League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 115: Voidwalker who hasn't seen for a long time!

But Miller saw it, and he said loudly: "The policewoman was killed by a nightmare, and the nightmare killed the policewoman in seconds!"

"What?" The doll still didn't understand.

Soon, the director gave a replay and answered his doubts.

After Nightmare turned on the big move and confiscated the enemy's vision, his behavior didn't stop there. His second big move directed at the policewoman.

The big move quickly throws Q, E and Tiamat in the air. After landing, the first flat A is also passive with glare, the screen blade is passive and self-passive, and then the second flat A is directly followed by the female. Police in seconds.

The person on the opposite side could only see a ghost passing by, and then her policewoman suddenly disappeared.

Pary looked at the black and white screen at this time, and the whole person was a little sluggish. How does Nightmare play? This NB turned out to be a second hero?

Nightmare hadn't played in the professional arena in the past, but it was the first time he had seen this kind of nightmare of the assassin stream with equipment like the Destroy Ice Hammer.

Pary opened the death statistics, and the above data couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

[1517 damage]

[Cause in seconds! 】


"What's this Nima?"

"The nightmare hits the ground in seconds?"

"This NM is not called a whole job, this is called a unique job!"

The audience was also stunned at this time, crazy buckling 6 in the barrage, in the professional arena, in fact, this kind of thing is rarely seen, after all, the cooperation between professional teams is generally good, and ADC protection is very good.

Assassins like poodles and male swords, who are quick and fast, can't play in professional games at all. Only the assassins who can help and are more flexible, like Enchantress, can still play.

But like the nightmare, how can the NM rush into the super long distance after turning off the lights? How to protect it! ?

The remaining three teammates watched their double-C being second, knowing that this wave must be impossible to fight, and quickly wiped the soles of their feet.

RNG sent an Ornn to chase after him in a style, lest they hide and grab the dragon. The other players had already beaten the dragon.

With the howling of Xiaolong, the third dragon was controlled by RNG.

Twenty minutes into the game, the dragon refreshed.

The classic time point belonging to RNG and IG is here. After the big dragon is refreshed, it is stable to force the big dragon group.

It doesn't matter whether you can get the dragon or not, the most important thing is to want to play a team with you.

Like RNG, it usually does this only if it has enough advantages, and IG, regardless of its advantages or disadvantages, anyway, after twenty minutes, I will open a big dragon...

At this time, Chen Yuan doesn't have much patience. In the recent games with KZ, he has thoroughly understood that the current LCK does not have the dominant position it once had.

Today's KZ is nothing but a weak one among the gold and jade.

Chen Yuan couldn't figure out how such a team could beat SKT in the spring split.

"KZ is very careful here!" Guan Zeyuan explained: "Their skills have been thrown into the grass!"

"And because they have Bron and are not afraid of Ornn's ultimatum, they are tightly positioned!"

"It's dark..."

The nightmare sigh suddenly sounded, and Summoner's Canyon fell into a dead silence.

"The nightmare is getting bigger!" BDD was taken aback, thinking of the previous scene where the policewoman was caught in seconds, and quickly said: "Stand together and protect AD!"

Following the command of BDD, KZ's camp began to shrink, and this was exactly what Chen Yuan wanted!

What kind of character is Brother Yuanzi, as long as he can deal explosive damage in a team battle, he is a person who would rather die than do it!

Don't forget, in his first professional game, his enchantress, in order to play AOE, did not hesitate to flash up and let WR forcibly step on the opposite double C!

The second stage of Nightmare's ultimate move was activated, and the ghost flew directly towards the crowd of KZ.

As usual, Q was thrown in the air, Tiamat, and A was flat on the ground.

Three AOEs hit Dao Mei, Policewoman, and Pig Mei at the same time.

The health of the three of them began to fall madly at the same time. The nightmare equipment is now better than before. With a small wooden hammer, the policewoman who eats the big damage will be directly beaten, and the sword girl and pig girl who eat the AOE are also blood. The amount dropped drastically!

Reappear in seconds! Moreover, the equipment of this wave of nightmare is better, even after landing, there is no need to make up for the level A.

Chen Yuan, who entered the game alone, was also second after finishing this wave of AOE, but that was enough.

Karsa inherited Yuanzi's legacy, and the scorpion put on Morgana's magic shield and rushed into the crowd on the opposite side.

