League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 177: Rise, reach the top! What a fist!

September 27

"Today is another hot day full of vitality!"

When the severe two-thorn ape karsa got up, he yelled, almost frightening Chen Yuan into confusion.

Chen Yuan slowly got up with a little bit of resentment. The first thing he did was to pick up the phone and enter the post bar to sign in.

Recently, he has been surfing with high intensity under pressure, and he is close to the fourteenth level.

The anti-stress bar has always been strictly managed. Every time on the day of the game, all the water stickers will be cleared, leaving only the game for discussion.

However, these days are the offseason, so the anti-bar water stickers are flooding, and all kinds of fencing stickers are frequently published.

Chen Yuan deeply understands the principle of black under the light, and he is crazy about his face in the anti-bar with the "Hero" ID, and all kinds of self-proclaimed Yuanzi brothers.

But the more he said that, the less people believed it.

He took a look at a [RNG Champion Skin Released] post.

The audience underneath was quite hostile, and it was just a spurt when they came up.

As an old anti-bar player, Chen Yuan was of course unwilling to follow. He took the initiative to enter the arena with a rhythm and then closed the post.

After they finished washing, they went downstairs to eat breakfast.

The number of people in the restaurant downstairs is quite sparse, and most of them wear their own team.

Those North American teams and European teams all looked listless at this time, and it was obvious that the jet lag gave them a lot of torture.

But Chen Yuan's side is okay. After all, there is almost no time difference between South Korea and Shanghai, and it's less than an hour.


A somewhat familiar voice came from behind. Chen Yuan looked back and found that it was Faker Li Guapi and Shangdan Niubao.

Faker used simple English to communicate with Chen Yuan. It was nothing more than good noon, dinner, and so on.

Chen Yuan responded in simpler English.

However, Faker, a Seoul native, is obviously more familiar with the food here. He cooked some food for Chen Yuan.

After a few people ordered something at random, they sat on the chairs together and started eating.

The champion of LPL and the champion of LCK are sitting at a table for dinner. This scene is indeed a bit weird, but it is a bit harmonious.

Later, Uzi was also surprised by this scene, "Yuanzi brother, you are not the ghost of LCK, right?"

"What nonsense?" Chen Yuan glanced at him and said, "This kimchi tastes okay, I suggest you try it!"


As soon as Uzi talked about eating, he turned to order.

Eating is one of their few happy times. When the meal time is over, the painful training game time will begin again.


"Hey, don't kill, don't kill!"

Chen Yuan operated Yasuo and was killed by Rookie's Akali.

"Go back, take the next one." Brother Feng couldn't help shook his head at this time.

Chen Yuan quickly pressed ALT+F4 to end this short pain game.

Of course, he won't be too serious in the training match, play Yasuo directly against Akali infinitely to see if he can fight for a chance of victory.

But Rookie's methods were very cruel, killing him solo three times in ten minutes.

At the same time, the little tiger on the road is also in infinite jail, and Jace is single-handedly killed by TheShy's Lucian four-level over the tower.

IG is always like this. In the training competition, it beats all the teams fiercely, but when it comes to the field, due to the pressure of the game, the strength will be greatly reduced.

In the second game, Chen Yuan backhanded out a mid laner vampire.

In addition to his better playing of this hero, another advantage is that it will be better to play Akali.

This time the result was not bad. The sixth level used flash to ignite a wave of solo kills, but at the same time, Xiaohu was still in jail on the road.

With Xiaohu's ultimate father, finally TheShy's Lucian took off successfully, and the big move directly shot Chen Yuan's dog's head.

It was another fifteen minutes, and again the familiar ALT+F4, and Chen Yuan was the first to quit the game.

Playing training games with IG is the most boring...It's no different from Polar Fight...

Time soon arrived at night again.

Today, there is a big news. According to the agreement, Fist released their S8 finals theme song and a carefully produced MV at 8 o'clock in the evening.


Chen Yuan had heard the internal news early in the morning. The famous music company Fist made a lot of effort on the theme song and MV. Everyone suspended the training game at this time to see how the theme song was.

The MV begins.

With the cries of several crows, a man with an Asian face appeared on the screen.

In a rocky beating, he picked up the mantis's minions, the pig girl's chain hammer and the prince's spear.

At this moment, everyone looked at each other. This is... the head of An?

As the music continued, An Zhangmen climbed a mountain and met his first opponent.


Ah P is now incarnate as Yasuo, and as the music enters a climax, the long sword is also stuck and unsheathed.

