Bloom on the opposite side, did you?

But fortunately, Karsa's opening group is also very strong. Scorpion puts on Morgana's magic shield, turns on the wolf head and the full-level W, the Scorpion moves super fast, and rushes directly to face the policewoman.

Chen Yuan was anxious at this time: "Don't pull the policewoman! You can't pull it without flashing, and what else can I do if you cut the policewoman?"

After karsa heard this, he switched the target in time and rushed towards Sword Sister.

The scorpion's ultimate move [Crystal Stinger] stabbed the Sword Girl without hesitation, and pulled it towards the RNG camp.

At the same time, Chen Yuan began to cooperate and opened up the big move, blocking the vision of everyone on the opposite side.

This wave, this wave is called closing the door and hitting the dog!

Soon, the nightmare big move ended, and the sword girl and the policewoman both died.

"Sister Sword was taken away by the fire!... Uh? Why did the policewoman die?" Miller was a little surprised. His attention was all on Sister Sword, and he didn't notice how the policewoman died.

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