BDD knew that this B must have come to catch him, but he couldn't run away, because the scorpion was carrying a magic shield to avoid control, he could only watch him being dragged into the opposite crowd by the scorpion, and then he was directly caught by the second.

Xiaohu and Xiaoming each perform their duties, one in the front to control, the other insignificant in the back,,, to control...

Finally, at the cost of Chen Yuan's sacrifice, the regiment annihilated KZ!

"RNG got a group destroyer here, they can take down the big dragon!" The doll happily explained: "No, they want a wave!"

The remaining RNG four had no idea about the big dragon, and went straight to the enemy crystal, because the two towers in the middle road had been pulled out, only the high ground and the crystal were left, and the line of soldiers was also on the opposite side. Time was enough. Wave.

Miller glanced at the doll sideways, thinking what you are talking about here, and then he still said: "Congratulations to RNG, for winning the first game of BO5!"

With the last bullet of the horoscope, the crystal of KZ burst open and the first game ended.


KZ lounge.

The atmosphere of the team is still active. After all, it is the champion team of the LCK. As the spring crown team of the five consecutive championships, they have the confidence of being a champion of the past.

"Next, do you want to ban the sword girl?" Coach KZ took a bit of his pen, frowning.

It is of course impossible for Sword Sister to let Chen Yuan go. If she doesn't ban her, she can only grab it.

But you robbed the sword girl, and there is a nightmare on the other side, which is really uncomfortable.

It would be great if we also use nightmare... at least Sword Sister doesn't use ban...

"It can still be taken." BDD said seriously: "Nightmare can only guarantee that it will not fall into a disadvantage in the laning with Sword Girl, but it is impossible to gain an advantage."

The coach took a look at BDD and thought that the first one is the biggest one, and it’s still here.

Woolen cloth...

But he just thought about it in his heart, and he couldn't say such things. The coach continued:

"But if the two sides develop peacefully, Nightmare's roaming ability is stronger than that of Sword Girl. The mid-term teammates will be uncomfortable. If you still grab Sword Girl, it can only be used to play singles."

If RNG is forced to use the nightmare to hit the road, it is just what KZ intended, because if the nightmare hits, then the hero's excellent wandering ability will naturally have no place to play.

"The next game should still be the red side." Coach KZ has already determined the BP for the next game: "In the next game, we will first ban Yasuo Vampires and Kai'Sa, and then directly grab the sword girl. As for EZ, we can only Give it to them."

"EZ's online suppression is not strong, so we give pary a strong online suppression of policewomen..."

The coach said a lot, and the players on one side also nodded.


On the other side, RNG lounge.

If the atmosphere on the KZ side is still active, then it can be said to be pleasant.

The air is full of joyful breath.

Chen Yuan was lying on the chair at this time, listening to Feng's speech.

"I have to say that Riot is actually taking care of us." Brother Feng said with a smile: "We originally had two stable bans, Vampire and Yasuo, and Riot sent us three more."

In the last two months of updates, Fist brought a new version of Swordsman, Kai'Sa and Double Goddess EZ to RNG, each of which is a non-ban mandatory existence.

When the opposing team has five heroes that must be banned, this BP is impossible to do.

Even if you have banned three and then banned one, there will still be one released...

Hearing this, Chen Yuan couldn't help but smile, really.

Brother Feng continued: "Our BP thinking will remain the same in the next game. We ban Yanque Qinggang Ying and Luo, and the heroes who roam and force the team can't let the opponent get it. Then we look at the opponent's BP selection."

"These five heroes, we will take whatever we put on the opposite side."

The rest time passed quickly, Chen Yuan picked up the water glass, took a sip of half a glass of water, and then took a full glass and headed to the arena.

Wawa and Miller received the announcement from the director, and they also started the hot spot.

"Welcome to the second game of the semi-finals of the 2018 Mid-Season Championship!" The work of the hot field is usually done by the doll. He continued: "I have to say that this first game was quite easy."

"Yes." Miller, a ten-year-old RNG fan, said happily: "In the last game, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was the Human-Machine Bureau..."

"Especially the choice of Mid-Single Nightmare really makes people shine. So far, everyone knows that the original new version of Sword Girl is not invincible."

With a "boom", the BP of the second game began.

"The second game is still RNG's right to choose sides, and they still chose the red side."