The vigorous rock accent pushed the music to the top, and the head of An picked up the mantis minions, and one appeared on top of Perkz's head after invisibility, and one [tasting fear] took his life!

This scene was the scene where last year's champion team, Samsung, defeated G2 in the group stage. In that game, the head of An was the mantis used.

Immediately afterwards, the head of An continued to move forward, climbed over the snow-capped mountains, and came to a lava field.

As a crossbow arrow shot through the eyes of the head of An, a fleshy VN appeared, with Uzi's face on it.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help looking sideways at Uzi, and many people laughed.

What does it mean?

Uzi didn't expect that his fist would do this kind of work, and he was a little numb.

Next, the head of An became the pig girl and began to attack VN fiercely.

The reflection of the two was shown in the magma, and the fleshy VN escaped all the attacks of the pig girl, but the head of An still jumped out of the magma and escaped the pursuit of VN.

(I have observed this section many times, and then combined with the actual situation at the time, the meat outfit VN here should be an advantage with a high probability, and the head of An is just a fluke.)

The corresponding here should be last year's group stage.

At that time, RNG led by Uzi double-killed Samsung in the group stage, almost causing Samsung to fail to qualify.

Then An Zhangmen continued to climb and came to a misty area.

There are many stone statues with various team logos on them: FNC, Assassination Star, SKT...

At the same time, a figure carrying a scroll and wearing a red team uniform appeared, and the three stars on the team uniform were shining.

At this time, only the prince’s spear was left in the hands of the head An, but that was enough.

Music has reached its climax again! The prince and Ryze started a terrifying battle, and the light reflected the entire sky!

In the end, the head of An won, and the Samsung team was carved on the seventh stone statue, and a bright sun appeared, witnessing the new king's enthronement!

"Oh, this MV is something!" Xiangpot couldn't help but praised, "Fist Music Company deserves its reputation!"

The whole song started from plain, and with the head of An’s step by step, the music also reached its climax, and finally the singer used a strong voice to detonate the atmosphere!

"Indeed." Chen Yuan couldn't help but was a little bit enthusiastic. He was thinking at this moment: If only I was in this MV...

After all, as a player, it is valued by the leading company, and it is really cool to be included in the MV...

As I was thinking, someone suddenly said, "Huh!? There seems to be more behind this?"

Chen Yuan looked up and saw that the screen that had been blacked out appeared again.

A handsome young man picked up the long sword that Perkz had dropped, came from the bottom of the mountain, and pulled up the fleshy VN lying on the ground...

Everyone looked at Uzi again, and then at Chen Yuan.

Is it so arrogant? The only official fist designated S8 champion?

"Hi..." Chen Yuan couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, is there really me?

At the same time, the official side also released the TOP20 player rankings of the S8 season on time.

Every year close to the World Championship, Riot will release such a ranking, but all players are shunned, because this official ranking is almost full of poisonous milk ability.

S7's TOP1 is Faker, it's cold.

S6's TOP1 is Smeb, it's cold.

S4's TOP1 is Dade. The Samsung Blue, where the emperor is located, was invincible in the world that year. SKT didn't even make it into the S game.

But since this TOP20 came out, a mouthful of poisoned milk was fed directly to them with unconsciousness, and finally fell at the feet of Samsung White...

Only Faker, the peak of S5, escaped. The key is that the FMVP of that year was not him, but Marin...

At this time, everyone is a little looking forward to see who the fist official picks for poisoned milk this year.

Riot's Twitter started to announce slowly from TOP20.

Chen Yuan actually didn't expect much here. After all, he played in the first year. Although he won a lot of championships, it was largely because of Uzi again, so he didn't expect to be the first.

Enter the TOP20 in the first year, even if you can enter the semi-finals, you will be successful.

Soon, in TOP18, there appeared the first player of LPL, EDG's mid laner Sut. The junior was obviously a little surprised at this ranking, but he nodded shyly and quickly accepted.

Next, is the TOP17 little tiger.

However, General Tiger is obviously not the same character as his junior brother. He started to twist his **** directly in the training room at this time, and glanced at other people from time to time, as if showing off his ranking.

Immediately afterwards, the fourteenth place TheShy and the eleventh place Karsa quickly entered the fierce competition for the top ten.

Next up is Ming, who is eighth.

Chen Yuan couldn't help but patted Xiao Ming on the shoulder. The TOP20 has always been the show of major solo roads. It is not easy to rank eighth with an assistant.

Seventh place: Sme

Sixth place: Kiin

Fifth place: Sre

It wasn't until fourth place that Rookie's name appeared.

"Fourth in the world!" Everyone applauded and cheered for Rookie.

Next, everyone knows who the remaining three people are. It's just a matter of ranking.

Everyone looked at Chen Yuan and Wuzi again.

Third place, Uzi

"RNG's well-deserved late-stage guarantee, strong laning and late-stage harvesting ability make him deserve to sit firmly on the top of the world's first ADC! He should have been second, but he has never beaten Faker and SKT head-on, so we can only Put him in third place."

Immediately afterwards, the second and the first were announced at the same time.

Second place, Faker!

"Until last year, he was the strongest player in the world, but this year, we have to say that he is no longer. After all, before the summer split, SKT was not a strong team. This Let us have to wonder whether Faker's strength has declined."

First place, Hero!

"The well-deserved TOP1! It was his joining that changed RNG. There is no doubt that the rhythm engine, the bottomless hero pool, and the dazzling array of personal operations make it hard to believe that this is a newcomer who debuted for less than a year! He is RNG’s early guarantee is that he and Uzi have teamed up to play RNG’s undefeated dynasty!"

"Why should I be the first!" Chen Yuan wanted to cry a little, while Rookie and Ah Shui on the side looked at him with a smile.

MV imperial champion plus TOP1 double poisonous milk, who can withstand this Nima?

Chen Yuan faintly felt a bit cold in his back at this time.

I am afraid that I am just like the Wei Shen of the year, and a reverse Q directly shoots myself to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds...

After a few days of intense training, it soon came to the day of the qualifiers.

When Chen Yuan went downstairs to eat in the past few days, he could obviously feel that the atmosphere was a little bit wrong. After all, there were twelve teams to participate in the finals, accounting for half of the total teams.

And these people's pressure is not less than their direct group stage.

Only the off-site chicken, who is the No. 3 seed of LPL, can be considered relaxed. Iboy is not nervous at all while sitting on a chair and taking a big mouthful of rice.

"Come on for the finalists!" Chen Yuan Laishu put the plate on the EDG table, and then sat down casually.

"Don't worry." Sut said in proficient Chinese: "Kill!"

Perhaps it is because there is no LCK team for the finals, and the venues for the finals are quite small.

According to the official introduction, this competition venue can accommodate "500" people.

Chen Yuan was also sad looking at this venue, but it doesn’t matter, as long as there is no problem with the game network at that time...

On the first day, EDG played against the wild card team INF.

It is said that EDG never disappoints in terms of disappointing people.

This round confirmed this argument again.

In the face of the wild card team ING, EDG showed their rich ability to be turned back, and was forced to turn back with the economy ahead of 6,000 by 20 points...

(It's not awkward, I did lose the wild card, but not on the first day, I just adjusted the time and wrote a program effect...)

[Last year's top 16, this year's top 32? 】

[Directly give away the off-site chicken joyfully! 】

[I still have to watch my ghost foot seven in the World Championship]

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly boiled, and the EDG black powder climaxed at the same time, outputting wildly in the live broadcast room.

After returning, everyone couldn't help being silent, only the coach of EDG kept talking at this time, he also felt quite shameless...

On the second day, Guodian, who learned from the painful experience, sacrificed to the experienced ancestor of the World Championship.

Clearlove8 did not disappoint everyone's expectations. In the next game, Lian Zhan won the first place to qualify 3-1 directly!

All the talents breathed a sigh at this time.

But don’t blow it up~www.readwn.com~ Today’s EDG really didn’t disappoint! top!

October 7.

Today is the last day of the qualifiers. With the end of the final day of the competition, four qualifying places have been determined one after another.

There was no upset in this finalist. EDG, G2, C9, and GRX from the four major divisions successfully advanced to the top sixteen.

Following the rules of avoiding the same group in the same division, the groups of the four teams were quickly determined.

C9 joined RNG's B group, and GRX joined IG's D group. Only EDG was under great pressure because he joined A group.

Generally speaking, even if there is a strong opponent in the same group, there is no delay, after all, the top two can qualify.

Just like Group C, even if there is SKT in the same group, the other two opponents are TL and MAD... In fact, it is quite easy to qualify for second place.

But Group A is different. With the existence of KT and Lightning Wolves, it can be said that it is a veritable group of death!

October 8.

The sixteen teams participating in the group stage will gather at the airport and they will go to the next stop, Busan!

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