"In the first three bans, there was almost no change between the two sides and the previous game. RNG banned Rock Sparrow, Qinggang Ying, Luo; KZ banned Yasuo, Vampire, and Kai'Sa!"

"Then the problem is here." Miller sold it off: "Does KZ grab Kai'Sa or EZ?"

As soon as the voice fell, KZ quickly locked in the first hand, and she was still Sister Dao.

The doll joked: "KZ has a pretty iron head! Are they not afraid that the other side will continue to have nightmares? It is conceivable that RNG should choose EZ."

"Nothing to say, EZ and Scorpion." Looking at the situation, Feng Ge quickly made a decision.

Karsa's scorpion is indeed a must in this MSI. Whether it is the early rhythm or the mid-term small team battle, it is invincible.

Many people say that the Scorpions will lack damage in the late stage, but the RNG team has actually told you clearly that they don't need to be junglers to fight damage, just do what they should do in the early stage.

Normally, the opponent should have banned Scorpion, but the double-C on RNG's side is too abnormal, and the ban bit is simply not enough.

So karsa can be regarded as having a double-C bonus.

"KZ chose Verus and Tam!" The doll explained: "I chose Tam so early, is this a nightmare on the opposite side of the defense?"

This Tahm's choice is indeed not bad, if there is Tahm on the opposite side of the last game, the nightmare wants to cut the policewoman is undoubtedly a fantasy, and the game will not end so soon.

With RNG's last hand, they won Aoun, Xiaohu was an old anti-stress tool.

In the second round, KZ banned Morgana and Bron.

Because the combination of Scorpion and Morgana was really disgusting, they directly held Morgana, and then banned Bron who restrained Verus.

RNG has banned Big Worm and Ryze.

Both Da Chongzi and Ryze are the heroes that KZ likes to take, and the effect is also good.

At this time, it was RNG's turn to choose people. Feng Ge said: "Kant is still given to Chen Yuan. Let's get support first, let's get Kalmar."

This hero also has a shield, and the shield has an acceleration effect, and it also has a good linkage with the scorpion. It can be said that it is a substitute for Morgana.

"KZ's last two hands are,,, Sister Pig and Big Eyes!?"

An icon of the Void Eye appeared on the big screen, and then it was quickly confirmed, the doll exclaimed: "KZ, this is bright and unique..."

"The double POKE with Verus and big eyes is actually very restrained from the short-handed lineup."

Now it's RNG's turn to choose the last hero.

All the audience raised their eyes to see what kind of work Yuanzi will do.

Seeing the hero selected by the other side, Chen Yuan couldn't help but smile. If you want to say that a hero has big eyes, it is usually an assassin hero.

Like Enchantress, Jie, Yasuo, this kind of displacement is so easy to hide skills, in fact, they can fight.

Correspondingly, the Assassin hero was also restrained by Tam and could easily become invisible in the later stage, so this opposing BP was actually quite good, which gave Chen Yuan a problem.

"Monster? Little murloc?" Brother Feng looked at the list of mid-lane heroes and gave answers one by one.

Chen Yuan denied one by one. There was Tam on the opposite side. He was useless in the later stage. At this moment, he suddenly saw a hero and his eyes lit up: "Kassadin!"

This hero has its own magic resistance. After taking the swift pace, it is not uncomfortable to have big eyes on the line. The multi-stage displacement in the middle and late stages can ignore Tam, after all, he can only save one.

Brother Feng also nodded, and then said: "Then we need to change our direction..."

"Kassadin!!!" Miller said loudly: "This is the first time Yuanzi has chosen this hero in the competition!"

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room of ~www.readwn.com~ was in tears.

"Big Brother Yuanzi finally played Kassadin, and my youth is back."

"What about NM? When did Brother Yuanzi play?"

"The cloud audience in front? Go and review Yuanzi's road to the top."

Actually, this hero Chen Yuan rarely played. The last time he played was last year.

Yes, it was the last game of the summit battle at the end of last season. Chen Yuan faced the opponent's five opponents and used Kassadin forcibly.

y, and completed the summit.

Until now, Chen Yuan's wave of TP driving ducks is still being talked about by many people.

"I won't talk about this, remember to catch more!" Coach KZ patted Peanut on the shoulder and told him.

Little Peanut looked at the pig girl he had chosen, and fell silent...

Sister Pig and Big Eyes, how do you catch Kassadin! ?

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